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Created April 17, 2019 09:55
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Lib
( recify,
) where
import Web.Scotty
import Network.HTTP.Types (status302)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Network.Wreq as W
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as DTIO
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Either
import Data.Aeson.Lens (_String, key)
import System.Environment
import StringUtils
import RecentlyPlayedMarshall
newtype AuthorizationCode = AuthorizationCode {
getAuthorizationCode :: String
newtype AccessToken = AccessToken {
getAccessToken :: T.Text
authorizationScope = "user-read-recently-played, user-top-read"
authorizationResponseType = "code"
callbackUri = "http://localhost:3000/callback"
grantType = "authorization_code"
accessTokenRequestUri = ""
recentlyPlayerUri = ""
port = 3000
requestAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode :: AuthorizationCode -> IO L.ByteString
requestAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode authorizationCode = do
bearer <- liftIO $ getEnv "bearer"
let options = W.defaults & W.header "Authorization" .~ [(B.pack bearer)]
let payload = [("code" :: B.ByteString, B.pack $ getAuthorizationCode authorizationCode :: B.ByteString)
, ("grant_type" :: B.ByteString, B.pack $ grantType :: B.ByteString)
, ("redirect_uri" :: B.ByteString, B.pack $ callbackUri :: B.ByteString)
text <- liftIO $ (W.postWith options accessTokenRequestUri payload)
return $ text ^. W.responseBody
getCurrentUsersRecentlyPlayedTracks :: B.ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
getCurrentUsersRecentlyPlayedTracks accessToken = do
let options = W.defaults & W.header "Authorization" .~ [(B.pack "Bearer ") <> accessToken]
text <- liftIO $ (W.getWith options recentlyPlayerUri)
return $ text ^. W.responseBody
getAccessTokenFromPayload :: L.ByteString -> AccessToken
getAccessTokenFromPayload json = AccessToken (json ^. key "access_token" . _String)
getNameFromFirst [] = "no entries"
getNameFromFirst (x:xs) = name x
recify :: IO ()
recify = scotty port $ do
get "/" $ do
html $ mconcat ["<h1>Welcome to Recify</h1>", "<p>In order to proceed, you need to <a href='/login'>Login</a> to Spotify</a></p>"]
get "/login" $ do
clientId <- liftIO $ getEnv "clientID"
status status302
setHeader "Location" (LT.pack ("" ++ clientId ++ "&response_type=" ++ authorizationResponseType ++ "&redirect_uri=" ++ callbackUri ++ "&scope=" ++ authorizationScope))
get "/dashboard" $ do
accessToken <- (liftIO $ DTIO.readFile "./accessToken.txt")
recentlyPlayedTrackData <- liftIO . getCurrentUsersRecentlyPlayedTracks . textToByteString . getAccessToken . AccessToken $ accessToken
case (marshallRecentlyPlayedData recentlyPlayedTrackData) of
Right (marshalledRecentlyPlayed) -> html $ mconcat ["<pre>", (stringToLazyText (getNameFromFirst (tracks . recentlyPlayed . marshalledRecentlyPlayed))), "</pre>"]
Left (error) -> html $ mconcat ["Fail"]
-- _ <- liftIO $ print (tracks . recentlyPlayed $ (fromRight (RecentlyPlayed (Tracks [])) (marshallRecentlyPlayedData recentlyPlayedTrackData)))
-- html $ mconcat ["<pre>", (lazyByteStringToLazyText recentlyPlayedTrackData), "</pre>"]
get "/callback" $ do
authorizationCode <- fmap AuthorizationCode $ param "code"
accessTokenPayload <- liftIO $ requestAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode authorizationCode
_ <- liftIO . writeFile "./accessToken.txt" . T.unpack . getAccessToken . getAccessTokenFromPayload $ accessTokenPayload
status status302
setHeader "Location" (LT.pack $ "/dashboard")
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