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Created September 1, 2011 19:12
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Save incanus/1186990 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Xcode 4 scheme Archive step Post-script for automatic TestFlight build uploading. See the blog post here:
# (Above line comes out when placing in Xcode scheme)
API_TOKEN=<TestFlight API token here>
TEAM_TOKEN=<TestFlight team token here>
SIGNING_IDENTITY="iPhone Distribution: Development Seed"
PROVISIONING_PROFILE="${HOME}/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/MapBox Ad Hoc.mobileprovision"
GROWL="${HOME}/bin/growlnotify -a Xcode -w"
DATE=$( /bin/date +"%Y-%m-%d" )
ARCHIVE=$( /bin/ls -t "${HOME}/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/${DATE}" | /usr/bin/grep xcarchive | /usr/bin/sed -n 1p )
#/usr/bin/open -a /Applications/Utilities/ $LOG
#echo -n "Creating .ipa for ${PRODUCT_NAME}... " > $LOG
echo "Creating .ipa for ${PRODUCT_NAME}" | ${GROWL}
/bin/rm "/tmp/${PRODUCT_NAME}.ipa"
/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v "${APP}" -o "/tmp/${PRODUCT_NAME}.ipa" --sign "${SIGNING_IDENTITY}" --embed "${PROVISIONING_PROFILE}"
#echo "done." >> $LOG
echo "Created .ipa for ${PRODUCT_NAME}" | ${GROWL}
#echo -n "Zipping .dSYM for ${PRODUCT_NAME}..." >> $LOG
echo "Zipping .dSYM for ${PRODUCT_NAME}" | ${GROWL}
/bin/rm "/tmp/${PRODUCT_NAME}"
/usr/bin/zip -r "/tmp/${PRODUCT_NAME}" "${DSYM}"
#echo "done." >> $LOG
echo "Created .dSYM for ${PRODUCT_NAME}" | ${GROWL}
#echo -n "Uploading to TestFlight... " >> $LOG
echo "Uploading to TestFlight" | ${GROWL}
/usr/bin/curl "" \
-F file=@"/tmp/${PRODUCT_NAME}.ipa" \
-F dsym=@"/tmp/${PRODUCT_NAME}" \
-F api_token="${API_TOKEN}" \
-F team_token="${TEAM_TOKEN}" \
-F notes="Build uploaded automatically from Xcode."
#echo "done." >> $LOG
echo "Uploaded to TestFlight" | ${GROWL} -s && /usr/bin/open ""
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incanus commented Oct 14, 2011

@skela, thanks for that. I've corrected. I hadn't actually tried the .dSYM part yet, and caught your fix before I tried it for the first time :-)

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skela commented Oct 14, 2011 via email

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I found it useful to leaving the logging on, and to add >> $LOG to the curl and code sign steps, which is where most of my configuration issues surfaced.

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And if you want to automatically post the build to your team, add these to the curl command:

 -F notify=True -F distribution_lists='<Your TestFlight Distribution List>'

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Hi there, thanks for writing this.
Last week I borrowed it and rewrote parts of it to add a bunch of options and a bit of "UI" using AppleScript dialogs:

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I've been using this script, and it works great.

Now I've upgraded to Xcode 5 and Xcode Server (Mavericks). No problem there. But when I archive the scheme via a Bot on the server, the script fails because the intermediate products are located in a different location.

I'm curious if there's a way to refactor the script to accomodate running in both the desktop and the server environments.

Here're some of the logs from around the time the script is running:

Touch /Library/Server/Xcode/Data/BotRuns/Cache/d2ff825a-458a-451e-9478-ab9638b90e2e/DerivedData/ArchiveIntermediates/MyApp\ -\ In\ House\ +\ TestFlight/BuildProductsPath/Distribution\ -\ In\ House-iphoneos/
    cd /Library/Server/Xcode/Data/BotRuns/Cache/d2ff825a-458a-451e-9478-ab9638b90e2e/source/
    setenv PATH "/Applications/"
    /usr/bin/touch -c /Library/Server/Xcode/Data/BotRuns/Cache/d2ff825a-458a-451e-9478-ab9638b90e2e/DerivedData/ArchiveIntermediates/MyApp\ -\ In\ House\ +\ TestFlight/BuildProductsPath/Distribution\ -\ In\ House-iphoneos/

ls: /var/teamsserver/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2013-10-10: No such file or directory
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed for the application /Applications/Utilities/ with error -10810 for the file /tmp/testflight.log.
rm: /tmp/MyApp.ipa: No such file or directory
error: Specified application doesn't exist or isn't a bundle directory : '/var/teamsserver/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2013-10-10//Products/Applications/'
rm: /tmp/ No such file or directory
    zip warning: name not matched: /var/teamsserver/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2013-10-10//dSYMs/

zip error: Nothing to do! (try: zip -r /tmp/ . -i /var/teamsserver/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2013-10-10//dSYMs/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
curl: (26) couldn't open file "/tmp/MyApp.ipa"

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Here's a link to a similar script, that works via Bots (bot not locally):

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Works like a charm. Thanks

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