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Created December 8, 2019 22:15
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Lenovo C630 WOS (Snapdragon 850) ACPI PPTT Table
* Intel ACPI Component Architecture
* AML/ASL+ Disassembler version 20190703 (32-bit version)
* Copyright (c) 2000 - 2019 Intel Corporation
* Disassembly of ./PPTT.aml, Sun Dec 8 17:13:58 2019
* ACPI Data Table [PPTT]
* Format: [HexOffset DecimalOffset ByteLength] FieldName : FieldValue
[000h 0000 4] Signature : "PPTT" [Processor Properties Topology Table]
[004h 0004 4] Table Length : 0000019E
[008h 0008 1] Revision : 01
[009h 0009 1] Checksum : 00 /* Incorrect checksum, should be 6E */
[00Ah 0010 6] Oem ID : "QCOM "
[010h 0016 8] Oem Table ID : "QCOMEDK2"
[018h 0024 4] Oem Revision : 00000850
[01Ch 0028 4] Asl Compiler ID : "QCOM"
[020h 0032 4] Asl Compiler Revision : 00000001
[024h 0036 1] Subtable Type : 01 [Cache Type]
[025h 0037 1] Length : 18
[026h 0038 2] Reserved : 0000
[028h 0040 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000000
Size valid : 0
Number of Sets valid : 0
Associativity valid : 0
Allocation Type valid : 0
Cache Type valid : 0
Write Policy valid : 0
Line Size valid : 0
[02Ch 0044 4] Next Level of Cache : 00000000
[030h 0048 4] Size : 00000000
[034h 0052 4] Number of Sets : 00000000
[038h 0056 1] Associativity : 00
[039h 0057 1] Attributes : 00
Allocation Type : 0
Cache Type : 0
Write Policy : 0
[03Ah 0058 2] Line Size : 0000
[03Ch 0060 1] Subtable Type : 02 [ID]
[03Dh 0061 1] Length : 1E
[03Eh 0062 2] Reserved : 0000
[040h 0064 4] Vendor ID : 00000000
[044h 0068 8] Level1 ID : 0000000000000000
[04Ch 0076 8] Level2 ID : 0000000000000000
[054h 0084 2] Major revision : 0000
[056h 0086 2] Minor revision : 0000
[058h 0088 2] Spin revision : 0000
[05Ah 0090 1] Subtable Type : 00 [Processor Hierarchy Node]
[05Bh 0091 1] Length : 1C
[05Ch 0092 2] Reserved : 0000
[05Eh 0094 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000001
Physical package : 1
ACPI Processor ID valid : 0
Processor is a thread : 0
Node is a leaf : 0
Identical Implementation : 0
[062h 0098 4] Parent : 00000000
[066h 0102 4] ACPI Processor ID : 00000000
[06Ah 0106 4] Private Resource Number : 00000002
[06Eh 0110 4] Private Resource : 00000024
[072h 0114 4] Private Resource : 0000003C
[076h 0118 1] Subtable Type : 01 [Cache Type]
[077h 0119 1] Length : 18
[078h 0120 2] Reserved : 0000
[07Ah 0122 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000000
Size valid : 0
Number of Sets valid : 0
Associativity valid : 0
Allocation Type valid : 0
Cache Type valid : 0
Write Policy valid : 0
Line Size valid : 0
[07Eh 0126 4] Next Level of Cache : 00000000
[082h 0130 4] Size : 00000000
[086h 0134 4] Number of Sets : 00000000
[08Ah 0138 1] Associativity : 00
[08Bh 0139 1] Attributes : 00
Allocation Type : 0
Cache Type : 0
Write Policy : 0
[08Ch 0140 2] Line Size : 0000
[08Eh 0142 1] Subtable Type : 01 [Cache Type]
[08Fh 0143 1] Length : 18
[090h 0144 2] Reserved : 0000
[092h 0146 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000000
Size valid : 0
Number of Sets valid : 0
Associativity valid : 0
Allocation Type valid : 0
Cache Type valid : 0
Write Policy valid : 0
Line Size valid : 0
[096h 0150 4] Next Level of Cache : 00000076
[09Ah 0154 4] Size : 00000000
[09Eh 0158 4] Number of Sets : 00000000
[0A2h 0162 1] Associativity : 00
[0A3h 0163 1] Attributes : 00
Allocation Type : 0
Cache Type : 0
Write Policy : 0
[0A4h 0164 2] Line Size : 0000
[0A6h 0166 1] Subtable Type : 01 [Cache Type]
[0A7h 0167 1] Length : 18
[0A8h 0168 2] Reserved : 0000
[0AAh 0170 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000000
Size valid : 0
Number of Sets valid : 0
Associativity valid : 0
Allocation Type valid : 0
Cache Type valid : 0
Write Policy valid : 0
Line Size valid : 0
[0AEh 0174 4] Next Level of Cache : 00000076
[0B2h 0178 4] Size : 00000000
[0B6h 0182 4] Number of Sets : 00000000
[0BAh 0186 1] Associativity : 00
[0BBh 0187 1] Attributes : 00
Allocation Type : 0
Cache Type : 0
Write Policy : 0
[0BCh 0188 2] Line Size : 0000
[0BEh 0190 1] Subtable Type : 00 [Processor Hierarchy Node]
[0BFh 0191 1] Length : 1C
[0C0h 0192 2] Reserved : 0000
[0C2h 0194 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000002
Physical package : 0
ACPI Processor ID valid : 1
Processor is a thread : 0
Node is a leaf : 0
Identical Implementation : 0
[0C6h 0198 4] Parent : 0000005A
[0CAh 0202 4] ACPI Processor ID : 00000000
[0CEh 0206 4] Private Resource Number : 00000002
[0D2h 0210 4] Private Resource : 0000008E
[0D6h 0214 4] Private Resource : 000000A6
[0DAh 0218 1] Subtable Type : 00 [Processor Hierarchy Node]
[0DBh 0219 1] Length : 1C
[0DCh 0220 2] Reserved : 0000
[0DEh 0222 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000002
Physical package : 0
ACPI Processor ID valid : 1
Processor is a thread : 0
Node is a leaf : 0
Identical Implementation : 0
[0E2h 0226 4] Parent : 0000005A
[0E6h 0230 4] ACPI Processor ID : 00000001
[0EAh 0234 4] Private Resource Number : 00000002
[0EEh 0238 4] Private Resource : 0000008E
[0F2h 0242 4] Private Resource : 000000A6
[0F6h 0246 1] Subtable Type : 00 [Processor Hierarchy Node]
[0F7h 0247 1] Length : 1C
[0F8h 0248 2] Reserved : 0000
[0FAh 0250 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000002
Physical package : 0
ACPI Processor ID valid : 1
Processor is a thread : 0
Node is a leaf : 0
Identical Implementation : 0
[0FEh 0254 4] Parent : 0000005A
[102h 0258 4] ACPI Processor ID : 00000002
[106h 0262 4] Private Resource Number : 00000002
[10Ah 0266 4] Private Resource : 0000008E
[10Eh 0270 4] Private Resource : 000000A6
[112h 0274 1] Subtable Type : 00 [Processor Hierarchy Node]
[113h 0275 1] Length : 1C
[114h 0276 2] Reserved : 0000
[116h 0278 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000002
Physical package : 0
ACPI Processor ID valid : 1
Processor is a thread : 0
Node is a leaf : 0
Identical Implementation : 0
[11Ah 0282 4] Parent : 0000005A
[11Eh 0286 4] ACPI Processor ID : 00000003
[122h 0290 4] Private Resource Number : 00000002
[126h 0294 4] Private Resource : 0000008E
[12Ah 0298 4] Private Resource : 000000A6
[12Eh 0302 1] Subtable Type : 00 [Processor Hierarchy Node]
[12Fh 0303 1] Length : 1C
[130h 0304 2] Reserved : 0000
[132h 0306 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000002
Physical package : 0
ACPI Processor ID valid : 1
Processor is a thread : 0
Node is a leaf : 0
Identical Implementation : 0
[136h 0310 4] Parent : 0000005A
[13Ah 0314 4] ACPI Processor ID : 00000004
[13Eh 0318 4] Private Resource Number : 00000002
[142h 0322 4] Private Resource : 0000008E
[146h 0326 4] Private Resource : 000000A6
[14Ah 0330 1] Subtable Type : 00 [Processor Hierarchy Node]
[14Bh 0331 1] Length : 1C
[14Ch 0332 2] Reserved : 0000
[14Eh 0334 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000002
Physical package : 0
ACPI Processor ID valid : 1
Processor is a thread : 0
Node is a leaf : 0
Identical Implementation : 0
[152h 0338 4] Parent : 0000005A
[156h 0342 4] ACPI Processor ID : 00000005
[15Ah 0346 4] Private Resource Number : 00000002
[15Eh 0350 4] Private Resource : 0000008E
[162h 0354 4] Private Resource : 000000A6
[166h 0358 1] Subtable Type : 00 [Processor Hierarchy Node]
[167h 0359 1] Length : 1C
[168h 0360 2] Reserved : 0000
[16Ah 0362 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000002
Physical package : 0
ACPI Processor ID valid : 1
Processor is a thread : 0
Node is a leaf : 0
Identical Implementation : 0
[16Eh 0366 4] Parent : 0000005A
[172h 0370 4] ACPI Processor ID : 00000006
[176h 0374 4] Private Resource Number : 00000002
[17Ah 0378 4] Private Resource : 0000008E
[17Eh 0382 4] Private Resource : 000000A6
[182h 0386 1] Subtable Type : 00 [Processor Hierarchy Node]
[183h 0387 1] Length : 1C
[184h 0388 2] Reserved : 0000
[186h 0390 4] Flags (decoded below) : 00000002
Physical package : 0
ACPI Processor ID valid : 1
Processor is a thread : 0
Node is a leaf : 0
Identical Implementation : 0
[18Ah 0394 4] Parent : 0000005A
[18Eh 0398 4] ACPI Processor ID : 00000007
[192h 0402 4] Private Resource Number : 00000002
[196h 0406 4] Private Resource : 0000008E
[19Ah 0410 4] Private Resource : 000000A6
Raw Table Data: Length 414 (0x19E)
0000: 50 50 54 54 9E 01 00 00 01 00 51 43 4F 4D 20 20 // PPTT......QCOM
0010: 51 43 4F 4D 45 44 4B 32 50 08 00 00 51 43 4F 4D // QCOMEDK2P...QCOM
0020: 01 00 00 00 01 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 // ................
0030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 1E 00 00 // ................
0040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 // ................
0050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1C 00 00 01 00 // ................
0060: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 24 00 // ..............$.
0070: 00 00 3C 00 00 00 01 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 // ..<.............
0080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 18 // ................
0090: 00 00 00 00 00 00 76 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 // ......v.........
00A0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 76 00 // ..............v.
00B0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1C // ................
00C0: 00 00 02 00 00 00 5A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 // ......Z.........
00D0: 00 00 8E 00 00 00 A6 00 00 00 00 1C 00 00 02 00 // ................
00E0: 00 00 5A 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 8E 00 // ..Z.............
00F0: 00 00 A6 00 00 00 00 1C 00 00 02 00 00 00 5A 00 // ..............Z.
0100: 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 8E 00 00 00 A6 00 // ................
0110: 00 00 00 1C 00 00 02 00 00 00 5A 00 00 00 03 00 // ..........Z.....
0120: 00 00 02 00 00 00 8E 00 00 00 A6 00 00 00 00 1C // ................
0130: 00 00 02 00 00 00 5A 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 02 00 // ......Z.........
0140: 00 00 8E 00 00 00 A6 00 00 00 00 1C 00 00 02 00 // ................
0150: 00 00 5A 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 8E 00 // ..Z.............
0160: 00 00 A6 00 00 00 00 1C 00 00 02 00 00 00 5A 00 // ..............Z.
0170: 00 00 06 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 8E 00 00 00 A6 00 // ................
0180: 00 00 00 1C 00 00 02 00 00 00 5A 00 00 00 07 00 // ..........Z.....
0190: 00 00 02 00 00 00 8E 00 00 00 A6 00 00 00 // ..............
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