<?php |
/** |
* TimThumb by Ben Gillbanks and Mark Maunder |
* Based on work done by Tim McDaniels and Darren Hoyt |
* http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/ |
* |
* GNU General Public License, version 2 |
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html |
* |
* Examples and documentation available on the project homepage |
* http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/projects/timthumb/ |
* |
* $Rev$ |
*/ |
/* |
* --- TimThumb CONFIGURATION --- |
* To edit the configs it is best to create a file called timthumb-config.php |
* and define variables you want to customize in there. It will automatically be |
* loaded by timthumb. This will save you having to re-edit these variables |
* everytime you download a new version |
*/ |
define ('VERSION', '2.8.14'); // Version of this script |
//Load a config file if it exists. Otherwise, use the values below |
if( file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/timthumb-config.php')) require_once('timthumb-config.php'); |
if(! defined('DEBUG_ON') ) define ('DEBUG_ON', false); // Enable debug logging to web server error log (STDERR) |
if(! defined('DEBUG_LEVEL') ) define ('DEBUG_LEVEL', 1); // Debug level 1 is less noisy and 3 is the most noisy |
if(! defined('MEMORY_LIMIT') ) define ('MEMORY_LIMIT', '30M'); // Set PHP memory limit |
if(! defined('BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS') ) define ('BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS', false); // If the image or webshot is being loaded on an external site, display a red "No Hotlinking" gif. |
if(! defined('DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGES') ) define ('DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGES', true); // Display error messages. Set to false to turn off errors (good for production websites) |
//Image fetching and caching |
if(! defined('ALLOW_EXTERNAL') ) define ('ALLOW_EXTERNAL', TRUE); // Allow image fetching from external websites. Will check against ALLOWED_SITES if ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES is false |
if(! defined('ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES') ) define ('ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES', false); // Less secure. |
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_ENABLED') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_ENABLED', TRUE); // Should we store resized/modified images on disk to speed things up? |
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS')) define ('FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS', 86400); // How often the cache is cleaned |
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE', 86400); // How old does a file have to be to be deleted from the cache |
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX', '.timthumb.txt'); // What to put at the end of all files in the cache directory so we can identify them |
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_PREFIX') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_PREFIX', 'timthumb'); // What to put at the beg of all files in the cache directory so we can identify them |
if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY', './cache'); // Directory where images are cached. Left blank it will use the system temporary directory (which is better for security) |
if(! defined('MAX_FILE_SIZE') ) define ('MAX_FILE_SIZE', 10485760); // 10 Megs is 10485760. This is the max internal or external file size that we'll process. |
if(! defined('CURL_TIMEOUT') ) define ('CURL_TIMEOUT', 20); // Timeout duration for Curl. This only applies if you have Curl installed and aren't using PHP's default URL fetching mechanism. |
if(! defined('WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS') ) define ('WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS', 3600); // Time to wait between errors fetching remote file |
//Browser caching |
if(! defined('BROWSER_CACHE_MAX_AGE') ) define ('BROWSER_CACHE_MAX_AGE', 864000); // Time to cache in the browser |
if(! defined('BROWSER_CACHE_DISABLE') ) define ('BROWSER_CACHE_DISABLE', false); // Use for testing if you want to disable all browser caching |
//Image size and defaults |
if(! defined('MAX_WIDTH') ) define ('MAX_WIDTH', 1500); // Maximum image width |
if(! defined('MAX_HEIGHT') ) define ('MAX_HEIGHT', 1500); // Maximum image height |
if(! defined('NOT_FOUND_IMAGE') ) define ('NOT_FOUND_IMAGE', ''); // Image to serve if any 404 occurs |
if(! defined('ERROR_IMAGE') ) define ('ERROR_IMAGE', ''); // Image to serve if an error occurs instead of showing error message |
if(! defined('PNG_IS_TRANSPARENT') ) define ('PNG_IS_TRANSPARENT', FALSE); // Define if a png image should have a transparent background color. Use False value if you want to display a custom coloured canvas_colour |
if(! defined('DEFAULT_Q') ) define ('DEFAULT_Q', 90); // Default image quality. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php |
if(! defined('DEFAULT_ZC') ) define ('DEFAULT_ZC', 1); // Default zoom/crop setting. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php |
if(! defined('DEFAULT_F') ) define ('DEFAULT_F', ''); // Default image filters. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php |
if(! defined('DEFAULT_S') ) define ('DEFAULT_S', 0); // Default sharpen value. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php |
if(! defined('DEFAULT_CC') ) define ('DEFAULT_CC', 'ffffff'); // Default canvas colour. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php |
if(! defined('DEFAULT_WIDTH') ) define ('DEFAULT_WIDTH', 100); // Default thumbnail width. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php |
if(! defined('DEFAULT_HEIGHT') ) define ('DEFAULT_HEIGHT', 100); // Default thumbnail height. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php |
/** |
* Additional Parameters: |
* LOCAL_FILE_BASE_DIRECTORY = Override the DOCUMENT_ROOT. This is best used in timthumb-config.php |
*/ |
//Image compression is enabled if either of these point to valid paths |
//These are now disabled by default because the file sizes of PNGs (and GIFs) are much smaller than we used to generate. |
//They only work for PNGs. GIFs and JPEGs are not affected. |
if(! defined('OPTIPNG_ENABLED') ) define ('OPTIPNG_ENABLED', false); |
if(! defined('OPTIPNG_PATH') ) define ('OPTIPNG_PATH', '/usr/bin/optipng'); //This will run first because it gives better compression than pngcrush. |
if(! defined('PNGCRUSH_ENABLED') ) define ('PNGCRUSH_ENABLED', false); |
if(! defined('PNGCRUSH_PATH') ) define ('PNGCRUSH_PATH', '/usr/bin/pngcrush'); //This will only run if OPTIPNG_PATH is not set or is not valid |
/* |
-------====Website Screenshots configuration - BETA====------- |
If you just want image thumbnails and don't want website screenshots, you can safely leave this as is. |
If you would like to get website screenshots set up, you will need root access to your own server. |
Enable ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES so you can fetch any external web page. This is more secure now that we're using a non-web folder for cache. |
Enable BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS so that your site doesn't generate thumbnails for the whole Internet. |
Instructions to get website screenshots enabled on Ubuntu Linux: |
1. Install Xvfb with the following command: sudo apt-get install subversion libqt4-webkit libqt4-dev g++ xvfb |
2. Go to a directory where you can download some code |
3. Check-out the latest version of CutyCapt with the following command: svn co https://cutycapt.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cutycapt |
4. Compile CutyCapt by doing: cd cutycapt/CutyCapt |
5. qmake |
6. make |
7. cp CutyCapt /usr/local/bin/ |
8. Test it by running: xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" CutyCapt --url="http://markmaunder.com/" --out=test.png |
9. If you get a file called test.png with something in it, it probably worked. Now test the script by accessing it as follows: |
10. http://yoursite.com/path/to/timthumb.php?src=http://markmaunder.com/&webshot=1 |
Notes on performance: |
The first time a webshot loads, it will take a few seconds. |
From then on it uses the regular timthumb caching mechanism with the configurable options above |
and loading will be very fast. |
If you'd like a slight speedup (about 25%) and you know Linux, you can run the following command which will keep Xvfb running in the background. |
nohup Xvfb :100 -ac -nolisten tcp -screen 0, 1024x768x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 & |
Then set WEBSHOT_XVFB_RUNNING = true below. This will save your server having to fire off a new Xvfb server and shut it down every time a new shot is generated. |
You will need to take responsibility for keeping Xvfb running in case it crashes. (It seems pretty stable) |
You will also need to take responsibility for server security if you're running Xvfb as root. |
*/ |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_ENABLED') ) define ('WEBSHOT_ENABLED', false); //Beta feature. Adding webshot=1 to your query string will cause the script to return a browser screenshot rather than try to fetch an image. |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_CUTYCAPT') ) define ('WEBSHOT_CUTYCAPT', '/usr/local/bin/CutyCapt'); //The path to CutyCapt. |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_XVFB') ) define ('WEBSHOT_XVFB', '/usr/bin/xvfb-run'); //The path to the Xvfb server |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_SCREEN_X') ) define ('WEBSHOT_SCREEN_X', '1024'); //1024 works ok |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_SCREEN_Y') ) define ('WEBSHOT_SCREEN_Y', '768'); //768 works ok |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_COLOR_DEPTH') ) define ('WEBSHOT_COLOR_DEPTH', '24'); //I haven't tested anything besides 24 |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_IMAGE_FORMAT') ) define ('WEBSHOT_IMAGE_FORMAT', 'png'); //png is about 2.5 times the size of jpg but is a LOT better quality |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_TIMEOUT') ) define ('WEBSHOT_TIMEOUT', '20'); //Seconds to wait for a webshot |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_USER_AGENT') ) define ('WEBSHOT_USER_AGENT', "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20110614 Firefox/3.6.18"); //I hate to do this, but a non-browser robot user agent might not show what humans see. So we pretend to be Firefox |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_JAVASCRIPT_ON') ) define ('WEBSHOT_JAVASCRIPT_ON', true); //Setting to false might give you a slight speedup and block ads. But it could cause other issues. |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_JAVA_ON') ) define ('WEBSHOT_JAVA_ON', false); //Have only tested this as fase |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_PLUGINS_ON') ) define ('WEBSHOT_PLUGINS_ON', true); //Enable flash and other plugins |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_PROXY') ) define ('WEBSHOT_PROXY', ''); //In case you're behind a proxy server. |
if(! defined('WEBSHOT_XVFB_RUNNING') ) define ('WEBSHOT_XVFB_RUNNING', false); //ADVANCED: Enable this if you've got Xvfb running in the background. |
// If ALLOW_EXTERNAL is true and ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES is false, then external images will only be fetched from these domains and their subdomains. |
if(! isset($ALLOWED_SITES)){ |
$ALLOWED_SITES = array ( |
'flickr.com', |
'staticflickr.com', |
'picasa.com', |
'img.youtube.com', |
'upload.wikimedia.org', |
'photobucket.com', |
'imgur.com', |
'imageshack.us', |
'tinypic.com', |
); |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------- |
// -------------- STOP EDITING CONFIGURATION HERE -------------- |
// ------------------------------------------------------------- |
timthumb::start(); |
class timthumb { |
protected $src = ""; |
protected $is404 = false; |
protected $docRoot = ""; |
protected $lastURLError = false; |
protected $localImage = ""; |
protected $localImageMTime = 0; |
protected $url = false; |
protected $myHost = ""; |
protected $isURL = false; |
protected $cachefile = ''; |
protected $errors = array(); |
protected $toDeletes = array(); |
protected $cacheDirectory = ''; |
protected $startTime = 0; |
protected $lastBenchTime = 0; |
protected $cropTop = false; |
protected $salt = ""; |
protected $fileCacheVersion = 1; //Generally if timthumb.php is modifed (upgraded) then the salt changes and all cache files are recreated. This is a backup mechanism to force regen. |
protected $filePrependSecurityBlock = "<?php die('Execution denied!'); //"; //Designed to have three letter mime type, space, question mark and greater than symbol appended. 6 bytes total. |
protected static $curlDataWritten = 0; |
protected static $curlFH = false; |
public static function start(){ |
$tim = new timthumb(); |
$tim->handleErrors(); |
$tim->securityChecks(); |
if($tim->tryBrowserCache()){ |
exit(0); |
} |
$tim->handleErrors(); |
if(FILE_CACHE_ENABLED && $tim->tryServerCache()){ |
exit(0); |
} |
$tim->handleErrors(); |
$tim->run(); |
$tim->handleErrors(); |
exit(0); |
} |
public function __construct(){ |
global $ALLOWED_SITES; |
$this->startTime = microtime(true); |
date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); |
$this->debug(1, "Starting new request from " . $this->getIP() . " to " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); |
$this->calcDocRoot(); |
//On windows systems I'm assuming fileinode returns an empty string or a number that doesn't change. Check this. |
$this->salt = @filemtime(__FILE__) . '-' . @fileinode(__FILE__); |
$this->debug(3, "Salt is: " . $this->salt); |
if(! is_dir(FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY)){ |
if(! is_dir(FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY)){ |
$this->error("Could not create the file cache directory."); |
return false; |
} |
} |
$this->cacheDirectory = FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY; |
if (!touch($this->cacheDirectory . '/index.html')) { |
$this->error("Could not create the index.html file - to fix this create an empty file named index.html file in the cache directory."); |
} |
} else { |
$this->cacheDirectory = sys_get_temp_dir(); |
} |
//Clean the cache before we do anything because we don't want the first visitor after FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS expires to get a stale image. |
$this->cleanCache(); |
$this->myHost = preg_replace('/^www\./i', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); |
$this->src = $this->param('src'); |
$this->url = parse_url($this->src); |
$this->src = preg_replace('/https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?' . $this->myHost . '/i', '', $this->src); |
if(strlen($this->src) <= 3){ |
$this->error("No image specified"); |
return false; |
} |
if(BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS && array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER) && (! preg_match('/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?' . $this->myHost . '(?:$|\/)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))){ |
// base64 encoded red image that says 'no hotlinkers' |
// nothing to worry about! :) |
$imgData = base64_decode("R0lGODlhUAAMAIAAAP8AAP///yH5BAAHAP8ALAAAAABQAAwAAAJpjI+py+0Po5y0OgAMjjv01YUZ\nOGplhWXfNa6JCLnWkXplrcBmW+spbwvaVr/cDyg7IoFC2KbYVC2NQ5MQ4ZNao9Ynzjl9ScNYpneb\nDULB3RP6JuPuaGfuuV4fumf8PuvqFyhYtjdoeFgAADs="); |
header('Content-Type: image/gif'); |
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($imgData)); |
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0'); |
header("Pragma: no-cache"); |
header('Expires: ' . gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s', time())); |
echo $imgData; |
return false; |
exit(0); |
} |
if(preg_match('/^https?:\/\/[^\/]+/i', $this->src)){ |
$this->debug(2, "Is a request for an external URL: " . $this->src); |
$this->isURL = true; |
} else { |
$this->debug(2, "Is a request for an internal file: " . $this->src); |
} |
if($this->isURL && (! ALLOW_EXTERNAL)){ |
$this->error("You are not allowed to fetch images from an external website."); |
return false; |
} |
if($this->isURL){ |
$this->debug(2, "Fetching from all external sites is enabled."); |
} else { |
$this->debug(2, "Fetching only from selected external sites is enabled."); |
$allowed = false; |
foreach($ALLOWED_SITES as $site){ |
if ((strtolower(substr($this->url['host'],-strlen($site)-1)) === strtolower(".$site")) || (strtolower($this->url['host'])===strtolower($site))) { |
$this->debug(3, "URL hostname {$this->url['host']} matches $site so allowing."); |
$allowed = true; |
} |
} |
if(! $allowed){ |
return $this->error("You may not fetch images from that site. To enable this site in timthumb, you can either add it to \$ALLOWED_SITES and set ALLOW_EXTERNAL=true. Or you can set ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES=true, depending on your security needs."); |
} |
} |
} |
$cachePrefix = ($this->isURL ? '_ext_' : '_int_'); |
if($this->isURL){ |
$arr = explode('&', $_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING']); |
asort($arr); |
$this->cachefile = $this->cacheDirectory . '/' . FILE_CACHE_PREFIX . $cachePrefix . md5($this->salt . implode('', $arr) . $this->fileCacheVersion) . FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX; |
} else { |
$this->localImage = $this->getLocalImagePath($this->src); |
if(! $this->localImage){ |
$this->debug(1, "Could not find the local image: {$this->localImage}"); |
$this->error("Could not find the internal image you specified."); |
$this->set404(); |
return false; |
} |
$this->debug(1, "Local image path is {$this->localImage}"); |
$this->localImageMTime = @filemtime($this->localImage); |
//We include the mtime of the local file in case in changes on disk. |
$this->cachefile = $this->cacheDirectory . '/' . FILE_CACHE_PREFIX . $cachePrefix . md5($this->salt . $this->localImageMTime . $_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING'] . $this->fileCacheVersion) . FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX; |
} |
$this->debug(2, "Cache file is: " . $this->cachefile); |
return true; |
} |
public function __destruct(){ |
foreach($this->toDeletes as $del){ |
$this->debug(2, "Deleting temp file $del"); |
@unlink($del); |
} |
} |
public function run(){ |
if($this->isURL){ |
$this->debug(1, "Got a request for an external image but ALLOW_EXTERNAL is disabled so returning error msg."); |
$this->error("You are not allowed to fetch images from an external website."); |
return false; |
} |
$this->debug(3, "Got request for external image. Starting serveExternalImage."); |
if($this->param('webshot')){ |
$this->debug(3, "webshot param is set, so we're going to take a webshot."); |
$this->serveWebshot(); |
} else { |
$this->error("You added the webshot parameter but webshots are disabled on this server. You need to set WEBSHOT_ENABLED == true to enable webshots."); |
} |
} else { |
$this->debug(3, "webshot is NOT set so we're going to try to fetch a regular image."); |
$this->serveExternalImage(); |
} |
} else { |
$this->debug(3, "Got request for internal image. Starting serveInternalImage()"); |
$this->serveInternalImage(); |
} |
return true; |
} |
protected function handleErrors(){ |
if($this->haveErrors()){ |
if(NOT_FOUND_IMAGE && $this->is404()){ |
if($this->serveImg(NOT_FOUND_IMAGE)){ |
exit(0); |
} else { |
$this->error("Additionally, the 404 image that is configured could not be found or there was an error serving it."); |
} |
} |
if($this->serveImg(ERROR_IMAGE)){ |
exit(0); |
} else { |
$this->error("Additionally, the error image that is configured could not be found or there was an error serving it."); |
} |
} |
$this->serveErrors(); |
exit(0); |
} |
return false; |
} |
protected function tryBrowserCache(){ |
if(BROWSER_CACHE_DISABLE){ $this->debug(3, "Browser caching is disabled"); return false; } |
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ){ |
$this->debug(3, "Got a conditional get"); |
$mtime = false; |
//We've already checked if the real file exists in the constructor |
if(! is_file($this->cachefile)){ |
//If we don't have something cached, regenerate the cached image. |
return false; |
} |
if($this->localImageMTime){ |
$mtime = $this->localImageMTime; |
$this->debug(3, "Local real file's modification time is $mtime"); |
} else if(is_file($this->cachefile)){ //If it's not a local request then use the mtime of the cached file to determine the 304 |
$mtime = @filemtime($this->cachefile); |
$this->debug(3, "Cached file's modification time is $mtime"); |
} |
if(! $mtime){ return false; } |
$iftime = strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']); |
$this->debug(3, "The conditional get's if-modified-since unixtime is $iftime"); |
if($iftime < 1){ |
$this->debug(3, "Got an invalid conditional get modified since time. Returning false."); |
return false; |
} |
if($iftime < $mtime){ //Real file or cache file has been modified since last request, so force refetch. |
$this->debug(3, "File has been modified since last fetch."); |
return false; |
} else { //Otherwise serve a 304 |
$this->debug(3, "File has not been modified since last get, so serving a 304."); |
header ($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 304 Not Modified'); |
$this->debug(1, "Returning 304 not modified"); |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
protected function tryServerCache(){ |
$this->debug(3, "Trying server cache"); |
if(file_exists($this->cachefile)){ |
$this->debug(3, "Cachefile {$this->cachefile} exists"); |
if($this->isURL){ |
$this->debug(3, "This is an external request, so checking if the cachefile is empty which means the request failed previously."); |
if(filesize($this->cachefile) < 1){ |
$this->debug(3, "Found an empty cachefile indicating a failed earlier request. Checking how old it is."); |
//Fetching error occured previously |
if(time() - @filemtime($this->cachefile) > WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS){ |
$this->debug(3, "File is older than " . WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS . " seconds. Deleting and returning false so app can try and load file."); |
@unlink($this->cachefile); |
return false; //to indicate we didn't serve from cache and app should try and load |
} else { |
$this->debug(3, "Empty cachefile is still fresh so returning message saying we had an error fetching this image from remote host."); |
$this->set404(); |
$this->error("An error occured fetching image."); |
return false; |
} |
} |
} else { |
$this->debug(3, "Trying to serve cachefile {$this->cachefile}"); |
} |
if($this->serveCacheFile()){ |
$this->debug(3, "Succesfully served cachefile {$this->cachefile}"); |
return true; |
} else { |
$this->debug(3, "Failed to serve cachefile {$this->cachefile} - Deleting it from cache."); |
//Image serving failed. We can't retry at this point, but lets remove it from cache so the next request recreates it |
@unlink($this->cachefile); |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
protected function error($err){ |
$this->debug(3, "Adding error message: $err"); |
$this->errors[] = $err; |
return false; |
} |
protected function haveErrors(){ |
if(sizeof($this->errors) > 0){ |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
protected function serveErrors(){ |
header ($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 400 Bad Request'); |
return; |
} |
$html = '<ul>'; |
foreach($this->errors as $err){ |
$html .= '<li>' . htmlentities($err) . '</li>'; |
} |
$html .= '</ul>'; |
echo '<h1>A TimThumb error has occured</h1>The following error(s) occured:<br />' . $html . '<br />'; |
echo '<br />Query String : ' . htmlentities( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], ENT_QUOTES ); |
echo '<br />TimThumb version : ' . VERSION . '</pre>'; |
} |
protected function serveInternalImage(){ |
$this->debug(3, "Local image path is $this->localImage"); |
if(! $this->localImage){ |
$this->sanityFail("localImage not set after verifying it earlier in the code."); |
return false; |
} |
$fileSize = filesize($this->localImage); |
if($fileSize > MAX_FILE_SIZE){ |
$this->error("The file you specified is greater than the maximum allowed file size."); |
return false; |
} |
if($fileSize <= 0){ |
$this->error("The file you specified is <= 0 bytes."); |
return false; |
} |
$this->debug(3, "Calling processImageAndWriteToCache() for local image."); |
if($this->processImageAndWriteToCache($this->localImage)){ |
$this->serveCacheFile(); |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
protected function cleanCache(){ |
return; |
} |
$this->debug(3, "cleanCache() called"); |
$lastCleanFile = $this->cacheDirectory . '/timthumb_cacheLastCleanTime.touch'; |
//If this is a new timthumb installation we need to create the file |
if(! is_file($lastCleanFile)){ |
$this->debug(1, "File tracking last clean doesn't exist. Creating $lastCleanFile"); |
if (!touch($lastCleanFile)) { |
$this->error("Could not create cache clean timestamp file."); |
} |
return; |
} |
if(@filemtime($lastCleanFile) < (time() - FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS) ){ //Cache was last cleaned more than 1 day ago |
$this->debug(1, "Cache was last cleaned more than " . FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS . " seconds ago. Cleaning now."); |
// Very slight race condition here, but worst case we'll have 2 or 3 servers cleaning the cache simultaneously once a day. |
if (!touch($lastCleanFile)) { |
$this->error("Could not create cache clean timestamp file."); |
} |
$files = glob($this->cacheDirectory . '/*' . FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX); |
if ($files) { |
$timeAgo = time() - FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE; |
foreach($files as $file){ |
if(@filemtime($file) < $timeAgo){ |
$this->debug(3, "Deleting cache file $file older than max age: " . FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE . " seconds"); |
@unlink($file); |
} |
} |
} |
return true; |
} else { |
$this->debug(3, "Cache was cleaned less than " . FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS . " seconds ago so no cleaning needed."); |
} |
return false; |
} |
protected function processImageAndWriteToCache($localImage){ |
$sData = getimagesize($localImage); |
$origType = $sData[2]; |
$mimeType = $sData['mime']; |
$this->debug(3, "Mime type of image is $mimeType"); |
if(! preg_match('/^image\/(?:gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/i', $mimeType)){ |
return $this->error("The image being resized is not a valid gif, jpg or png."); |
} |
if (!function_exists ('imagecreatetruecolor')) { |
return $this->error('GD Library Error: imagecreatetruecolor does not exist - please contact your webhost and ask them to install the GD library'); |
} |
if (function_exists ('imagefilter') && defined ('IMG_FILTER_NEGATE')) { |
$imageFilters = array ( |
1 => array (IMG_FILTER_NEGATE, 0), |
2 => array (IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE, 0), |
3 => array (IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS, 1), |
4 => array (IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST, 1), |
5 => array (IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, 4), |
6 => array (IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT, 0), |
7 => array (IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS, 0), |
8 => array (IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR, 0), |
9 => array (IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR, 0), |
10 => array (IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL, 0), |
11 => array (IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH, 0), |
); |
} |
// get standard input properties |
$new_width = (int) abs ($this->param('w', 0)); |
$new_height = (int) abs ($this->param('h', 0)); |
$zoom_crop = (int) $this->param('zc', DEFAULT_ZC); |
$quality = (int) abs ($this->param('q', DEFAULT_Q)); |
$align = $this->cropTop ? 't' : $this->param('a', 'c'); |
$filters = $this->param('f', DEFAULT_F); |
$sharpen = (bool) $this->param('s', DEFAULT_S); |
$canvas_color = $this->param('cc', DEFAULT_CC); |
$canvas_trans = (bool) $this->param('ct', '1'); |
// set default width and height if neither are set already |
if ($new_width == 0 && $new_height == 0) { |
$new_width = (int) DEFAULT_WIDTH; |
$new_height = (int) DEFAULT_HEIGHT; |
} |
// ensure size limits can not be abused |
$new_width = min ($new_width, MAX_WIDTH); |
$new_height = min ($new_height, MAX_HEIGHT); |
// set memory limit to be able to have enough space to resize larger images |
$this->setMemoryLimit(); |
// open the existing image |
$image = $this->openImage ($mimeType, $localImage); |
if ($image === false) { |
return $this->error('Unable to open image.'); |
} |
// Get original width and height |
$width = imagesx ($image); |
$height = imagesy ($image); |
$origin_x = 0; |
$origin_y = 0; |
// generate new w/h if not provided |
if ($new_width && !$new_height) { |
$new_height = floor ($height * ($new_width / $width)); |
} else if ($new_height && !$new_width) { |
$new_width = floor ($width * ($new_height / $height)); |
} |
// scale down and add borders |
if ($zoom_crop == 3) { |
$final_height = $height * ($new_width / $width); |
if ($final_height > $new_height) { |
$new_width = $width * ($new_height / $height); |
} else { |
$new_height = $final_height; |
} |
} |
// create a new true color image |
$canvas = imagecreatetruecolor ($new_width, $new_height); |
imagealphablending ($canvas, false); |
if (strlen($canvas_color) == 3) { //if is 3-char notation, edit string into 6-char notation |
$canvas_color = str_repeat(substr($canvas_color, 0, 1), 2) . str_repeat(substr($canvas_color, 1, 1), 2) . str_repeat(substr($canvas_color, 2, 1), 2); |
} else if (strlen($canvas_color) != 6) { |
$canvas_color = DEFAULT_CC; // on error return default canvas color |
} |
$canvas_color_R = hexdec (substr ($canvas_color, 0, 2)); |
$canvas_color_G = hexdec (substr ($canvas_color, 2, 2)); |
$canvas_color_B = hexdec (substr ($canvas_color, 4, 2)); |
// Create a new transparent color for image |
// If is a png and PNG_IS_TRANSPARENT is false then remove the alpha transparency |
// (and if is set a canvas color show it in the background) |
if(preg_match('/^image\/png$/i', $mimeType) && !PNG_IS_TRANSPARENT && $canvas_trans){ |
$color = imagecolorallocatealpha ($canvas, $canvas_color_R, $canvas_color_G, $canvas_color_B, 127); |
}else{ |
$color = imagecolorallocatealpha ($canvas, $canvas_color_R, $canvas_color_G, $canvas_color_B, 0); |
} |
// Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color. |
imagefill ($canvas, 0, 0, $color); |
// scale down and add borders |
if ($zoom_crop == 2) { |
$final_height = $height * ($new_width / $width); |
if ($final_height > $new_height) { |
$origin_x = $new_width / 2; |
$new_width = $width * ($new_height / $height); |
$origin_x = round ($origin_x - ($new_width / 2)); |
} else { |
$origin_y = $new_height / 2; |
$new_height = $final_height; |
$origin_y = round ($origin_y - ($new_height / 2)); |
} |
} |
// Restore transparency blending |
imagesavealpha ($canvas, true); |
if ($zoom_crop > 0) { |
$src_x = $src_y = 0; |
$src_w = $width; |
$src_h = $height; |
$cmp_x = $width / $new_width; |
$cmp_y = $height / $new_height; |
// calculate x or y coordinate and width or height of source |
if ($cmp_x > $cmp_y) { |
$src_w = round ($width / $cmp_x * $cmp_y); |
$src_x = round (($width - ($width / $cmp_x * $cmp_y)) / 2); |
} else if ($cmp_y > $cmp_x) { |
$src_h = round ($height / $cmp_y * $cmp_x); |
$src_y = round (($height - ($height / $cmp_y * $cmp_x)) / 2); |
} |
// positional cropping! |
if ($align) { |
if (strpos ($align, 't') !== false) { |
$src_y = 0; |
} |
if (strpos ($align, 'b') !== false) { |
$src_y = $height - $src_h; |
} |
if (strpos ($align, 'l') !== false) { |
$src_x = 0; |
} |
if (strpos ($align, 'r') !== false) { |
$src_x = $width - $src_w; |
} |
} |
imagecopyresampled ($canvas, $image, $origin_x, $origin_y, $src_x, $src_y, $new_width, $new_height, $src_w, $src_h); |
} else { |
// copy and resize part of an image with resampling |
imagecopyresampled ($canvas, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); |
} |
if ($filters != '' && function_exists ('imagefilter') && defined ('IMG_FILTER_NEGATE')) { |
// apply filters to image |
$filterList = explode ('|', $filters); |
foreach ($filterList as $fl) { |
$filterSettings = explode (',', $fl); |
if (isset ($imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]])) { |
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i ++) { |
if (!isset ($filterSettings[$i])) { |
$filterSettings[$i] = null; |
} else { |
$filterSettings[$i] = (int) $filterSettings[$i]; |
} |
} |
switch ($imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][1]) { |
case 1: |
imagefilter ($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1]); |
break; |
case 2: |
imagefilter ($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1], $filterSettings[2]); |
break; |
case 3: |
imagefilter ($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1], $filterSettings[2], $filterSettings[3]); |
break; |
case 4: |
imagefilter ($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1], $filterSettings[2], $filterSettings[3], $filterSettings[4]); |
break; |
default: |
imagefilter ($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0]); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// sharpen image |
if ($sharpen && function_exists ('imageconvolution')) { |
$sharpenMatrix = array ( |
array (-1,-1,-1), |
array (-1,16,-1), |
array (-1,-1,-1), |
); |
$divisor = 8; |
$offset = 0; |
imageconvolution ($canvas, $sharpenMatrix, $divisor, $offset); |
} |
//Straight from Wordpress core code. Reduces filesize by up to 70% for PNG's |
if ( (IMAGETYPE_PNG == $origType || IMAGETYPE_GIF == $origType) && function_exists('imageistruecolor') && !imageistruecolor( $image ) && imagecolortransparent( $image ) > 0 ){ |
imagetruecolortopalette( $canvas, false, imagecolorstotal( $image ) ); |
} |
$imgType = ""; |
$tempfile = tempnam($this->cacheDirectory, 'timthumb_tmpimg_'); |
if(preg_match('/^image\/(?:jpg|jpeg)$/i', $mimeType)){ |
$imgType = 'jpg'; |
imagejpeg($canvas, $tempfile, $quality); |
} else if(preg_match('/^image\/png$/i', $mimeType)){ |
$imgType = 'png'; |
imagepng($canvas, $tempfile, floor($quality * 0.09)); |
} else if(preg_match('/^image\/gif$/i', $mimeType)){ |
$imgType = 'gif'; |
imagegif($canvas, $tempfile); |
} else { |
return $this->sanityFail("Could not match mime type after verifying it previously."); |
} |
if($imgType == 'png' && OPTIPNG_ENABLED && OPTIPNG_PATH && @is_file(OPTIPNG_PATH)){ |
$exec = OPTIPNG_PATH; |
$this->debug(3, "optipng'ing $tempfile"); |
$presize = filesize($tempfile); |
$out = `$exec -o1 $tempfile`; //you can use up to -o7 but it really slows things down |
clearstatcache(); |
$aftersize = filesize($tempfile); |
$sizeDrop = $presize - $aftersize; |
if($sizeDrop > 0){ |
$this->debug(1, "optipng reduced size by $sizeDrop"); |
} else if($sizeDrop < 0){ |
$this->debug(1, "optipng increased size! Difference was: $sizeDrop"); |
} else { |
$this->debug(1, "optipng did not change image size."); |
} |
} else if($imgType == 'png' && PNGCRUSH_ENABLED && PNGCRUSH_PATH && @is_file(PNGCRUSH_PATH)){ |
$exec = PNGCRUSH_PATH; |
$tempfile2 = tempnam($this->cacheDirectory, 'timthumb_tmpimg_'); |
$this->debug(3, "pngcrush'ing $tempfile to $tempfile2"); |
$out = `$exec $tempfile $tempfile2`; |
$todel = ""; |
if(is_file($tempfile2)){ |
$sizeDrop = filesize($tempfile) - filesize($tempfile2); |
if($sizeDrop > 0){ |
$this->debug(1, "pngcrush was succesful and gave a $sizeDrop byte size reduction"); |
$todel = $tempfile; |
$tempfile = $tempfile2; |
} else { |
$this->debug(1, "pngcrush did not reduce file size. Difference was $sizeDrop bytes."); |
$todel = $tempfile2; |
} |
} else { |
$this->debug(3, "pngcrush failed with output: $out"); |
$todel = $tempfile2; |
} |
@unlink($todel); |
} |
$this->debug(3, "Rewriting image with security header."); |
$tempfile4 = tempnam($this->cacheDirectory, 'timthumb_tmpimg_'); |
$context = stream_context_create (); |
$fp = fopen($tempfile,'r',0,$context); |
file_put_contents($tempfile4, $this->filePrependSecurityBlock . $imgType . ' ?' . '>'); //6 extra bytes, first 3 being image type |
file_put_contents($tempfile4, $fp, FILE_APPEND); |
fclose($fp); |
@unlink($tempfile); |
$this->debug(3, "Locking and replacing cache file."); |
$lockFile = $this->cachefile . '.lock'; |
$fh = fopen($lockFile, 'w'); |
if(! $fh){ |
return $this->error("Could not open the lockfile for writing an image."); |
} |
if(flock($fh, LOCK_EX)){ |
@unlink($this->cachefile); //rename generally overwrites, but doing this in case of platform specific quirks. File might not exist yet. |
rename($tempfile4, $this->cachefile); |
flock($fh, LOCK_UN); |
fclose($fh); |
@unlink($lockFile); |
} else { |
fclose($fh); |
@unlink($lockFile); |
@unlink($tempfile4); |
return $this->error("Could not get a lock for writing."); |
} |
$this->debug(3, "Done image replace with security header. Cleaning up and running cleanCache()"); |
imagedestroy($canvas); |
imagedestroy($image); |
return true; |
} |
protected function calcDocRoot(){ |
$docRoot = @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; |
if (defined('LOCAL_FILE_BASE_DIRECTORY')) { |
} |
if(!isset($docRoot)){ |
$this->debug(3, "DOCUMENT_ROOT is not set. This is probably windows. Starting search 1."); |
if(isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])){ |
$docRoot = str_replace( '\\', '/', substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, 0-strlen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))); |
$this->debug(3, "Generated docRoot using SCRIPT_FILENAME and PHP_SELF as: $docRoot"); |
} |
} |
if(!isset($docRoot)){ |
$this->debug(3, "DOCUMENT_ROOT still is not set. Starting search 2."); |
if(isset($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])){ |
$docRoot = str_replace( '\\', '/', substr(str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']), 0, 0-strlen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))); |
$this->debug(3, "Generated docRoot using PATH_TRANSLATED and PHP_SELF as: $docRoot"); |
} |
} |
if($docRoot && $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] != '/'){ $docRoot = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $docRoot); } |
$this->debug(3, "Doc root is: " . $docRoot); |
$this->docRoot = $docRoot; |
} |
protected function getLocalImagePath($src){ |
$src = ltrim($src, '/'); //strip off the leading '/' |
if(! $this->docRoot){ |
$this->debug(3, "We have no document root set, so as a last resort, lets check if the image is in the current dir and serve that."); |
//We don't support serving images outside the current dir if we don't have a doc root for security reasons. |
$file = preg_replace('/^.*?([^\/\\\\]+)$/', '$1', $src); //strip off any path info and just leave the filename. |
if(is_file($file)){ |
return $this->realpath($file); |
} |
return $this->error("Could not find your website document root and the file specified doesn't exist in timthumbs directory. We don't support serving files outside timthumb's directory without a document root for security reasons."); |
} else if ( ! is_dir( $this->docRoot ) ) { |
$this->error("Server path does not exist. Ensure variable \$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is set correctly"); |
} |
//Do not go past this point without docRoot set |
//Try src under docRoot |
if(file_exists ($this->docRoot . '/' . $src)) { |
$this->debug(3, "Found file as " . $this->docRoot . '/' . $src); |
$real = $this->realpath($this->docRoot . '/' . $src); |
if(stripos($real, $this->docRoot) === 0){ |
return $real; |
} else { |
$this->debug(1, "Security block: The file specified occurs outside the document root."); |
//allow search to continue |
} |
} |
//Check absolute paths and then verify the real path is under doc root |
$absolute = $this->realpath('/' . $src); |
if($absolute && file_exists($absolute)){ //realpath does file_exists check, so can probably skip the exists check here |
$this->debug(3, "Found absolute path: $absolute"); |
if(! $this->docRoot){ $this->sanityFail("docRoot not set when checking absolute path."); } |
if(stripos($absolute, $this->docRoot) === 0){ |
return $absolute; |
} else { |
$this->debug(1, "Security block: The file specified occurs outside the document root."); |
//and continue search |
} |
} |
$base = $this->docRoot; |
// account for Windows directory structure |
if (strstr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],':')) { |
$sub_directories = explode('\\', str_replace($this->docRoot, '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); |
} else { |
$sub_directories = explode('/', str_replace($this->docRoot, '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); |
} |
foreach ($sub_directories as $sub){ |
$base .= $sub . '/'; |
$this->debug(3, "Trying file as: " . $base . $src); |
if(file_exists($base . $src)){ |
$this->debug(3, "Found file as: " . $base . $src); |
$real = $this->realpath($base . $src); |
if(stripos($real, $this->realpath($this->docRoot)) === 0){ |
return $real; |
} else { |
$this->debug(1, "Security block: The file specified occurs outside the document root."); |
//And continue search |
} |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
protected function realpath($path){ |
//try to remove any relative paths |
$remove_relatives = '/\w+\/\.\.\//'; |
while(preg_match($remove_relatives,$path)){ |
$path = preg_replace($remove_relatives, '', $path); |
} |
//if any remain use PHP realpath to strip them out, otherwise return $path |
//if using realpath, any symlinks will also be resolved |
return preg_match('#^\.\./|/\.\./#', $path) ? realpath($path) : $path; |
} |
protected function toDelete($name){ |
$this->debug(3, "Scheduling file $name to delete on destruct."); |
$this->toDeletes[] = $name; |
} |
protected function serveWebshot(){ |
$this->debug(3, "Starting serveWebshot"); |
$instr = "Please follow the instructions at http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/ to set your server up for taking website screenshots."; |
if(! is_file(WEBSHOT_CUTYCAPT)){ |
return $this->error("CutyCapt is not installed. $instr"); |
} |
if(! is_file(WEBSHOT_XVFB)){ |
return $this->Error("Xvfb is not installed. $instr"); |
} |
$screenX = WEBSHOT_SCREEN_X; |
$screenY = WEBSHOT_SCREEN_Y; |
$timeout = WEBSHOT_TIMEOUT * 1000; |
$jsOn = WEBSHOT_JAVASCRIPT_ON ? 'on' : 'off'; |
$javaOn = WEBSHOT_JAVA_ON ? 'on' : 'off'; |
$pluginsOn = WEBSHOT_PLUGINS_ON ? 'on' : 'off'; |
$proxy = WEBSHOT_PROXY ? ' --http-proxy=' . WEBSHOT_PROXY : ''; |
$tempfile = tempnam($this->cacheDirectory, 'timthumb_webshot'); |
$url = $this->src; |
if(! preg_match('/^https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+/i', $url)){ |
return $this->error("Invalid URL supplied."); |
} |
$url = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\.\_:\/\?\&\+\;\=]+/', '', $url); //RFC 3986 plus ()$ chars to prevent exploit below. Plus the following are also removed: @*!~#[]', |
// 2014 update by Mark Maunder: This exploit: http://cxsecurity.com/issue/WLB-2014060134 |
// uses the $(command) shell execution syntax to execute arbitrary shell commands as the web server user. |
// So we're now filtering out the characters: '$', '(' and ')' in the above regex to avoid this. |
// We are also filtering out chars rarely used in URLs but legal accoring to the URL RFC which might be exploitable. These include: @*!~#[]', |
// We're doing this because we're passing this URL to the shell and need to make very sure it's not going to execute arbitrary commands. |
putenv('DISPLAY=:100.0'); |
$command = "$cuty $proxy --max-wait=$timeout --user-agent=\"$ua\" --javascript=$jsOn --java=$javaOn --plugins=$pluginsOn --js-can-open-windows=off --url=\"$url\" --out-format=$format --out=$tempfile"; |
} else { |
$command = "$xv --server-args=\"-screen 0, {$screenX}x{$screenY}x{$colDepth}\" $cuty $proxy --max-wait=$timeout --user-agent=\"$ua\" --javascript=$jsOn --java=$javaOn --plugins=$pluginsOn --js-can-open-windows=off --url=\"$url\" --out-format=$format --out=$tempfile"; |
} |
$this->debug(3, "Executing command: $command"); |
$out = `$command`; |
$this->debug(3, "Received output: $out"); |
if(! is_file($tempfile)){ |
$this->set404(); |
return $this->error("The command to create a thumbnail failed."); |
} |
$this->cropTop = true; |
if($this->processImageAndWriteToCache($tempfile)){ |
$this->debug(3, "Image processed succesfully. Serving from cache"); |
return $this->serveCacheFile(); |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
protected function serveExternalImage(){ |
if(! preg_match('/^https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+/i', $this->src)){ |
$this->error("Invalid URL supplied."); |
return false; |
} |
$tempfile = tempnam($this->cacheDirectory, 'timthumb'); |
$this->debug(3, "Fetching external image into temporary file $tempfile"); |
$this->toDelete($tempfile); |
#fetch file here |
if(! $this->getURL($this->src, $tempfile)){ |
@unlink($this->cachefile); |
touch($this->cachefile); |
$this->debug(3, "Error fetching URL: " . $this->lastURLError); |
$this->error("Error reading the URL you specified from remote host." . $this->lastURLError); |
return false; |
} |
$mimeType = $this->getMimeType($tempfile); |
if(! preg_match("/^image\/(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i", $mimeType)){ |
$this->debug(3, "Remote file has invalid mime type: $mimeType"); |
@unlink($this->cachefile); |
touch($this->cachefile); |
$this->error("The remote file is not a valid image. Mimetype = '" . $mimeType . "'" . $tempfile); |
return false; |
} |
if($this->processImageAndWriteToCache($tempfile)){ |
$this->debug(3, "Image processed succesfully. Serving from cache"); |
return $this->serveCacheFile(); |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
public static function curlWrite($h, $d){ |
fwrite(self::$curlFH, $d); |
self::$curlDataWritten += strlen($d); |
if(self::$curlDataWritten > MAX_FILE_SIZE){ |
return 0; |
} else { |
return strlen($d); |
} |
} |
protected function serveCacheFile(){ |
$this->debug(3, "Serving {$this->cachefile}"); |
if(! is_file($this->cachefile)){ |
$this->error("serveCacheFile called in timthumb but we couldn't find the cached file."); |
return false; |
} |
$fp = fopen($this->cachefile, 'rb'); |
if(! $fp){ return $this->error("Could not open cachefile."); } |
fseek($fp, strlen($this->filePrependSecurityBlock), SEEK_SET); |
$imgType = fread($fp, 3); |
fseek($fp, 3, SEEK_CUR); |
if(ftell($fp) != strlen($this->filePrependSecurityBlock) + 6){ |
@unlink($this->cachefile); |
return $this->error("The cached image file seems to be corrupt."); |
} |
$imageDataSize = filesize($this->cachefile) - (strlen($this->filePrependSecurityBlock) + 6); |
$this->sendImageHeaders($imgType, $imageDataSize); |
$bytesSent = @fpassthru($fp); |
fclose($fp); |
if($bytesSent > 0){ |
return true; |
} |
$content = file_get_contents ($this->cachefile); |
if ($content != FALSE) { |
$content = substr($content, strlen($this->filePrependSecurityBlock) + 6); |
echo $content; |
$this->debug(3, "Served using file_get_contents and echo"); |
return true; |
} else { |
$this->error("Cache file could not be loaded."); |
return false; |
} |
} |
protected function sendImageHeaders($mimeType, $dataSize){ |
if(! preg_match('/^image\//i', $mimeType)){ |
$mimeType = 'image/' . $mimeType; |
} |
if(strtolower($mimeType) == 'image/jpg'){ |
$mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; |
} |
$gmdate_expires = gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s', strtotime ('now +10 days')) . ' GMT'; |
$gmdate_modified = gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'; |
// send content headers then display image |
header ('Content-Type: ' . $mimeType); |
header ('Accept-Ranges: none'); //Changed this because we don't accept range requests |
header ('Last-Modified: ' . $gmdate_modified); |
header ('Content-Length: ' . $dataSize); |
$this->debug(3, "Browser cache is disabled so setting non-caching headers."); |
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0'); |
header("Pragma: no-cache"); |
header('Expires: ' . gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s', time())); |
} else { |
$this->debug(3, "Browser caching is enabled"); |
header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . BROWSER_CACHE_MAX_AGE . ', must-revalidate'); |
header('Expires: ' . $gmdate_expires); |
} |
return true; |
} |
protected function securityChecks(){ |
} |
protected function param($property, $default = ''){ |
if (isset ($_GET[$property])) { |
return $_GET[$property]; |
} else { |
return $default; |
} |
} |
protected function openImage($mimeType, $src){ |
switch ($mimeType) { |
case 'image/jpeg': |
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg ($src); |
break; |
case 'image/png': |
$image = imagecreatefrompng ($src); |
imagealphablending( $image, true ); |
imagesavealpha( $image, true ); |
break; |
case 'image/gif': |
$image = imagecreatefromgif ($src); |
break; |
default: |
$this->error("Unrecognised mimeType"); |
} |
return $image; |
} |
protected function getIP(){ |
$rem = @$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; |
$ci = @$_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; |
if(preg_match('/^(?:192\.168|172\.16|10\.|127\.)/', $rem)){ |
if($ff){ return $ff; } |
if($ci){ return $ci; } |
return $rem; |
} else { |
if($rem){ return $rem; } |
if($ff){ return $ff; } |
if($ci){ return $ci; } |
return "UNKNOWN"; |
} |
} |
protected function debug($level, $msg){ |
if(DEBUG_ON && $level <= DEBUG_LEVEL){ |
$execTime = sprintf('%.6f', microtime(true) - $this->startTime); |
$tick = sprintf('%.6f', 0); |
if($this->lastBenchTime > 0){ |
$tick = sprintf('%.6f', microtime(true) - $this->lastBenchTime); |
} |
$this->lastBenchTime = microtime(true); |
error_log("TimThumb Debug line " . __LINE__ . " [$execTime : $tick]: $msg"); |
} |
} |
protected function sanityFail($msg){ |
return $this->error("There is a problem in the timthumb code. Message: Please report this error at <a href='http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/issues/list'>timthumb's bug tracking page</a>: $msg"); |
} |
protected function getMimeType($file){ |
$info = getimagesize($file); |
if(is_array($info) && $info['mime']){ |
return $info['mime']; |
} |
return ''; |
} |
protected function setMemoryLimit(){ |
$inimem = ini_get('memory_limit'); |
$inibytes = timthumb::returnBytes($inimem); |
$ourbytes = timthumb::returnBytes(MEMORY_LIMIT); |
if($inibytes < $ourbytes){ |
ini_set ('memory_limit', MEMORY_LIMIT); |
$this->debug(3, "Increased memory from $inimem to " . MEMORY_LIMIT); |
} else { |
$this->debug(3, "Not adjusting memory size because the current setting is " . $inimem . " and our size of " . MEMORY_LIMIT . " is smaller."); |
} |
} |
protected static function returnBytes($size_str){ |
switch (substr ($size_str, -1)) |
{ |
case 'M': case 'm': return (int)$size_str * 1048576; |
case 'K': case 'k': return (int)$size_str * 1024; |
case 'G': case 'g': return (int)$size_str * 1073741824; |
default: return $size_str; |
} |
} |
protected function getURL($url, $tempfile){ |
$this->lastURLError = false; |
$url = preg_replace('/ /', '%20', $url); |
if(function_exists('curl_init')){ |
$this->debug(3, "Curl is installed so using it to fetch URL."); |
self::$curlFH = fopen($tempfile, 'w'); |
if(! self::$curlFH){ |
$this->error("Could not open $tempfile for writing."); |
return false; |
} |
self::$curlDataWritten = 0; |
$this->debug(3, "Fetching url with curl: $url"); |
$curl = curl_init($url); |
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, CURL_TIMEOUT); |
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.122 Safari/534.30"); |
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); |
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); |
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); |
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, 'timthumb::curlWrite'); |
@curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); |
@curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); |
$curlResult = curl_exec($curl); |
fclose(self::$curlFH); |
$httpStatus = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); |
if($httpStatus == 404){ |
$this->set404(); |
} |
if($httpStatus == 302){ |
$this->error("External Image is Redirecting. Try alternate image url"); |
return false; |
} |
if($curlResult){ |
curl_close($curl); |
return true; |
} else { |
$this->lastURLError = curl_error($curl); |
curl_close($curl); |
return false; |
} |
} else { |
$img = @file_get_contents ($url); |
if($img === false){ |
$err = error_get_last(); |
if(is_array($err) && $err['message']){ |
$this->lastURLError = $err['message']; |
} else { |
$this->lastURLError = $err; |
} |
if(preg_match('/404/', $this->lastURLError)){ |
$this->set404(); |
} |
return false; |
} |
if(! file_put_contents($tempfile, $img)){ |
$this->error("Could not write to $tempfile."); |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
} |
protected function serveImg($file){ |
$s = getimagesize($file); |
if(! ($s && $s['mime'])){ |
return false; |
} |
header ('Content-Type: ' . $s['mime']); |
header ('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file) ); |
header ('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0'); |
header ("Pragma: no-cache"); |
$bytes = @readfile($file); |
if($bytes > 0){ |
return true; |
} |
$content = @file_get_contents ($file); |
if ($content != FALSE){ |
echo $content; |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
protected function set404(){ |
$this->is404 = true; |
} |
protected function is404(){ |
return $this->is404; |
} |
} |