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Pete Travis immanetize

  • NerdWallet
  • Montana
  • 13:19 (UTC -07:00)
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immanetize / gist:7172038
Last active December 26, 2015 15:19
##hardware FAQ

##hardware FAQ

##hardware is a support channel assisting with computer hardware problems. The atmosphere is generally very informal, and socializing on peripheral topics is fairly common. For extended or off-topic discussions, please use ##hardware-social.

What's on topic?

  • Troubleshooting a computer that won't turn on.
  • Isolating the failed component in a failing system.
  • Help matching a laptop with your use case.
  • Picking out components for a new gaming build.
On Jul 27, 2013, at 7:58 PM, Pete Travis <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hey Chris,
> As you've probably noticed, a lot of users are fairly confused about
> various multiboot permutations. To help, Chris Roberts, a new docs
> contributor, has begun work on a "Fedora Multiboot Guide". He's been
> working on copy for dual booting with Windows8, and I'm just now sitting
> down to work on general grub and efibootmgr use.
As the Fedora Documentation team prepares the release notes for Fedora 18, we'd like to ask for your help. Each Fedora release marks the inclusion of new features and the retirement of others, and with the help of the development community, we won't skip a beat. The docs team would like some homework.
The release notes are divided up into categories, or 'beats.' Each beat is kept by a volunteer who follows mailing lists, changelogs, announcements, and features in the space. Many beats also have a developer point of contact for technical questions and cooperation. We track these responsibilities with , which includes links out to wiki pages for each individual beat. As we reach the end of the release cycle, developers and docs maintainers populate these pages, then they are converted from wiki markup to Docbook XML and published. With a little help, we can put out release notes that can't be beat.
If you're working on something for Fed