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Created March 8, 2019 04:47
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Surface RT 2 DSDT
* Intel ACPI Component Architecture
* AML/ASL+ Disassembler version 20190215 (32-bit version)
* Copyright (c) 2000 - 2019 Intel Corporation
* Disassembling to symbolic ASL+ operators
* Disassembly of DSDT.raw, Sat Mar 02 23:59:24 2019
* Original Table Header:
* Signature "DSDT"
* Length 0x00003C6D (15469)
* Revision 0x02
* Checksum 0xA4
* OEM Table ID "T114EDK2"
* OEM Revision 0x00000003 (3)
* Compiler ID "MSFT"
* Compiler Version 0x04000000 (67108864)
DefinitionBlock ("", "DSDT", 2, "NVIDIA", "T114EDK2", 0x00000003)
* iASL Warning: There were 3 external control methods found during
* disassembly, but only 0 were resolved (3 unresolved). Additional
* ACPI tables may be required to properly disassemble the code. This
* resulting disassembler output file may not compile because the
* disassembler did not know how many arguments to assign to the
* unresolved methods. Note: SSDTs can be dynamically loaded at
* runtime and may or may not be available via the host OS.
* To specify the tables needed to resolve external control method
* references, the -e option can be used to specify the filenames.
* Example iASL invocations:
* iasl -e ssdt1.aml ssdt2.aml ssdt3.aml -d dsdt.aml
* iasl -e dsdt.aml ssdt2.aml -d ssdt1.aml
* iasl -e ssdt*.aml -d dsdt.aml
* In addition, the -fe option can be used to specify a file containing
* control method external declarations with the associated method
* argument counts. Each line of the file must be of the form:
* External (<method pathname>, MethodObj, <argument count>)
* Invocation:
* iasl -fe refs.txt -d dsdt.aml
* The following methods were unresolved and many not compile properly
* because the disassembler had to guess at the number of arguments
* required for each:
External (_SB_.AUDI.ADP_, UnknownObj)
External (_SB_.AUDI.CRSA, IntObj)
External (_SB_.AUDI.DSM_, MethodObj) // Warning: Unknown method, guessing 4 arguments
External (_SB_.GFXC._DOD, UnknownObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.BKLP, IntObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.CRSA, UnknownObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.DCBB, IntObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.DODF, IntObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.DRBB, IntObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.DSIB, IntObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.LIDB, IntObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.MDTL, UnknownObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.TCBB, IntObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.TGF0, IntObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.TPBB, IntObj)
External (_SB_.GFXC.TTCB, IntObj)
External (_SB_.GPIO.GPK_, IntObj)
External (_SB_.NVSE.JSIS, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.CMAX, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.CORE, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.CPGT, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.CPVL, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.DVFS, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.GPGT, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.GTZT, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.I2CF, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.INFO, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.THRM, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PEPD.TZBI, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PMSD.CRSA, IntObj)
External (_SB_.PMUD, UnknownObj)
External (_SB_.SDM1.CRSA, UnknownObj)
External (_SB_.SDM2.CRSA, UnknownObj)
External (_SB_.SDM3.CRSA, UnknownObj)
External (_SB_.SDM4.CRSA, UnknownObj)
External (_SB_.THEM.CRSA, UnknownObj)
External (_SB_.THEM.GPDD, IntObj)
External (_SB_.THEM.GTZD, IntObj)
External (_SB_.UAR1.UDP_, IntObj)
External (_SB_.UAR2.UDP_, IntObj)
External (_SB_.UAR3.UDP_, IntObj)
External (_SB_.UAR4.UDP_, IntObj)
External (_SB_.UAR5.UDP_, IntObj)
External (_SB_.USB2.BBR_, MethodObj) // Warning: Unknown method, guessing 0 arguments
External (_SB_.USB3.BBR_, MethodObj) // Warning: Unknown method, guessing 0 arguments
External (SGIO, IntObj)
Scope (\_SB)
Name (CHID, Zero)
Name (TOOS, Zero)
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
^CHID = RDR (0x70000000, 0x0804)
If (CondRefOf (\_OSI))
If (\_OSI ("Windows 2013"))
^TOOS = One
Method (RDR, 2, Serialized)
OperationRegion (GENO, SystemMemory, (Arg0 + Arg1), 0x04)
Field (GENO, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
RD32, 32
Return (RD32) /* \_SB_.RDR_.RD32 */
Method (RDF, 4, Serialized)
Return (((RDR (Arg0, Arg1) & (Arg2 << Arg3)) >> Arg3
Method (WRR, 3, Serialized)
OperationRegion (GEN1, SystemMemory, (Arg0 + Arg1), 0x04)
Field (GEN1, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
WR32, 32
WR32 = Arg2
Method (WRF, 5, Serialized)
WRR (Arg0, Arg1, ((RDR (Arg0, Arg1) & ~(Arg2 << Arg3
)) | (Arg4 << Arg3)))
OperationRegion (NVFM, SystemMemory, 0x82000000, 0xA4)
Field (NVFM, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
Offset (0x08),
ODAB, 32,
Offset (0x10),
ODAL, 32,
Offset (0x18),
FMGB, 32,
Offset (0x20),
FMGL, 32,
Offset (0x28),
BPAB, 32,
Offset (0x30),
BPAL, 32,
Offset (0x38),
PPIP, 32,
PPIL, 32,
PPIR, 32,
PPIF, 32,
RTCV, 1,
Offset (0x50),
PEDA, 32,
Offset (0x58),
PEDL, 32,
Offset (0x60),
PCMA, 32,
Offset (0x68),
PCML, 32,
Offset (0x70),
Offset (0xA0),
PNOF, 32
Method (GETP, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (ODAB) /* \_SB_.ODAB */
Method (GETL, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (ODAL) /* \_SB_.ODAL */
Method (BPGB, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (BPAB) /* \_SB_.BPAB */
Method (BPGL, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (BPAL) /* \_SB_.BPAL */
Method (GEDA, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (PEDA) /* \_SB_.PEDA */
Method (GEDL, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (PEDL) /* \_SB_.PEDL */
Method (GCMA, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (PCMA) /* \_SB_.PCMA */
Method (GCML, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (PCML) /* \_SB_.PCML */
OperationRegion (BPMM, SystemMemory, BPGB (), BPGL ())
Field (BPMM, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
BPVR, 32,
BPCU, 32,
BPBT, 32
OperationRegion (CLKR, SystemMemory, 0x60006000, 0x1000)
Field (CLKR, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
Offset (0x04),
, 6,
UAAE, 1,
UABE, 1,
GPIE, 1,
SD2E, 1,
, 1,
I2SE, 1,
I21E, 1,
, 1,
SD1E, 1,
SD4E, 1,
, 6,
US1E, 1,
, 3,
Offset (0x08),
, 9,
SP1E, 1,
, 2,
SP2E, 1,
, 1,
SP3E, 1,
I24E, 1,
, 6,
I22E, 1,
UACE, 1,
, 2,
US2E, 1,
US3E, 1,
Offset (0x0C),
, 1,
UADE, 1,
UAEE, 1,
I23E, 1,
SP4E, 1,
SD3E, 1,
, 19,
XUSE, 1,
Offset (0x14),
, 4,
KBCE, 1,
Offset (0x358),
Offset (0x359),
SP5E, 1,
SP6E, 1,
, 19,
Device (CPU0)
Name (_HID, "ACPI0007" /* Processor Device */) // _HID: Hardware ID
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Device (CPU1)
Name (_HID, "ACPI0007" /* Processor Device */) // _HID: Hardware ID
Name (_UID, One) // _UID: Unique ID
Device (CPU2)
Name (_HID, "ACPI0007" /* Processor Device */) // _HID: Hardware ID
Name (_UID, 0x02) // _UID: Unique ID
Device (CPU3)
Name (_HID, "ACPI0007" /* Processor Device */) // _HID: Hardware ID
Name (_UID, 0x03) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (GCRS, 3, NotSerialized)
Name (RSRC, ResourceTemplate ()
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x00000000, // Address Base
0x00000000, // Address Length
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, _Y01)
CreateDWordField (RSRC, \_SB.GCRS._Y00._BAS, MBAS) // _BAS: Base Address
CreateDWordField (RSRC, \_SB.GCRS._Y00._LEN, MBLE) // _LEN: Length
CreateWordField (RSRC, \_SB.GCRS._Y01._INT, INTN) // _INT: Interrupts
MBAS = Arg0
MBLE = Arg1
INTN = Arg2
Return (RSRC) /* \_SB_.GCRS.RSRC */
Method (UCRS, 4, NotSerialized)
Name (RSRC, ResourceTemplate ()
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x00000000, // Address Base
0x00000000, // Address Length
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, _Y03)
CreateDWordField (RSRC, \_SB.UCRS._Y02._BAS, MBAS) // _BAS: Base Address
CreateDWordField (RSRC, \_SB.UCRS._Y02._LEN, MBLE) // _LEN: Length
CreateWordField (RSRC, \_SB.UCRS._Y03._INT, INTN) // _INT: Interrupts
CreateField (RSRC, \_SB.UCRS._Y03._SHR, 0x02, SHRN) // _SHR: Shareable
MBAS = Arg0
MBLE = Arg1
INTN = Arg2
SHRN = Arg3
Return (RSRC) /* \_SB_.UCRS.RSRC */
Method (CRSG, 3, NotSerialized)
Name (RSRC, ResourceTemplate ()
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x00000000, // Address Base
0x00000000, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x00000000, // Address Base
0x00000000, // Address Length
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, _Y06)
CreateDWordField (RSRC, \_SB.CRSG._Y04._BAS, ABAS) // _BAS: Base Address
CreateDWordField (RSRC, \_SB.CRSG._Y04._LEN, ABLE) // _LEN: Length
CreateDWordField (RSRC, \_SB.CRSG._Y05._BAS, BBAS) // _BAS: Base Address
CreateDWordField (RSRC, \_SB.CRSG._Y05._LEN, BBLE) // _LEN: Length
CreateWordField (RSRC, \_SB.CRSG._Y06._INT, INTN) // _INT: Interrupts
ABAS = Arg0
ABLE = Arg1
BBAS = (Arg0 + 0x80)
BBLE = 0x80
INTN = Arg2
Return (RSRC) /* \_SB_.CRSG.RSRC */
Method (CRSD, 2, NotSerialized)
Name (RSRC, ResourceTemplate ()
FixedDMA (0x0000, 0x0000, Width32bit, _Y07)
FixedDMA (0x0001, 0x0001, Width32bit, _Y08)
CreateWordField (RSRC, One, REQ1)
CreateWordField (RSRC, \_SB.CRSD._Y07._TYP, CHN1) // _TYP: Type
CreateWordField (RSRC, \_SB.CRSD._Y08._DMA, REQ2) // _DMA: Direct Memory Access
CreateWordField (RSRC, \_SB.CRSD._Y08._TYP, CHN2) // _TYP: Type
REQ1 = Arg0
REQ2 = (Arg0 | 0x20)
CHN1 = Arg1
CHN2 = Arg1++
Return (RSRC) /* \_SB_.CRSD.RSRC */
Method (CRS3, 5, NotSerialized)
Local0 = GCRS (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2)
Local1 = CRSD (Arg3, Arg4)
Return (ConcatenateResTemplate (Local0, Local1))
Device (DMAC)
Name (_HID, "NVDA0009") // _HID: Hardware ID
Device (TIME)
Name (_HID, "NVDA000A") // _HID: Hardware ID
Device (PEPD)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0220")
Method (_CID, 0, NotSerialized) // _CID: Compatible ID
Return ("PNP0D80")
Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Method (GEMS, 1, NotSerialized)
CreateByteField (Arg0, Zero, VERS)
Name (SIZ1, Zero)
Name (SIZ2, Zero)
Name (SIZ3, Zero)
If ((VERS >= 0x50))
CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x15, R5S1)
SIZ1 = R5S1 /* \_SB_.PEPD.GEMS.R5S1 */
SIZ2 = Zero
CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x19, R5S3)
SIZ3 = R5S3 /* \_SB_.PEPD.GEMS.R5S3 */
ElseIf ((VERS >= 0x40))
CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x15, R4S1)
SIZ1 = R4S1 /* \_SB_.PEPD.GEMS.R4S1 */
CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x19, R4S2)
SIZ2 = R4S2 /* \_SB_.PEPD.GEMS.R4S2 */
CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x1D, R4S3)
SIZ3 = R4S3 /* \_SB_.PEPD.GEMS.R4S3 */
If ((VERS >= 0x40))
Local0 = (SIZ2 * 0x02)
Local0 *= 0x04
Local1 = (SIZ1 * 0x04)
Local0 += Local1
Local1 = (SIZ3 * 0x04)
Local0 += Local1
If ((VERS == 0x40))
Local0 += 0x3D
ElseIf ((VERS < 0x50))
Local0 += 0x41
ElseIf ((VERS >= 0x50))
Local0 += 0x39
Local0 = 0x01CD
Debug = Local0
Return (Local0)
Method (EMCF, 2, NotSerialized)
Name (BUFA, Buffer (0x04)
0x00 // .
CreateDWordField (BUFA, Zero, FREA)
Local0 = (Arg1 + One)
CreateDWordField (Arg0, Local0, FREQ)
Return (BUFA) /* \_SB_.PEPD.EMCF.BUFA */
Method (PLID, 2, NotSerialized)
CreateByteField (Arg0, Arg1, VERS)
If ((VERS >= 0x40))
Local0 = (Arg1 + 0x0E)
CreateByteField (Arg0, Local0, CLID)
Return (ToInteger (CLID))
Return (Zero)
Method (GFDS, 0, NotSerialized)
Local3 = Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Local0 = ^DVFS /* External reference */
Local1 = SizeOf (Local0)
Local6 = GEMS (Local0)
Local1 /= Local6
Local2 = Zero
While (Local1)
Local4 = EMCF (Local0, Local2)
Local7 = PLID (Local0, Local2)
If (!FROK (Local4, Local7))
If ((SizeOf (Local3) < 0x04))
Local3 = Local4
Concatenate (Local3, Local4, Local5)
Local3 = Local5
Local2 += Local6
Debug = "*** Supported freq:"
Debug = Local3
Return (Local3)
Method (FROK, 2, NotSerialized)
ToInteger (Arg0, Local3)
If ((Local3 < 0x639C))
Return (One)
Local0 = \_SB.PLLM ()
Local2 = \_SB.PLLP ()
Local4 = One
While (One)
Name (_T_0, 0x00) // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z
_T_0 = Arg1
If ((_T_0 == Zero))
Local1 = (Local2 / 0x02)
If ((Local3 <= Local1))
Divide (Local2, Local3, Local4, Local5)
ElseIf ((Local0 >= Local3))
Divide (Local0, Local3, Local4, Local5)
Divide (Local3, Local0, Local4, Local5)
Local4 = Zero
Return (Local4)
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("e442d99f-77e6-4ebf-af72-e3d11c0d3d7d")))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == One))
Local0 = One
If (CondRefOf (^DVFS))
Local0 |= (One << One)
Local0 |= (One << 0x02)
If (CondRefOf (^THRM))
Local0 |= (One << 0x03)
If (CondRefOf (^INFO))
Local0 |= (One << 0x04)
If (CondRefOf (^TZBI))
Local0 |= (One << 0x06)
If (CondRefOf (^GTZT))
Local0 |= (One << 0x08)
If (CondRefOf (^CPGT))
Local0 |= (One << 0x09)
Local0 |= (One << 0x05)
If ((GCMA () != Zero))
Local0 |= (One << 0x07)
If (CondRefOf (^GPGT))
Local0 |= (One << 0x0A)
Return (Local0)
If ((Arg2 == One))
Return (^GFDS ())
If ((Arg2 == 0x02))
Return (^DVFS) /* External reference */
If ((Arg2 == 0x03))
Return (^THRM) /* External reference */
If ((Arg2 == 0x04))
Return (^INFO) /* External reference */
If ((Arg2 == 0x05))
While (One)
Name (_T_0, 0x00) // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z
_T_0 = Arg3
If ((_T_0 == Zero))
If (CondRefOf (^CMAX))
Return (^CMAX) /* External reference */
Return (0x2328)
ElseIf ((_T_0 == One))
If (CondRefOf (^CORE))
Return (^CORE) /* External reference */
Return (0x0FA0)
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x02))
If (CondRefOf (^CPVL))
Return (^CPVL) /* External reference */
Return (0x0546)
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x03))
If (CondRefOf (^I2CF))
Return (^I2CF) /* External reference */
Return (0x00061A80)
If ((Arg2 == 0x06))
Return (^TZBI) /* External reference */
If ((Arg2 == 0x07))
Name (CMBF, Buffer (0x08){})
CreateDWordField (CMBF, Zero, CMAD)
CreateDWordField (CMBF, 0x04, CMLN)
Return (CMBF) /* \_SB_.PEPD._DSM.CMBF */
If ((Arg2 == 0x08))
Return (^GTZT) /* External reference */
If ((Arg2 == 0x09))
Return (^CPGT) /* External reference */
If ((Arg2 == 0x0A))
Return (^GPGT) /* External reference */
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Name (ROST, Zero)
Method (NPUR, 1, NotSerialized)
\_SB.PARG._PUR [One] = Arg0
Notify (\_SB.PARG, 0x80) // Status Change
Field (CLKR, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
Offset (0x50),
, 28,
OSCR, 4,
Offset (0x90),
DVMM, 5,
Offset (0x91),
DVNM, 10,
, 2,
DVPM, 3,
, 8,
BYPM, 1,
Offset (0xA0),
DVMP, 5,
Offset (0xA1),
DVNP, 10,
, 2,
DVPP, 3,
, 5,
BOVP, 1,
, 2,
Method (GREF, 0, NotSerialized)
If ((OSCR == 0x08))
Return (0x2EE0)
If ((OSCR == Zero))
Return (0x32C8)
If ((OSCR == One))
Return (0x41A0)
If ((OSCR == 0x04))
Return (0x4B00)
If ((OSCR == 0x0C))
Return (0x6590)
If ((OSCR == 0x05))
Return (0x9600)
If ((OSCR == 0x09))
Return (0xBB80)
Return (Zero)
Method (GPLL, 4, NotSerialized)
Local0 = GREF ()
If (!Arg3)
Local0 *= Arg0
Local1 = (Local0 / Arg1)
Local0 = (Local1 >> Arg2)
Return (Local0)
Method (PLLM, 0, NotSerialized)
Method (PLLP, 0, NotSerialized)
If (!BOVP)
Return (0x00034BC0)
Device (PARG)
Name (_HID, "ACPI000C" /* Processor Aggregator Device */) // _HID: Hardware ID
Name (_PUR, Package (0x02) // _PUR: Processor Utilization Request
Method (_OST, 3, NotSerialized) // _OST: OSPM Status Indication
Notify (\_SB.PEPD, 0xC0) // Hardware-Specific
Device (MCDV)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA020E")
Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x70019000, // Address Base
0x00001000, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x7001B000, // Address Base
0x00000800, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x7000F800, // Address Base
0x00000400, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x7000FC00, // Address Base
0x00000400, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x6000C000, // Address Base
0x00000150, // Address Length
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Name (_HRV, Zero) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
^_HRV = CHID /* \_SB_.CHID */
Device (UAR1)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0100")
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (CRS3 (0x70006000, 0x40, 0x44, 0x08, Zero))
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (CondRefOf (^UDP, Local7))
If (^UDP)
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^UAAE)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Device (UAR2)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0100")
Name (_UID, One) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (CRS3 (0x70006040, 0x40, 0x45, 0x09, 0x02))
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (CondRefOf (^UDP, Local7))
If (^UDP)
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^UABE)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Device (UAR3)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0100")
Name (_UID, 0x02) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (CRS3 (0x70006200, 0x40, 0x4E, 0x0A, 0x04))
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (CondRefOf (^UDP, Local7))
If (^UDP)
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^UACE)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Device (UAR4)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0100")
Name (_UID, 0x03) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (CRS3 (0x70006300, 0x40, 0x7A, 0x13, 0x06))
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (CondRefOf (^UDP, Local7))
If (^UDP)
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^UADE)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Device (UAR5)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0100")
Name (_UID, 0x04) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (CRS3 (0x70006400, 0x40, 0x7B, 0x14, 0x08))
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (CondRefOf (^UDP, Local7))
If (^UDP)
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^UAEE)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
OperationRegion (GPOP, SystemMemory, 0x6000D000, 0x0800)
Field (GPOP, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
Offset (0x38),
SCI1, 8,
Offset (0x88),
SCF1, 16,
Offset (0x98),
SCE1, 16,
Offset (0xA8),
SCO1, 16,
Offset (0x43C),
SCI2, 8,
Offset (0x48C),
SCF2, 16,
Offset (0x49C),
SCE2, 16,
Offset (0x4AC),
SCO2, 16,
Offset (0x534),
SCI4, 8,
Offset (0x584),
SCF4, 16,
Offset (0x594),
SCE4, 16,
Offset (0x5A4),
SCO4, 16,
Offset (0x634),
SCI5, 8,
Offset (0x63C),
SCI3, 8,
Offset (0x684),
SCF5, 16,
Offset (0x68C),
SCF3, 16,
Offset (0x694),
SCE5, 16,
Offset (0x69C),
SCE3, 16,
Offset (0x6A4),
SCO5, 16,
Offset (0x6AC),
SCO3, 16
Method (I2CR, 5, NotSerialized)
Local0 = 0x0A
Arg0 = (0x0303 << Arg4)
Arg1 = (0x0303 << Arg4)
Stall (0x0A)
While (Local0)
If ((DerefOf (Arg3) & (0x02 << Arg4)))
Arg2 = (0x0100 << Arg4)
Stall (0x05)
Arg2 = (0x0101 << Arg4)
Stall (0x05)
Arg2 = (0x0202 << Arg4)
Stall (0x05)
Arg1 = (0x0300 << Arg4)
Arg0 = (0x0300 << Arg4)
Method (I2CS, 3, NotSerialized)
Local0 = Zero
Arg0 = (0x0303 << Arg2)
Stall (0x0A)
Local0 = (DerefOf (Arg1) & (0x03 << Arg2))
Stall (0x05)
Arg0 = (0x0300 << Arg4)
Return (Local0)
Device (I2C1)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0101")
Name (_UID, One) // _UID: Unique ID
Name (AVBL, Zero)
Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized) // _REG: Region Availability
If ((Arg0 == 0x09))
AVBL = Arg1
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (GCRS (0x7000C000, 0x0100, 0x46))
Name (_HRV, Zero) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
^_HRV = CHID /* \_SB_.CHID */
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Method (RST, 0, NotSerialized)
\_SB.I2CR (RefOf (SCF1), RefOf (SCE1), RefOf (SCO1), RefOf (SCI1), 0x04)
Method (STA, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (\_SB.I2CS (RefOf (SCF1), RefOf (SCI1), 0x04))
Device (I2C2)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0101")
Name (_UID, 0x02) // _UID: Unique ID
Name (AVBL, Zero)
Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized) // _REG: Region Availability
If ((Arg0 == 0x09))
AVBL = Arg1
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (GCRS (0x7000C400, 0x0100, 0x74))
Name (_HRV, Zero) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
^_HRV = CHID /* \_SB_.CHID */
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Method (RST, 0, NotSerialized)
\_SB.I2CR (RefOf (SCF2), RefOf (SCE2), RefOf (SCO2), RefOf (SCI2), 0x05)
Method (STA, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (\_SB.I2CS (RefOf (SCF2), RefOf (SCI2), 0x05))
Device (I2C3)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0101")
Name (_UID, 0x03) // _UID: Unique ID
Name (AVBL, Zero)
Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized) // _REG: Region Availability
If ((Arg0 == 0x09))
AVBL = Arg1
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (GCRS (0x7000C500, 0x0100, 0x7C))
Name (_HRV, Zero) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
^_HRV = CHID /* \_SB_.CHID */
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Method (RST, 0, NotSerialized)
\_SB.I2CR (RefOf (SCF3), RefOf (SCE3), RefOf (SCO3), RefOf (SCI3), One)
Method (STA, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (\_SB.I2CS (RefOf (SCF3), RefOf (SCI3), One))
Device (I2C4)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0101")
Name (_UID, 0x04) // _UID: Unique ID
Name (AVBL, Zero)
Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized) // _REG: Region Availability
If ((Arg0 == 0x09))
AVBL = Arg1
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (GCRS (0x7000C700, 0x0100, 0x98))
Name (_HRV, Zero) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
^_HRV = CHID /* \_SB_.CHID */
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Method (RST, 0, NotSerialized)
\_SB.I2CR (RefOf (SCF4), RefOf (SCE4), RefOf (SCO4), RefOf (SCI4), 0x04)
Method (STA, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (\_SB.I2CS (RefOf (SCF4), RefOf (SCI4), 0x04))
Device (I2C5)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0101")
Name (_UID, 0x05) // _UID: Unique ID
Name (AVBL, Zero)
Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized) // _REG: Region Availability
If ((Arg0 == 0x09))
AVBL = Arg1
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (GCRS (0x7000D000, 0x0100, 0x55))
Name (_HRV, Zero) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
^_HRV = CHID /* \_SB_.CHID */
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Method (RST, 0, NotSerialized)
\_SB.I2CR (RefOf (SCF5), RefOf (SCE5), RefOf (SCO5), RefOf (SCI5), 0x06)
Method (STA, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (\_SB.I2CS (RefOf (SCF5), RefOf (SCI5), 0x06))
Device (USB1)
OperationRegion (USCR, SystemMemory, 0x7D000000, 0x1800)
Field (USCR, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
UNID, 16,
Offset (0x154),
TXPR, 32,
Offset (0x174),
SCPR, 32,
Offset (0x1F8),
UMOD, 32
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
If ((RDF (0x70000000, 0x0804, 0x0F, 0x10) >= 0x02))
Return ("NVDA0203")
Return ("NVDA0103")
Name (_CID, "ACPI\\PNP0D20") // _CID: Compatible ID
Name (_HRV, 0x02) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = (0x7D000000 + 0x0100)
Local1 = (0x1800 - 0x0100)
Return (UCRS (Local0, Local1, 0x34, 0x03))
Name (VAR0, Zero)
Name (VAR1, Zero)
Name (VAR2, Zero)
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
If (((^VAR0 & 0x03) == 0x03))
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
If (!^^US1E)
^STAF = One
VAR0 = ^UMOD /* \_SB_.USB1.UMOD */
If (((^UMOD & 0x03) == 0x03))
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Return (Zero)
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
VAR0 = ^UMOD /* \_SB_.USB1.UMOD */
VAR1 = ^SCPR /* \_SB_.USB1.SCPR */
VAR2 = ^TXPR /* \_SB_.USB1.TXPR */
Method (_UBF, 0, NotSerialized)
^UMOD = VAR0 /* \_SB_.USB1.VAR0 */
^SCPR = VAR1 /* \_SB_.USB1.VAR1 */
^TXPR = VAR2 /* \_SB_.USB1.VAR2 */
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x03 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == One))
^_UBF ()
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Name (_S0W, 0x03) // _S0W: S0 Device Wake State
Name (_S4W, 0x03) // _S4W: S4 Device Wake State
Device (WDBG)
OperationRegion (USCR, SystemMemory, 0x7D000000, 0x1800)
Field (USCR, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
UNID, 16,
Offset (0x154),
TXPR, 32,
Offset (0x174),
SCPR, 32,
Offset (0x1F8),
UMOD, 32
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
If ((RDF (0x70000000, 0x0804, 0x0F, 0x10) >= 0x02))
Return ("NVDA0202")
Return ("NVDA0102")
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = (0x7D000000 + 0x0100)
Local1 = (0x1800 - 0x0100)
Return (UCRS (Local0, Local1, 0x34, One))
Name (VAR0, Zero)
Name (VAR1, Zero)
Name (VAR2, Zero)
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
If (((^VAR0 & 0x03) == 0x03))
Return (Zero)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^US1E)
^STAF = One
VAR0 = ^UMOD /* \_SB_.WDBG.UMOD */
If (((^UMOD & 0x03) == 0x03))
Return (Zero)
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
VAR0 = ^UMOD /* \_SB_.WDBG.UMOD */
VAR1 = ^SCPR /* \_SB_.WDBG.SCPR */
VAR2 = ^TXPR /* \_SB_.WDBG.TXPR */
Method (_UBF, 0, NotSerialized)
^UMOD = VAR0 /* \_SB_.WDBG.VAR0 */
^SCPR = VAR1 /* \_SB_.WDBG.VAR1 */
^TXPR = VAR2 /* \_SB_.WDBG.VAR2 */
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x03 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == One))
^_UBF ()
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Name (_S0W, 0x03) // _S0W: S0 Device Wake State
Device (USB2)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
If ((RDF (0x70000000, 0x0804, 0x0F, 0x10) >= 0x02))
Return ("NVDA0203")
Return ("NVDA0103")
Name (_CID, "ACPI\\PNP0D20") // _CID: Compatible ID
Name (_HRV, 0x02) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Name (_UID, One) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = (0x7D004000 + 0x0100)
Local1 = (0x1800 - 0x0100)
Return (UCRS (Local0, Local1, 0x35, 0x03))
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Debug = "*************************** USB2 _STA forced off"
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Debug = "*************************** USB2 _STA on"
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^US2E)
^STAF = One
Debug = "*************************** USB2 _STA on (initial)"
Return (0x0F)
Debug = "*************************** USB2 _STA controller is off"
Return (Zero)
Name (VAR0, Zero)
Name (VAR1, Zero)
Name (VAR2, Zero)
Name (VAR3, Zero)
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
^VAR0 = RDR (0x7D004000, 0x01F8)
^VAR1 = RDR (0x7D004000, 0x0174)
^VAR2 = RDR (0x7D004000, 0x0154)
^VAR3 = RDR (0x7D004000, 0x0400)
Method (_UBF, 0, NotSerialized)
Local0 = Zero
WRR (0x7D004000, 0x01F8, ^VAR0)
WRR (0x7D004000, 0x0174, ^VAR1)
WRR (0x7D004000, 0x0154, ^VAR2)
If ((^VAR3 & (One << 0x13)))
If (!HSIC ())
Local0 = 0xC0000001
Return (Local0)
Method (HSIC, 0, NotSerialized)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C24, One, 0x05, Zero)
WRR (0x7D004000, 0x0174, Zero)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C20, One, 0x03, One)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C20, One, 0x0C, One)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C20, One, 0x09, One)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0400, One, 0x0E, One)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C08, 0x1F, 0x0D, 0x11)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C08, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x10)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C08, 0x1F, 0x08, 0x10)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C0C, 0x1F, One, 0x09)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C14, One, 0x07, One)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C18, 0x0FFF, 0x02, 0x2F)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C04, 0x1F, 0x0E, 0x02)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C04, 0x0FFF, Zero, 0x01CA)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C10, One, 0x09, Zero)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0400, One, 0x0E, Zero)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x01F8, 0x03, Zero, 0x03)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0174, One, 0x0C, One)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x01B4, 0x07, 0x1D, 0x04)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x01B4, 0x03, 0x19, 0x02)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x01B4, One, 0x1C, Zero)
Local0 = 0x64
While (Local0)
If (RDF (0x7D004000, 0x0400, One, 0x07))
Sleep (One)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0174, One, 0x08, One)
While (RDF (0x7D004000, 0x0174, One, 0x08))
Sleep (One)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C24, One, 0x05, One)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C20, One, 0x0C, Zero)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C20, One, 0x09, Zero)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0C20, One, 0x03, Zero)
WRF (0x7D004000, 0x0174, One, 0x08, One)
Return (Local0)
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x03 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == One))
Return (^_UBF ())
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Method (_DEP, 0, NotSerialized) // _DEP: Dependencies
If (CondRefOf (^BBR))
^BBR ()
Return (Package (0x01)
Name (_S0W, 0x03) // _S0W: S0 Device Wake State
Name (_S4W, 0x03) // _S4W: S4 Device Wake State
Device (USB3)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
If ((RDF (0x70000000, 0x0804, 0x0F, 0x10) >= 0x02))
Return ("NVDA0203")
Return ("NVDA0103")
Name (_CID, "ACPI\\PNP0D20") // _CID: Compatible ID
Name (_HRV, 0x02) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Name (_UID, 0x02) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = (0x7D008000 + 0x0100)
Local1 = (0x1800 - 0x0100)
Return (UCRS (Local0, Local1, 0x81, 0x03))
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^US3E)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Name (VAR0, Zero)
Name (VAR1, Zero)
Name (VAR2, Zero)
Name (VAR3, Zero)
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
^VAR0 = RDR (0x7D008000, 0x01F8)
^VAR1 = RDR (0x7D008000, 0x0174)
^VAR2 = RDR (0x7D008000, 0x0154)
^VAR3 = RDR (0x7D008000, 0x0400)
Method (_UBF, 0, NotSerialized)
Local0 = Zero
WRR (0x7D008000, 0x01F8, ^VAR0)
WRR (0x7D008000, 0x0174, ^VAR1)
WRR (0x7D008000, 0x0154, ^VAR2)
If ((^VAR3 & (One << 0x13)))
If (!HSIC ())
Local0 = 0xC0000001
Return (Local0)
Method (HSIC, 0, NotSerialized)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0C24, One, 0x05, One)
WRR (0x7D008000, 0x0174, Zero)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0400, One, 0x0E, One)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0C08, 0x1F, 0x0D, 0x11)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0C08, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x10)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0C08, 0x1F, 0x08, 0x10)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0C0C, 0x1F, One, 0x09)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0C14, One, 0x07, One)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0C18, 0x0FFF, 0x02, 0x2F)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0C04, 0x1F, 0x0E, 0x02)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0C04, 0x0FFF, Zero, 0x01CA)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0C10, One, 0x09, Zero)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0400, One, 0x0E, Zero)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x01F8, 0x03, Zero, 0x03)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x0174, One, 0x0C, One)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x01B4, 0x07, 0x1D, 0x04)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x01B4, 0x03, 0x19, 0x02)
WRF (0x7D008000, 0x01B4, One, 0x1C, Zero)
Local0 = 0x64
While (Local0)
If (RDF (0x7D008000, 0x0400, One, 0x07))
Sleep (One)
Return (Local0)
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x03 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == One))
Return (^_UBF ())
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Method (_DEP, 0, NotSerialized) // _DEP: Dependencies
If (CondRefOf (^BBR))
^BBR ()
Return (Package (0x01)
Name (_S0W, 0x03) // _S0W: S0 Device Wake State
Name (_S4W, 0x03) // _S4W: S4 Device Wake State
Device (XUSB)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0214")
Name (_CID, Package (0x02) // _CID: Compatible ID
Name (_HRV, One) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Name (RSRC, ResourceTemplate ()
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x70090000, // Address Base
0x0000A000, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x7009F000, // Address Base
0x00001000, // Address Length
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, )
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, )
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, SharedAndWake, ,, )
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Return (RSRC) /* \_SB_.XUSB.RSRC */
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^XUSE)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Name (_DEP, Package (One) // _DEP: Dependencies
Device (RHUB)
Name (_ADR, Zero) // _ADR: Address
Device (PRT1)
Name (_ADR, One) // _ADR: Address
Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) // _UPC: USB Port Capabilities
Name (_PLD, ToPLD (
PLD_Revision = 0x2,
PLD_IgnoreColor = 0x1,
PLD_Red = 0x0,
PLD_Green = 0x0,
PLD_Blue = 0x0,
PLD_Width = 0x0,
PLD_Height = 0x0,
PLD_UserVisible = 0x1,
PLD_Dock = 0x0,
PLD_Lid = 0x0,
PLD_Panel = "BACK",
PLD_VerticalPosition = "CENTER",
PLD_HorizontalPosition = "LEFT",
PLD_GroupOrientation = 0x0,
PLD_GroupToken = 0x0,
PLD_GroupPosition = 0x0,
PLD_Bay = 0x0,
PLD_Ejectable = 0x1,
PLD_EjectRequired = 0x1,
PLD_CabinetNumber = 0x0,
PLD_CardCageNumber = 0x0,
PLD_Reference = 0x0,
PLD_Rotation = 0x0,
PLD_Order = 0x0)
) // _PLD: Physical Location of Device
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x05 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == 0x02))
Return (Zero)
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Device (PRT2)
Name (_ADR, 0x02) // _ADR: Address
Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) // _UPC: USB Port Capabilities
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x05 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == 0x02))
Return (Zero)
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Device (PRT3)
Name (_ADR, 0x03) // _ADR: Address
Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) // _UPC: USB Port Capabilities
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x05 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == 0x02))
Return (Zero)
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Device (PRT4)
Name (_ADR, 0x04) // _ADR: Address
Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) // _UPC: USB Port Capabilities
Name (_PLD, ToPLD (
PLD_Revision = 0x2,
PLD_IgnoreColor = 0x1,
PLD_Red = 0x0,
PLD_Green = 0x0,
PLD_Blue = 0x0,
PLD_Width = 0x0,
PLD_Height = 0x0,
PLD_UserVisible = 0x1,
PLD_Dock = 0x0,
PLD_Lid = 0x0,
PLD_Panel = "BACK",
PLD_VerticalPosition = "CENTER",
PLD_HorizontalPosition = "LEFT",
PLD_GroupOrientation = 0x0,
PLD_GroupToken = 0x0,
PLD_GroupPosition = 0x0,
PLD_Bay = 0x0,
PLD_Ejectable = 0x1,
PLD_EjectRequired = 0x1,
PLD_CabinetNumber = 0x0,
PLD_CardCageNumber = 0x0,
PLD_Reference = 0x0,
PLD_Rotation = 0x0,
PLD_Order = 0x0)
) // _PLD: Physical Location of Device
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x05 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == 0x02))
Return (Zero)
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Device (PRT5)
Name (_ADR, 0x05) // _ADR: Address
Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) // _UPC: USB Port Capabilities
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x05 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == 0x02))
Return (Zero)
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Device (PRT6)
Name (_ADR, 0x06) // _ADR: Address
Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) // _UPC: USB Port Capabilities
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x05 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == 0x02))
Return (One)
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Device (PRT7)
Name (_ADR, 0x07) // _ADR: Address
Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) // _UPC: USB Port Capabilities
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce2ee385-00e6-48cb-9f05-2edb927c4899") /* USB Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x05 // .
ElseIf ((Arg2 == 0x02))
Return (One)
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Name (_S0W, 0x03) // _S0W: S0 Device Wake State
Name (_S4W, 0x03) // _S4W: S4 Device Wake State
Device (NVSC)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0110")
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Device (NVSE)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA010D")
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Name (SBUF, ResourceTemplate ()
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x70012000, // Address Base
0x00002000, // Address Length
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = ^SBUF /* \_SB_.NVSE.SBUF */
Return (Local0)
Name (_HRV, Zero) // _HRV: Hardware Revision
Name (JSID, Zero)
Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) // _INI: Initialize
^_HRV = CHID /* \_SB_.CHID */
If (CondRefOf (^JSIS))
JSID = ^JSIS /* External reference */
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Device (GFXC)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
If (CondRefOf (^DODF))
If (^DODF)
Return ("NVDA0205")
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Name (_CLS, 0x0003000000000000) // _CLS: Class Code
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Name (VBUF, ResourceTemplate ()
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x50000000, // Address Base
0x05000000, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x60007000, // Address Base
0x00001000, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x60001000, // Address Base
0x00001000, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x6000F000, // Address Base
0x00001000, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0xB0000000, // Address Base
0x04000000, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x7000A000, // Address Base
0x00000100, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x60005060, // Address Base
0x00000008, // Address Length
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x700E3000, // Address Base
0x00000100, // Address Length
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
CreateDWordField (VBUF, \_SB.GFXC._CRS._Y09._BAS, GCBA) // _BAS: Base Address
CreateDWordField (VBUF, \_SB.GFXC._CRS._Y09._LEN, GCLE) // _LEN: Length
Local0 = VBUF /* \_SB_.GFXC._CRS.VBUF */
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA))
ConcatenateResTemplate (VBUF, ^CRSA, Local0)
Return (Local0)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
Return (0x0F)
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("d4a50b75-65c7-46f7-bfb7-41514cea0244")))
While (One)
Name (_T_0, 0x00) // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z
_T_0 = Arg2
If ((_T_0 == Zero))
Local0 = Zero
Local0 |= (One << Zero)
Local0 |= (One << 0x10)
If (CondRefOf (^MDTL))
If ((\_SB.GFXC.MDTL == One))
Local0 |= (One << 0x06)
Local0 |= (One << 0x05)
If (CondRefOf (^BKLP))
Local0 |= (One << 0x14)
If (CondRefOf (^SGIO))
Local0 |= (One << 0x18)
Return (Local0)
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x10))
Return (GOBT (Arg3))
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x14))
Return (^BKLP) /* External reference */
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x05))
Return (DSMS (Arg3))
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x06))
Debug = "NBCI_MDTL"
Local0 = GDOD (\_SB.GFXC._DOD)
Return (GGMP (Local0))
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x18))
If (CondRefOf (^SGIO))
Return (SGIO) /* External reference */
Return (0x80000002)
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Method (GOBT, 1, NotSerialized)
CreateWordField (Arg0, 0x02, USRG)
CreateWordField (Arg0, Zero, OIND)
Name (NBBU, Buffer (0x10)
0x00 // .
CreateWordField (NBBU, 0x08, NBB1)
CreateDWordField (NBBU, 0x0A, NBB2)
If ((USRG == 0x5447))
Name (TBUF, Buffer (0x08)
0x00 // .
CreateDWordField (TBUF, Zero, IDBU)
CreateDWordField (TBUF, Zero, FLG0)
NBB1 = 0x5447
If (CondRefOf (^TGF0))
FLG0 = ^TGF0 /* External reference */
NBB2 = (0x08 + SizeOf (NBBU))
Return (Concatenate (NBBU, TBUF))
If ((USRG == 0x5444))
If (CondRefOf (^DCBB))
NBB1 = 0x5444
Local0 = ^DCBB /* External reference */
NBB2 = (SizeOf (Local0) + SizeOf (NBBU))
Return (Concatenate (NBBU, Local0))
If ((USRG == 0x5443))
If (CondRefOf (^TCBB))
NBB1 = 0x5443
Local0 = ^TCBB /* External reference */
NBB2 = (SizeOf (Local0) + SizeOf (NBBU))
Return (Concatenate (NBBU, Local0))
If ((USRG == 0x5450))
If (CondRefOf (^TPBB))
NBB1 = 0x5450
Local0 = ^TPBB /* External reference */
NBB2 = (SizeOf (Local0) + SizeOf (NBBU))
Return (Concatenate (NBBU, Local0))
If ((USRG == 0x5453))
If (CondRefOf (^DSIB))
NBB1 = 0x5453
Local0 = ^DSIB /* External reference */
NBB2 = (SizeOf (Local0) + SizeOf (NBBU))
Return (Concatenate (NBBU, Local0))
If ((USRG == 0x5454))
If (CondRefOf (^TTCB, Local7))
NBB1 = 0x5454
Local0 = ^TTCB /* External reference */
NBB2 = (SizeOf (Local0) + SizeOf (NBBU))
Return (Concatenate (NBBU, Local0))
If ((USRG == 0x4452))
If ((OIND == Zero))
If (CondRefOf (^DRBB))
Return (^DRBB) /* External reference */
Return (Buffer (0xC5)
/* 0000 */ 0xF6, 0x47, 0xEF, 0x8B, 0xAB, 0x56, 0x72, 0xFD, // .G...Vr.
/* 0008 */ 0x52, 0x44, 0xC5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // RD......
/* 0010 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xDE, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, // ........
/* 0018 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ........
/* 0020 */ 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x34, 0x00, // ......4.
/* 0028 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x47, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ....G...
/* 0030 */ 0x02, 0x00, 0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, // ..E.....
/* 0038 */ 0x75, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x73, 0x00, // u.....s.
/* 0040 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ....q...
/* 0048 */ 0x06, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, // ..o.....
/* 0050 */ 0x6D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x6B, 0x00, // m.....k.
/* 0058 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD9, 0x1C, // ........
/* 0060 */ 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ........
/* 0068 */ 0x41, 0x5D, 0xC9, 0x00, 0x01, 0x24, 0x2E, 0x00, // A]...$..
/* 0070 */ 0x02, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // ........
/* 0078 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD9, 0x1C, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, // ........
/* 0080 */ 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x9B, 0x88, // ........
/* 0088 */ 0x00, 0xF0, 0x35, 0xD1, 0x00, 0x60, 0x4F, 0x4F, // ..5..`OO
/* 0090 */ 0x01, 0x90, 0xD2, 0xC6, 0x02, 0x50, 0x08, 0xD3, // .....P..
/* 0098 */ 0x03, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x9E, 0x00, 0xA0, 0x06, 0xB6, // ........
/* 00A0 */ 0x00, 0x80, 0xF5, 0x91, 0x00, 0x40, 0xBD, 0x6B, // [email protected]
/* 00A8 */ 0x4B, 0x60, 0x9D, 0x44, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // K`.D....
/* 00B0 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ........
/* 00B8 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ........
/* 00C0 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // .....
Return (0x80000002)
Method (GDOD, 1, NotSerialized)
Name (DOD1, Package (One){})
Name (DOD2, Package (0x02){})
Name (DOD3, Package (0x03){})
Local0 = SizeOf (Arg0)
Local1 = Zero
Local2 = Zero
While ((Local1 < Local0))
If ((Local2 < 0x03))
If ((DerefOf (Arg0 [Local1]) == 0x80007330))
DOD3 [Local2] = DerefOf (Arg0 [Local1])
If ((DerefOf (Arg0 [Local1]) == 0x80000100))
DOD3 [Local2] = DerefOf (Arg0 [Local1])
If ((DerefOf (Arg0 [Local1]) == 0x0110))
DOD3 [Local2] = DerefOf (Arg0 [Local1])
If ((Local2 == One))
DOD1 [Zero] = DerefOf (DOD3 [Zero])
Return (DOD1) /* \_SB_.GFXC.GDOD.DOD1 */
If ((Local2 == 0x02))
DOD2 [Zero] = DerefOf (DOD3 [Zero])
DOD2 [One] = DerefOf (DOD3 [One])
Return (DOD2) /* \_SB_.GFXC.GDOD.DOD2 */
Return (DOD3) /* \_SB_.GFXC.GDOD.DOD3 */
Method (CMES, 1, NotSerialized)
Local0 = Arg0
Local1 = (Local0 * 0x02)
Local2 = Zero
While (Local0)
Local2 += Local0
Local2 *= 0x03
Return ((Local1 + Local2))
Name (TPK1, Package (0x02){})
Name (TPK2, Package (0x07){})
Name (TPK3, Package (0x0F){})
Name (TPK4, Package (0x1A){})
Name (TPK5, Package (0x28){})
Name (TPK6, Package (0x39){})
Name (TPK7, Package (0x4D){})
Name (TPK8, Package (0x64){})
Method (GGMP, 1, NotSerialized)
Local0 = SizeOf (Arg0)
If ((Local0 > 0x08))
Local0 = 0x08
Local0 = CMES (Local0)
If ((Local0 == 0x02))
Local6 = ^TPK1 /* \_SB_.GFXC.TPK1 */
If ((Local0 == 0x07))
Local6 = ^TPK2 /* \_SB_.GFXC.TPK2 */
If ((Local0 == 0x0F))
Local6 = ^TPK3 /* \_SB_.GFXC.TPK3 */
If ((Local0 == 0x1A))
Local6 = ^TPK4 /* \_SB_.GFXC.TPK4 */
If ((Local0 == 0x28))
Local6 = ^TPK5 /* \_SB_.GFXC.TPK5 */
If ((Local0 == 0x39))
Local6 = ^TPK6 /* \_SB_.GFXC.TPK6 */
If ((Local0 == 0x4D))
Local6 = ^TPK7 /* \_SB_.GFXC.TPK7 */
If ((Local0 == 0x64))
Local6 = ^TPK8 /* \_SB_.GFXC.TPK8 */
Local0 = Zero
Local1 = Zero
Local2 = SizeOf (Arg0)
While (Local2)
Local6 [Local1] = DerefOf (Arg0 [Local0])
Local6 [Local1] = 0x2C
Local2 = SizeOf (Arg0)
Local0 = Zero
While (Local2)
Local3 = Local0
Local4 = Local2
While (Local4)
Local6 [Local1] = DerefOf (Arg0 [Local0])
Local6 [Local1] = DerefOf (Arg0 [Local3])
Local6 [Local1] = 0x2C
Return (Local6)
Name (CTOI, Zero)
Method (DSMS, 1, NotSerialized)
Name (NFBU, Buffer (0x04)
0x00 // .
CreateField (NFBU, Zero, 0x04, DAVF)
CreateField (NFBU, 0x04, One, LIDF)
CreateField (NFBU, 0x08, 0x06, DTOG)
CreateField (NFBU, 0x14, One, LIDS)
If ((DerefOf (Arg0 [0x03]) & One))
Local0 = DerefOf (Arg0 [One])
Local0 >>= 0x04
Local1 = DerefOf (Arg0 [0x02])
Local1 <<= 0x04
Local0 |= Local1
CTOI = ^GATD (Local0)
Local0 = (CTOI + One)
If ((Local0 > ^TTIN ()))
Local0 = One
DTOG = Local0
ElseIf ((DerefOf (Arg0 [0x03]) & 0x80))
Local0 = DerefOf (Arg0 [0x03])
Local0 &= 0x3E
Local0 >>= One
CTOI = Local0
If (CondRefOf (^LIDB))
LIDS = \_SB.GFXC.LIDB /* External reference */
Return (NFBU) /* \_SB_.GFXC.DSMS.NFBU */
Method (TTIN, 0, NotSerialized)
Local0 = GDOD (\_SB.GFXC._DOD)
Local1 = SizeOf (Local0)
Local0 = Zero
While (Local1)
Local0 += Local1
Return (Local0)
Method (GATD, 1, NotSerialized)
Local0 = GDOD (\_SB.GFXC._DOD)
Local1 = SizeOf (Local0)
Local2 = One
Local3 = One
While (Local1)
If ((Arg0 == Local3))
Return (Local2)
Local3 <<= One
Local1 = SizeOf (Local0)
Local3 = 0x02
Local4 = One
While (Local1)
Local5 = Local1
Local6 = Local3
While (Local5)
If ((Arg0 == (Local4 | Local6)))
Return (Local2)
Local6 <<= One
Local3 <<= One
Local4 <<= One
Return (One)
Device (SDM1)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
If (^^TOOS)
Return ("NVDA0212")
Return ("NVDA0112")
Name (_CID, "PNP0D40" /* SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller */) // _CID: Compatible ID
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = GCRS (0x78000000, 0x0200, 0x2E)
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA, Local7))
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local0, ^CRSA, Local1)
Local0 = Local1
Return (Local0)
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^SD1E)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Method (_DEP, 0, NotSerialized) // _DEP: Dependencies
If (CondRefOf (\_SB.PMUD, Local6))
Return (Package (0x02)
Return (Package (0x01)
Device (SDM2)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
If (^^TOOS)
Return ("NVDA0212")
Return ("NVDA0112")
Name (_CID, "PNP0D40" /* SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller */) // _CID: Compatible ID
Name (_UID, One) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = GCRS (0x78000200, 0x0200, 0x2F)
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA, Local7))
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local0, ^CRSA, Local1)
Local0 = Local1
Return (Local0)
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^SD2E)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Method (_DEP, 0, NotSerialized) // _DEP: Dependencies
If (CondRefOf (\_SB.PMUD, Local6))
Return (Package (0x02)
Return (Package (0x01)
Device (SDM3)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
If (^^TOOS)
Return ("NVDA0212")
Return ("NVDA0112")
Name (_CID, "PNP0D40" /* SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller */) // _CID: Compatible ID
Name (_UID, 0x02) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = GCRS (0x78000400, 0x0200, 0x33)
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA, Local7))
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local0, ^CRSA, Local1)
Local0 = Local1
Return (Local0)
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^SD3E)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Method (_DEP, 0, NotSerialized) // _DEP: Dependencies
If (CondRefOf (\_SB.PMUD, Local6))
Return (Package (0x02)
Return (Package (0x01)
Device (SDM4)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
If (^^TOOS)
Return ("NVDA0212")
Return ("NVDA0112")
Name (_CID, "PNP0D40" /* SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller */) // _CID: Compatible ID
Name (_UID, 0x03) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = GCRS (0x78000600, 0x0200, 0x3F)
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA, Local7))
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local0, ^CRSA, Local1)
Local0 = Local1
Return (Local0)
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^SD4E)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) // _DIS: Disable Device
Name (_DEP, Package (0x01) // _DEP: Dependencies
Scope (SDM4)
Device (STOR)
Name (_ADR, 0x08) // _ADR: Address
Method (_RMV, 0, NotSerialized) // _RMV: Removal Status
Return (Zero)
Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) // _DIS: Disable Device
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
Return (0x0F)
Device (EMMC)
Name (_ADR, 0x08) // _ADR: Address
Device (AUDI)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0107")
Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) // _DIS: Disable Device
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local1 = CRS3 (0x70080000, 0x00010000, 0x87, One, 0x16)
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local1, CRSD (0x02, 0x18), Local0)
Local1 = Local0
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local1, CRSD (0x03, 0x1A), Local0)
Local1 = Local0
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local1, CRSD (0x04, 0x1C), Local0)
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA, Local7))
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local0, ^CRSA, Local1)
Local0 = Local1
Return (Local0)
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^I2SE)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Method (CHPD, 0, NotSerialized)
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA))
Local0 = ^CRSA /* External reference */
Local1 = SizeOf (Local0)
Local1 -= 0x02
Local2 = Zero
While ((Local2 < Local1))
If ((DerefOf (Local0 [Local2]) == 0x8C))
If ((DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x04)]) == Zero))
If ((DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x15)]) >= 0x02))
Local3 = DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x14)])
Local3 <<= 0x08
Local3 += DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x13)])
If ((DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + Local3)]) == One))
If ((DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + Local3)]) == One))
Return (One)
Local4 = DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x02)])
Local4 <<= 0x08
Local4 += DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + One)])
Local4 += 0x03
Local2 += Local4
Return (Zero)
Method (ARMM, 0, NotSerialized)
Name (TBUF, Buffer (0x14){})
Local6 = Zero
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA))
Local0 = ^CRSA /* External reference */
Local1 = SizeOf (Local0)
Local1 -= 0x02
Local2 = Zero
While ((Local2 < Local1))
If ((DerefOf (Local0 [Local2]) == 0x8E))
Local3 = DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x0B)])
Local3 <<= 0x08
Local4 = (Local3 + DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x0A)]))
If ((DerefOf (Local0 [Local4]) != 0x5C))
TBUF [Local6] = DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + Local4)]
ElseIf ((DerefOf (Local0 [Local2]) == 0x8C))
If ((DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x15)]) >= One))
Local3 = DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x14)])
Local3 <<= 0x08
Local4 = (Local3 + DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x13)]))
TBUF [Local6] = DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + Local4)]
Local4 = DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + 0x02)])
Local4 <<= 0x08
Local4 += DerefOf (Local0 [(Local2 + One)])
Local4 += 0x03
Local2 += Local4
If (Local6)
Local0 = (Local6 + 0x02)
Name (TPAK, Package (Local0){})
TPAK [Zero] = One
TPAK [One] = Local6
Local0 = Zero
While ((Local0 < Local6))
TPAK [(Local0 + 0x02)] = DerefOf (TBUF [Local0]
Return (TPAK) /* \_SB_.AUDI.ARMM.TPAK */
Return (0xC0000002)
Method (GGPK, 2, NotSerialized)
If (CondRefOf (Arg0))
Local0 = Arg0
Local1 = SizeOf (Local0)
If ((Local1 > 0x02))
While (Local1)
Local1 -= 0x02
If ((DerefOf (Local0 [Local1]) == Arg1))
Return (DerefOf (Local0 [Local1]))
Return (0xC0000002)
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If (CondRefOf (^DSM))
^DSM (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("d14e4810-aca0-44fc-b10e-e37efac4c2b5")))
CreateByteField (Arg3, Zero, FARG)
While (One)
Name (_T_0, 0x00) // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z
_T_0 = Arg2
If ((_T_0 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 <= One))
Local0 = 0x03B7
Local1 = ^GGPK (^ADP, (FARG + 0x30))
If ((ObjectType (Local1) == 0x03))
Local0 |= (One << 0x03)
Local1 = ^GGPK (^ADP, (FARG + 0x60))
If ((ObjectType (Local1) == 0x03))
Local0 |= (One << 0x06)
Return (Local0)
Return (0xC0000002)
ElseIf ((_T_0 == One))
Local1 = ^GGPK (^ADP, (FARG + 0x10))
If ((ObjectType (Local1) == 0x04))
Return (Local1)
Name (PAKA, Package (0x08)
PAKA [0x07] = ^CHPD ()
While (One)
Name (_T_1, 0x00) // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z
_T_1 = FARG /* \_SB_.AUDI._DSM.FARG */
If ((_T_1 == Zero))
Return (PAKA) /* \_SB_.AUDI._DSM.PAKA */
ElseIf ((_T_1 == One))
PAKA [0x05] = One
Return (PAKA) /* \_SB_.AUDI._DSM.PAKA */
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x02))
Return (^GGPK (^ADP, (FARG + 0x20)))
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x03))
Return (^GGPK (^ADP, (FARG + 0x30)))
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x04))
Return (^GGPK (^ADP, (FARG + 0x40)))
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x05))
Return (^GGPK (^ADP, (FARG + 0x50)))
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x06))
Return (^GGPK (^ADP, (FARG + 0x60)))
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x07))
While (One)
Name (_T_2, 0x00) // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z
_T_2 = FARG /* \_SB_.AUDI._DSM.FARG */
If ((_T_2 == Zero))
Return (^ARMM ())
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x08))
While (One)
Name (_T_3, 0x00) // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z
_T_3 = FARG /* \_SB_.AUDI._DSM.FARG */
If ((_T_3 == Zero))
Local1 = ^GGPK (^ADP, 0x1000)
Local2 = ^GGPK (^ADP, 0x1001)
If (((ObjectType (Local1) == 0x03) && (ObjectType (Local2) == 0x03)))
Return (Package (0x04)
"NVIDIA Tegra Audio"
ElseIf ((ObjectType (Local1) == 0x03))
Return (Package (0x04)
"NVIDIA Tegra Audio"
ElseIf ((ObjectType (Local2) == 0x03))
Return (Package (0x04)
"NVIDIA Tegra Audio"
Return (Package (0x04)
"NVIDIA Tegra Audio"
ElseIf ((_T_3 == One))
Return (^GGPK (^ADP, (FARG + 0x80)))
ElseIf ((_T_0 == 0x09))
While (One)
Name (_T_4, 0x00) // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z
_T_4 = FARG /* \_SB_.AUDI._DSM.FARG */
If ((_T_4 == 0x07))
Return (Package (0x02)
ElseIf ((_T_4 == 0x08))
Return (Package (0x02)
Return (0xC0000002)
Return (0xC0000272)
ElseIf ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("ce20a880-90a0-43e0-a36a-11785a0c8e39")))
If ((Arg1 <= One))
While (One)
Name (_T_5, 0x00) // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z
_T_5 = Arg2
If ((_T_5 == Zero))
Local1 = ^GGPK (^ADP, 0x1000)
If ((ObjectType (Local1) == 0x03))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x03 // .
Return (Buffer (One)
0x01 // .
ElseIf ((_T_5 == One))
Return (^GGPK (^ADP, 0x1000))
Return (0xC0000002)
Return (0xC0000272)
ElseIf ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("2d413344-0924-4f20-ad8c-c39cee3eee60")))
If ((Arg1 <= One))
While (One)
Name (_T_6, 0x00) // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z
_T_6 = Arg2
If ((_T_6 == Zero))
Local1 = ^GGPK (^ADP, 0x1001)
If ((ObjectType (Local1) == 0x03))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x03 // .
Return (Buffer (One)
0x01 // .
ElseIf ((_T_6 == One))
Return (^GGPK (^ADP, 0x1001))
Return (0xC0000002)
Return (0xC0000272)
Return (0xC0000002)
Device (HDAU)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA010F")
Name (_CLS, 0x0004000300000000) // _CLS: Class Code
Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) // _DIS: Disable Device
OperationRegion (HDAR, SystemMemory, 0x70030000, 0x0200)
Field (HDAR, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
BA0L, 20,
Offset (0x40),
BA0S, 32,
Offset (0x180),
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = (BA0L * 0x1000)
Return (UCRS (^BA0S, Local0, 0x71, 0x02))
Name (STAF, Zero)
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If ((^STAF == 0xF0))
Return (Zero)
If (^STAF)
Return (0x0F)
If (!^^HDAE)
^STAF = One
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Name (_S0W, 0x03) // _S0W: S0 Device Wake State
Device (GPIO)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0008")
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Local0 = CRSG (0x6000D000, 0x80, 0x40)
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local0, CRSG (0x6000D100, 0x80, 0x41), Local1)
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local1, CRSG (0x6000D200, 0x80, 0x42), Local0)
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local0, CRSG (0x6000D300, 0x80, 0x43), Local1)
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local1, CRSG (0x6000D400, 0x80, 0x57), Local0)
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local0, CRSG (0x6000D500, 0x80, 0x77), Local1)
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local1, CRSG (0x6000D600, 0x80, 0x79), Local0)
ConcatenateResTemplate (Local0, CRSG (0x6000D700, 0x80, 0x9D), Local1)
Return (Local1)
Name (AVBL, Zero)
Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized) // _REG: Region Availability
If ((Arg0 == 0x08))
AVBL = Arg1
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("4f248f40-d5e2-499f-834c-27758ea1cd3f") /* GPIO Controller */))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
If ((Arg1 == Zero))
If (CondRefOf (^GPK, Local6))
Return (Buffer (One)
0x03 // .
Return (Buffer (One)
0x01 // .
If ((Arg2 == One))
Return (^GPK) /* External reference */
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Device (PMSD)
Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized) // _HID: Hardware ID
Return ("NVDA0106")
Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA, Local7))
Return (0x0F)
Return (Zero)
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA, Local7))
Return (^CRSA) /* External reference */
Device (THEM)
Name (_HID, "NVDAF300") // _HID: Hardware ID
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) // _CRS: Current Resource Settings
Name (CRSB, ResourceTemplate ()
Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, ,, )
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
0x700E2000, // Address Base
0x00001000, // Address Length
If (CondRefOf (^CRSA))
ConcatenateResTemplate (^CRSA, CRSB, Local0)
Return (Local0)
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
If ((Arg0 == ToUUID ("6036f458-310e-4990-b1ef-34a60b72d89d")))
If ((Arg1 == 0x02))
If ((Arg2 == Zero))
Local0 = Zero
Local0 |= (One << Zero)
Local0 |= (One << 0x03)
If (CondRefOf (^GPDD))
Local0 |= (One << One)
If (CondRefOf (^GTZD))
Local0 |= (One << 0x02)
Return (Local0)
If ((Arg2 == One))
Return (^GPDD) /* External reference */
If ((Arg2 == 0x02))
Return (^GTZD) /* External reference */
If ((Arg2 == 0x03))
Name (CALB, Package (0x0A)
CALB [One] = RDR (0x7000F800, 0x018C)
CALB [0x02] = RDR (0x7000F800, 0x0198)
CALB [0x03] = RDR (0x7000F800, 0x0184)
CALB [0x04] = RDR (0x7000F800, 0x0188)
CALB [0x05] = RDR (0x7000F800, 0x022C)
CALB [0x06] = RDR (0x7000F800, 0x0254)
CALB [0x07] = RDR (0x7000F800, 0x0258)
CALB [0x08] = RDR (0x7000F800, 0x025C)
CALB [0x09] = RDR (0x7000F800, 0x0260)
Return (CALB) /* \_SB_.THEM._DSM.CALB */
Return (Buffer (One)
0x00 // .
Device (DWMI)
Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C14") /* Windows Management Instrumentation Device */) // _HID: Hardware ID
Name (_UID, Zero) // _UID: Unique ID
Name (_WDG, Buffer (0x14)
/* 0000 */ 0x80, 0xE0, 0x7F, 0x99, 0x66, 0xD4, 0x2A, 0x43, // ....f.*C
/* 0008 */ 0xA7, 0xBB, 0x24, 0xC6, 0x93, 0x2C, 0x83, 0x60, // ..$..,.`
/* 0010 */ 0x30, 0x30, 0x01, 0x01 // 00..
Method (WQ00, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (\_SB.BPBT)
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