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Created March 31, 2023 18:05
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OCI CLI filter results with query

"geting all policies in given tenancy with no freeform tags

policies=$(oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy list --all -c $C --query 'data[?length("freeform-tags")==`0`].name'| jq -r "@sh" )

find number of total policies in compartment

oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy list --all -c $C --query 'data.length(@)'

get list of all compartments

oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam compartment list -c $C --compartment-id-in-subtree TRUE --all --query 'data[].id' | jq -r "@sh" 
C="set root tenancy ocid here"
# Get all policies with no tags in tenancy
echo "geting all policies in given tenancy :"
policies=$(oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy list --all -c $C --query 'data[?length("freeform-tags")==`0`].name'| jq -r "@sh" )
declare -a pol_arr="($policies)"
policies_id=$(oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy list --all -c $C --query 'data[?length("freeform-tags")==`0`].id'| jq -r "@sh" )
declare -a pol_id_arr="($policies_id)"
pol_count=$((`oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy list --all -c $C --query 'data.length(@)'`))
echo " getting all policies in compartments and sub-compartments:"
# Get all compartments and find policies
comps=$(oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam compartment list -c $C --compartment-id-in-subtree TRUE --all --query 'data[].id' | jq -r "@sh" | xargs )
for comp in $(echo "$comps"); do
if oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy list -c $comp &> /dev/null; then
comp_name=$(oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam compartment get -c $comp --query '')
c_pol=$(oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy list -c $comp --query 'data[?length("freeform-tags")==`0`].name' 2>/dev/null | jq -r "@sh" | xargs ) || "NONE"
echo " Compartment $comp_name has policies: $c_pol"
if [ ! -z "$c_pol" ]; then
c_pol_id=$(oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy list -c $comp --query 'data[?length("freeform-tags")==`0`].id' 2>/dev/null | jq -r "@sh" )
declare -a c_pol_id_arr="($c_pol_id)"
policies_id+=" $c_pol_id"
c_pol_name=$(oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy list -c $comp --query 'data[?length("freeform-tags")==`0`].name' 2>/dev/null | jq -r "@sh" )
declare -a c_pol_name_arr="($c_pol_name)"
pol_count=$((`oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy list -c $comp --query 'data.length(@)'`+pol_count))
echo "total policies are $pol_count"
echo "total policies with no tags: ${#pol_arr[@]}"
echo "policies with no tags are:"
printf '%s\n' "${pol_arr[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s .
#echo "deleting the policies with no tags"
#for pol in "${policies_id}"; do
# oci --profile BOAT-OC1 iam policy --policy-id $pol
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