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Created August 7, 2019 02:55
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Interview questions to ask them

Some questions to ask a company

    * Coraline Ada Ehmke, Mar 12, 2019
        * “Tell me about a time when you had a personality clash on the team.”

        * “What would [you (manager) | your manager] say and do if, after working here for a year, I started thinking about looking for another job?”

        * “You are granted one work-related wish. Six months later, how do you know if your wish was fulfilled?”
        * “What do you see as your most important job as a [member of this team|manager]?”
        * “I need constructive and actionable feedback in order to do my job confidently. What sort of feedback channels can I expect from you?”

    * Josh Cheek @josh_cheek
        * Do you mandate linters
        * How frequently do you deploy?
        * Is deployment automated?
        * How do you test?
        * Who decides what to do?
        * How closely do devs work with stakeholders?
        * Are the users the stakeholders? (better if so, but not mandatory)
        * How long does the test suite take?
        * How much do you pair? (IMO, 0% and 100% are bad, somewhere in the middle is best)
        * How many meetings do you have?
        * What's your vision? How are you trying to achieve it?
        * How often do you have retros?
        * What takes priority, bugs or features?
    * Elise Oras @eliseoras, March 13, 2019
        * I always ask, "When did you take your last vacation.?" And the follow up with, "On your last vacation, how often did you work?"
    * Bree Rody, @Breeganism
        * “What are common reasons people have quit”
        * “What are the toughest things for the team to balance”
    * On call?
    * Typical Week?
    * Alex Balhatchet, @kaokun
        * How do you factor tech debt into your development processes?
        * What’s one thing you wish you could work on but can’t?
        * What’s your automated test/manual QA split like?
        * How long do your tests take to run?

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