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Last active April 4, 2018 21:33
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RaspberryPi 3 aa64 ACPI MADT test
* Intel ACPI Component Architecture
* AML/ASL+ Disassembler version 20180105 (32-bit version)
* Copyright (c) 2000 - 2018 Intel Corporation
* Disassembly of MADT.acp, Mon Feb 19 21:28:04 2018
* ACPI Data Table [APIC]
* Format: [HexOffset DecimalOffset ByteLength] FieldName : FieldValue
[000h 0000 4] Signature : "APIC" [Multiple APIC Description Table (MADT)]
[004h 0004 4] Table Length : 00000187
[008h 0008 1] Revision : 03
[009h 0009 1] Checksum : 00 /* Incorrect checksum, should be 2E */
[00Ah 0010 6] Oem ID : "BC2836"
[010h 0016 8] Oem Table ID : "EDK2 "
[018h 0024 4] Oem Revision : 00000001
[01Ch 0028 4] Asl Compiler ID : "EDK2"
[020h 0032 4] Asl Compiler Revision : 00000001
[024h 0036 4] Local Apic Address : 00000000
[028h 0040 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000000
PC-AT Compatibility : 0
[02Ch 0044 1] Subtable Type : 0B [Generic Interrupt Controller]
[02Dh 0045 1] Length : 50
[02Eh 0046 2] Reserved : 0000
[030h 0048 4] CPU Interface Number : 00000000
[034h 0052 4] Processor UID : 00000000
[038h 0056 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000001
Processor Enabled : 1
Performance Interrupt Trigger Mode : 0
Virtual GIC Interrupt Trigger Mode : 0
[03Ch 0060 4] Parking Protocol Version : 00000000
[040h 0064 4] Performance Interrupt : 00000009
[044h 0068 8] Parked Address : 00000000000F0000
[04Ch 0076 8] Base Address : 0000000040000000
[054h 0084 8] Virtual GIC Base Address : 0000000000000000
[05Ch 0092 8] Hypervisor GIC Base Address : 0000000000000000
[064h 0100 4] Virtual GIC Interrupt : 00000000
[068h 0104 8] Redistributor Base Address : 0000000000000000
[070h 0112 8] ARM MPIDR : 0000000000000000
[078h 0120 1] Efficiency Class : 00
[079h 0121 3] Reserved : 000000
[07Ch 0124 1] Subtable Type : 0B [Generic Interrupt Controller]
[07Dh 0125 1] Length : 50
[07Eh 0126 2] Reserved : 0000
[080h 0128 4] CPU Interface Number : 00000001
[084h 0132 4] Processor UID : 00000001
[088h 0136 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000001
Processor Enabled : 1
Performance Interrupt Trigger Mode : 0
Virtual GIC Interrupt Trigger Mode : 0
[08Ch 0140 4] Parking Protocol Version : 00000000
[090h 0144 4] Performance Interrupt : 00000009
[094h 0148 8] Parked Address : 00000000000F1000
[09Ch 0156 8] Base Address : 0000000040000000
[0A4h 0164 8] Virtual GIC Base Address : 0000000000000000
[0ACh 0172 8] Hypervisor GIC Base Address : 0000000000000000
[0B4h 0180 4] Virtual GIC Interrupt : 00000000
[0B8h 0184 8] Redistributor Base Address : 0000000000000000
[0C0h 0192 8] ARM MPIDR : 0000000000000001
[0C8h 0200 1] Efficiency Class : 00
[0C9h 0201 3] Reserved : 000000
[0CCh 0204 1] Subtable Type : 0B [Generic Interrupt Controller]
[0CDh 0205 1] Length : 50
[0CEh 0206 2] Reserved : 0000
[0D0h 0208 4] CPU Interface Number : 00000002
[0D4h 0212 4] Processor UID : 00000002
[0D8h 0216 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000001
Processor Enabled : 1
Performance Interrupt Trigger Mode : 0
Virtual GIC Interrupt Trigger Mode : 0
[0DCh 0220 4] Parking Protocol Version : 00000000
[0E0h 0224 4] Performance Interrupt : 00000009
[0E4h 0228 8] Parked Address : 00000000000F2000
[0ECh 0236 8] Base Address : 0000000040000000
[0F4h 0244 8] Virtual GIC Base Address : 0000000000000000
[0FCh 0252 8] Hypervisor GIC Base Address : 0000000000000000
[104h 0260 4] Virtual GIC Interrupt : 00000000
[108h 0264 8] Redistributor Base Address : 0000000000000000
[110h 0272 8] ARM MPIDR : 0000000000000002
[118h 0280 1] Efficiency Class : 00
[119h 0281 3] Reserved : 000000
[11Ch 0284 1] Subtable Type : 0B [Generic Interrupt Controller]
[11Dh 0285 1] Length : 50
[11Eh 0286 2] Reserved : 0000
[120h 0288 4] CPU Interface Number : 00000003
[124h 0292 4] Processor UID : 00000003
[128h 0296 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000001
Processor Enabled : 1
Performance Interrupt Trigger Mode : 0
Virtual GIC Interrupt Trigger Mode : 0
[12Ch 0300 4] Parking Protocol Version : 00000000
[130h 0304 4] Performance Interrupt : 00000009
[134h 0308 8] Parked Address : 00000000000F3000
[13Ch 0316 8] Base Address : 0000000040000000
[144h 0324 8] Virtual GIC Base Address : 0000000000000000
[14Ch 0332 8] Hypervisor GIC Base Address : 0000000000000000
[154h 0340 4] Virtual GIC Interrupt : 00000000
[158h 0344 8] Redistributor Base Address : 0000000000000000
[160h 0352 8] ARM MPIDR : 0000000000000003
[168h 0360 1] Efficiency Class : 00
[169h 0361 3] Reserved : 000000
[16Ch 0364 1] Subtable Type : 0C [Generic Interrupt Distributor]
[16Dh 0365 1] Length : 18
[16Fh 0367 2] Reserved : 0000
[171h 0369 4] Local GIC Hardware ID : 00000000
[175h 0373 8] Base Address : 0000000000000000
[17Dh 0381 4] Interrupt Base : 00000000
[181h 0385 1] Version : 00
[184h 0388 3] Reserved : 000000
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