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List of Countries in various Javascript data structures: Alphabetical country lists & Country data objects.
// Lists of countries with ISO 3166 codes, presented in various formats.
// Last Updated: July 30, 2020
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// License: CC0 1.0 Universal
// List of all countries in a simple list / array.
// Sorted alphabetical by country name (special characters on bottom)
const countryList = [
"American Samoa",
"Antigua and Barbuda",
"Bahamas (the)",
"Bolivia (Plurinational State of)",
"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Bouvet Island",
"British Indian Ocean Territory (the)",
"Brunei Darussalam",
"Burkina Faso",
"Cabo Verde",
"Cayman Islands (the)",
"Central African Republic (the)",
"Christmas Island",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)",
"Comoros (the)",
"Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)",
"Congo (the)",
"Cook Islands (the)",
"Costa Rica",
"Cรดte d'Ivoire",
"Dominican Republic (the)",
"El Salvador",
"Equatorial Guinea",
"Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]",
"Faroe Islands (the)",
"French Guiana",
"French Polynesia",
"French Southern Territories (the)",
"Gambia (the)",
"Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"Holy See (the)",
"Hong Kong",
"Iran (Islamic Republic of)",
"Isle of Man",
"Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)",
"Korea (the Republic of)",
"Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)",
"Marshall Islands (the)",
"Micronesia (Federated States of)",
"Moldova (the Republic of)",
"Netherlands (the)",
"New Caledonia",
"New Zealand",
"Niger (the)",
"Norfolk Island",
"Northern Mariana Islands (the)",
"Palestine, State of",
"Papua New Guinea",
"Philippines (the)",
"Puerto Rico",
"Republic of North Macedonia",
"Russian Federation (the)",
"Saint Barthรฉlemy",
"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"Saint Lucia",
"Saint Martin (French part)",
"Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"San Marino",
"Sao Tome and Principe",
"Saudi Arabia",
"Sierra Leone",
"Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"Solomon Islands",
"South Africa",
"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"South Sudan",
"Sri Lanka",
"Sudan (the)",
"Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"Syrian Arab Republic",
"Tanzania, United Republic of",
"Trinidad and Tobago",
"Turks and Caicos Islands (the)",
"United Arab Emirates (the)",
"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)",
"United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)",
"United States of America (the)",
"Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)",
"Viet Nam",
"Virgin Islands (British)",
"Virgin Islands (U.S.)",
"Wallis and Futuna",
"Western Sahara",
"ร…land Islands"
// Country names object using 2-letter country codes to reference country name
// ISO 3166 Alpha-2 Format: [2 letter Country Code]: [Country Name]
// Sorted alphabetical by country name (special characters on bottom)
const countryListAlpha2 = {
"AF": "Afghanistan",
"AL": "Albania",
"DZ": "Algeria",
"AS": "American Samoa",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarctica",
"AG": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Armenia",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australia",
"AT": "Austria",
"AZ": "Azerbaijan",
"BS": "Bahamas (the)",
"BH": "Bahrain",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BY": "Belarus",
"BE": "Belgium",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermuda",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BO": "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)",
"BQ": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"BA": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BV": "Bouvet Island",
"BR": "Brazil",
"IO": "British Indian Ocean Territory (the)",
"BN": "Brunei Darussalam",
"BG": "Bulgaria",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"CV": "Cabo Verde",
"KH": "Cambodia",
"CM": "Cameroon",
"CA": "Canada",
"KY": "Cayman Islands (the)",
"CF": "Central African Republic (the)",
"TD": "Chad",
"CL": "Chile",
"CN": "China",
"CX": "Christmas Island",
"CC": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)",
"CO": "Colombia",
"KM": "Comoros (the)",
"CD": "Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)",
"CG": "Congo (the)",
"CK": "Cook Islands (the)",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"HR": "Croatia",
"CU": "Cuba",
"CW": "Curaรงao",
"CY": "Cyprus",
"CZ": "Czechia",
"CI": "Cรดte d'Ivoire",
"DK": "Denmark",
"DJ": "Djibouti",
"DM": "Dominica",
"DO": "Dominican Republic (the)",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"EG": "Egypt",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"GQ": "Equatorial Guinea",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"EE": "Estonia",
"SZ": "Eswatini",
"ET": "Ethiopia",
"FK": "Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]",
"FO": "Faroe Islands (the)",
"FJ": "Fiji",
"FI": "Finland",
"FR": "France",
"GF": "French Guiana",
"PF": "French Polynesia",
"TF": "French Southern Territories (the)",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambia (the)",
"GE": "Georgia",
"DE": "Germany",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GR": "Greece",
"GL": "Greenland",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haiti",
"HM": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"VA": "Holy See (the)",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HK": "Hong Kong",
"HU": "Hungary",
"IS": "Iceland",
"IN": "India",
"ID": "Indonesia",
"IR": "Iran (Islamic Republic of)",
"IQ": "Iraq",
"IE": "Ireland",
"IM": "Isle of Man",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Italy",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japan",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordan",
"KZ": "Kazakhstan",
"KE": "Kenya",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"KP": "Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)",
"KR": "Korea (the Republic of)",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"KG": "Kyrgyzstan",
"LA": "Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)",
"LV": "Latvia",
"LB": "Lebanon",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libya",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lithuania",
"LU": "Luxembourg",
"MO": "Macao",
"MG": "Madagascar",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MY": "Malaysia",
"MV": "Maldives",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MH": "Marshall Islands (the)",
"MQ": "Martinique",
"MR": "Mauritania",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MX": "Mexico",
"FM": "Micronesia (Federated States of)",
"MD": "Moldova (the Republic of)",
"MC": "Monaco",
"MN": "Mongolia",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MA": "Morocco",
"MZ": "Mozambique",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NL": "Netherlands (the)",
"NC": "New Caledonia",
"NZ": "New Zealand",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NE": "Niger (the)",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NU": "Niue",
"NF": "Norfolk Island",
"MP": "Northern Mariana Islands (the)",
"NO": "Norway",
"OM": "Oman",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestine, State of",
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papua New Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Peru",
"PH": "Philippines (the)",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PL": "Poland",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"QA": "Qatar",
"MK": "Republic of North Macedonia",
"RO": "Romania",
"RU": "Russian Federation (the)",
"RW": "Rwanda",
"RE": "Rรฉunion",
"BL": "Saint Barthรฉlemy",
"SH": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"KN": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"LC": "Saint Lucia",
"MF": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"PM": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"VC": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"WS": "Samoa",
"SM": "San Marino",
"ST": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"SA": "Saudi Arabia",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbia",
"SC": "Seychelles",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapore",
"SX": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"SK": "Slovakia",
"SI": "Slovenia",
"SB": "Solomon Islands",
"SO": "Somalia",
"ZA": "South Africa",
"GS": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"SS": "South Sudan",
"ES": "Spain",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SD": "Sudan (the)",
"SR": "Suriname",
"SJ": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"SE": "Sweden",
"CH": "Switzerland",
"SY": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"TW": "Taiwan",
"TJ": "Tajikistan",
"TZ": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"TH": "Thailand",
"TL": "Timor-Leste",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"TN": "Tunisia",
"TR": "Turkey",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TC": "Turks and Caicos Islands (the)",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukraine",
"AE": "United Arab Emirates (the)",
"GB": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)",
"UM": "United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)",
"US": "United States of America (the)",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"UZ": "Uzbekistan",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VE": "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)",
"VN": "Viet Nam",
"VG": "Virgin Islands (British)",
"VI": "Virgin Islands (U.S.)",
"WF": "Wallis and Futuna",
"EH": "Western Sahara",
"YE": "Yemen",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe",
"AX": "ร…land Islands"
// Country names object using 3-letter country codes to reference country name
// ISO 3166 Alpha-3 Format: [3 letter Country Code]: [Country Name]
// Sorted alphabetical by country name (special characters on bottom)
const countryListAlpha3 = {
"AFG": "Afghanistan",
"ALB": "Albania",
"DZA": "Algeria",
"ASM": "American Samoa",
"AND": "Andorra",
"AGO": "Angola",
"AIA": "Anguilla",
"ATA": "Antarctica",
"ATG": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"ARG": "Argentina",
"ARM": "Armenia",
"ABW": "Aruba",
"AUS": "Australia",
"AUT": "Austria",
"AZE": "Azerbaijan",
"BHS": "Bahamas (the)",
"BHR": "Bahrain",
"BGD": "Bangladesh",
"BRB": "Barbados",
"BLR": "Belarus",
"BEL": "Belgium",
"BLZ": "Belize",
"BEN": "Benin",
"BMU": "Bermuda",
"BTN": "Bhutan",
"BOL": "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)",
"BES": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"BIH": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"BWA": "Botswana",
"BVT": "Bouvet Island",
"BRA": "Brazil",
"IOT": "British Indian Ocean Territory (the)",
"BRN": "Brunei Darussalam",
"BGR": "Bulgaria",
"BFA": "Burkina Faso",
"BDI": "Burundi",
"CPV": "Cabo Verde",
"KHM": "Cambodia",
"CMR": "Cameroon",
"CAN": "Canada",
"CYM": "Cayman Islands (the)",
"CAF": "Central African Republic (the)",
"TCD": "Chad",
"CHL": "Chile",
"CHN": "China",
"CXR": "Christmas Island",
"CCK": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)",
"COL": "Colombia",
"COM": "Comoros (the)",
"COD": "Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)",
"COG": "Congo (the)",
"COK": "Cook Islands (the)",
"CRI": "Costa Rica",
"HRV": "Croatia",
"CUB": "Cuba",
"CUW": "Curaรงao",
"CYP": "Cyprus",
"CZE": "Czechia",
"CIV": "Cรดte d'Ivoire",
"DNK": "Denmark",
"DJI": "Djibouti",
"DMA": "Dominica",
"DOM": "Dominican Republic (the)",
"ECU": "Ecuador",
"EGY": "Egypt",
"SLV": "El Salvador",
"GNQ": "Equatorial Guinea",
"ERI": "Eritrea",
"EST": "Estonia",
"SWZ": "Eswatini",
"ETH": "Ethiopia",
"FLK": "Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]",
"FRO": "Faroe Islands (the)",
"FJI": "Fiji",
"FIN": "Finland",
"FRA": "France",
"GUF": "French Guiana",
"PYF": "French Polynesia",
"ATF": "French Southern Territories (the)",
"GAB": "Gabon",
"GMB": "Gambia (the)",
"GEO": "Georgia",
"DEU": "Germany",
"GHA": "Ghana",
"GIB": "Gibraltar",
"GRC": "Greece",
"GRL": "Greenland",
"GRD": "Grenada",
"GLP": "Guadeloupe",
"GUM": "Guam",
"GTM": "Guatemala",
"GGY": "Guernsey",
"GIN": "Guinea",
"GNB": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GUY": "Guyana",
"HTI": "Haiti",
"HMD": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"VAT": "Holy See (the)",
"HND": "Honduras",
"HKG": "Hong Kong",
"HUN": "Hungary",
"ISL": "Iceland",
"IND": "India",
"IDN": "Indonesia",
"IRN": "Iran (Islamic Republic of)",
"IRQ": "Iraq",
"IRL": "Ireland",
"IMN": "Isle of Man",
"ISR": "Israel",
"ITA": "Italy",
"JAM": "Jamaica",
"JPN": "Japan",
"JEY": "Jersey",
"JOR": "Jordan",
"KAZ": "Kazakhstan",
"KEN": "Kenya",
"KIR": "Kiribati",
"PRK": "Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)",
"KOR": "Korea (the Republic of)",
"KWT": "Kuwait",
"KGZ": "Kyrgyzstan",
"LAO": "Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)",
"LVA": "Latvia",
"LBN": "Lebanon",
"LSO": "Lesotho",
"LBR": "Liberia",
"LBY": "Libya",
"LIE": "Liechtenstein",
"LTU": "Lithuania",
"LUX": "Luxembourg",
"MAC": "Macao",
"MDG": "Madagascar",
"MWI": "Malawi",
"MYS": "Malaysia",
"MDV": "Maldives",
"MLI": "Mali",
"MLT": "Malta",
"MHL": "Marshall Islands (the)",
"MTQ": "Martinique",
"MRT": "Mauritania",
"MUS": "Mauritius",
"MYT": "Mayotte",
"MEX": "Mexico",
"FSM": "Micronesia (Federated States of)",
"MDA": "Moldova (the Republic of)",
"MCO": "Monaco",
"MNG": "Mongolia",
"MNE": "Montenegro",
"MSR": "Montserrat",
"MAR": "Morocco",
"MOZ": "Mozambique",
"MMR": "Myanmar",
"NAM": "Namibia",
"NRU": "Nauru",
"NPL": "Nepal",
"NLD": "Netherlands (the)",
"NCL": "New Caledonia",
"NZL": "New Zealand",
"NIC": "Nicaragua",
"NER": "Niger (the)",
"NGA": "Nigeria",
"NIU": "Niue",
"NFK": "Norfolk Island",
"MNP": "Northern Mariana Islands (the)",
"NOR": "Norway",
"OMN": "Oman",
"PAK": "Pakistan",
"PLW": "Palau",
"PSE": "Palestine, State of",
"PAN": "Panama",
"PNG": "Papua New Guinea",
"PRY": "Paraguay",
"PER": "Peru",
"PHL": "Philippines (the)",
"PCN": "Pitcairn",
"POL": "Poland",
"PRT": "Portugal",
"PRI": "Puerto Rico",
"QAT": "Qatar",
"MKD": "Republic of North Macedonia",
"ROU": "Romania",
"RUS": "Russian Federation (the)",
"RWA": "Rwanda",
"REU": "Rรฉunion",
"BLM": "Saint Barthรฉlemy",
"SHN": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"KNA": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"LCA": "Saint Lucia",
"MAF": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"SPM": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"VCT": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"WSM": "Samoa",
"SMR": "San Marino",
"STP": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"SAU": "Saudi Arabia",
"SEN": "Senegal",
"SRB": "Serbia",
"SYC": "Seychelles",
"SLE": "Sierra Leone",
"SGP": "Singapore",
"SXM": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"SVK": "Slovakia",
"SVN": "Slovenia",
"SLB": "Solomon Islands",
"SOM": "Somalia",
"ZAF": "South Africa",
"SGS": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"SSD": "South Sudan",
"ESP": "Spain",
"LKA": "Sri Lanka",
"SDN": "Sudan (the)",
"SUR": "Suriname",
"SJM": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"SWE": "Sweden",
"CHE": "Switzerland",
"SYR": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"TWN": "Taiwan",
"TJK": "Tajikistan",
"TZA": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"THA": "Thailand",
"TLS": "Timor-Leste",
"TGO": "Togo",
"TKL": "Tokelau",
"TON": "Tonga",
"TTO": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"TUN": "Tunisia",
"TUR": "Turkey",
"TKM": "Turkmenistan",
"TCA": "Turks and Caicos Islands (the)",
"TUV": "Tuvalu",
"UGA": "Uganda",
"UKR": "Ukraine",
"ARE": "United Arab Emirates (the)",
"GBR": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)",
"UMI": "United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)",
"USA": "United States of America (the)",
"URY": "Uruguay",
"UZB": "Uzbekistan",
"VUT": "Vanuatu",
"VEN": "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)",
"VNM": "Viet Nam",
"VGB": "Virgin Islands (British)",
"VIR": "Virgin Islands (U.S.)",
"WLF": "Wallis and Futuna",
"ESH": "Western Sahara",
"YEM": "Yemen",
"ZMB": "Zambia",
"ZWE": "Zimbabwe",
"ALA": "ร…land Islands"
// Country names object using numeric country codes to reference country name
// ISO 3166 Numberic Format: [Numeric Country Code]: [Country Name]
// Sorted alphabetical by country name (special characters on bottom)
const countryListNumeric = {
"004": "Afghanistan",
"008": "Albania",
"012": "Algeria",
"016": "American Samoa",
"020": "Andorra",
"024": "Angola",
"660": "Anguilla",
"010": "Antarctica",
"028": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"032": "Argentina",
"051": "Armenia",
"533": "Aruba",
"036": "Australia",
"040": "Austria",
"031": "Azerbaijan",
"044": "Bahamas (the)",
"048": "Bahrain",
"050": "Bangladesh",
"052": "Barbados",
"112": "Belarus",
"056": "Belgium",
"084": "Belize",
"204": "Benin",
"060": "Bermuda",
"064": "Bhutan",
"068": "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)",
"535": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"070": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"072": "Botswana",
"074": "Bouvet Island",
"076": "Brazil",
"086": "British Indian Ocean Territory (the)",
"096": "Brunei Darussalam",
"100": "Bulgaria",
"854": "Burkina Faso",
"108": "Burundi",
"132": "Cabo Verde",
"116": "Cambodia",
"120": "Cameroon",
"124": "Canada",
"136": "Cayman Islands (the)",
"140": "Central African Republic (the)",
"148": "Chad",
"152": "Chile",
"156": "China",
"162": "Christmas Island",
"166": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)",
"170": "Colombia",
"174": "Comoros (the)",
"180": "Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)",
"178": "Congo (the)",
"184": "Cook Islands (the)",
"188": "Costa Rica",
"191": "Croatia",
"192": "Cuba",
"531": "Curaรงao",
"196": "Cyprus",
"203": "Czechia",
"384": "Cรดte d'Ivoire",
"208": "Denmark",
"262": "Djibouti",
"212": "Dominica",
"214": "Dominican Republic (the)",
"218": "Ecuador",
"818": "Egypt",
"222": "El Salvador",
"226": "Equatorial Guinea",
"232": "Eritrea",
"233": "Estonia",
"748": "Eswatini",
"231": "Ethiopia",
"238": "Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]",
"234": "Faroe Islands (the)",
"242": "Fiji",
"246": "Finland",
"250": "France",
"254": "French Guiana",
"258": "French Polynesia",
"260": "French Southern Territories (the)",
"266": "Gabon",
"270": "Gambia (the)",
"268": "Georgia",
"276": "Germany",
"288": "Ghana",
"292": "Gibraltar",
"300": "Greece",
"304": "Greenland",
"308": "Grenada",
"312": "Guadeloupe",
"316": "Guam",
"320": "Guatemala",
"831": "Guernsey",
"324": "Guinea",
"624": "Guinea-Bissau",
"328": "Guyana",
"332": "Haiti",
"334": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"336": "Holy See (the)",
"340": "Honduras",
"344": "Hong Kong",
"348": "Hungary",
"352": "Iceland",
"356": "India",
"360": "Indonesia",
"364": "Iran (Islamic Republic of)",
"368": "Iraq",
"372": "Ireland",
"833": "Isle of Man",
"376": "Israel",
"380": "Italy",
"388": "Jamaica",
"392": "Japan",
"832": "Jersey",
"400": "Jordan",
"398": "Kazakhstan",
"404": "Kenya",
"296": "Kiribati",
"408": "Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)",
"410": "Korea (the Republic of)",
"414": "Kuwait",
"417": "Kyrgyzstan",
"418": "Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)",
"428": "Latvia",
"422": "Lebanon",
"426": "Lesotho",
"430": "Liberia",
"434": "Libya",
"438": "Liechtenstein",
"440": "Lithuania",
"442": "Luxembourg",
"446": "Macao",
"450": "Madagascar",
"454": "Malawi",
"458": "Malaysia",
"462": "Maldives",
"466": "Mali",
"470": "Malta",
"584": "Marshall Islands (the)",
"474": "Martinique",
"478": "Mauritania",
"480": "Mauritius",
"175": "Mayotte",
"484": "Mexico",
"583": "Micronesia (Federated States of)",
"498": "Moldova (the Republic of)",
"492": "Monaco",
"496": "Mongolia",
"499": "Montenegro",
"500": "Montserrat",
"504": "Morocco",
"508": "Mozambique",
"104": "Myanmar",
"516": "Namibia",
"520": "Nauru",
"524": "Nepal",
"528": "Netherlands (the)",
"540": "New Caledonia",
"554": "New Zealand",
"558": "Nicaragua",
"562": "Niger (the)",
"566": "Nigeria",
"570": "Niue",
"574": "Norfolk Island",
"580": "Northern Mariana Islands (the)",
"578": "Norway",
"512": "Oman",
"586": "Pakistan",
"585": "Palau",
"275": "Palestine, State of",
"591": "Panama",
"598": "Papua New Guinea",
"600": "Paraguay",
"604": "Peru",
"608": "Philippines (the)",
"612": "Pitcairn",
"616": "Poland",
"620": "Portugal",
"630": "Puerto Rico",
"634": "Qatar",
"807": "Republic of North Macedonia",
"642": "Romania",
"643": "Russian Federation (the)",
"646": "Rwanda",
"638": "Rรฉunion",
"652": "Saint Barthรฉlemy",
"654": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"659": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"662": "Saint Lucia",
"663": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"666": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"670": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"882": "Samoa",
"674": "San Marino",
"678": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"682": "Saudi Arabia",
"686": "Senegal",
"688": "Serbia",
"690": "Seychelles",
"694": "Sierra Leone",
"702": "Singapore",
"534": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"703": "Slovakia",
"705": "Slovenia",
"090": "Solomon Islands",
"706": "Somalia",
"710": "South Africa",
"239": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"728": "South Sudan",
"724": "Spain",
"144": "Sri Lanka",
"729": "Sudan (the)",
"740": "Suriname",
"744": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"752": "Sweden",
"756": "Switzerland",
"760": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"158": "Taiwan",
"762": "Tajikistan",
"834": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"764": "Thailand",
"626": "Timor-Leste",
"768": "Togo",
"772": "Tokelau",
"776": "Tonga",
"780": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"788": "Tunisia",
"792": "Turkey",
"795": "Turkmenistan",
"796": "Turks and Caicos Islands (the)",
"798": "Tuvalu",
"800": "Uganda",
"804": "Ukraine",
"784": "United Arab Emirates (the)",
"826": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)",
"581": "United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)",
"840": "United States of America (the)",
"858": "Uruguay",
"860": "Uzbekistan",
"548": "Vanuatu",
"862": "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)",
"704": "Viet Nam",
"092": "Virgin Islands (British)",
"850": "Virgin Islands (U.S.)",
"876": "Wallis and Futuna",
"732": "Western Sahara",
"887": "Yemen",
"894": "Zambia",
"716": "Zimbabwe",
"248": "ร…land Islands"
// All simple ISO 3166 country data
// including: 2-character, 3-character, full country name and numeric code.
// Sorted alphabetical by country name (special characters on bottom)
const countryListAllIsoData = [
{"code": "AF", "code3": "AFG", "name": "Afghanistan", "number": "004"},
{"code": "AL", "code3": "ALB", "name": "Albania", "number": "008"},
{"code": "DZ", "code3": "DZA", "name": "Algeria", "number": "012"},
{"code": "AS", "code3": "ASM", "name": "American Samoa", "number": "016"},
{"code": "AD", "code3": "AND", "name": "Andorra", "number": "020"},
{"code": "AO", "code3": "AGO", "name": "Angola", "number": "024"},
{"code": "AI", "code3": "AIA", "name": "Anguilla", "number": "660"},
{"code": "AQ", "code3": "ATA", "name": "Antarctica", "number": "010"},
{"code": "AG", "code3": "ATG", "name": "Antigua and Barbuda", "number": "028"},
{"code": "AR", "code3": "ARG", "name": "Argentina", "number": "032"},
{"code": "AM", "code3": "ARM", "name": "Armenia", "number": "051"},
{"code": "AW", "code3": "ABW", "name": "Aruba", "number": "533"},
{"code": "AU", "code3": "AUS", "name": "Australia", "number": "036"},
{"code": "AT", "code3": "AUT", "name": "Austria", "number": "040"},
{"code": "AZ", "code3": "AZE", "name": "Azerbaijan", "number": "031"},
{"code": "BS", "code3": "BHS", "name": "Bahamas (the)", "number": "044"},
{"code": "BH", "code3": "BHR", "name": "Bahrain", "number": "048"},
{"code": "BD", "code3": "BGD", "name": "Bangladesh", "number": "050"},
{"code": "BB", "code3": "BRB", "name": "Barbados", "number": "052"},
{"code": "BY", "code3": "BLR", "name": "Belarus", "number": "112"},
{"code": "BE", "code3": "BEL", "name": "Belgium", "number": "056"},
{"code": "BZ", "code3": "BLZ", "name": "Belize", "number": "084"},
{"code": "BJ", "code3": "BEN", "name": "Benin", "number": "204"},
{"code": "BM", "code3": "BMU", "name": "Bermuda", "number": "060"},
{"code": "BT", "code3": "BTN", "name": "Bhutan", "number": "064"},
{"code": "BO", "code3": "BOL", "name": "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)", "number": "068"},
{"code": "BQ", "code3": "BES", "name": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "number": "535"},
{"code": "BA", "code3": "BIH", "name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "number": "070"},
{"code": "BW", "code3": "BWA", "name": "Botswana", "number": "072"},
{"code": "BV", "code3": "BVT", "name": "Bouvet Island", "number": "074"},
{"code": "BR", "code3": "BRA", "name": "Brazil", "number": "076"},
{"code": "IO", "code3": "IOT", "name": "British Indian Ocean Territory (the)", "number": "086"},
{"code": "BN", "code3": "BRN", "name": "Brunei Darussalam", "number": "096"},
{"code": "BG", "code3": "BGR", "name": "Bulgaria", "number": "100"},
{"code": "BF", "code3": "BFA", "name": "Burkina Faso", "number": "854"},
{"code": "BI", "code3": "BDI", "name": "Burundi", "number": "108"},
{"code": "CV", "code3": "CPV", "name": "Cabo Verde", "number": "132"},
{"code": "KH", "code3": "KHM", "name": "Cambodia", "number": "116"},
{"code": "CM", "code3": "CMR", "name": "Cameroon", "number": "120"},
{"code": "CA", "code3": "CAN", "name": "Canada", "number": "124"},
{"code": "KY", "code3": "CYM", "name": "Cayman Islands (the)", "number": "136"},
{"code": "CF", "code3": "CAF", "name": "Central African Republic (the)", "number": "140"},
{"code": "TD", "code3": "TCD", "name": "Chad", "number": "148"},
{"code": "CL", "code3": "CHL", "name": "Chile", "number": "152"},
{"code": "CN", "code3": "CHN", "name": "China", "number": "156"},
{"code": "CX", "code3": "CXR", "name": "Christmas Island", "number": "162"},
{"code": "CC", "code3": "CCK", "name": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)", "number": "166"},
{"code": "CO", "code3": "COL", "name": "Colombia", "number": "170"},
{"code": "KM", "code3": "COM", "name": "Comoros (the)", "number": "174"},
{"code": "CD", "code3": "COD", "name": "Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)", "number": "180"},
{"code": "CG", "code3": "COG", "name": "Congo (the)", "number": "178"},
{"code": "CK", "code3": "COK", "name": "Cook Islands (the)", "number": "184"},
{"code": "CR", "code3": "CRI", "name": "Costa Rica", "number": "188"},
{"code": "HR", "code3": "HRV", "name": "Croatia", "number": "191"},
{"code": "CU", "code3": "CUB", "name": "Cuba", "number": "192"},
{"code": "CW", "code3": "CUW", "name": "Curaรงao", "number": "531"},
{"code": "CY", "code3": "CYP", "name": "Cyprus", "number": "196"},
{"code": "CZ", "code3": "CZE", "name": "Czechia", "number": "203"},
{"code": "CI", "code3": "CIV", "name": "Cรดte d'Ivoire", "number": "384"},
{"code": "DK", "code3": "DNK", "name": "Denmark", "number": "208"},
{"code": "DJ", "code3": "DJI", "name": "Djibouti", "number": "262"},
{"code": "DM", "code3": "DMA", "name": "Dominica", "number": "212"},
{"code": "DO", "code3": "DOM", "name": "Dominican Republic (the)", "number": "214"},
{"code": "EC", "code3": "ECU", "name": "Ecuador", "number": "218"},
{"code": "EG", "code3": "EGY", "name": "Egypt", "number": "818"},
{"code": "SV", "code3": "SLV", "name": "El Salvador", "number": "222"},
{"code": "GQ", "code3": "GNQ", "name": "Equatorial Guinea", "number": "226"},
{"code": "ER", "code3": "ERI", "name": "Eritrea", "number": "232"},
{"code": "EE", "code3": "EST", "name": "Estonia", "number": "233"},
{"code": "SZ", "code3": "SWZ", "name": "Eswatini", "number": "748"},
{"code": "ET", "code3": "ETH", "name": "Ethiopia", "number": "231"},
{"code": "FK", "code3": "FLK", "name": "Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]", "number": "238"},
{"code": "FO", "code3": "FRO", "name": "Faroe Islands (the)", "number": "234"},
{"code": "FJ", "code3": "FJI", "name": "Fiji", "number": "242"},
{"code": "FI", "code3": "FIN", "name": "Finland", "number": "246"},
{"code": "FR", "code3": "FRA", "name": "France", "number": "250"},
{"code": "GF", "code3": "GUF", "name": "French Guiana", "number": "254"},
{"code": "PF", "code3": "PYF", "name": "French Polynesia", "number": "258"},
{"code": "TF", "code3": "ATF", "name": "French Southern Territories (the)", "number": "260"},
{"code": "GA", "code3": "GAB", "name": "Gabon", "number": "266"},
{"code": "GM", "code3": "GMB", "name": "Gambia (the)", "number": "270"},
{"code": "GE", "code3": "GEO", "name": "Georgia", "number": "268"},
{"code": "DE", "code3": "DEU", "name": "Germany", "number": "276"},
{"code": "GH", "code3": "GHA", "name": "Ghana", "number": "288"},
{"code": "GI", "code3": "GIB", "name": "Gibraltar", "number": "292"},
{"code": "GR", "code3": "GRC", "name": "Greece", "number": "300"},
{"code": "GL", "code3": "GRL", "name": "Greenland", "number": "304"},
{"code": "GD", "code3": "GRD", "name": "Grenada", "number": "308"},
{"code": "GP", "code3": "GLP", "name": "Guadeloupe", "number": "312"},
{"code": "GU", "code3": "GUM", "name": "Guam", "number": "316"},
{"code": "GT", "code3": "GTM", "name": "Guatemala", "number": "320"},
{"code": "GG", "code3": "GGY", "name": "Guernsey", "number": "831"},
{"code": "GN", "code3": "GIN", "name": "Guinea", "number": "324"},
{"code": "GW", "code3": "GNB", "name": "Guinea-Bissau", "number": "624"},
{"code": "GY", "code3": "GUY", "name": "Guyana", "number": "328"},
{"code": "HT", "code3": "HTI", "name": "Haiti", "number": "332"},
{"code": "HM", "code3": "HMD", "name": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "number": "334"},
{"code": "VA", "code3": "VAT", "name": "Holy See (the)", "number": "336"},
{"code": "HN", "code3": "HND", "name": "Honduras", "number": "340"},
{"code": "HK", "code3": "HKG", "name": "Hong Kong", "number": "344"},
{"code": "HU", "code3": "HUN", "name": "Hungary", "number": "348"},
{"code": "IS", "code3": "ISL", "name": "Iceland", "number": "352"},
{"code": "IN", "code3": "IND", "name": "India", "number": "356"},
{"code": "ID", "code3": "IDN", "name": "Indonesia", "number": "360"},
{"code": "IR", "code3": "IRN", "name": "Iran (Islamic Republic of)", "number": "364"},
{"code": "IQ", "code3": "IRQ", "name": "Iraq", "number": "368"},
{"code": "IE", "code3": "IRL", "name": "Ireland", "number": "372"},
{"code": "IM", "code3": "IMN", "name": "Isle of Man", "number": "833"},
{"code": "IL", "code3": "ISR", "name": "Israel", "number": "376"},
{"code": "IT", "code3": "ITA", "name": "Italy", "number": "380"},
{"code": "JM", "code3": "JAM", "name": "Jamaica", "number": "388"},
{"code": "JP", "code3": "JPN", "name": "Japan", "number": "392"},
{"code": "JE", "code3": "JEY", "name": "Jersey", "number": "832"},
{"code": "JO", "code3": "JOR", "name": "Jordan", "number": "400"},
{"code": "KZ", "code3": "KAZ", "name": "Kazakhstan", "number": "398"},
{"code": "KE", "code3": "KEN", "name": "Kenya", "number": "404"},
{"code": "KI", "code3": "KIR", "name": "Kiribati", "number": "296"},
{"code": "KP", "code3": "PRK", "name": "Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)", "number": "408"},
{"code": "KR", "code3": "KOR", "name": "Korea (the Republic of)", "number": "410"},
{"code": "KW", "code3": "KWT", "name": "Kuwait", "number": "414"},
{"code": "KG", "code3": "KGZ", "name": "Kyrgyzstan", "number": "417"},
{"code": "LA", "code3": "LAO", "name": "Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)", "number": "418"},
{"code": "LV", "code3": "LVA", "name": "Latvia", "number": "428"},
{"code": "LB", "code3": "LBN", "name": "Lebanon", "number": "422"},
{"code": "LS", "code3": "LSO", "name": "Lesotho", "number": "426"},
{"code": "LR", "code3": "LBR", "name": "Liberia", "number": "430"},
{"code": "LY", "code3": "LBY", "name": "Libya", "number": "434"},
{"code": "LI", "code3": "LIE", "name": "Liechtenstein", "number": "438"},
{"code": "LT", "code3": "LTU", "name": "Lithuania", "number": "440"},
{"code": "LU", "code3": "LUX", "name": "Luxembourg", "number": "442"},
{"code": "MO", "code3": "MAC", "name": "Macao", "number": "446"},
{"code": "MG", "code3": "MDG", "name": "Madagascar", "number": "450"},
{"code": "MW", "code3": "MWI", "name": "Malawi", "number": "454"},
{"code": "MY", "code3": "MYS", "name": "Malaysia", "number": "458"},
{"code": "MV", "code3": "MDV", "name": "Maldives", "number": "462"},
{"code": "ML", "code3": "MLI", "name": "Mali", "number": "466"},
{"code": "MT", "code3": "MLT", "name": "Malta", "number": "470"},
{"code": "MH", "code3": "MHL", "name": "Marshall Islands (the)", "number": "584"},
{"code": "MQ", "code3": "MTQ", "name": "Martinique", "number": "474"},
{"code": "MR", "code3": "MRT", "name": "Mauritania", "number": "478"},
{"code": "MU", "code3": "MUS", "name": "Mauritius", "number": "480"},
{"code": "YT", "code3": "MYT", "name": "Mayotte", "number": "175"},
{"code": "MX", "code3": "MEX", "name": "Mexico", "number": "484"},
{"code": "FM", "code3": "FSM", "name": "Micronesia (Federated States of)", "number": "583"},
{"code": "MD", "code3": "MDA", "name": "Moldova (the Republic of)", "number": "498"},
{"code": "MC", "code3": "MCO", "name": "Monaco", "number": "492"},
{"code": "MN", "code3": "MNG", "name": "Mongolia", "number": "496"},
{"code": "ME", "code3": "MNE", "name": "Montenegro", "number": "499"},
{"code": "MS", "code3": "MSR", "name": "Montserrat", "number": "500"},
{"code": "MA", "code3": "MAR", "name": "Morocco", "number": "504"},
{"code": "MZ", "code3": "MOZ", "name": "Mozambique", "number": "508"},
{"code": "MM", "code3": "MMR", "name": "Myanmar", "number": "104"},
{"code": "NA", "code3": "NAM", "name": "Namibia", "number": "516"},
{"code": "NR", "code3": "NRU", "name": "Nauru", "number": "520"},
{"code": "NP", "code3": "NPL", "name": "Nepal", "number": "524"},
{"code": "NL", "code3": "NLD", "name": "Netherlands (the)", "number": "528"},
{"code": "NC", "code3": "NCL", "name": "New Caledonia", "number": "540"},
{"code": "NZ", "code3": "NZL", "name": "New Zealand", "number": "554"},
{"code": "NI", "code3": "NIC", "name": "Nicaragua", "number": "558"},
{"code": "NE", "code3": "NER", "name": "Niger (the)", "number": "562"},
{"code": "NG", "code3": "NGA", "name": "Nigeria", "number": "566"},
{"code": "NU", "code3": "NIU", "name": "Niue", "number": "570"},
{"code": "NF", "code3": "NFK", "name": "Norfolk Island", "number": "574"},
{"code": "MP", "code3": "MNP", "name": "Northern Mariana Islands (the)", "number": "580"},
{"code": "NO", "code3": "NOR", "name": "Norway", "number": "578"},
{"code": "OM", "code3": "OMN", "name": "Oman", "number": "512"},
{"code": "PK", "code3": "PAK", "name": "Pakistan", "number": "586"},
{"code": "PW", "code3": "PLW", "name": "Palau", "number": "585"},
{"code": "PS", "code3": "PSE", "name": "Palestine, State of", "number": "275"},
{"code": "PA", "code3": "PAN", "name": "Panama", "number": "591"},
{"code": "PG", "code3": "PNG", "name": "Papua New Guinea", "number": "598"},
{"code": "PY", "code3": "PRY", "name": "Paraguay", "number": "600"},
{"code": "PE", "code3": "PER", "name": "Peru", "number": "604"},
{"code": "PH", "code3": "PHL", "name": "Philippines (the)", "number": "608"},
{"code": "PN", "code3": "PCN", "name": "Pitcairn", "number": "612"},
{"code": "PL", "code3": "POL", "name": "Poland", "number": "616"},
{"code": "PT", "code3": "PRT", "name": "Portugal", "number": "620"},
{"code": "PR", "code3": "PRI", "name": "Puerto Rico", "number": "630"},
{"code": "QA", "code3": "QAT", "name": "Qatar", "number": "634"},
{"code": "MK", "code3": "MKD", "name": "Republic of North Macedonia", "number": "807"},
{"code": "RO", "code3": "ROU", "name": "Romania", "number": "642"},
{"code": "RU", "code3": "RUS", "name": "Russian Federation (the)", "number": "643"},
{"code": "RW", "code3": "RWA", "name": "Rwanda", "number": "646"},
{"code": "RE", "code3": "REU", "name": "Rรฉunion", "number": "638"},
{"code": "BL", "code3": "BLM", "name": "Saint Barthรฉlemy", "number": "652"},
{"code": "SH", "code3": "SHN", "name": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", "number": "654"},
{"code": "KN", "code3": "KNA", "name": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "number": "659"},
{"code": "LC", "code3": "LCA", "name": "Saint Lucia", "number": "662"},
{"code": "MF", "code3": "MAF", "name": "Saint Martin (French part)", "number": "663"},
{"code": "PM", "code3": "SPM", "name": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "number": "666"},
{"code": "VC", "code3": "VCT", "name": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "number": "670"},
{"code": "WS", "code3": "WSM", "name": "Samoa", "number": "882"},
{"code": "SM", "code3": "SMR", "name": "San Marino", "number": "674"},
{"code": "ST", "code3": "STP", "name": "Sao Tome and Principe", "number": "678"},
{"code": "SA", "code3": "SAU", "name": "Saudi Arabia", "number": "682"},
{"code": "SN", "code3": "SEN", "name": "Senegal", "number": "686"},
{"code": "RS", "code3": "SRB", "name": "Serbia", "number": "688"},
{"code": "SC", "code3": "SYC", "name": "Seychelles", "number": "690"},
{"code": "SL", "code3": "SLE", "name": "Sierra Leone", "number": "694"},
{"code": "SG", "code3": "SGP", "name": "Singapore", "number": "702"},
{"code": "SX", "code3": "SXM", "name": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)", "number": "534"},
{"code": "SK", "code3": "SVK", "name": "Slovakia", "number": "703"},
{"code": "SI", "code3": "SVN", "name": "Slovenia", "number": "705"},
{"code": "SB", "code3": "SLB", "name": "Solomon Islands", "number": "090"},
{"code": "SO", "code3": "SOM", "name": "Somalia", "number": "706"},
{"code": "ZA", "code3": "ZAF", "name": "South Africa", "number": "710"},
{"code": "GS", "code3": "SGS", "name": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "number": "239"},
{"code": "SS", "code3": "SSD", "name": "South Sudan", "number": "728"},
{"code": "ES", "code3": "ESP", "name": "Spain", "number": "724"},
{"code": "LK", "code3": "LKA", "name": "Sri Lanka", "number": "144"},
{"code": "SD", "code3": "SDN", "name": "Sudan (the)", "number": "729"},
{"code": "SR", "code3": "SUR", "name": "Suriname", "number": "740"},
{"code": "SJ", "code3": "SJM", "name": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "number": "744"},
{"code": "SE", "code3": "SWE", "name": "Sweden", "number": "752"},
{"code": "CH", "code3": "CHE", "name": "Switzerland", "number": "756"},
{"code": "SY", "code3": "SYR", "name": "Syrian Arab Republic", "number": "760"},
{"code": "TW", "code3": "TWN", "name": "Taiwan", "number": "158"},
{"code": "TJ", "code3": "TJK", "name": "Tajikistan", "number": "762"},
{"code": "TZ", "code3": "TZA", "name": "Tanzania, United Republic of", "number": "834"},
{"code": "TH", "code3": "THA", "name": "Thailand", "number": "764"},
{"code": "TL", "code3": "TLS", "name": "Timor-Leste", "number": "626"},
{"code": "TG", "code3": "TGO", "name": "Togo", "number": "768"},
{"code": "TK", "code3": "TKL", "name": "Tokelau", "number": "772"},
{"code": "TO", "code3": "TON", "name": "Tonga", "number": "776"},
{"code": "TT", "code3": "TTO", "name": "Trinidad and Tobago", "number": "780"},
{"code": "TN", "code3": "TUN", "name": "Tunisia", "number": "788"},
{"code": "TR", "code3": "TUR", "name": "Turkey", "number": "792"},
{"code": "TM", "code3": "TKM", "name": "Turkmenistan", "number": "795"},
{"code": "TC", "code3": "TCA", "name": "Turks and Caicos Islands (the)", "number": "796"},
{"code": "TV", "code3": "TUV", "name": "Tuvalu", "number": "798"},
{"code": "UG", "code3": "UGA", "name": "Uganda", "number": "800"},
{"code": "UA", "code3": "UKR", "name": "Ukraine", "number": "804"},
{"code": "AE", "code3": "ARE", "name": "United Arab Emirates (the)", "number": "784"},
{"code": "GB", "code3": "GBR", "name": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)", "number": "826"},
{"code": "UM", "code3": "UMI", "name": "United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)", "number": "581"},
{"code": "US", "code3": "USA", "name": "United States of America (the)", "number": "840"},
{"code": "UY", "code3": "URY", "name": "Uruguay", "number": "858"},
{"code": "UZ", "code3": "UZB", "name": "Uzbekistan", "number": "860"},
{"code": "VU", "code3": "VUT", "name": "Vanuatu", "number": "548"},
{"code": "VE", "code3": "VEN", "name": "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)", "number": "862"},
{"code": "VN", "code3": "VNM", "name": "Viet Nam", "number": "704"},
{"code": "VG", "code3": "VGB", "name": "Virgin Islands (British)", "number": "092"},
{"code": "VI", "code3": "VIR", "name": "Virgin Islands (U.S.)", "number": "850"},
{"code": "WF", "code3": "WLF", "name": "Wallis and Futuna", "number": "876"},
{"code": "EH", "code3": "ESH", "name": "Western Sahara", "number": "732"},
{"code": "YE", "code3": "YEM", "name": "Yemen", "number": "887"},
{"code": "ZM", "code3": "ZMB", "name": "Zambia", "number": "894"},
{"code": "ZW", "code3": "ZWE", "name": "Zimbabwe", "number": "716"},
{"code": "AX", "code3": "ALA", "name": "ร…land Islands", "number": "248"}
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Nmuta commented Jul 21, 2021

Didn't realize until now that "England" is not even an official country, since it's part of the UK and the UK is the actual sovereign state, listed as "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)" . I knew that England was part of the UK but I didn't know that "the UK" was an actual country. I thought " UK " was like a conglomerate of countries of which "England" was a part. But I've never lived in Europe so I hope I would get a pass on that one.

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@Nmuta I had to look it up too :)

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Is there anyone who has the mobile number length for each country

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I also created something similar, but also the states of each countries.

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MSKU786 commented Nov 26, 2021


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All TimeZone with Country Codes
const allTimeZone = [ {Name: 'Afghanistan', Code: 'AF', Timezone: 'Afghanistan Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+04:30', MobileCode: '+93'}, {Name: 'ร…land Islands', Code: 'AX', Timezone: 'FLE Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+358-18'}, {Name: 'Albania', Code: 'AL', Timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+355'}, {Name: 'Algeria', Code: 'DZ', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+213'}, {Name: 'American Samoa', Code: 'AS', Timezone: 'UTC-11', UTC: 'UTC-11:00', MobileCode: '+1-684'}, {Name: 'Andorra', Code: 'AD', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+376'}, {Name: 'Angola', Code: 'AO', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+244'}, {Name: 'Anguilla', Code: 'AI', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-264'}, {Name: 'Antarctica', Code: 'AQ', Timezone: 'Pacific SA Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-03:00', MobileCode: '+'}, {Name: 'Antigua and Barbuda', Code: 'AG', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-268'}, {Name: 'Argentina', Code: 'AR', Timezone: 'Argentina Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-03:00', MobileCode: '+54'}, {Name: 'Armenia', Code: 'AM', Timezone: 'Caucasus Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+04:00', MobileCode: '+374'}, {Name: 'Aruba', Code: 'AW', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+297'}, {Name: 'Australia', Code: 'AU', Timezone: 'AUS Eastern Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+10:00', MobileCode: '+61'}, {Name: 'Austria', Code: 'AT', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+43'}, {Name: 'Azerbaijan', Code: 'AZ', Timezone: 'Azerbaijan Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+04:00', MobileCode: '+994'}, {Name: 'Bahamas, The', Code: 'BS', Timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+1-242'}, {Name: 'Bahrain', Code: 'BH', Timezone: 'Arab Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+973'}, {Name: 'Bangladesh', Code: 'BD', Timezone: 'Bangladesh Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+06:00', MobileCode: '+880'}, {Name: 'Barbados', Code: 'BB', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-246'}, {Name: 'Belarus', Code: 'BY', Timezone: 'Belarus Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+375'}, {Name: 'Belgium', Code: 'BE', Timezone: 'Romance Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+32'}, {Name: 'Belize', Code: 'BZ', Timezone: 'Central America Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-06:00', MobileCode: '+501'}, {Name: 'Benin', Code: 'BJ', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+229'}, {Name: 'Bermuda', Code: 'BM', Timezone: 'Atlantic Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-441'}, {Name: 'Bhutan', Code: 'BT', Timezone: 'Bangladesh Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+06:00', MobileCode: '+975'}, {Name: 'Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela', Code: 'VE', Timezone: 'Venezuela Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:30', MobileCode: '+58'}, {Name: 'Bolivia', Code: 'BO', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+591'}, {Name: 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba', Code: 'BQ', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+599'}, {Name: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', Code: 'BA', Timezone: 'Central European Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+387'}, {Name: 'Botswana', Code: 'BW', Timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+267'}, {Name: 'Bouvet Island', Code: 'BV', Timezone: 'UTC', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+'}, {Name: 'Brazil', Code: 'BR', Timezone: 'E. South America Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-03:00', MobileCode: '+55'}, {Name: 'British Indian Ocean Territory', Code: 'IO', Timezone: 'Central Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+06:00', MobileCode: '+246'}, {Name: 'Brunei', Code: 'BN', Timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+08:00', MobileCode: '+673'}, {Name: 'Bulgaria', Code: 'BG', Timezone: 'FLE Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+359'}, {Name: 'Burkina Faso', Code: 'BF', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+226'}, {Name: 'Burundi', Code: 'BI', Timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+257'}, {Name: 'Cabo Verde', Code: 'CV', Timezone: 'Cape Verde Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-01:00', MobileCode: '+238'}, {Name: 'Cambodia', Code: 'KH', Timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+07:00', MobileCode: '+855'}, {Name: 'Cameroon', Code: 'CM', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+237'}, {Name: 'Canada', Code: 'CA', Timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+1'}, {Name: 'Cayman Islands', Code: 'KY', Timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+1-345'}, {Name: 'Central African Republic', Code: 'CF', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+236'}, {Name: 'Chad', Code: 'TD', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+235'}, {Name: 'Chile', Code: 'CL', Timezone: 'Pacific SA Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-03:00', MobileCode: '+56'}, {Name: 'China', Code: 'CN', Timezone: 'China Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+08:00', MobileCode: '+86'}, {Name: 'Christmas Island', Code: 'CX', Timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+07:00', MobileCode: '+61'}, {Name: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', Code: 'CC', Timezone: 'Myanmar Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+06:30', MobileCode: '+61'}, {Name: 'Colombia', Code: 'CO', Timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+57'}, {Name: 'Comoros', Code: 'KM', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+269'}, {Name: 'Congo', Code: 'CG', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+242'}, {Name: 'Congo (DRC)', Code: 'CD', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+243'}, {Name: 'Cook Islands', Code: 'CK', Timezone: 'Hawaiian Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-10:00', MobileCode: '+682'}, {Name: 'Costa Rica', Code: 'CR', Timezone: 'Central America Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-06:00', MobileCode: '+506'}, {Name: "Cรดte d'Ivoire", Code: 'CI', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+225'}, {Name: 'Croatia', Code: 'HR', Timezone: 'Central European Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+385'}, {Name: 'Cuba', Code: 'CU', Timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+53'}, {Name: 'Curaรงao', Code: 'CW', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+599'}, {Name: 'Cyprus', Code: 'CY', Timezone: 'E. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+357'}, {Name: 'Czech Republic', Code: 'CZ', Timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+420'}, {Name: 'Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste', Code: 'TL', Timezone: 'Tokyo Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+09:00', MobileCode: '+670'}, {Name: 'Denmark', Code: 'DK', Timezone: 'Romance Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+45'}, {Name: 'Djibouti', Code: 'DJ', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+253'}, {Name: 'Dominica', Code: 'DM', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-767'}, {Name: 'Dominican Republic', Code: 'DO', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-809 and 1-829'}, {Name: 'Ecuador', Code: 'EC', Timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+593'}, {Name: 'Egypt', Code: 'EG', Timezone: 'Egypt Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+20'}, {Name: 'El Salvador', Code: 'SV', Timezone: 'Central America Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-06:00', MobileCode: '+503'}, {Name: 'Equatorial Guinea', Code: 'GQ', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+240'}, {Name: 'Eritrea', Code: 'ER', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+291'}, {Name: 'Estonia', Code: 'EE', Timezone: 'FLE Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+372'}, {Name: 'Ethiopia', Code: 'ET', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+251'}, {Name: 'Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)', Code: 'FK', Timezone: 'SA Eastern Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-03:00', MobileCode: '+500'}, {Name: 'Faroe Islands', Code: 'FO', Timezone: 'GMT Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+298'}, {Name: 'Fiji Islands', Code: 'FJ', Timezone: 'Fiji Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+12:00', MobileCode: '+679'}, {Name: 'Finland', Code: 'FI', Timezone: 'FLE Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+358'}, {Name: 'France', Code: 'FR', Timezone: 'Romance Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+33'}, {Name: 'French Guiana', Code: 'GF', Timezone: 'SA Eastern Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-03:00', MobileCode: '+594'}, {Name: 'French Polynesia', Code: 'PF', Timezone: 'Hawaiian Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-10:00', MobileCode: '+689'}, {Name: 'French Southern and Antarctic Lands', Code: 'TF', Timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+05:00', MobileCode: '+'}, {Name: 'Gabon', Code: 'GA', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+241'}, {Name: 'Gambia, The', Code: 'GM', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+220'}, {Name: 'Georgia', Code: 'GE', Timezone: 'Georgian Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+04:00', MobileCode: '+995'}, {Name: 'Germany', Code: 'DE', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+49'}, {Name: 'Ghana', Code: 'GH', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+233'}, {Name: 'Gibraltar', Code: 'GI', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+350'}, {Name: 'Greece', Code: 'GR', Timezone: 'GTB Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+30'}, {Name: 'Greenland', Code: 'GL', Timezone: 'Greenland Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-03:00', MobileCode: '+299'}, {Name: 'Grenada', Code: 'GD', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-473'}, {Name: 'Guadeloupe', Code: 'GP', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+590'}, {Name: 'Guam', Code: 'GU', Timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+10:00', MobileCode: '+1-671'}, {Name: 'Guatemala', Code: 'GT', Timezone: 'Central America Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-06:00', MobileCode: '+502'}, {Name: 'Guernsey', Code: 'GG', Timezone: 'GMT Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+44-1481'}, {Name: 'Guinea', Code: 'GN', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+224'}, {Name: 'Guinea-Bissau', Code: 'GW', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+245'}, {Name: 'Guyana', Code: 'GY', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+592'}, {Name: 'Haiti', Code: 'HT', Timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+509'}, {Name: 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', Code: 'HM', Timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+04:00', MobileCode: '+ '}, {Name: 'Honduras', Code: 'HN', Timezone: 'Central America Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-06:00', MobileCode: '+504'}, {Name: 'Hong Kong SAR', Code: 'HK', Timezone: 'China Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+08:00', MobileCode: '+852'}, {Name: 'Hungary', Code: 'HU', Timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+36'}, {Name: 'Iceland', Code: 'IS', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+354'}, {Name: 'India', Code: 'IN', Timezone: 'India Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+05:30', MobileCode: '+91'}, {Name: 'Indonesia', Code: 'ID', Timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+07:00', MobileCode: '+62'}, {Name: 'Iran', Code: 'IR', Timezone: 'Iran Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:30', MobileCode: '+98'}, {Name: 'Iraq', Code: 'IQ', Timezone: 'Arabic Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+964'}, {Name: 'Ireland', Code: 'IE', Timezone: 'GMT Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+353'}, {Name: 'Israel', Code: 'IL', Timezone: 'Israel Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+972'}, {Name: 'Italy', Code: 'IT', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+39'}, {Name: 'Jamaica', Code: 'JM', Timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+1-876'}, {Name: 'Jan Mayen', Code: 'SJ', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+47'}, {Name: 'Japan', Code: 'JP', Timezone: 'Tokyo Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+09:00', MobileCode: '+81'}, {Name: 'Jersey', Code: 'JE', Timezone: 'GMT Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+44-1534'}, {Name: 'Jordan', Code: 'JO', Timezone: 'Jordan Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+962'}, {Name: 'Kazakhstan', Code: 'KZ', Timezone: 'Central Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+06:00', MobileCode: '+7'}, {Name: 'Kenya', Code: 'KE', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+254'}, {Name: 'Kiribati', Code: 'KI', Timezone: 'UTC+12', UTC: 'UTC+12:00', MobileCode: '+686'}, {Name: 'Korea', Code: 'KR', Timezone: 'Korea Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+09:00', MobileCode: '+82'}, {Name: 'Kosovo', Code: 'XK', Timezone: 'Central European Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+'}, {Name: 'Kuwait', Code: 'KW', Timezone: 'Arab Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+965'}, {Name: 'Kyrgyzstan', Code: 'KG', Timezone: 'Central Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+06:00', MobileCode: '+996'}, {Name: 'Laos', Code: 'LA', Timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+07:00', MobileCode: '+856'}, {Name: 'Latvia', Code: 'LV', Timezone: 'FLE Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+371'}, {Name: 'Lebanon', Code: 'LB', Timezone: 'Middle East Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+961'}, {Name: 'Lesotho', Code: 'LS', Timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+266'}, {Name: 'Liberia', Code: 'LR', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+231'}, {Name: 'Libya', Code: 'LY', Timezone: 'E. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+218'}, {Name: 'Liechtenstein', Code: 'LI', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+423'}, {Name: 'Lithuania', Code: 'LT', Timezone: 'FLE Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+370'}, {Name: 'Luxembourg', Code: 'LU', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+352'}, {Name: 'Macao SAR', Code: 'MO', Timezone: 'China Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+08:00', MobileCode: '+853'}, {Name: 'Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of', Code: 'MK', Timezone: 'Central European Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+389'}, {Name: 'Madagascar', Code: 'MG', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+261'}, {Name: 'Malawi', Code: 'MW', Timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+265'}, {Name: 'Malaysia', Code: 'MY', Timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+08:00', MobileCode: '+60'}, {Name: 'Maldives', Code: 'MV', Timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+05:00', MobileCode: '+960'}, {Name: 'Mali', Code: 'ML', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+223'}, {Name: 'Malta', Code: 'MT', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+356'}, {Name: 'Man, Isle of', Code: 'IM', Timezone: 'GMT Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+44-1624'}, {Name: 'Marshall Islands', Code: 'MH', Timezone: 'UTC+12', UTC: 'UTC+12:00', MobileCode: '+692'}, {Name: 'Martinique', Code: 'MQ', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+596'}, {Name: 'Mauritania', Code: 'MR', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+222'}, {Name: 'Mauritius', Code: 'MU', Timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+04:00', MobileCode: '+230'}, {Name: 'Mayotte', Code: 'YT', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+262'}, {Name: 'Mexico', Code: 'MX', Timezone: 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)', UTC: 'UTC-06:00', MobileCode: '+52'}, {Name: 'Micronesia', Code: 'FM', Timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+10:00', MobileCode: '+691'}, {Name: 'Moldova', Code: 'MD', Timezone: 'GTB Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+373'}, {Name: 'Monaco', Code: 'MC', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+377'}, {Name: 'Mongolia', Code: 'MN', Timezone: 'Ulaanbaatar Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+08:00', MobileCode: '+976'}, {Name: 'Montenegro', Code: 'ME', Timezone: 'Central European Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+382'}, {Name: 'Montserrat', Code: 'MS', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-664'}, {Name: 'Morocco', Code: 'MA', Timezone: 'Morocco Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+212'}, {Name: 'Mozambique', Code: 'MZ', Timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+258'}, {Name: 'Myanmar', Code: 'MM', Timezone: 'Myanmar Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+06:30', MobileCode: '+95'}, {Name: 'Namibia', Code: 'NA', Timezone: 'Namibia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+264'}, {Name: 'Nauru', Code: 'NR', Timezone: 'UTC+12', UTC: 'UTC+12:00', MobileCode: '+674'}, {Name: 'Nepal', Code: 'NP', Timezone: 'Nepal Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+05:45', MobileCode: '+977'}, {Name: 'Netherlands', Code: 'NL', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+31'}, {Name: 'New Caledonia', Code: 'NC', Timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+11:00', MobileCode: '+687'}, {Name: 'New Zealand', Code: 'NZ', Timezone: 'New Zealand Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+12:00', MobileCode: '+64'}, {Name: 'Nicaragua', Code: 'NI', Timezone: 'Central America Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-06:00', MobileCode: '+505'}, {Name: 'Niger', Code: 'NE', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+227'}, {Name: 'Nigeria', Code: 'NG', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+234'}, {Name: 'Niue', Code: 'NU', Timezone: 'UTC-11', UTC: 'UTC-11:00', MobileCode: '+683'}, {Name: 'Norfolk Island', Code: 'NF', Timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+11:00', MobileCode: '+672'}, {Name: 'North Korea', Code: 'KP', Timezone: 'Korea Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+09:00', MobileCode: '+850'}, {Name: 'Northern Mariana Islands', Code: 'MP', Timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+10:00', MobileCode: '+1-670'}, {Name: 'Norway', Code: 'NO', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+47'}, {Name: 'Oman', Code: 'OM', Timezone: 'Arabian Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+04:00', MobileCode: '+968'}, {Name: 'Pakistan', Code: 'PK', Timezone: 'Pakistan Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+05:00', MobileCode: '+92'}, {Name: 'Palau', Code: 'PW', Timezone: 'Tokyo Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+09:00', MobileCode: '+680'}, {Name: 'Palestinian Authority', Code: 'PS', Timezone: 'Egypt Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+970'}, {Name: 'Panama', Code: 'PA', Timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+507'}, {Name: 'Papua New Guinea', Code: 'PG', Timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+10:00', MobileCode: '+675'}, {Name: 'Paraguay', Code: 'PY', Timezone: 'Paraguay Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+595'}, {Name: 'Peru', Code: 'PE', Timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+51'}, {Name: 'Philippines', Code: 'PH', Timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+08:00', MobileCode: '+63'}, {Name: 'Pitcairn Islands', Code: 'PN', Timezone: 'Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-08:00', MobileCode: '+870'}, {Name: 'Poland', Code: 'PL', Timezone: 'Central European Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+48'}, {Name: 'Portugal', Code: 'PT', Timezone: 'GMT Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+351'}, {Name: 'Puerto Rico', Code: 'PR', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-787 and 1-939'}, {Name: 'Qatar', Code: 'QA', Timezone: 'Arab Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+974'}, {Name: 'Reunion', Code: 'RE', Timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+04:00', MobileCode: '+262'}, {Name: 'Romania', Code: 'RO', Timezone: 'GTB Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+40'}, {Name: 'Russia', Code: 'RU', Timezone: 'Russian Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+7'}, {Name: 'Rwanda', Code: 'RW', Timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+250'}, {Name: 'Saint Barthรฉlemy', Code: 'BL', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+590'}, {Name: 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha', Code: 'SH', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+290'}, {Name: 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', Code: 'KN', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-869'}, {Name: 'Saint Lucia', Code: 'LC', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-758'}, {Name: 'Saint Martin (French part)', Code: 'MF', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+590'}, {Name: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', Code: 'PM', Timezone: 'Greenland Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-03:00', MobileCode: '+508'}, {Name: 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', Code: 'VC', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-784'}, {Name: 'Samoa', Code: 'WS', Timezone: 'Samoa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+13:00', MobileCode: '+685'}, {Name: 'San Marino', Code: 'SM', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+378'}, {Name: 'Sรฃo Tomรฉ and Prรญncipe', Code: 'ST', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+239'}, {Name: 'Saudi Arabia', Code: 'SA', Timezone: 'Arab Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+966'}, {Name: 'Senegal', Code: 'SN', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+221'}, {Name: 'Serbia', Code: 'RS', Timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+381'}, {Name: 'Seychelles', Code: 'SC', Timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+04:00', MobileCode: '+248'}, {Name: 'Sierra Leone', Code: 'SL', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+232'}, {Name: 'Singapore', Code: 'SG', Timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+08:00', MobileCode: '+65'}, {Name: 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', Code: 'SX', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+599'}, {Name: 'Slovakia', Code: 'SK', Timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+421'}, {Name: 'Slovenia', Code: 'SI', Timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+386'}, {Name: 'Solomon Islands', Code: 'SB', Timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+11:00', MobileCode: '+677'}, {Name: 'Somalia', Code: 'SO', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+252'}, {Name: 'South Africa', Code: 'ZA', Timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+27'}, {Name: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', Code: 'GS', Timezone: 'UTC-02', UTC: 'UTC-02:00', MobileCode: '+'}, {Name: 'South Sudan', Code: 'SS', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+211'}, {Name: 'Spain', Code: 'ES', Timezone: 'Romance Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+34'}, {Name: 'Sri Lanka', Code: 'LK', Timezone: 'Sri Lanka Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+05:30', MobileCode: '+94'}, {Name: 'Sudan', Code: 'SD', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+249'}, {Name: 'Suriname', Code: 'SR', Timezone: 'SA Eastern Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-03:00', MobileCode: '+597'}, {Name: 'Svalbard', Code: 'SJ', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+47'}, {Name: 'Swaziland', Code: 'SZ', Timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+268'}, {Name: 'Sweden', Code: 'SE', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+46'}, {Name: 'Switzerland', Code: 'CH', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+41'}, {Name: 'Syria', Code: 'SY', Timezone: 'Syria Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+963'}, {Name: 'Taiwan', Code: 'TW', Timezone: 'Taipei Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+08:00', MobileCode: '+886'}, {Name: 'Tajikistan', Code: 'TJ', Timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+05:00', MobileCode: '+992'}, {Name: 'Tanzania', Code: 'TZ', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+255'}, {Name: 'Thailand', Code: 'TH', Timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+07:00', MobileCode: '+66'}, {Name: 'Togo', Code: 'TG', Timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+228'}, {Name: 'Tokelau', Code: 'TK', Timezone: 'Tonga Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+13:00', MobileCode: '+690'}, {Name: 'Tonga', Code: 'TO', Timezone: 'Tonga Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+13:00', MobileCode: '+676'}, {Name: 'Trinidad and Tobago', Code: 'TT', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-868'}, {Name: 'Tunisia', Code: 'TN', Timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+216'}, {Name: 'Turkey', Code: 'TR', Timezone: 'Turkey Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+90'}, {Name: 'Turkmenistan', Code: 'TM', Timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+05:00', MobileCode: '+993'}, {Name: 'Turks and Caicos Islands', Code: 'TC', Timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-05:00', MobileCode: '+1-649'}, {Name: 'Tuvalu', Code: 'TV', Timezone: 'UTC+12', UTC: 'UTC+12:00', MobileCode: '+688'}, {Name: 'U.S. Minor Outlying Islands', Code: 'UM', Timezone: 'UTC-11', UTC: 'UTC-11:00', MobileCode: '+1'}, {Name: 'Uganda', Code: 'UG', Timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+256'}, {Name: 'Ukraine', Code: 'UA', Timezone: 'FLE Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+380'}, {Name: 'United Arab Emirates', Code: 'AE', Timezone: 'Arabian Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+04:00', MobileCode: '+971'}, {Name: 'United Kingdom', Code: 'GB', Timezone: 'GMT Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC', MobileCode: '+44'}, {Name: 'United States', Code: 'US', Timezone: 'Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-08:00', MobileCode: '+1'}, {Name: 'Uruguay', Code: 'UY', Timezone: 'Montevideo Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-03:00', MobileCode: '+598'}, {Name: 'Uzbekistan', Code: 'UZ', Timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+05:00', MobileCode: '+998'}, {Name: 'Vanuatu', Code: 'VU', Timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+11:00', MobileCode: '+678'}, {Name: 'Vatican City', Code: 'VA', Timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+01:00', MobileCode: '+379'}, {Name: 'Vietnam', Code: 'VN', Timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+07:00', MobileCode: '+84'}, {Name: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.', Code: 'VI', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-340'}, {Name: 'Virgin Islands, British', Code: 'VG', Timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC-04:00', MobileCode: '+1-284'}, {Name: 'Wallis and Futuna', Code: 'WF', Timezone: 'UTC+12', UTC: 'UTC+12:00', MobileCode: '+681'}, {Name: 'Yemen', Code: 'YE', Timezone: 'Arab Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+03:00', MobileCode: '+967'}, {Name: 'Zambia', Code: 'ZM', Timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+260'}, {Name: 'Zimbabwe', Code: 'ZW', Timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time', UTC: 'UTC+02:00', MobileCode: '+263'} ]

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const countryAlpha2 = [

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That's really useful. Thank you!

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thanks so much

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anyuruf commented Mar 25, 2022

Thank you!!

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thank u so much, it helps me a lot

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const COUNTRIES = [
    name: 'Afghanistan',
    code: 'AF',
    timezone: 'Afghanistan Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:30',
    mobileCode: '+93',
    name: 'ร…land Islands',
    code: 'AX',
    timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+358-18',
    name: 'Albania',
    code: 'AL',
    timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+355',
    name: 'Algeria',
    code: 'DZ',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+213',
    name: 'American Samoa',
    code: 'AS',
    timezone: 'UTC-11',
    utc: 'UTC-11:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-684',
    name: 'Andorra',
    code: 'AD',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+376',
    name: 'Angola',
    code: 'AO',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+244',
    name: 'Anguilla',
    code: 'AI',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-264',
    name: 'Antarctica',
    code: 'AQ',
    timezone: 'Pacific SA Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+',
    name: 'Antigua and Barbuda',
    code: 'AG',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-268',
    name: 'Argentina',
    code: 'AR',
    timezone: 'Argentina Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+54',
    name: 'Armenia',
    code: 'AM',
    timezone: 'Caucasus Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:00',
    mobileCode: '+374',
    name: 'Aruba',
    code: 'AW',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+297',
    name: 'Australia',
    code: 'AU',
    timezone: 'AUS Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+10:00',
    mobileCode: '+61',
    name: 'Austria',
    code: 'AT',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+43',
    name: 'Azerbaijan',
    code: 'AZ',
    timezone: 'Azerbaijan Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:00',
    mobileCode: '+994',
    name: 'Bahamas, The',
    code: 'BS',
    timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-242',
    name: 'Bahrain',
    code: 'BH',
    timezone: 'Arab Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+973',
    name: 'Bangladesh',
    code: 'BD',
    timezone: 'Bangladesh Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+06:00',
    mobileCode: '+880',
    name: 'Barbados',
    code: 'BB',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-246',
    name: 'Belarus',
    code: 'BY',
    timezone: 'Belarus Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+375',
    name: 'Belgium',
    code: 'BE',
    timezone: 'Romance Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+32',
    name: 'Belize',
    code: 'BZ',
    timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-06:00',
    mobileCode: '+501',
    name: 'Benin',
    code: 'BJ',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+229',
    name: 'Bermuda',
    code: 'BM',
    timezone: 'Atlantic Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-441',
    name: 'Bhutan',
    code: 'BT',
    timezone: 'Bangladesh Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+06:00',
    mobileCode: '+975',
    name: 'Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela',
    code: 'VE',
    timezone: 'Venezuela Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:30',
    mobileCode: '+58',
    name: 'Bolivia',
    code: 'BO',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+591',
    name: 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba',
    code: 'BQ',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+599',
    name: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
    code: 'BA',
    timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+387',
    name: 'Botswana',
    code: 'BW',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+267',
    name: 'Bouvet Island',
    code: 'BV',
    timezone: 'UTC',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+',
    name: 'Brazil',
    code: 'BR',
    timezone: 'E. South America Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+55',
    name: 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
    code: 'IO',
    timezone: 'Central Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+06:00',
    mobileCode: '+246',
    name: 'Brunei',
    code: 'BN',
    timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+08:00',
    mobileCode: '+673',
    name: 'Bulgaria',
    code: 'BG',
    timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+359',
    name: 'Burkina Faso',
    code: 'BF',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+226',
    name: 'Burundi',
    code: 'BI',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+257',
    name: 'Cabo Verde',
    code: 'CV',
    timezone: 'Cape Verde Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-01:00',
    mobileCode: '+238',
    name: 'Cambodia',
    code: 'KH',
    timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+07:00',
    mobileCode: '+855',
    name: 'Cameroon',
    code: 'CM',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+237',
    name: 'Canada',
    code: 'CA',
    timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+1',
    name: 'Cayman Islands',
    code: 'KY',
    timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-345',
    name: 'Central African Republic',
    code: 'CF',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+236',
    name: 'Chad',
    code: 'TD',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+235',
    name: 'Chile',
    code: 'CL',
    timezone: 'Pacific SA Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+56',
    name: 'China',
    code: 'CN',
    timezone: 'China Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+08:00',
    mobileCode: '+86',
    name: 'Christmas Island',
    code: 'CX',
    timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+07:00',
    mobileCode: '+61',
    name: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
    code: 'CC',
    timezone: 'Myanmar Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+06:30',
    mobileCode: '+61',
    name: 'Colombia',
    code: 'CO',
    timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+57',
    name: 'Comoros',
    code: 'KM',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+269',
    name: 'Congo',
    code: 'CG',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+242',
    name: 'Congo (DRC)',
    code: 'CD',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+243',
    name: 'Cook Islands',
    code: 'CK',
    timezone: 'Hawaiian Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-10:00',
    mobileCode: '+682',
    name: 'Costa Rica',
    code: 'CR',
    timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-06:00',
    mobileCode: '+506',
    name: "Cรดte d'Ivoire",
    code: 'CI',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+225',
    name: 'Croatia',
    code: 'HR',
    timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+385',
    name: 'Cuba',
    code: 'CU',
    timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+53',
    name: 'Curaรงao',
    code: 'CW',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+599',
    name: 'Cyprus',
    code: 'CY',
    timezone: 'E. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+357',
    name: 'Czech Republic',
    code: 'CZ',
    timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+420',
    name: 'Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste',
    code: 'TL',
    timezone: 'Tokyo Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+09:00',
    mobileCode: '+670',
    name: 'Denmark',
    code: 'DK',
    timezone: 'Romance Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+45',
    name: 'Djibouti',
    code: 'DJ',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+253',
    name: 'Dominica',
    code: 'DM',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-767',
    name: 'Dominican Republic',
    code: 'DO',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-809 and 1-829',
    name: 'Ecuador',
    code: 'EC',
    timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+593',
    name: 'Egypt',
    code: 'EG',
    timezone: 'Egypt Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+20',
    name: 'El Salvador',
    code: 'SV',
    timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-06:00',
    mobileCode: '+503',
    name: 'Equatorial Guinea',
    code: 'GQ',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+240',
    name: 'Eritrea',
    code: 'ER',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+291',
    name: 'Estonia',
    code: 'EE',
    timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+372',
    name: 'Ethiopia',
    code: 'ET',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+251',
    name: 'Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)',
    code: 'FK',
    timezone: 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+500',
    name: 'Faroe Islands',
    code: 'FO',
    timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+298',
    name: 'Fiji Islands',
    code: 'FJ',
    timezone: 'Fiji Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+12:00',
    mobileCode: '+679',
    name: 'Finland',
    code: 'FI',
    timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+358',
    name: 'France',
    code: 'FR',
    timezone: 'Romance Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+33',
    name: 'French Guiana',
    code: 'GF',
    timezone: 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+594',
    name: 'French Polynesia',
    code: 'PF',
    timezone: 'Hawaiian Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-10:00',
    mobileCode: '+689',
    name: 'French Southern and Antarctic Lands',
    code: 'TF',
    timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:00',
    mobileCode: '+',
    name: 'Gabon',
    code: 'GA',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+241',
    name: 'Gambia, The',
    code: 'GM',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+220',
    name: 'Georgia',
    code: 'GE',
    timezone: 'Georgian Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:00',
    mobileCode: '+995',
    name: 'Germany',
    code: 'DE',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+49',
    name: 'Ghana',
    code: 'GH',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+233',
    name: 'Gibraltar',
    code: 'GI',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+350',
    name: 'Greece',
    code: 'GR',
    timezone: 'GTB Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+30',
    name: 'Greenland',
    code: 'GL',
    timezone: 'Greenland Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+299',
    name: 'Grenada',
    code: 'GD',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-473',
    name: 'Guadeloupe',
    code: 'GP',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+590',
    name: 'Guam',
    code: 'GU',
    timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+10:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-671',
    name: 'Guatemala',
    code: 'GT',
    timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-06:00',
    mobileCode: '+502',
    name: 'Guernsey',
    code: 'GG',
    timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+44-1481',
    name: 'Guinea',
    code: 'GN',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+224',
    name: 'Guinea-Bissau',
    code: 'GW',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+245',
    name: 'Guyana',
    code: 'GY',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+592',
    name: 'Haiti',
    code: 'HT',
    timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+509',
    name: 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands',
    code: 'HM',
    timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:00',
    mobileCode: '+ ',
    name: 'Honduras',
    code: 'HN',
    timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-06:00',
    mobileCode: '+504',
    name: 'Hong Kong SAR',
    code: 'HK',
    timezone: 'China Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+08:00',
    mobileCode: '+852',
    name: 'Hungary',
    code: 'HU',
    timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+36',
    name: 'Iceland',
    code: 'IS',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+354',
    name: 'India',
    code: 'IN',
    timezone: 'India Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:30',
    mobileCode: '+91',
    name: 'Indonesia',
    code: 'ID',
    timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+07:00',
    mobileCode: '+62',
    name: 'Iran',
    code: 'IR',
    timezone: 'Iran Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:30',
    mobileCode: '+98',
    name: 'Iraq',
    code: 'IQ',
    timezone: 'Arabic Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+964',
    name: 'Ireland',
    code: 'IE',
    timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+353',
    name: 'Israel',
    code: 'IL',
    timezone: 'Israel Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+972',
    name: 'Italy',
    code: 'IT',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+39',
    name: 'Jamaica',
    code: 'JM',
    timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-876',
    name: 'Jan Mayen',
    code: 'SJ',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+47',
    name: 'Japan',
    code: 'JP',
    timezone: 'Tokyo Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+09:00',
    mobileCode: '+81',
    name: 'Jersey',
    code: 'JE',
    timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+44-1534',
    name: 'Jordan',
    code: 'JO',
    timezone: 'Jordan Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+962',
    name: 'Kazakhstan',
    code: 'KZ',
    timezone: 'Central Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+06:00',
    mobileCode: '+7',
    name: 'Kenya',
    code: 'KE',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+254',
    name: 'Kiribati',
    code: 'KI',
    timezone: 'UTC+12',
    utc: 'UTC+12:00',
    mobileCode: '+686',
    name: 'Korea',
    code: 'KR',
    timezone: 'Korea Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+09:00',
    mobileCode: '+82',
    name: 'Kosovo',
    code: 'XK',
    timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+',
    name: 'Kuwait',
    code: 'KW',
    timezone: 'Arab Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+965',
    name: 'Kyrgyzstan',
    code: 'KG',
    timezone: 'Central Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+06:00',
    mobileCode: '+996',
    name: 'Laos',
    code: 'LA',
    timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+07:00',
    mobileCode: '+856',
    name: 'Latvia',
    code: 'LV',
    timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+371',
    name: 'Lebanon',
    code: 'LB',
    timezone: 'Middle East Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+961',
    name: 'Lesotho',
    code: 'LS',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+266',
    name: 'Liberia',
    code: 'LR',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+231',
    name: 'Libya',
    code: 'LY',
    timezone: 'E. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+218',
    name: 'Liechtenstein',
    code: 'LI',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+423',
    name: 'Lithuania',
    code: 'LT',
    timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+370',
    name: 'Luxembourg',
    code: 'LU',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+352',
    name: 'Macao SAR',
    code: 'MO',
    timezone: 'China Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+08:00',
    mobileCode: '+853',
    name: 'Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of',
    code: 'MK',
    timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+389',
    name: 'Madagascar',
    code: 'MG',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+261',
    name: 'Malawi',
    code: 'MW',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+265',
    name: 'Malaysia',
    code: 'MY',
    timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+08:00',
    mobileCode: '+60',
    name: 'Maldives',
    code: 'MV',
    timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:00',
    mobileCode: '+960',
    name: 'Mali',
    code: 'ML',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+223',
    name: 'Malta',
    code: 'MT',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+356',
    name: 'Man, Isle of',
    code: 'IM',
    timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+44-1624',
    name: 'Marshall Islands',
    code: 'MH',
    timezone: 'UTC+12',
    utc: 'UTC+12:00',
    mobileCode: '+692',
    name: 'Martinique',
    code: 'MQ',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+596',
    name: 'Mauritania',
    code: 'MR',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+222',
    name: 'Mauritius',
    code: 'MU',
    timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:00',
    mobileCode: '+230',
    name: 'Mayotte',
    code: 'YT',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+262',
    name: 'Mexico',
    code: 'MX',
    timezone: 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)',
    utc: 'UTC-06:00',
    mobileCode: '+52',
    name: 'Micronesia',
    code: 'FM',
    timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+10:00',
    mobileCode: '+691',
    name: 'Moldova',
    code: 'MD',
    timezone: 'GTB Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+373',
    name: 'Monaco',
    code: 'MC',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+377',
    name: 'Mongolia',
    code: 'MN',
    timezone: 'Ulaanbaatar Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+08:00',
    mobileCode: '+976',
    name: 'Montenegro',
    code: 'ME',
    timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+382',
    name: 'Montserrat',
    code: 'MS',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-664',
    name: 'Morocco',
    code: 'MA',
    timezone: 'Morocco Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+212',
    name: 'Mozambique',
    code: 'MZ',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+258',
    name: 'Myanmar',
    code: 'MM',
    timezone: 'Myanmar Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+06:30',
    mobileCode: '+95',
    name: 'Namibia',
    code: 'NA',
    timezone: 'Namibia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+264',
    name: 'Nauru',
    code: 'NR',
    timezone: 'UTC+12',
    utc: 'UTC+12:00',
    mobileCode: '+674',
    name: 'Nepal',
    code: 'NP',
    timezone: 'Nepal Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:45',
    mobileCode: '+977',
    name: 'Netherlands',
    code: 'NL',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+31',
    name: 'New Caledonia',
    code: 'NC',
    timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+11:00',
    mobileCode: '+687',
    name: 'New Zealand',
    code: 'NZ',
    timezone: 'New Zealand Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+12:00',
    mobileCode: '+64',
    name: 'Nicaragua',
    code: 'NI',
    timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-06:00',
    mobileCode: '+505',
    name: 'Niger',
    code: 'NE',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+227',
    name: 'Nigeria',
    code: 'NG',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+234',
    name: 'Niue',
    code: 'NU',
    timezone: 'UTC-11',
    utc: 'UTC-11:00',
    mobileCode: '+683',
    name: 'Norfolk Island',
    code: 'NF',
    timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+11:00',
    mobileCode: '+672',
    name: 'North Korea',
    code: 'KP',
    timezone: 'Korea Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+09:00',
    mobileCode: '+850',
    name: 'Northern Mariana Islands',
    code: 'MP',
    timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+10:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-670',
    name: 'Norway',
    code: 'NO',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+47',
    name: 'Oman',
    code: 'OM',
    timezone: 'Arabian Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:00',
    mobileCode: '+968',
    name: 'Pakistan',
    code: 'PK',
    timezone: 'Pakistan Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:00',
    mobileCode: '+92',
    name: 'Palau',
    code: 'PW',
    timezone: 'Tokyo Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+09:00',
    mobileCode: '+680',
    name: 'Palestinian Authority',
    code: 'PS',
    timezone: 'Egypt Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+970',
    name: 'Panama',
    code: 'PA',
    timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+507',
    name: 'Papua New Guinea',
    code: 'PG',
    timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+10:00',
    mobileCode: '+675',
    name: 'Paraguay',
    code: 'PY',
    timezone: 'Paraguay Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+595',
    name: 'Peru',
    code: 'PE',
    timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+51',
    name: 'Philippines',
    code: 'PH',
    timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+08:00',
    mobileCode: '+63',
    name: 'Pitcairn Islands',
    code: 'PN',
    timezone: 'Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-08:00',
    mobileCode: '+870',
    name: 'Poland',
    code: 'PL',
    timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+48',
    name: 'Portugal',
    code: 'PT',
    timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+351',
    name: 'Puerto Rico',
    code: 'PR',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-787 and 1-939',
    name: 'Qatar',
    code: 'QA',
    timezone: 'Arab Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+974',
    name: 'Reunion',
    code: 'RE',
    timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:00',
    mobileCode: '+262',
    name: 'Romania',
    code: 'RO',
    timezone: 'GTB Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+40',
    name: 'Russia',
    code: 'RU',
    timezone: 'Russian Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+7',
    name: 'Rwanda',
    code: 'RW',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+250',
    name: 'Saint Barthรฉlemy',
    code: 'BL',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+590',
    name: 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha',
    code: 'SH',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+290',
    name: 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
    code: 'KN',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-869',
    name: 'Saint Lucia',
    code: 'LC',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-758',
    name: 'Saint Martin (French part)',
    code: 'MF',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+590',
    name: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
    code: 'PM',
    timezone: 'Greenland Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+508',
    name: 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
    code: 'VC',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-784',
    name: 'Samoa',
    code: 'WS',
    timezone: 'Samoa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+13:00',
    mobileCode: '+685',
    name: 'San Marino',
    code: 'SM',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+378',
    name: 'Sรฃo Tomรฉ and Prรญncipe',
    code: 'ST',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+239',
    name: 'Saudi Arabia',
    code: 'SA',
    timezone: 'Arab Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+966',
    name: 'Senegal',
    code: 'SN',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+221',
    name: 'Serbia',
    code: 'RS',
    timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+381',
    name: 'Seychelles',
    code: 'SC',
    timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:00',
    mobileCode: '+248',
    name: 'Sierra Leone',
    code: 'SL',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+232',
    name: 'Singapore',
    code: 'SG',
    timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+08:00',
    mobileCode: '+65',
    name: 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)',
    code: 'SX',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+599',
    name: 'Slovakia',
    code: 'SK',
    timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+421',
    name: 'Slovenia',
    code: 'SI',
    timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+386',
    name: 'Solomon Islands',
    code: 'SB',
    timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+11:00',
    mobileCode: '+677',
    name: 'Somalia',
    code: 'SO',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+252',
    name: 'South Africa',
    code: 'ZA',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+27',
    name: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
    code: 'GS',
    timezone: 'UTC-02',
    utc: 'UTC-02:00',
    mobileCode: '+',
    name: 'South Sudan',
    code: 'SS',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+211',
    name: 'Spain',
    code: 'ES',
    timezone: 'Romance Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+34',
    name: 'Sri Lanka',
    code: 'LK',
    timezone: 'Sri Lanka Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:30',
    mobileCode: '+94',
    name: 'Sudan',
    code: 'SD',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+249',
    name: 'Suriname',
    code: 'SR',
    timezone: 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+597',
    name: 'Svalbard',
    code: 'SJ',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+47',
    name: 'Swaziland',
    code: 'SZ',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+268',
    name: 'Sweden',
    code: 'SE',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+46',
    name: 'Switzerland',
    code: 'CH',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+41',
    name: 'Syria',
    code: 'SY',
    timezone: 'Syria Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+963',
    name: 'Taiwan',
    code: 'TW',
    timezone: 'Taipei Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+08:00',
    mobileCode: '+886',
    name: 'Tajikistan',
    code: 'TJ',
    timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:00',
    mobileCode: '+992',
    name: 'Tanzania',
    code: 'TZ',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+255',
    name: 'Thailand',
    code: 'TH',
    timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+07:00',
    mobileCode: '+66',
    name: 'Togo',
    code: 'TG',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+228',
    name: 'Tokelau',
    code: 'TK',
    timezone: 'Tonga Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+13:00',
    mobileCode: '+690',
    name: 'Tonga',
    code: 'TO',
    timezone: 'Tonga Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+13:00',
    mobileCode: '+676',
    name: 'Trinidad and Tobago',
    code: 'TT',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-868',
    name: 'Tunisia',
    code: 'TN',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+216',
    name: 'Turkey',
    code: 'TR',
    timezone: 'Turkey Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+90',
    name: 'Turkmenistan',
    code: 'TM',
    timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:00',
    mobileCode: '+993',
    name: 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
    code: 'TC',
    timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-649',
    name: 'Tuvalu',
    code: 'TV',
    timezone: 'UTC+12',
    utc: 'UTC+12:00',
    mobileCode: '+688',
    name: 'U.S. Minor Outlying Islands',
    code: 'UM',
    timezone: 'UTC-11',
    utc: 'UTC-11:00',
    mobileCode: '+1',
    name: 'Uganda',
    code: 'UG',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+256',
    name: 'Ukraine',
    code: 'UA',
    timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+380',
    name: 'United Arab Emirates',
    code: 'AE',
    timezone: 'Arabian Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:00',
    mobileCode: '+971',
    name: 'United Kingdom',
    code: 'GB',
    timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+44',
    name: 'United States',
    code: 'US',
    timezone: 'Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-08:00',
    mobileCode: '+1',
    name: 'Uruguay',
    code: 'UY',
    timezone: 'Montevideo Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+598',
    name: 'Uzbekistan',
    code: 'UZ',
    timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:00',
    mobileCode: '+998',
    name: 'Vanuatu',
    code: 'VU',
    timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+11:00',
    mobileCode: '+678',
    name: 'Vatican City',
    code: 'VA',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+379',
    name: 'Vietnam',
    code: 'VN',
    timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+07:00',
    mobileCode: '+84',
    name: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.',
    code: 'VI',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-340',
    name: 'Virgin Islands, British',
    code: 'VG',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-284',
    name: 'Wallis and Futuna',
    code: 'WF',
    timezone: 'UTC+12',
    utc: 'UTC+12:00',
    mobileCode: '+681',
    name: 'Yemen',
    code: 'YE',
    timezone: 'Arab Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+967',
    name: 'Zambia',
    code: 'ZM',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+260',
    name: 'Zimbabwe',
    code: 'ZW',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+263',

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milcab commented May 17, 2022

Thank you!!!!! life saver!

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Thank you!!

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Thanks a lot!

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for anyone interested, Here's country: country code mapped

// ISO 3166 Alpha-2 Format: [Country Name] : [2 letter Country Code]

const countryList = {
  Afghanistan: 'AF',
  'Aland Islands': 'AX',
  Albania: 'AL',
  Algeria: 'DZ',
  'American Samoa': 'AS',
  Andorra: 'AD',
  Angola: 'AO',
  Anguilla: 'AI',
  Antarctica: 'AQ',
  'Antigua And Barbuda': 'AG',
  Argentina: 'AR',
  Armenia: 'AM',
  Aruba: 'AW',
  Australia: 'AU',
  Austria: 'AT',
  Azerbaijan: 'AZ',
  Bahamas: 'BS',
  Bahrain: 'BH',
  Bangladesh: 'BD',
  Barbados: 'BB',
  Belarus: 'BY',
  Belgium: 'BE',
  Belize: 'BZ',
  Benin: 'BJ',
  Bermuda: 'BM',
  Bhutan: 'BT',
  Bolivia: 'BO',
  'Bosnia And Herzegovina': 'BA',
  Botswana: 'BW',
  'Bouvet Island': 'BV',
  Brazil: 'BR',
  'British Indian Ocean Territory': 'IO',
  'Brunei Darussalam': 'BN',
  Bulgaria: 'BG',
  'Burkina Faso': 'BF',
  Burundi: 'BI',
  Cambodia: 'KH',
  Cameroon: 'CM',
  Canada: 'CA',
  'Cape Verde': 'CV',
  'Cayman Islands': 'KY',
  'Central African Republic': 'CF',
  Chad: 'TD',
  Chile: 'CL',
  China: 'CN',
  'Christmas Island': 'CX',
  'Cocos (Keeling) Islands': 'CC',
  Colombia: 'CO',
  Comoros: 'KM',
  Congo: 'CG',
  'Congo, Democratic Republic': 'CD',
  'Cook Islands': 'CK',
  'Costa Rica': 'CR',
  "Cote D'Ivoire": 'CI',
  Croatia: 'HR',
  Cuba: 'CU',
  Cyprus: 'CY',
  'Czech Republic': 'CZ',
  Denmark: 'DK',
  Djibouti: 'DJ',
  Dominica: 'DM',
  'Dominican Republic': 'DO',
  Ecuador: 'EC',
  Egypt: 'EG',
  'El Salvador': 'SV',
  'Equatorial Guinea': 'GQ',
  Eritrea: 'ER',
  Estonia: 'EE',
  Ethiopia: 'ET',
  'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)': 'FK',
  'Faroe Islands': 'FO',
  Fiji: 'FJ',
  Finland: 'FI',
  France: 'FR',
  'French Guiana': 'GF',
  'French Polynesia': 'PF',
  'French Southern Territories': 'TF',
  Gabon: 'GA',
  Gambia: 'GM',
  Georgia: 'GE',
  Germany: 'DE',
  Ghana: 'GH',
  Gibraltar: 'GI',
  Greece: 'GR',
  Greenland: 'GL',
  Grenada: 'GD',
  Guadeloupe: 'GP',
  Guam: 'GU',
  Guatemala: 'GT',
  Guernsey: 'GG',
  Guinea: 'GN',
  'Guinea-Bissau': 'GW',
  Guyana: 'GY',
  Haiti: 'HT',
  'Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands': 'HM',
  'Holy See (Vatican City State)': 'VA',
  Honduras: 'HN',
  'Hong Kong': 'HK',
  Hungary: 'HU',
  Iceland: 'IS',
  India: 'IN',
  Indonesia: 'ID',
  'Iran, Islamic Republic Of': 'IR',
  Iraq: 'IQ',
  Ireland: 'IE',
  'Isle Of Man': 'IM',
  Israel: 'IL',
  Italy: 'IT',
  Jamaica: 'JM',
  Japan: 'JP',
  Jersey: 'JE',
  Jordan: 'JO',
  Kazakhstan: 'KZ',
  Kenya: 'KE',
  Kiribati: 'KI',
  Korea: 'KR',
  Kuwait: 'KW',
  Kyrgyzstan: 'KG',
  "Lao People's Democratic Republic": 'LA',
  Latvia: 'LV',
  Lebanon: 'LB',
  Lesotho: 'LS',
  Liberia: 'LR',
  'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya': 'LY',
  Liechtenstein: 'LI',
  Lithuania: 'LT',
  Luxembourg: 'LU',
  Macao: 'MO',
  Macedonia: 'MK',
  Madagascar: 'MG',
  Malawi: 'MW',
  Malaysia: 'MY',
  Maldives: 'MV',
  Mali: 'ML',
  Malta: 'MT',
  'Marshall Islands': 'MH',
  Martinique: 'MQ',
  Mauritania: 'MR',
  Mauritius: 'MU',
  Mayotte: 'YT',
  Mexico: 'MX',
  'Micronesia, Federated States Of': 'FM',
  Moldova: 'MD',
  Monaco: 'MC',
  Mongolia: 'MN',
  Montenegro: 'ME',
  Montserrat: 'MS',
  Morocco: 'MA',
  Mozambique: 'MZ',
  Myanmar: 'MM',
  Namibia: 'NA',
  Nauru: 'NR',
  Nepal: 'NP',
  Netherlands: 'NL',
  'Netherlands Antilles': 'AN',
  'New Caledonia': 'NC',
  'New Zealand': 'NZ',
  Nicaragua: 'NI',
  Niger: 'NE',
  Nigeria: 'NG',
  Niue: 'NU',
  'Norfolk Island': 'NF',
  'Northern Mariana Islands': 'MP',
  Norway: 'NO',
  Oman: 'OM',
  Pakistan: 'PK',
  Palau: 'PW',
  'Palestinian Territory, Occupied': 'PS',
  Panama: 'PA',
  'Papua New Guinea': 'PG',
  Paraguay: 'PY',
  Peru: 'PE',
  Philippines: 'PH',
  Pitcairn: 'PN',
  Poland: 'PL',
  Portugal: 'PT',
  'Puerto Rico': 'PR',
  Qatar: 'QA',
  Reunion: 'RE',
  Romania: 'RO',
  'Russian Federation': 'RU',
  Rwanda: 'RW',
  'Saint Barthelemy': 'BL',
  'Saint Helena': 'SH',
  'Saint Kitts And Nevis': 'KN',
  'Saint Lucia': 'LC',
  'Saint Martin': 'MF',
  'Saint Pierre And Miquelon': 'PM',
  'Saint Vincent And Grenadines': 'VC',
  Samoa: 'WS',
  'San Marino': 'SM',
  'Sao Tome And Principe': 'ST',
  'Saudi Arabia': 'SA',
  Senegal: 'SN',
  Serbia: 'RS',
  Seychelles: 'SC',
  'Sierra Leone': 'SL',
  Singapore: 'SG',
  Slovakia: 'SK',
  Slovenia: 'SI',
  'Solomon Islands': 'SB',
  Somalia: 'SO',
  'South Africa': 'ZA',
  'South Georgia And Sandwich Isl.': 'GS',
  Spain: 'ES',
  'Sri Lanka': 'LK',
  Sudan: 'SD',
  Suriname: 'SR',
  'Svalbard And Jan Mayen': 'SJ',
  Swaziland: 'SZ',
  Sweden: 'SE',
  Switzerland: 'CH',
  'Syrian Arab Republic': 'SY',
  Taiwan: 'TW',
  Tajikistan: 'TJ',
  Tanzania: 'TZ',
  Thailand: 'TH',
  'Timor-Leste': 'TL',
  Togo: 'TG',
  Tokelau: 'TK',
  Tonga: 'TO',
  'Trinidad And Tobago': 'TT',
  Tunisia: 'TN',
  Turkey: 'TR',
  Turkmenistan: 'TM',
  'Turks And Caicos Islands': 'TC',
  Tuvalu: 'TV',
  Uganda: 'UG',
  Ukraine: 'UA',
  'United Arab Emirates': 'AE',
  'United Kingdom': 'GB',
  'United States': 'US',
  'United States Outlying Islands': 'UM',
  Uruguay: 'UY',
  Uzbekistan: 'UZ',
  Vanuatu: 'VU',
  Venezuela: 'VE',
  'Viet Nam': 'VN',
  'Virgin Islands, British': 'VG',
  'Virgin Islands, U.S.': 'VI',
  'Wallis And Futuna': 'WF',
  'Western Sahara': 'EH',
  Yemen: 'YE',
  Zambia: 'ZM',
  Zimbabwe: 'ZW',
  'North Macedonia': 'MK',
  ฤŒeลกka: 'CZ'

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vtavaresl commented Jul 26, 2022


const countryList = [
	 "id": 1,
	 "name": "Afeganistรฃo",
	 "currency": "AFN",
	 "phone": 93,
	 "capital": "Kabul",
	 "code": "AF",
	 "code3": "AFG",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 4
	 "id": 2,
	 "name": "รfrica do Sul",
	 "currency": "ZAR",
	 "phone": 27,
	 "capital": "Pretoria",
	 "code": "ZA",
	 "code3": "ZAF",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 710
	 "id": 3,
	 "name": "Albรขnia",
	 "currency": "ALL",
	 "phone": 355,
	 "capital": "Tirana",
	 "code": "AL",
	 "code3": "ALB",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 8
	 "id": 4,
	 "name": "Alemanha",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 49,
	 "capital": "Berlin",
	 "code": "DE",
	 "code3": "DEU",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 276
	 "id": 5,
	 "name": "Andorra",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 376,
	 "capital": "Andorra la Vella",
	 "code": "AD",
	 "code3": "AND",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 20
	 "id": 6,
	 "name": "Angola",
	 "currency": "AOA",
	 "phone": 244,
	 "capital": "Luanda",
	 "code": "AO",
	 "code3": "AGO",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 24
	 "id": 7,
	 "name": "Anguilla",
	 "currency": "XCD",
	 "phone": 1264,
	 "capital": "The Valley",
	 "code": "AI",
	 "code3": "AIA",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 660
	 "id": 8,
	 "name": "Antรกrtida",
	 "currency": "AAD",
	 "phone": 672,
	 "capital": "Antรกrtida",
	 "code": "AQ",
	 "code3": "ATA",
	 "continent": "Antรกrtida",
	 "number": 10
	 "id": 9,
	 "name": "Antรญgua e Barbuda",
	 "currency": "XCD",
	 "phone": 1268,
	 "capital": "St. John's",
	 "code": "AG",
	 "code3": "ATG",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 28
	 "id": 11,
	 "name": "Arรกbia Saudita",
	 "currency": "SAR",
	 "phone": 966,
	 "capital": "Riyadh",
	 "code": "SA",
	 "code3": "SAU",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 682
	 "id": 12,
	 "name": "Argรฉlia",
	 "currency": "DZD",
	 "phone": 213,
	 "capital": "Algiers",
	 "code": "DZ",
	 "code3": "DZA",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 12
	 "id": 13,
	 "name": "Argentina",
	 "currency": "ARS",
	 "phone": 54,
	 "capital": "Buenos Aires",
	 "code": "AR",
	 "code3": "ARG",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 32
	 "id": 14,
	 "name": "Armรชnia",
	 "currency": "AMD",
	 "phone": 374,
	 "capital": "Yerevan",
	 "code": "AM",
	 "code3": "ARM",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 51
	 "id": 15,
	 "name": "Aruba",
	 "currency": "AWG",
	 "phone": 297,
	 "capital": "Oranjestad",
	 "code": "AW",
	 "code3": "ABW",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 533
	 "id": 16,
	 "name": "Austrรกlia",
	 "currency": "AUD",
	 "phone": 61,
	 "capital": "Canberra",
	 "code": "AU",
	 "code3": "AUS",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 36
	 "id": 17,
	 "name": "รustria",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 43,
	 "capital": "Vienna",
	 "code": "AT",
	 "code3": "AUT",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 40
	 "id": 18,
	 "name": "Azerbaijรฃo",
	 "currency": "AZN",
	 "phone": 994,
	 "capital": "Baku",
	 "code": "AZ",
	 "code3": "AZE",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 31
	 "id": 19,
	 "name": "Bahamas",
	 "currency": "BSD",
	 "phone": 1242,
	 "capital": "Nassau",
	 "code": "BS",
	 "code3": "BHS",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 44
	 "id": 20,
	 "name": "Bahrein",
	 "currency": "BHD",
	 "phone": 973,
	 "capital": "Manama",
	 "code": "BH",
	 "code3": "BHR",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 48
	 "id": 21,
	 "name": "Bangladesh",
	 "currency": "BDT",
	 "phone": 880,
	 "capital": "Dhaka",
	 "code": "BD",
	 "code3": "BGD",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 50
	 "id": 22,
	 "name": "Barbados",
	 "currency": "BBD",
	 "phone": 1246,
	 "capital": "Bridgetown",
	 "code": "BB",
	 "code3": "BRB",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 52
	 "id": 23,
	 "name": "Bรฉlgica",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 32,
	 "capital": "Brussels",
	 "code": "BE",
	 "code3": "BEL",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 56
	 "id": 24,
	 "name": "Belize",
	 "currency": "BZD",
	 "phone": 501,
	 "capital": "Belmopan",
	 "code": "BZ",
	 "code3": "BLZ",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 84
	 "id": 25,
	 "name": "Benin",
	 "currency": "XOF",
	 "phone": 229,
	 "capital": "Porto-Novo",
	 "code": "BJ",
	 "code3": "BEN",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 204
	 "id": 26,
	 "name": "Bermudas",
	 "currency": "BMD",
	 "phone": 1441,
	 "capital": "Hamilton",
	 "code": "BM",
	 "code3": "BMU",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 60
	 "id": 27,
	 "name": "Bielo-Rรบssia",
	 "currency": "BYN",
	 "phone": 375,
	 "capital": "Minsk",
	 "code": "BY",
	 "code3": "BLR",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 112
	 "id": 28,
	 "name": "Bolรญvia",
	 "currency": "BOB",
	 "phone": 591,
	 "capital": "Sucre",
	 "code": "BO",
	 "code3": "BOL",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 68
	 "id": 29,
	 "name": "Bรณsnia e Herzegovina",
	 "currency": "BAM",
	 "phone": 387,
	 "capital": "Sarajevo",
	 "code": "BA",
	 "code3": "BIH",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 70
	 "id": 30,
	 "name": "Botswana",
	 "currency": "BWP",
	 "phone": 267,
	 "capital": "Gaborone",
	 "code": "BW",
	 "code3": "BWA",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 72
	 "id": 31,
	 "name": "Brasil",
	 "currency": "BRL",
	 "phone": 55,
	 "capital": "Brasilia",
	 "code": "BR",
	 "code3": "BRA",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 76
	 "id": 32,
	 "name": "Brunei",
	 "currency": "BND",
	 "phone": 673,
	 "capital": "Bandar Seri Begawan",
	 "code": "BN",
	 "code3": "BRN",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 96
	 "id": 33,
	 "name": "Bulgรกria",
	 "currency": "BGN",
	 "phone": 359,
	 "capital": "Sofia",
	 "code": "BG",
	 "code3": "BGR",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 100
	 "id": 34,
	 "name": "Burkina Faso",
	 "currency": "XOF",
	 "phone": 226,
	 "capital": "Ouagadougou",
	 "code": "BF",
	 "code3": "BFA",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 854
	 "id": 35,
	 "name": "Burundi",
	 "currency": "BIF",
	 "phone": 257,
	 "capital": "Bujumbura",
	 "code": "BI",
	 "code3": "BDI",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 108
	 "id": 36,
	 "name": "Butรฃo",
	 "currency": "BTN",
	 "phone": 975,
	 "capital": "Thimphu",
	 "code": "BT",
	 "code3": "BTN",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 64
	 "id": 37,
	 "name": "Cabo Verde",
	 "currency": "CVE",
	 "phone": 238,
	 "capital": "Praia",
	 "code": "CV",
	 "code3": "CPV",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 132
	 "id": 38,
	 "name": "Camarรตes",
	 "currency": "XAF",
	 "phone": 237,
	 "capital": "Yaounde",
	 "code": "CM",
	 "code3": "CMR",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 120
	 "id": 39,
	 "name": "Camboja",
	 "currency": "KHR",
	 "phone": 855,
	 "capital": "Phnom Penh",
	 "code": "KH",
	 "code3": "KHM",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 116
	 "id": 40,
	 "name": "Canadรก",
	 "currency": "CAD",
	 "phone": 1,
	 "capital": "Ottawa",
	 "code": "CA",
	 "code3": "CAN",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 124
	 "id": 41,
	 "name": "Catar",
	 "currency": "QAR",
	 "phone": 974,
	 "capital": "Doha",
	 "code": "QA",
	 "code3": "QAT",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 634
	 "id": 42,
	 "name": "Cazaquistรฃo",
	 "currency": "KZT",
	 "phone": 7,
	 "capital": "Astana",
	 "code": "KZ",
	 "code3": "KAZ",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 398
	 "id": 43,
	 "name": "Chade",
	 "currency": "XAF",
	 "phone": 235,
	 "capital": "N'Djamena",
	 "code": "TD",
	 "code3": "TCD",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 148
	 "id": 44,
	 "name": "Chile",
	 "currency": "CLP",
	 "phone": 56,
	 "capital": "Santiago",
	 "code": "CL",
	 "code3": "CHL",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 152
	 "id": 45,
	 "name": "China",
	 "currency": "CNY",
	 "phone": 86,
	 "capital": "Beijing",
	 "code": "CN",
	 "code3": "CHN",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 156
	 "id": 46,
	 "name": "Chipre",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 357,
	 "capital": "Nicosia",
	 "code": "CY",
	 "code3": "CYP",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 196
	 "id": 47,
	 "name": "Cingapura",
	 "currency": "SGD",
	 "phone": 65,
	 "capital": "Singapur",
	 "code": "SG",
	 "code3": "SGP",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 702
	 "id": 48,
	 "name": "Colรดmbia",
	 "currency": "COP",
	 "phone": 57,
	 "capital": "Bogota",
	 "code": "CO",
	 "code3": "COL",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 170
	 "id": 49,
	 "name": "Comores",
	 "currency": "KMF",
	 "phone": 269,
	 "capital": "Moroni",
	 "code": "KM",
	 "code3": "COM",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 174
	 "id": 50,
	 "name": "Congo",
	 "currency": "XAF",
	 "phone": 242,
	 "capital": "Brazzaville",
	 "code": "CG",
	 "code3": "COG",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 178
	 "id": 51,
	 "name": "Corรฉia do Norte",
	 "currency": "KPW",
	 "phone": 850,
	 "capital": "Pyongyang",
	 "code": "KP",
	 "code3": "PRK",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 408
	 "id": 52,
	 "name": "Corรฉia do Sul",
	 "currency": "KRW",
	 "phone": 82,
	 "capital": "Seoul",
	 "code": "KR",
	 "code3": "KOR",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 410
	 "id": 53,
	 "name": "Costa do Marfim",
	 "currency": "XOF",
	 "phone": 225,
	 "capital": "Yamoussoukro",
	 "code": "CI",
	 "code3": "CIV",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 384
	 "id": 54,
	 "name": "Costa Rica",
	 "currency": "CRC",
	 "phone": 506,
	 "capital": "San Jose",
	 "code": "CR",
	 "code3": "CRI",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 188
	 "id": 55,
	 "name": "Croรกcia",
	 "currency": "HRK",
	 "phone": 385,
	 "capital": "Zagreb",
	 "code": "HR",
	 "code3": "HRV",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 191
	 "id": 56,
	 "name": "Cuba",
	 "currency": "CUP",
	 "phone": 53,
	 "capital": "Havana",
	 "code": "CU",
	 "code3": "CUB",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 192
	 "id": 57,
	 "name": "Curaรงao",
	 "currency": "ANG",
	 "phone": 599,
	 "capital": "Willemstad",
	 "code": "CW",
	 "code3": "CUW",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 531
	 "id": 58,
	 "name": "Dinamarca",
	 "currency": "DKK",
	 "phone": 45,
	 "capital": "Copenhagen",
	 "code": "DK",
	 "code3": "DNK",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 208
	 "id": 59,
	 "name": "Djibouti",
	 "currency": "DJF",
	 "phone": 253,
	 "capital": "Djibouti",
	 "code": "DJ",
	 "code3": "DJI",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 262
	 "id": 60,
	 "name": "Dominica",
	 "currency": "XCD",
	 "phone": 1767,
	 "capital": "Roseau",
	 "code": "DM",
	 "code3": "DMA",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 212
	 "id": 61,
	 "name": "Egito",
	 "currency": "EGP",
	 "phone": 20,
	 "capital": "Cairo",
	 "code": "EG",
	 "code3": "EGY",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 818
	 "id": 62,
	 "name": "El Salvador",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 503,
	 "capital": "San Salvador",
	 "code": "SV",
	 "code3": "SLV",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 222
	 "id": 63,
	 "name": "Emirados รrabes Unidos",
	 "currency": "AED",
	 "phone": 971,
	 "capital": "Abu Dhabi",
	 "code": "AE",
	 "code3": "ARE",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 784
	 "id": 64,
	 "name": "Equador",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 593,
	 "capital": "Quito",
	 "code": "EC",
	 "code3": "ECU",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 218
	 "id": 65,
	 "name": "Eritreia",
	 "currency": "ERN",
	 "phone": 291,
	 "capital": "Asmara",
	 "code": "ER",
	 "code3": "ERI",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 232
	 "id": 66,
	 "name": "Eslovรกquia",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 421,
	 "capital": "Bratislava",
	 "code": "SK",
	 "code3": "SVK",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 703
	 "id": 67,
	 "name": "Eslovรชnia",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 386,
	 "capital": "Ljubljana",
	 "code": "SI",
	 "code3": "SVN",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 705
	 "id": 68,
	 "name": "Espanha",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 34,
	 "capital": "Madrid",
	 "code": "ES",
	 "code3": "ESP",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 724
	 "id": 69,
	 "name": "Estados Unidos",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 1,
	 "capital": "Washington",
	 "code": "US",
	 "code3": "USA",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 840
	 "id": 70,
	 "name": "Estรดnia",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 372,
	 "capital": "Tallinn",
	 "code": "EE",
	 "code3": "EST",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 233
	 "id": 71,
	 "name": "Etiรณpia",
	 "currency": "ETB",
	 "phone": 251,
	 "capital": "Addis Ababa",
	 "code": "ET",
	 "code3": "ETH",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 231
	 "id": 72,
	 "name": "Fiji",
	 "currency": "FJD",
	 "phone": 679,
	 "capital": "Suva",
	 "code": "FJ",
	 "code3": "FJI",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 242
	 "id": 73,
	 "name": "Filipinas",
	 "currency": "PHP",
	 "phone": 63,
	 "capital": "Manila",
	 "code": "PH",
	 "code3": "PHL",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 608
	 "id": 74,
	 "name": "Finlรขndia",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 358,
	 "capital": "Helsinki",
	 "code": "FI",
	 "code3": "FIN",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 246
	 "id": 75,
	 "name": "Franรงa",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 33,
	 "capital": "Paris",
	 "code": "FR",
	 "code3": "FRA",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 250
	 "id": 76,
	 "name": "Gabรฃo",
	 "currency": "XAF",
	 "phone": 241,
	 "capital": "Libreville",
	 "code": "GA",
	 "code3": "GAB",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 266
	 "id": 77,
	 "name": "Gรขmbia",
	 "currency": "GMD",
	 "phone": 220,
	 "capital": "Banjul",
	 "code": "GM",
	 "code3": "GMB",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 270
	 "id": 78,
	 "name": "Gana",
	 "currency": "GHS",
	 "phone": 233,
	 "capital": "Accra",
	 "code": "GH",
	 "code3": "GHA",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 288
	 "id": 79,
	 "name": "Geรณrgia",
	 "currency": "GEL",
	 "phone": 995,
	 "capital": "Tbilisi",
	 "code": "GE",
	 "code3": "GEO",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 268
	 "id": 80,
	 "name": "Gibraltar",
	 "currency": "GIP",
	 "phone": 350,
	 "capital": "Gibraltar",
	 "code": "GI",
	 "code3": "GIB",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 292
	 "id": 81,
	 "name": "Granada",
	 "currency": "XCD",
	 "phone": 1473,
	 "capital": "St. George's",
	 "code": "GD",
	 "code3": "GRD",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 308
	 "id": 82,
	 "name": "Grรฉcia",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 30,
	 "capital": "Athens",
	 "code": "GR",
	 "code3": "GRC",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 300
	 "id": 83,
	 "name": "Groenlรขndia",
	 "currency": "DKK",
	 "phone": 299,
	 "capital": "Nuuk",
	 "code": "GL",
	 "code3": "GRL",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 304
	 "id": 84,
	 "name": "Guadalupe",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 590,
	 "capital": "Basse-Terre",
	 "code": "GP",
	 "code3": "GLP",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 312
	 "id": 85,
	 "name": "Guam",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 1671,
	 "capital": "Hagatna",
	 "code": "GU",
	 "code3": "GUM",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 316
	 "id": 86,
	 "name": "Guatemala",
	 "currency": "GTQ",
	 "phone": 502,
	 "capital": "Guatemala City",
	 "code": "GT",
	 "code3": "GTM",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 320
	 "id": 87,
	 "name": "Guernsey",
	 "currency": "GBP",
	 "phone": 44,
	 "capital": "St Peter Port",
	 "code": "GG",
	 "code3": "GGY",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 831
	 "id": 88,
	 "name": "Guiana",
	 "currency": "GYD",
	 "phone": 592,
	 "capital": "Georgetown",
	 "code": "GY",
	 "code3": "GUY",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 328
	 "id": 89,
	 "name": "Guiana Francesa",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 594,
	 "capital": "Cayenne",
	 "code": "GF",
	 "code3": "GUF",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 254
	 "id": 90,
	 "name": "Guinรฉ",
	 "currency": "GNF",
	 "phone": 224,
	 "capital": "Conakry",
	 "code": "GN",
	 "code3": "GIN",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 324
	 "id": 91,
	 "name": "Guinรฉ Equatorial",
	 "currency": "XAF",
	 "phone": 240,
	 "capital": "Malabo",
	 "code": "GQ",
	 "code3": "GNQ",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 226
	 "id": 92,
	 "name": "Guinรฉ-Bissau",
	 "currency": "XOF",
	 "phone": 245,
	 "capital": "Bissau",
	 "code": "GW",
	 "code3": "GNB",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 624
	 "id": 93,
	 "name": "Haiti",
	 "currency": "HTG",
	 "phone": 509,
	 "capital": "Port-au-Prince",
	 "code": "HT",
	 "code3": "HTI",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 332
	 "id": 94,
	 "name": "Holanda",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 31,
	 "capital": "Amsterdam",
	 "code": "NL",
	 "code3": "NLD",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 528
	 "id": 95,
	 "name": "Honduras",
	 "currency": "HNL",
	 "phone": 504,
	 "capital": "Tegucigalpa",
	 "code": "HN",
	 "code3": "HND",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 340
	 "id": 96,
	 "name": "Hong Kong",
	 "currency": "HKD",
	 "phone": 852,
	 "capital": "Hong Kong",
	 "code": "HK",
	 "code3": "HKG",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 344
	 "id": 97,
	 "name": "Hungria",
	 "currency": "HUF",
	 "phone": 36,
	 "capital": "Budapest",
	 "code": "HU",
	 "code3": "HUN",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 348
	 "id": 98,
	 "name": "Iรชmen",
	 "currency": "YER",
	 "phone": 967,
	 "capital": "Sanaa",
	 "code": "YE",
	 "code3": "YEM",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 887
	 "id": 99,
	 "name": "Ilha Bouvet",
	 "currency": "NOK",
	 "phone": 55,
	 "capital": null,
	 "code": "BV",
	 "code3": "BVT",
	 "continent": "Antรกrtida",
	 "number": 74
	 "id": 100,
	 "name": "Ilha da Reuniรฃo",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 262,
	 "capital": "Saint-Denis",
	 "code": "RE",
	 "code3": "REU",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 638
	 "id": 101,
	 "name": "Ilha de Man",
	 "currency": "GBP",
	 "phone": 44,
	 "capital": "Douglas, Isle of Man",
	 "code": "IM",
	 "code3": "IMN",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 833
	 "id": 102,
	 "name": "Ilha de Sรฃo Martinho(Francรชs)",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 590,
	 "capital": "Marigot",
	 "code": "MF",
	 "code3": "MAF",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 663
	 "id": 103,
	 "name": "Ilha Heard e Ilhas McDonald",
	 "currency": "AUD",
	 "phone": 0,
	 "capital": null,
	 "code": "HM",
	 "code3": "HMD",
	 "continent": "Antรกrtida",
	 "number": 334
	 "id": 104,
	 "name": "Ilha Natal",
	 "currency": "AUD",
	 "phone": 61,
	 "capital": "Flying Fish Cove",
	 "code": "CX",
	 "code3": "CXR",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 162
	 "id": 105,
	 "name": "Ilha Norfolk",
	 "currency": "AUD",
	 "phone": 672,
	 "capital": "Kingston",
	 "code": "NF",
	 "code3": "NFK",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 574
	 "id": 106,
	 "name": "Ilhas Aland",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 358,
	 "capital": "Mariehamn",
	 "code": "AX",
	 "code3": "ALA",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 248
	 "id": 107,
	 "name": "Ilhas Cayman",
	 "currency": "KYD",
	 "phone": 1345,
	 "capital": "George Town",
	 "code": "KY",
	 "code3": "CYM",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 136
	 "id": 108,
	 "name": "Ilhas Cocos (Keeling)",
	 "currency": "AUD",
	 "phone": 672,
	 "capital": "West Island",
	 "code": "CC",
	 "code3": "CCK",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 166
	 "id": 109,
	 "name": "Ilhas Cook",
	 "currency": "NZD",
	 "phone": 682,
	 "capital": "Avarua",
	 "code": "CK",
	 "code3": "COK",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 184
	 "id": 110,
	 "name": "Ilhas Falkland (Malvinas)",
	 "currency": "FKP",
	 "phone": 500,
	 "capital": "Stanley",
	 "code": "FK",
	 "code3": "FLK",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 238
	 "id": 111,
	 "name": "ilhas Faroe",
	 "currency": "DKK",
	 "phone": 298,
	 "capital": "Torshavn",
	 "code": "FO",
	 "code3": "FRO",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 234
	 "id": 112,
	 "name": "Ilhas Geรณrgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul",
	 "currency": "GBP",
	 "phone": 500,
	 "capital": "Grytviken",
	 "code": "GS",
	 "code3": "SGS",
	 "continent": "Antรกrtida",
	 "number": 239
	 "id": 113,
	 "name": "Ilhas Marianas do Norte",
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	 "phone": 1670,
	 "capital": "Saipan",
	 "code": "MP",
	 "code3": "MNP",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 580
	 "id": 114,
	 "name": "Ilhas Marshall",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 692,
	 "capital": "Majuro",
	 "code": "MH",
	 "code3": "MHL",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 584
	 "id": 115,
	 "name": "Ilhas Menores Distantes dos Estados Unidos",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 246,
	 "capital": null,
	 "code": "UM",
	 "code3": "UMI",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 581
	 "id": 116,
	 "name": "Ilhas Pitcairn",
	 "currency": "NZD",
	 "phone": 64,
	 "capital": "Adamstown",
	 "code": "PN",
	 "code3": "PCN",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 612
	 "id": 117,
	 "name": "Ilhas Salomรฃo",
	 "currency": "SBD",
	 "phone": 677,
	 "capital": "Honiara",
	 "code": "SB",
	 "code3": "SLB",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 90
	 "id": 118,
	 "name": "Ilhas Turcas e Caicos",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 1649,
	 "capital": "Cockburn Town",
	 "code": "TC",
	 "code3": "TCA",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 796
	 "id": 119,
	 "name": "Ilhas Virgens Americanas",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 1340,
	 "capital": "Charlotte Amalie",
	 "code": "VI",
	 "code3": "VIR",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 850
	 "id": 120,
	 "name": "Ilhas Virgens Britรขnicas",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 1284,
	 "capital": "Road Town",
	 "code": "VG",
	 "code3": "VGB",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 92
	 "id": 121,
	 "name": "รndia",
	 "currency": "INR",
	 "phone": 91,
	 "capital": "New Delhi",
	 "code": "IN",
	 "code3": "IND",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 356
	 "id": 122,
	 "name": "Indonรฉsia",
	 "currency": "IDR",
	 "phone": 62,
	 "capital": "Jakarta",
	 "code": "ID",
	 "code3": "IDN",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 360
	 "id": 123,
	 "name": "Irรฃ",
	 "currency": "IRR",
	 "phone": 98,
	 "capital": "Tehran",
	 "code": "IR",
	 "code3": "IRN",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 364
	 "id": 124,
	 "name": "Iraque",
	 "currency": "IQD",
	 "phone": 964,
	 "capital": "Baghdad",
	 "code": "IQ",
	 "code3": "IRQ",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 368
	 "id": 125,
	 "name": "Irlanda",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 353,
	 "capital": "Dublin",
	 "code": "IE",
	 "code3": "IRL",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 372
	 "id": 126,
	 "name": "Islรขndia",
	 "currency": "ISK",
	 "phone": 354,
	 "capital": "Reykjavik",
	 "code": "IS",
	 "code3": "ISL",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 352
	 "id": 127,
	 "name": "Israel",
	 "currency": "ILS",
	 "phone": 972,
	 "capital": "Jerusalem",
	 "code": "IL",
	 "code3": "ISR",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 376
	 "id": 128,
	 "name": "Itรกlia",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 39,
	 "capital": "Rome",
	 "code": "IT",
	 "code3": "ITA",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 380
	 "id": 129,
	 "name": "Jamaica",
	 "currency": "JMD",
	 "phone": 1876,
	 "capital": "Kingston",
	 "code": "JM",
	 "code3": "JAM",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 388
	 "id": 130,
	 "name": "Japรฃo",
	 "currency": "JPY",
	 "phone": 81,
	 "capital": "Tokyo",
	 "code": "JP",
	 "code3": "JPN",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 392
	 "id": 131,
	 "name": "Jersey",
	 "currency": "GBP",
	 "phone": 44,
	 "capital": "Saint Helier",
	 "code": "JE",
	 "code3": "JEY",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 832
	 "id": 132,
	 "name": "Jordรขnia",
	 "currency": "JOD",
	 "phone": 962,
	 "capital": "Amman",
	 "code": "JO",
	 "code3": "JOR",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 400
	 "id": 133,
	 "name": "Kiribati",
	 "currency": "AUD",
	 "phone": 686,
	 "capital": "Tarawa",
	 "code": "KI",
	 "code3": "KIR",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 296
	 "id": 134,
	 "name": "Kosovo",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 383,
	 "capital": "Pristina",
	 "code": "XK",
	 "code3": "XKX",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 926
	 "id": 135,
	 "name": "Kuwait",
	 "currency": "KWD",
	 "phone": 965,
	 "capital": "Kuwait City",
	 "code": "KW",
	 "code3": "KWT",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 414
	 "id": 136,
	 "name": "Laos",
	 "currency": "LAK",
	 "phone": 856,
	 "capital": "Vientiane",
	 "code": "LA",
	 "code3": "LAO",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 418
	 "id": 137,
	 "name": "Lesoto",
	 "currency": "LSL",
	 "phone": 266,
	 "capital": "Maseru",
	 "code": "LS",
	 "code3": "LSO",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 426
	 "id": 138,
	 "name": "Letรดnia",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 371,
	 "capital": "Riga",
	 "code": "LV",
	 "code3": "LVA",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 428
	 "id": 139,
	 "name": "Lรญbano",
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	 "phone": 961,
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	 "code3": "LBN",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 422
	 "id": 140,
	 "name": "Libรฉria",
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	 "phone": 231,
	 "capital": "Monrovia",
	 "code": "LR",
	 "code3": "LBR",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 430
	 "id": 141,
	 "name": "Lรญbia",
	 "currency": "LYD",
	 "phone": 218,
	 "capital": "Tripolis",
	 "code": "LY",
	 "code3": "LBY",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 434
	 "id": 142,
	 "name": "Liechtenstein",
	 "currency": "CHF",
	 "phone": 423,
	 "capital": "Vaduz",
	 "code": "LI",
	 "code3": "LIE",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 438
	 "id": 143,
	 "name": "Lituรขnia",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 370,
	 "capital": "Vilnius",
	 "code": "LT",
	 "code3": "LTU",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 440
	 "id": 144,
	 "name": "Luxemburgo",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 352,
	 "capital": "Luxembourg",
	 "code": "LU",
	 "code3": "LUX",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 442
	 "id": 145,
	 "name": "Macau",
	 "currency": "MOP",
	 "phone": 853,
	 "capital": "Macao",
	 "code": "MO",
	 "code3": "MAC",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 446
	 "id": 146,
	 "name": "Macedรดnia",
	 "currency": "MKD",
	 "phone": 389,
	 "capital": "Skopje",
	 "code": "MK",
	 "code3": "MKD",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 807
	 "id": 147,
	 "name": "Madagascar",
	 "currency": "MGA",
	 "phone": 261,
	 "capital": "Antananarivo",
	 "code": "MG",
	 "code3": "MDG",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 450
	 "id": 148,
	 "name": "Malรกsia",
	 "currency": "MYR",
	 "phone": 60,
	 "capital": "Kuala Lumpur",
	 "code": "MY",
	 "code3": "MYS",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 458
	 "id": 149,
	 "name": "Malawi",
	 "currency": "MWK",
	 "phone": 265,
	 "capital": "Lilongwe",
	 "code": "MW",
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	 "phone": 223,
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	 "code": "ML",
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	 "number": 466
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	 "number": 504
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	 "number": 474
	 "id": 155,
	 "name": "Maurรญcio",
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	 "capital": "Port Louis",
	 "code": "MU",
	 "code3": "MUS",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 480
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	 "name": "Mauritรขnia",
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	 "code3": "MRT",
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	 "number": 478
	 "id": 157,
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	 "phone": 269,
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	 "code": "YT",
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	 "number": 175
	 "id": 158,
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	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 484
	 "id": 159,
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	 "number": 583
	 "id": 160,
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	 "number": 508
	 "id": 161,
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	 "phone": 373,
	 "capital": "Chisinau",
	 "code": "MD",
	 "code3": "MDA",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 498
	 "id": 162,
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	 "code": "MC",
	 "code3": "MCO",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 492
	 "id": 163,
	 "name": "Mongรณlia",
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	 "phone": 976,
	 "capital": "Ulan Bator",
	 "code": "MN",
	 "code3": "MNG",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 496
	 "id": 164,
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	 "phone": 382,
	 "capital": "Podgorica",
	 "code": "ME",
	 "code3": "MNE",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 499
	 "id": 165,
	 "name": "Montserrat",
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	 "phone": 1664,
	 "capital": "Plymouth",
	 "code": "MS",
	 "code3": "MSR",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 500
	 "id": 166,
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	 "phone": 95,
	 "capital": "Nay Pyi Taw",
	 "code": "MM",
	 "code3": "MMR",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 104
	 "id": 167,
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	 "phone": 264,
	 "capital": "Windhoek",
	 "code": "NA",
	 "code3": "NAM",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 516
	 "id": 168,
	 "name": "Nauru",
	 "currency": "AUD",
	 "phone": 674,
	 "capital": "Yaren",
	 "code": "NR",
	 "code3": "NRU",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 520
	 "id": 169,
	 "name": "Nepal",
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	 "phone": 977,
	 "capital": "Kathmandu",
	 "code": "NP",
	 "code3": "NPL",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 524
	 "id": 170,
	 "name": "Nicarรกgua",
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	 "phone": 505,
	 "capital": "Managua",
	 "code": "NI",
	 "code3": "NIC",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 558
	 "id": 171,
	 "name": "Nรญger",
	 "currency": "XOF",
	 "phone": 227,
	 "capital": "Niamey",
	 "code": "NE",
	 "code3": "NER",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 562
	 "id": 172,
	 "name": "Nigรฉria",
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	 "phone": 234,
	 "capital": "Abuja",
	 "code": "NG",
	 "code3": "NGA",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 566
	 "id": 173,
	 "name": "Niue",
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	 "phone": 683,
	 "capital": "Alofi",
	 "code": "NU",
	 "code3": "NIU",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 570
	 "id": 174,
	 "name": "Noruega",
	 "currency": "NOK",
	 "phone": 47,
	 "capital": "Oslo",
	 "code": "NO",
	 "code3": "NOR",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 578
	 "id": 175,
	 "name": "Nova Caledรดnia",
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	 "phone": 687,
	 "capital": "Noumea",
	 "code": "NC",
	 "code3": "NCL",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 540
	 "id": 176,
	 "name": "Nova Zelรขndia",
	 "currency": "NZD",
	 "phone": 64,
	 "capital": "Wellington",
	 "code": "NZ",
	 "code3": "NZL",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 554
	 "id": 177,
	 "name": "Omรฃ",
	 "currency": "OMR",
	 "phone": 968,
	 "capital": "Muscat",
	 "code": "OM",
	 "code3": "OMN",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 512
	 "id": 178,
	 "name": "Palau",
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	 "phone": 680,
	 "capital": "Melekeok",
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	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 585
	 "id": 179,
	 "name": "Panamรก",
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	 "phone": 507,
	 "capital": "Panama City",
	 "code": "PA",
	 "code3": "PAN",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 591
	 "id": 180,
	 "name": "Papua-Nova Guinรฉ",
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	 "phone": 675,
	 "capital": "Port Moresby",
	 "code": "PG",
	 "code3": "PNG",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 598
	 "id": 181,
	 "name": "Paquistรฃo",
	 "currency": "PKR",
	 "phone": 92,
	 "capital": "Islamabad",
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	 "code3": "PAK",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 586
	 "id": 182,
	 "name": "Paraguai",
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	 "phone": 595,
	 "capital": "Asuncion",
	 "code": "PY",
	 "code3": "PRY",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 600
	 "id": 183,
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	 "currency": "PEN",
	 "phone": 51,
	 "capital": "Lima",
	 "code": "PE",
	 "code3": "PER",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 604
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	 "phone": 689,
	 "capital": "Papeete",
	 "code": "PF",
	 "code3": "PYF",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 258
	 "id": 185,
	 "name": "Polรดnia",
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	 "phone": 48,
	 "capital": "Warsaw",
	 "code": "PL",
	 "code3": "POL",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 616
	 "id": 186,
	 "name": "Porto Rico",
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	 "phone": 1787,
	 "capital": "San Juan",
	 "code": "PR",
	 "code3": "PRI",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 630
	 "id": 187,
	 "name": "Portugal",
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	 "phone": 351,
	 "capital": "Lisbon",
	 "code": "PT",
	 "code3": "PRT",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 620
	 "id": 188,
	 "name": "Quรชnia",
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	 "phone": 254,
	 "capital": "Nairobi",
	 "code": "KE",
	 "code3": "KEN",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 404
	 "id": 189,
	 "name": "Quirguistรฃo",
	 "currency": "KGS",
	 "phone": 996,
	 "capital": "Bishkek",
	 "code": "KG",
	 "code3": "KGZ",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 417
	 "id": 190,
	 "name": "Reino Unido",
	 "currency": "GBP",
	 "phone": 44,
	 "capital": "London",
	 "code": "GB",
	 "code3": "GBR",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 826
	 "id": 191,
	 "name": "Repรบblica Centro-รfricana",
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	 "phone": 236,
	 "capital": "Bangui",
	 "code": "CF",
	 "code3": "CAF",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 140
	 "id": 192,
	 "name": "Repรบblica Democrรกtica do Congo",
	 "currency": "CDF",
	 "phone": 242,
	 "capital": "Kinshasa",
	 "code": "CD",
	 "code3": "COD",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 180
	 "id": 193,
	 "name": "Repรบblica Dominicana",
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	 "phone": 1809,
	 "capital": "Santo Domingo",
	 "code": "DO",
	 "code3": "DOM",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 214
	 "id": 194,
	 "name": "Repรบblica Tcheca",
	 "currency": "CZK",
	 "phone": 420,
	 "capital": "Prague",
	 "code": "CZ",
	 "code3": "CZE",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 203
	 "id": 195,
	 "name": "Romรชnia",
	 "currency": "RON",
	 "phone": 40,
	 "capital": "Bucharest",
	 "code": "RO",
	 "code3": "ROM",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 642
	 "id": 196,
	 "name": "Ruanda",
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	 "phone": 250,
	 "capital": "Kigali",
	 "code": "RW",
	 "code3": "RWA",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 646
	 "id": 197,
	 "name": "Rรบssia",
	 "currency": "RUB",
	 "phone": 70,
	 "capital": "Moscow",
	 "code": "RU",
	 "code3": "RUS",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 643
	 "id": 198,
	 "name": "Saara Ocidental",
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	 "phone": 212,
	 "capital": "El-Aaiun",
	 "code": "EH",
	 "code3": "ESH",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 732
	 "id": 199,
	 "name": "Saba",
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	 "phone": 599,
	 "capital": "Kralendijk",
	 "code": "BQ",
	 "code3": "BES",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 535
	 "id": 200,
	 "name": "Samoa",
	 "currency": "WST",
	 "phone": 684,
	 "capital": "Apia",
	 "code": "WS",
	 "code3": "WSM",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 882
	 "id": 201,
	 "name": "Samoa Americana",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 1684,
	 "capital": "Pago Pago",
	 "code": "AS",
	 "code3": "ASM",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 16
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	 "name": "San Marino",
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	 "code": "SM",
	 "code3": "SMR",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 674
	 "id": 203,
	 "name": "Santa Helena",
	 "currency": "SHP",
	 "phone": 290,
	 "capital": "Jamestown",
	 "code": "SH",
	 "code3": "SHN",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 654
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	 "name": "Santa Lรบcia",
	 "currency": "XCD",
	 "phone": 1758,
	 "capital": "Castries",
	 "code": "LC",
	 "code3": "LCA",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 662
	 "id": 205,
	 "name": "Sรฃo Bartolomeu",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 590,
	 "capital": "Gustavia",
	 "code": "BL",
	 "code3": "BLM",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 652
	 "id": 206,
	 "name": "Sรฃo Cristรณvรฃo e Nรฉvis",
	 "currency": "XCD",
	 "phone": 1869,
	 "capital": "Basseterre",
	 "code": "KN",
	 "code3": "KNA",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 659
	 "id": 207,
	 "name": "Sรฃo Martinho (Paรญses Baixos)",
	 "currency": "ANG",
	 "phone": 1,
	 "capital": "Philipsburg",
	 "code": "SX",
	 "code3": "SXM",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 534
	 "id": 208,
	 "name": "Sรฃo Pedro e Miquelรฃo",
	 "currency": "EUR",
	 "phone": 508,
	 "capital": "Saint-Pierre",
	 "code": "PM",
	 "code3": "SPM",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 666
	 "id": 209,
	 "name": "Sรฃo Tomรฉ e Prรญncipe",
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	 "phone": 239,
	 "capital": "Sao Tome",
	 "code": "ST",
	 "code3": "STP",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 678
	 "id": 210,
	 "name": "Sรฃo Vicente e Granadinas",
	 "currency": "XCD",
	 "phone": 1784,
	 "capital": "Kingstown",
	 "code": "VC",
	 "code3": "VCT",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 670
	 "id": 211,
	 "name": "Senegal",
	 "currency": "XOF",
	 "phone": 221,
	 "capital": "Dakar",
	 "code": "SN",
	 "code3": "SEN",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 686
	 "id": 212,
	 "name": "Serra Leoa",
	 "currency": "SLL",
	 "phone": 232,
	 "capital": "Freetown",
	 "code": "SL",
	 "code3": "SLE",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 694
	 "id": 213,
	 "name": "Sรฉrvia",
	 "currency": "RSD",
	 "phone": 381,
	 "capital": "Belgrade",
	 "code": "RS",
	 "code3": "SRB",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 688
	 "id": 215,
	 "name": "Seychelles",
	 "currency": "SCR",
	 "phone": 248,
	 "capital": "Victoria",
	 "code": "SC",
	 "code3": "SYC",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 690
	 "id": 216,
	 "name": "Sรญria",
	 "currency": "SYP",
	 "phone": 963,
	 "capital": "Damascus",
	 "code": "SY",
	 "code3": "SYR",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 760
	 "id": 217,
	 "name": "Somรกlia",
	 "currency": "SOS",
	 "phone": 252,
	 "capital": "Mogadishu",
	 "code": "SO",
	 "code3": "SOM",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 706
	 "id": 218,
	 "name": "Sri Lanka",
	 "currency": "LKR",
	 "phone": 94,
	 "capital": "Colombo",
	 "code": "LK",
	 "code3": "LKA",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 144
	 "id": 219,
	 "name": "Suazilรขndia",
	 "currency": "SZL",
	 "phone": 268,
	 "capital": "Mbabane",
	 "code": "SZ",
	 "code3": "SWZ",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 748
	 "id": 220,
	 "name": "Sudรฃo",
	 "currency": "SDG",
	 "phone": 249,
	 "capital": "Khartoum",
	 "code": "SD",
	 "code3": "SDN",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 736
	 "id": 221,
	 "name": "Sudรฃo do Sul",
	 "currency": "SSP",
	 "phone": 211,
	 "capital": "Juba",
	 "code": "SS",
	 "code3": "SSD",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 728
	 "id": 222,
	 "name": "Suรฉcia",
	 "currency": "SEK",
	 "phone": 46,
	 "capital": "Stockholm",
	 "code": "SE",
	 "code3": "SWE",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 752
	 "id": 223,
	 "name": "Suรญรงa",
	 "currency": "CHF",
	 "phone": 41,
	 "capital": "Berne",
	 "code": "CH",
	 "code3": "CHE",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 756
	 "id": 224,
	 "name": "Suriname",
	 "currency": "SRD",
	 "phone": 597,
	 "capital": "Paramaribo",
	 "code": "SR",
	 "code3": "SUR",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 740
	 "id": 225,
	 "name": "Svalbard e Jan Mayen",
	 "currency": "NOK",
	 "phone": 47,
	 "capital": "Longyearbyen",
	 "code": "SJ",
	 "code3": "SJM",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 744
	 "id": 226,
	 "name": "Tailรขndia",
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	 "phone": 66,
	 "capital": "Bangkok",
	 "code": "TH",
	 "code3": "THA",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 764
	 "id": 227,
	 "name": "Taiwan",
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	 "phone": 886,
	 "capital": "Taipei",
	 "code": "TW",
	 "code3": "TWN",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 158
	 "id": 228,
	 "name": "Tajiquistรฃo",
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	 "capital": "Dushanbe",
	 "code": "TJ",
	 "code3": "TJK",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 762
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	 "phone": 255,
	 "capital": "Dodoma",
	 "code": "TZ",
	 "code3": "TZA",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 834
	 "id": 230,
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	 "phone": 262,
	 "capital": "Port-aux-Francais",
	 "code": "TF",
	 "code3": "ATF",
	 "continent": "Antรกrtida",
	 "number": 260
	 "id": 231,
	 "name": "Territรณrio Britรขnico do Oceano รndico",
	 "currency": "USD",
	 "phone": 246,
	 "capital": "Diego Garcia",
	 "code": "IO",
	 "code3": "IOT",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 86
	 "id": 232,
	 "name": "Territรณrios Palestinos Ocupados",
	 "currency": "ILS",
	 "phone": 970,
	 "capital": "East Jerusalem",
	 "code": "PS",
	 "code3": "PSE",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 275
	 "id": 233,
	 "name": "Timor-Leste",
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	 "phone": 670,
	 "capital": "Dili",
	 "code": "TL",
	 "code3": "TLS",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 626
	 "id": 234,
	 "name": "Togo",
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	 "phone": 228,
	 "capital": "Lome",
	 "code": "TG",
	 "code3": "TGO",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 768
	 "id": 235,
	 "name": "Tonga",
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	 "phone": 676,
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	 "code3": "TON",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 776
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	 "code": "TK",
	 "code3": "TKL",
	 "continent": "Oceania",
	 "number": 772
	 "id": 237,
	 "name": "Trindade e Tobago",
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	 "capital": "Port of Spain",
	 "code": "TT",
	 "code3": "TTO",
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	 "id": 238,
	 "name": "Tunรญsia",
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	 "code3": "TUN",
	 "continent": "รfrica",
	 "number": 788
	 "id": 239,
	 "name": "Turcomenistรฃo",
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	 "phone": 7370,
	 "capital": "Ashgabat",
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	 "number": 792
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	 "id": 242,
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	 "code": "UA",
	 "code3": "UKR",
	 "continent": "Europa",
	 "number": 804
	 "id": 243,
	 "name": "Uganda",
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	 "phone": 256,
	 "capital": "Kampala",
	 "code": "UG",
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	 "name": "Uzbequistรฃo",
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	 "code": "UZ",
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	 "code3": "VEN",
	 "continent": "Amรฉrica",
	 "number": 862
	 "id": 249,
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	 "currency": "VND",
	 "phone": 84,
	 "capital": "Hanoi",
	 "code": "VN",
	 "code3": "VNM",
	 "continent": "รsia",
	 "number": 704
	 "id": 250,
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"id": 1,
"name": "Afghanistan",
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"phone": 93,
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"number": 4
"id": 2,
"name": "South Africa",
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"phone": 27,
"capital": "Pretoria",
"code": "ZA",
"code3": "ZAF",
"number": 710
"id": 3,
"name": "Albania",
"currency": "ALL",
"phone": 355,
"capital": "Tirana",
"code": "AL",
"code3": "ALB",
"number": 8
"id": 4,
"name": "Germany",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 49,
"capital": "Berlin",
"code": "DE",
"code3": "DEU",
"number": 276
"id": 5,
"name": "Andorra",
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"phone": 376,
"capital": "Andorra la Vella",
"code": "AD",
"code3": "AND",
"number": 20
"id": 6,
"name": "Angola",
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"phone": 244,
"capital": "Luanda",
"code": "AO",
"code3": "AGO",
"number": 24
"id": 7,
"name": "Anguilla",
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"phone": 1264,
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"code": "AI",
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"number": 660
"id": 8,
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"code": "AQ",
"code3": "ATA",
"number": 10
"id": 9,
"name": "Antigua and Barbuda",
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"number": 28
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"number": 682
"id": 12,
"name": "Algeria",
"currency": "DZD",
"phone": 213,
"capital": "Algiers",
"code": "DZ",
"code3": "DZA",
"number": 12
"id": 13,
"name": "Argentina",
"currency": "ARS",
"phone": 54,
"capital": "Buenos Aires",
"code": "AR",
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"number": 32
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"phone": 374,
"capital": "Yerevan",
"code": "AM",
"code3": "ARM",
"number": 51
"id": 15,
"name": "Aruba",
"currency": "AWG",
"phone": 297,
"capital": "Oranjestad",
"code": "AW",
"code3": "ABW",
"number": 533
"id": 16,
"name": "Australia",
"currency": "AUD",
"phone": 61,
"capital": "Canberra",
"code": "AU",
"code3": "AUS",
"number": 36
"id": 17,
"name": "Austria",
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"phone": 43,
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"code": "AT",
"code3": "AUT",
"number": 40
"id": 18,
"name": "Azerbaijan",
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"phone": 994,
"capital": "Baku",
"code": "AZ",
"code3": "AZE",
"number": 31
"id": 19,
"name": "Bahamas, The",
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"phone": 1242,
"capital": "Nassau",
"code": "BS",
"code3": "BHS",
"number": 44
"id": 20,
"name": "Bahrain",
"currency": "BHD",
"phone": 973,
"capital": "Manama",
"code": "BH",
"code3": "BHR",
"number": 48
"id": 21,
"name": "Bangladesh",
"currency": "BDT",
"phone": 880,
"capital": "Dhaka",
"code": "BD",
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"number": 50
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"phone": 1246,
"capital": "Bridgetown",
"code": "BB",
"code3": "BRB",
"number": 52
"id": 23,
"name": "Belgium",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 32,
"capital": "Brussels",
"code": "BE",
"code3": "BEL",
"number": 56
"id": 24,
"name": "Belize",
"currency": "BZD",
"phone": 501,
"capital": "Belmopan",
"code": "BZ",
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"number": 84
"id": 25,
"name": "Benin",
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"phone": 229,
"capital": "Porto-Novo",
"code": "BJ",
"code3": "BEN",
"number": 204
"id": 26,
"name": "Bermuda",
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"code": "BM",
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"number": 60
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"code": "BY",
"code3": "BLR",
"number": 112
"id": 28,
"name": "Bolivia",
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"phone": 591,
"capital": "Sucre",
"code": "BO",
"code3": "BOL",
"number": 68
"id": 29,
"name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"currency": "BAM",
"phone": 387,
"capital": "Sarajevo",
"code": "BA",
"code3": "BIH",
"number": 70
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"name": "Botswana",
"currency": "BWP",
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"capital": "Gaborone",
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"number": 72
"id": 31,
"name": "Brazil",
"currency": "BRL",
"phone": 55,
"capital": "Brasilia",
"code": "BR",
"code3": "BRA",
"number": 76
"id": 32,
"name": "Brunei",
"currency": "BND",
"phone": 673,
"capital": "Bandar Seri Begawan",
"code": "BN",
"code3": "BRN",
"number": 96
"id": 33,
"name": "Bulgaria",
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"phone": 359,
"capital": "Sofia",
"code": "BG",
"code3": "BGR",
"number": 100
"id": 34,
"name": "Burkina Faso",
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"capital": "Ouagadougou",
"code": "BF",
"code3": "BFA",
"number": 854
"id": 35,
"name": "Burundi",
"currency": "BIF",
"phone": 257,
"capital": "Bujumbura",
"code": "BI",
"code3": "BDI",
"number": 108
"id": 36,
"name": "Bhutan",
"currency": "BTN",
"phone": 975,
"capital": "Thimphu",
"code": "BT",
"code3": "BTN",
"number": 64
"id": 37,
"name": "Cabo Verde",
"currency": "CVE",
"phone": 238,
"capital": "Praia",
"code": "CV",
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"number": 132
"id": 38,
"name": "Cameroon",
"currency": "XAF",
"phone": 237,
"capital": "Yaounde",
"code": "CM",
"code3": "CMR",
"number": 120
"id": 39,
"name": "Cambodia",
"currency": "KHR",
"phone": 855,
"capital": "Phnom Penh",
"code": "KH",
"code3": "KHM",
"number": 116
"id": 40,
"name": "Canada",
"currency": "CAD",
"phone": 1,
"capital": "Ottawa",
"code": "CA",
"code3": "CAN",
"number": 124
"id": 41,
"name": "Qatar",
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"phone": 974,
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"code": "QA",
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"number": 634
"id": 42,
"name": "Kazakhstan",
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"phone": 7,
"capital": "Astana",
"code": "KZ",
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"number": 398
"id": 43,
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"code": "TD",
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"number": 148
"id": 44,
"name": "Chile",
"currency": "CLP",
"phone": 56,
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"number": 152
"id": 45,
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"number": 156
"id": 46,
"name": "Cyprus",
"currency": "EUR",
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"code": "CY",
"code3": "CYP",
"number": 196
"id": 47,
"name": "Singapore",
"currency": "SGD",
"phone": 65,
"capital": "Singapur",
"code": "SG",
"code3": "SGP",
"number": 702
"id": 48,
"name": "Colombia",
"currency": "COP",
"phone": 57,
"capital": "Bogota",
"code": "CO",
"code3": "COL",
"number": 170
"id": 49,
"name": "Comoros",
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"capital": "Moroni",
"code": "KM",
"code3": "COM",
"number": 174
"id": 50,
"name": "Congo",
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"phone": 242,
"capital": "Brazzaville",
"code": "CG",
"code3": "COG",
"number": 178
"id": 51,
"name": "North Korea",
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"capital": "Pyongyang",
"code": "KP",
"code3": "PRK",
"number": 408
"id": 52,
"name": "Korea",
"currency": "KRW",
"phone": 82,
"capital": "Seoul",
"code": "KR",
"code3": "KOR",
"number": 410
"id": 53,
"name": "Cรดte d'Ivoire",
"currency": "XOF",
"phone": 225,
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"id": 54,
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"code": "CR",
"code3": "CRI",
"number": 188
"id": 55,
"name": "Croatia",
"currency": "HRK",
"phone": 385,
"capital": "Zagreb",
"code": "HR",
"code3": "HRV",
"number": 191
"id": 56,
"name": "Cuba",
"currency": "CUP",
"phone": 53,
"capital": "Havana",
"code": "CU",
"code3": "CUB",
"number": 192
"id": 57,
"name": "Curaรงao",
"currency": "ANG",
"phone": 599,
"capital": "Willemstad",
"code": "CW",
"code3": "CUW",
"number": 531
"id": 58,
"name": "Denmark",
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"phone": 45,
"capital": "Copenhagen",
"code": "DK",
"code3": "DNK",
"number": 208
"id": 59,
"name": "Djibouti",
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"phone": 253,
"capital": "Djibouti",
"code": "DJ",
"code3": "DJI",
"number": 262
"id": 60,
"name": "Dominica",
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"code3": "DMA",
"number": 212
"id": 61,
"name": "Egypt",
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"phone": 20,
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"id": 62,
"name": "El Salvador",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 503,
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"code": "SV",
"code3": "SLV",
"number": 222
"id": 63,
"name": "United Arab Emirates",
"currency": "AED",
"phone": 971,
"capital": "Abu Dhabi",
"code": "AE",
"code3": "ARE",
"number": 784
"id": 64,
"name": "Ecuador",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 593,
"capital": "Quito",
"code": "EC",
"code3": "ECU",
"number": 218
"id": 65,
"name": "Eritrea",
"currency": "ERN",
"phone": 291,
"capital": "Asmara",
"code": "ER",
"code3": "ERI",
"number": 232
"id": 66,
"name": "Slovakia",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 421,
"capital": "Bratislava",
"code": "SK",
"code3": "SVK",
"number": 703
"id": 67,
"name": "Slovenia",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 386,
"capital": "Ljubljana",
"code": "SI",
"code3": "SVN",
"number": 705
"id": 68,
"name": "Spain",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 34,
"capital": "Madrid",
"code": "ES",
"code3": "ESP",
"number": 724
"id": 69,
"name": "United States",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 1,
"capital": "Washington",
"code": "US",
"code3": "USA",
"number": 840
"id": 70,
"name": "Estonia",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 372,
"capital": "Tallinn",
"code": "EE",
"code3": "EST",
"number": 233
"id": 71,
"name": "Ethiopia",
"currency": "ETB",
"phone": 251,
"capital": "Addis Ababa",
"code": "ET",
"code3": "ETH",
"number": 231
"id": 72,
"name": "Fiji Islands",
"currency": "FJD",
"phone": 679,
"capital": "Suva",
"code": "FJ",
"code3": "FJI",
"number": 242
"id": 73,
"name": "Philippines",
"currency": "PHP",
"phone": 63,
"capital": "Manila",
"code": "PH",
"code3": "PHL",
"number": 608
"id": 74,
"name": "Finland",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 358,
"capital": "Helsinki",
"code": "FI",
"code3": "FIN",
"number": 246
"id": 75,
"name": "France",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 33,
"capital": "Paris",
"code": "FR",
"code3": "FRA",
"number": 250
"id": 76,
"name": "Gabon",
"currency": "XAF",
"phone": 241,
"capital": "Libreville",
"code": "GA",
"code3": "GAB",
"number": 266
"id": 77,
"name": "Gambia, The",
"currency": "GMD",
"phone": 220,
"capital": "Banjul",
"code": "GM",
"code3": "GMB",
"number": 270
"id": 78,
"name": "Ghana",
"currency": "GHS",
"phone": 233,
"capital": "Accra",
"code": "GH",
"code3": "GHA",
"number": 288
"id": 79,
"name": "Georgia",
"currency": "GEL",
"phone": 995,
"capital": "Tbilisi",
"code": "GE",
"code3": "GEO",
"number": 268
"id": 80,
"name": "Gibraltar",
"currency": "GIP",
"phone": 350,
"capital": "Gibraltar",
"code": "GI",
"code3": "GIB",
"number": 292
"id": 81,
"name": "Grenada",
"currency": "XCD",
"phone": 1473,
"capital": "St. George's",
"code": "GD",
"code3": "GRD",
"number": 308
"id": 82,
"name": "Greece",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 30,
"capital": "Athens",
"code": "GR",
"code3": "GRC",
"number": 300
"id": 83,
"name": "Greenland",
"currency": "DKK",
"phone": 299,
"capital": "Nuuk",
"code": "GL",
"code3": "GRL",
"number": 304
"id": 84,
"name": "Guadeloupe",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 590,
"capital": "Basse-Terre",
"code": "GP",
"code3": "GLP",
"number": 312
"id": 85,
"name": "Guam",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 1671,
"capital": "Hagatna",
"code": "GU",
"code3": "GUM",
"number": 316
"id": 86,
"name": "Guatemala",
"currency": "GTQ",
"phone": 502,
"capital": "Guatemala City",
"code": "GT",
"code3": "GTM",
"number": 320
"id": 87,
"name": "Guernsey",
"currency": "GBP",
"phone": 44,
"capital": "St Peter Port",
"code": "GG",
"code3": "GGY",
"number": 831
"id": 88,
"name": "Guyana",
"currency": "GYD",
"phone": 592,
"capital": "Georgetown",
"code": "GY",
"code3": "GUY",
"number": 328
"id": 89,
"name": "French Guiana",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 594,
"capital": "Cayenne",
"code": "GF",
"code3": "GUF",
"number": 254
"id": 90,
"name": "Guinea",
"currency": "GNF",
"phone": 224,
"capital": "Conakry",
"code": "GN",
"code3": "GIN",
"number": 324
"id": 91,
"name": "Equatorial Guinea",
"currency": "XAF",
"phone": 240,
"capital": "Malabo",
"code": "GQ",
"code3": "GNQ",
"number": 226
"id": 92,
"name": "Guinea-Bissau",
"currency": "XOF",
"phone": 245,
"capital": "Bissau",
"code": "GW",
"code3": "GNB",
"number": 624
"id": 93,
"name": "Haiti",
"currency": "HTG",
"phone": 509,
"capital": "Port-au-Prince",
"code": "HT",
"code3": "HTI",
"number": 332
"id": 94,
"name": "Netherlands",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 31,
"capital": "Amsterdam",
"code": "NL",
"code3": "NLD",
"number": 528
"id": 95,
"name": "Honduras",
"currency": "HNL",
"phone": 504,
"capital": "Tegucigalpa",
"code": "HN",
"code3": "HND",
"number": 340
"id": 96,
"name": "Hong Kong SAR",
"currency": "HKD",
"phone": 852,
"capital": "Hong Kong",
"code": "HK",
"code3": "HKG",
"number": 344
"id": 97,
"name": "Hungary",
"currency": "HUF",
"phone": 36,
"capital": "Budapest",
"code": "HU",
"code3": "HUN",
"number": 348
"id": 98,
"name": "Yemen",
"currency": "YER",
"phone": 967,
"capital": "Sanaa",
"code": "YE",
"code3": "YEM",
"number": 887
"id": 99,
"name": "Bouvet Island",
"currency": "NOK",
"phone": 55,
"capital": null,
"code": "BV",
"code3": "BVT",
"number": 74
"id": 100,
"name": "Reunion",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 262,
"capital": "Saint-Denis",
"code": "RE",
"code3": "REU",
"number": 638
"id": 101,
"name": "Man, Isle of",
"currency": "GBP",
"phone": 44,
"capital": "Douglas, Isle of Man",
"code": "IM",
"code3": "IMN",
"number": 833
"id": 102,
"name": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 590,
"capital": "Marigot",
"code": "MF",
"code3": "MAF",
"number": 663
"id": 103,
"name": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"currency": "AUD",
"phone": 0,
"capital": null,
"code": "HM",
"code3": "HMD",
"number": 334
"id": 104,
"name": "Christmas Island",
"currency": "AUD",
"phone": 61,
"capital": "Flying Fish Cove",
"code": "CX",
"code3": "CXR",
"number": 162
"id": 105,
"name": "Norfolk Island",
"currency": "AUD",
"phone": 672,
"capital": "Kingston",
"code": "NF",
"code3": "NFK",
"number": 574
"id": 106,
"name": "ร…land Islands",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 358,
"capital": "Mariehamn",
"code": "AX",
"code3": "ALA",
"number": 248
"id": 107,
"name": "Cayman Islands",
"currency": "KYD",
"phone": 1345,
"capital": "George Town",
"code": "KY",
"code3": "CYM",
"number": 136
"id": 108,
"name": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"currency": "AUD",
"phone": 672,
"capital": "West Island",
"code": "CC",
"code3": "CCK",
"number": 166
"id": 109,
"name": "Cook Islands",
"currency": "NZD",
"phone": 682,
"capital": "Avarua",
"code": "CK",
"code3": "COK",
"number": 184
"id": 110,
"name": "Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)",
"currency": "FKP",
"phone": 500,
"capital": "Stanley",
"code": "FK",
"code3": "FLK",
"number": 238
"id": 111,
"name": "Faroe Islands",
"currency": "DKK",
"phone": 298,
"capital": "Torshavn",
"code": "FO",
"code3": "FRO",
"number": 234
"id": 112,
"name": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"currency": "GBP",
"phone": 500,
"capital": "Grytviken",
"code": "GS",
"code3": "SGS",
"number": 239
"id": 113,
"name": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 1670,
"capital": "Saipan",
"code": "MP",
"code3": "MNP",
"number": 580
"id": 114,
"name": "Marshall Islands",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 692,
"capital": "Majuro",
"code": "MH",
"code3": "MHL",
"number": 584
"id": 115,
"name": "U.S. Minor Outlying Islands",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 246,
"capital": null,
"code": "UM",
"code3": "UMI",
"number": 581
"id": 116,
"name": "Pitcairn Islands",
"currency": "NZD",
"phone": 64,
"capital": "Adamstown",
"code": "PN",
"code3": "PCN",
"number": 612
"id": 117,
"name": "Solomon Islands",
"currency": "SBD",
"phone": 677,
"capital": "Honiara",
"code": "SB",
"code3": "SLB",
"number": 90
"id": 118,
"name": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 1649,
"capital": "Cockburn Town",
"code": "TC",
"code3": "TCA",
"number": 796
"id": 119,
"name": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 1340,
"capital": "Charlotte Amalie",
"code": "VI",
"code3": "VIR",
"number": 850
"id": 120,
"name": "Virgin Islands, British",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 1284,
"capital": "Road Town",
"code": "VG",
"code3": "VGB",
"number": 92
"id": 121,
"name": "India",
"currency": "INR",
"phone": 91,
"capital": "New Delhi",
"code": "IN",
"code3": "IND",
"number": 356
"id": 122,
"name": "Indonesia",
"currency": "IDR",
"phone": 62,
"capital": "Jakarta",
"code": "ID",
"code3": "IDN",
"number": 360
"id": 123,
"name": "Iran",
"currency": "IRR",
"phone": 98,
"capital": "Tehran",
"code": "IR",
"code3": "IRN",
"number": 364
"id": 124,
"name": "Iraq",
"currency": "IQD",
"phone": 964,
"capital": "Baghdad",
"code": "IQ",
"code3": "IRQ",
"number": 368
"id": 125,
"name": "Ireland",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 353,
"capital": "Dublin",
"code": "IE",
"code3": "IRL",
"number": 372
"id": 126,
"name": "Iceland",
"currency": "ISK",
"phone": 354,
"capital": "Reykjavik",
"code": "IS",
"code3": "ISL",
"number": 352
"id": 127,
"name": "Israel",
"currency": "ILS",
"phone": 972,
"capital": "Jerusalem",
"code": "IL",
"code3": "ISR",
"number": 376
"id": 128,
"name": "Italy",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 39,
"capital": "Rome",
"code": "IT",
"code3": "ITA",
"number": 380
"id": 129,
"name": "Jamaica",
"currency": "JMD",
"phone": 1876,
"capital": "Kingston",
"code": "JM",
"code3": "JAM",
"number": 388
"id": 130,
"name": "Japan",
"currency": "JPY",
"phone": 81,
"capital": "Tokyo",
"code": "JP",
"code3": "JPN",
"number": 392
"id": 131,
"name": "Jersey",
"currency": "GBP",
"phone": 44,
"capital": "Saint Helier",
"code": "JE",
"code3": "JEY",
"number": 832
"id": 132,
"name": "Jordan",
"currency": "JOD",
"phone": 962,
"capital": "Amman",
"code": "JO",
"code3": "JOR",
"number": 400
"id": 133,
"name": "Kiribati",
"currency": "AUD",
"phone": 686,
"capital": "Tarawa",
"code": "KI",
"code3": "KIR",
"number": 296
"id": 134,
"name": "Kosovo",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 383,
"capital": "Pristina",
"code": "XK",
"code3": "XKX",
"number": 926
"id": 135,
"name": "Kuwait",
"currency": "KWD",
"phone": 965,
"capital": "Kuwait City",
"code": "KW",
"code3": "KWT",
"number": 414
"id": 136,
"name": "Laos",
"currency": "LAK",
"phone": 856,
"capital": "Vientiane",
"code": "LA",
"code3": "LAO",
"number": 418
"id": 137,
"name": "Lesotho",
"currency": "LSL",
"phone": 266,
"capital": "Maseru",
"code": "LS",
"code3": "LSO",
"number": 426
"id": 138,
"name": "Latvia",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 371,
"capital": "Riga",
"code": "LV",
"code3": "LVA",
"number": 428
"id": 139,
"name": "Lebanon",
"currency": "LBP",
"phone": 961,
"capital": "Beirut",
"code": "LB",
"code3": "LBN",
"number": 422
"id": 140,
"name": "Liberia",
"currency": "LRD",
"phone": 231,
"capital": "Monrovia",
"code": "LR",
"code3": "LBR",
"number": 430
"id": 141,
"name": "Libya",
"currency": "LYD",
"phone": 218,
"capital": "Tripolis",
"code": "LY",
"code3": "LBY",
"number": 434
"id": 142,
"name": "Liechtenstein",
"currency": "CHF",
"phone": 423,
"capital": "Vaduz",
"code": "LI",
"code3": "LIE",
"number": 438
"id": 143,
"name": "Lithuania",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 370,
"capital": "Vilnius",
"code": "LT",
"code3": "LTU",
"number": 440
"id": 144,
"name": "Luxembourg",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 352,
"capital": "Luxembourg",
"code": "LU",
"code3": "LUX",
"number": 442
"id": 145,
"name": "Macao SAR",
"currency": "MOP",
"phone": 853,
"capital": "Macao",
"code": "MO",
"code3": "MAC",
"number": 446
"id": 146,
"name": "Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of",
"currency": "MKD",
"phone": 389,
"capital": "Skopje",
"code": "MK",
"code3": "MKD",
"number": 807
"id": 147,
"name": "Madagascar",
"currency": "MGA",
"phone": 261,
"capital": "Antananarivo",
"code": "MG",
"code3": "MDG",
"number": 450
"id": 148,
"name": "Malaysia",
"currency": "MYR",
"phone": 60,
"capital": "Kuala Lumpur",
"code": "MY",
"code3": "MYS",
"number": 458
"id": 149,
"name": "Malawi",
"currency": "MWK",
"phone": 265,
"capital": "Lilongwe",
"code": "MW",
"code3": "MWI",
"number": 454
"id": 150,
"name": "Maldives",
"currency": "MVR",
"phone": 960,
"capital": "Male",
"code": "MV",
"code3": "MDV",
"number": 462
"id": 151,
"name": "Mali",
"currency": "XOF",
"phone": 223,
"capital": "Bamako",
"code": "ML",
"code3": "MLI",
"number": 466
"id": 152,
"name": "Malta",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 356,
"capital": "Valletta",
"code": "MT",
"code3": "MLT",
"number": 470
"id": 153,
"name": "Morocco",
"currency": "MAD",
"phone": 212,
"capital": "Rabat",
"code": "MA",
"code3": "MAR",
"number": 504
"id": 154,
"name": "Martinique",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 596,
"capital": "Fort-de-France",
"code": "MQ",
"code3": "MTQ",
"number": 474
"id": 155,
"name": "Mauritius",
"currency": "MUR",
"phone": 230,
"capital": "Port Louis",
"code": "MU",
"code3": "MUS",
"number": 480
"id": 156,
"name": "Mauritania",
"currency": "MRO",
"phone": 222,
"capital": "Nouakchott",
"code": "MR",
"code3": "MRT",
"number": 478
"id": 157,
"name": "Mayotte",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 269,
"capital": "Mamoudzou",
"code": "YT",
"code3": "MYT",
"number": 175
"id": 158,
"name": "Mexico",
"currency": "MXN",
"phone": 52,
"capital": "Mexico City",
"code": "MX",
"code3": "MEX",
"number": 484
"id": 159,
"name": "Micronesia",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 691,
"capital": "Palikir",
"code": "FM",
"code3": "FSM",
"number": 583
"id": 160,
"name": "Mozambique",
"currency": "MZN",
"phone": 258,
"capital": "Maputo",
"code": "MZ",
"code3": "MOZ",
"number": 508
"id": 161,
"name": "Moldova",
"currency": "MDL",
"phone": 373,
"capital": "Chisinau",
"code": "MD",
"code3": "MDA",
"number": 498
"id": 162,
"name": "Monaco",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 377,
"capital": "Monaco",
"code": "MC",
"code3": "MCO",
"number": 492
"id": 163,
"name": "Mongolia",
"currency": "MNT",
"phone": 976,
"capital": "Ulan Bator",
"code": "MN",
"code3": "MNG",
"number": 496
"id": 164,
"name": "Montenegro",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 382,
"capital": "Podgorica",
"code": "ME",
"code3": "MNE",
"number": 499
"id": 165,
"name": "Montserrat",
"currency": "XCD",
"phone": 1664,
"capital": "Plymouth",
"code": "MS",
"code3": "MSR",
"number": 500
"id": 166,
"name": "Myanmar",
"currency": "MMK",
"phone": 95,
"capital": "Nay Pyi Taw",
"code": "MM",
"code3": "MMR",
"number": 104
"id": 167,
"name": "Namibia",
"currency": "NAD",
"phone": 264,
"capital": "Windhoek",
"code": "NA",
"code3": "NAM",
"number": 516
"id": 168,
"name": "Nauru",
"currency": "AUD",
"phone": 674,
"capital": "Yaren",
"code": "NR",
"code3": "NRU",
"number": 520
"id": 169,
"name": "Nepal",
"currency": "NPR",
"phone": 977,
"capital": "Kathmandu",
"code": "NP",
"code3": "NPL",
"number": 524
"id": 170,
"name": "Nicaragua",
"currency": "NIO",
"phone": 505,
"capital": "Managua",
"code": "NI",
"code3": "NIC",
"number": 558
"id": 171,
"name": "Niger",
"currency": "XOF",
"phone": 227,
"capital": "Niamey",
"code": "NE",
"code3": "NER",
"number": 562
"id": 172,
"name": "Nigeria",
"currency": "NGN",
"phone": 234,
"capital": "Abuja",
"code": "NG",
"code3": "NGA",
"number": 566
"id": 173,
"name": "Niue",
"currency": "NZD",
"phone": 683,
"capital": "Alofi",
"code": "NU",
"code3": "NIU",
"number": 570
"id": 174,
"name": "Norway",
"currency": "NOK",
"phone": 47,
"capital": "Oslo",
"code": "NO",
"code3": "NOR",
"number": 578
"id": 175,
"name": "New Caledonia",
"currency": "XPF",
"phone": 687,
"capital": "Noumea",
"code": "NC",
"code3": "NCL",
"number": 540
"id": 176,
"name": "New Zealand",
"currency": "NZD",
"phone": 64,
"capital": "Wellington",
"code": "NZ",
"code3": "NZL",
"number": 554
"id": 177,
"name": "Oman",
"currency": "OMR",
"phone": 968,
"capital": "Muscat",
"code": "OM",
"code3": "OMN",
"number": 512
"id": 178,
"name": "Palau",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 680,
"capital": "Melekeok",
"code": "PW",
"code3": "PLW",
"number": 585
"id": 179,
"name": "Panama",
"currency": "PAB",
"phone": 507,
"capital": "Panama City",
"code": "PA",
"code3": "PAN",
"number": 591
"id": 180,
"name": "Papua New Guinea",
"currency": "PGK",
"phone": 675,
"capital": "Port Moresby",
"code": "PG",
"code3": "PNG",
"number": 598
"id": 181,
"name": "Pakistan",
"currency": "PKR",
"phone": 92,
"capital": "Islamabad",
"code": "PK",
"code3": "PAK",
"number": 586
"id": 182,
"name": "Paraguay",
"currency": "PYG",
"phone": 595,
"capital": "Asuncion",
"code": "PY",
"code3": "PRY",
"number": 600
"id": 183,
"name": "Peru",
"currency": "PEN",
"phone": 51,
"capital": "Lima",
"code": "PE",
"code3": "PER",
"number": 604
"id": 184,
"name": "French Polynesia",
"currency": "XPF",
"phone": 689,
"capital": "Papeete",
"code": "PF",
"code3": "PYF",
"number": 258
"id": 185,
"name": "Poland",
"currency": "PLN",
"phone": 48,
"capital": "Warsaw",
"code": "PL",
"code3": "POL",
"number": 616
"id": 186,
"name": "Puerto Rico",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 1787,
"capital": "San Juan",
"code": "PR",
"code3": "PRI",
"number": 630
"id": 187,
"name": "Portugal",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 351,
"capital": "Lisbon",
"code": "PT",
"code3": "PRT",
"number": 620
"id": 188,
"name": "Kenya",
"currency": "KES",
"phone": 254,
"capital": "Nairobi",
"code": "KE",
"code3": "KEN",
"number": 404
"id": 189,
"name": "Kyrgyzstan",
"currency": "KGS",
"phone": 996,
"capital": "Bishkek",
"code": "KG",
"code3": "KGZ",
"number": 417
"id": 190,
"name": "United Kingdom",
"currency": "GBP",
"phone": 44,
"capital": "London",
"code": "GB",
"code3": "GBR",
"number": 826
"id": 191,
"name": "Central African Republic",
"currency": "XAF",
"phone": 236,
"capital": "Bangui",
"code": "CF",
"code3": "CAF",
"number": 140
"id": 192,
"name": "Congo (DRC)",
"currency": "CDF",
"phone": 242,
"capital": "Kinshasa",
"code": "CD",
"code3": "COD",
"number": 180
"id": 193,
"name": "Dominican Republic",
"currency": "DOP",
"phone": 1809,
"capital": "Santo Domingo",
"code": "DO",
"code3": "DOM",
"number": 214
"id": 194,
"name": "Czech Republic",
"currency": "CZK",
"phone": 420,
"capital": "Prague",
"code": "CZ",
"code3": "CZE",
"number": 203
"id": 195,
"name": "Romania",
"currency": "RON",
"phone": 40,
"capital": "Bucharest",
"code": "RO",
"code3": "ROM",
"number": 642
"id": 196,
"name": "Rwanda",
"currency": "RWF",
"phone": 250,
"capital": "Kigali",
"code": "RW",
"code3": "RWA",
"number": 646
"id": 197,
"name": "Russia",
"currency": "RUB",
"phone": 70,
"capital": "Moscow",
"code": "RU",
"code3": "RUS",
"number": 643
"id": 198,
"currency": "MAD",
"phone": 212,
"capital": "El-Aaiun",
"code": "EH",
"code3": "ESH",
"number": 732
"id": 199,
"name": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 599,
"capital": "Kralendijk",
"code": "BQ",
"code3": "BES",
"number": 535
"id": 200,
"name": "Samoa",
"currency": "WST",
"phone": 684,
"capital": "Apia",
"code": "WS",
"code3": "WSM",
"number": 882
"id": 201,
"name": "American Samoa",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 1684,
"capital": "Pago Pago",
"code": "AS",
"code3": "ASM",
"number": 16
"id": 202,
"name": "San Marino",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 378,
"capital": "San Marino",
"code": "SM",
"code3": "SMR",
"number": 674
"id": 203,
"name": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"currency": "SHP",
"phone": 290,
"capital": "Jamestown",
"code": "SH",
"code3": "SHN",
"number": 654
"id": 204,
"name": "Saint Lucia",
"currency": "XCD",
"phone": 1758,
"capital": "Castries",
"code": "LC",
"code3": "LCA",
"number": 662
"id": 205,
"name": "Saint Barthรฉlemy",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 590,
"capital": "Gustavia",
"code": "BL",
"code3": "BLM",
"number": 652
"id": 206,
"name": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"currency": "XCD",
"phone": 1869,
"capital": "Basseterre",
"code": "KN",
"code3": "KNA",
"number": 659
"id": 207,
"name": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"currency": "ANG",
"phone": 1,
"capital": "Philipsburg",
"code": "SX",
"code3": "SXM",
"number": 534
"id": 208,
"name": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 508,
"capital": "Saint-Pierre",
"code": "PM",
"code3": "SPM",
"number": 666
"id": 209,
"name": "Sรฃo Tomรฉ and Prรญncipe",
"currency": "STD",
"phone": 239,
"capital": "Sao Tome",
"code": "ST",
"code3": "STP",
"number": 678
"id": 210,
"name": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"currency": "XCD",
"phone": 1784,
"capital": "Kingstown",
"code": "VC",
"code3": "VCT",
"number": 670
"id": 211,
"name": "Senegal",
"currency": "XOF",
"phone": 221,
"capital": "Dakar",
"code": "SN",
"code3": "SEN",
"number": 686
"id": 212,
"name": "Sierra Leone",
"currency": "SLL",
"phone": 232,
"capital": "Freetown",
"code": "SL",
"code3": "SLE",
"number": 694
"id": 213,
"name": "Serbia",
"currency": "RSD",
"phone": 381,
"capital": "Belgrade",
"code": "RS",
"code3": "SRB",
"number": 688
"id": 215,
"name": "Seychelles",
"currency": "SCR",
"phone": 248,
"capital": "Victoria",
"code": "SC",
"code3": "SYC",
"number": 690
"id": 216,
"name": "Syria",
"currency": "SYP",
"phone": 963,
"capital": "Damascus",
"code": "SY",
"code3": "SYR",
"number": 760
"id": 217,
"name": "Somalia",
"currency": "SOS",
"phone": 252,
"capital": "Mogadishu",
"code": "SO",
"code3": "SOM",
"number": 706
"id": 218,
"name": "Sri Lanka",
"currency": "LKR",
"phone": 94,
"capital": "Colombo",
"code": "LK",
"code3": "LKA",
"number": 144
"id": 219,
"name": "Swaziland",
"currency": "SZL",
"phone": 268,
"capital": "Mbabane",
"code": "SZ",
"code3": "SWZ",
"number": 748
"id": 220,
"name": "Sudan",
"currency": "SDG",
"phone": 249,
"capital": "Khartoum",
"code": "SD",
"code3": "SDN",
"number": 736
"id": 221,
"name": "South Sudan",
"currency": "SSP",
"phone": 211,
"capital": "Juba",
"code": "SS",
"code3": "SSD",
"number": 728
"id": 222,
"name": "Sweden",
"currency": "SEK",
"phone": 46,
"capital": "Stockholm",
"code": "SE",
"code3": "SWE",
"number": 752
"id": 223,
"name": "Switzerland",
"currency": "CHF",
"phone": 41,
"capital": "Berne",
"code": "CH",
"code3": "CHE",
"number": 756
"id": 224,
"name": "Suriname",
"currency": "SRD",
"phone": 597,
"capital": "Paramaribo",
"code": "SR",
"code3": "SUR",
"number": 740
"id": 225,
"name": "Jan Mayen",
"currency": "NOK",
"phone": 47,
"capital": "Longyearbyen",
"code": "SJ",
"code3": "SJM",
"number": 744
"id": 226,
"name": "Thailand",
"currency": "THB",
"phone": 66,
"capital": "Bangkok",
"code": "TH",
"code3": "THA",
"number": 764
"id": 227,
"name": "Taiwan",
"currency": "TWD",
"phone": 886,
"capital": "Taipei",
"code": "TW",
"code3": "TWN",
"number": 158
"id": 228,
"name": "Tajikistan",
"currency": "TJS",
"phone": 992,
"capital": "Dushanbe",
"code": "TJ",
"code3": "TJK",
"number": 762
"id": 229,
"name": "Tanzania",
"currency": "TZS",
"phone": 255,
"capital": "Dodoma",
"code": "TZ",
"code3": "TZA",
"number": 834
"id": 230,
"name": "French Southern and Antarctic Lands",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 262,
"capital": "Port-aux-Francais",
"code": "TF",
"code3": "ATF",
"number": 260
"id": 231,
"name": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 246,
"capital": "Diego Garcia",
"code": "IO",
"code3": "IOT",
"number": 86
"id": 232,
"name": "Palestinian Authority",
"currency": "ILS",
"phone": 970,
"capital": "East Jerusalem",
"code": "PS",
"code3": "PSE",
"number": 275
"id": 233,
"name": "Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste",
"currency": "USD",
"phone": 670,
"capital": "Dili",
"code": "TL",
"code3": "TLS",
"number": 626
"id": 234,
"name": "Togo",
"currency": "XOF",
"phone": 228,
"capital": "Lome",
"code": "TG",
"code3": "TGO",
"number": 768
"id": 235,
"name": "Tonga",
"currency": "TOP",
"phone": 676,
"capital": "Nuku'alofa",
"code": "TO",
"code3": "TON",
"number": 776
"id": 236,
"name": "Tokelau",
"currency": "NZD",
"phone": 690,
"capital": "Nukunonu",
"code": "TK",
"code3": "TKL",
"number": 772
"id": 237,
"name": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"currency": "TTD",
"phone": 1868,
"capital": "Port of Spain",
"code": "TT",
"code3": "TTO",
"number": 780
"id": 238,
"name": "Tunisia",
"currency": "TND",
"phone": 216,
"capital": "Tunis",
"code": "TN",
"code3": "TUN",
"number": 788
"id": 239,
"name": "Turkmenistan",
"currency": "TMT",
"phone": 7370,
"capital": "Ashgabat",
"code": "TM",
"code3": "TKM",
"number": 795
"id": 240,
"name": "Turkey",
"currency": "TRY",
"phone": 90,
"capital": "Ankara",
"code": "TR",
"code3": "TUR",
"number": 792
"id": 241,
"name": "Tuvalu",
"currency": "AUD",
"phone": 688,
"capital": "Funafuti",
"code": "TV",
"code3": "TUV",
"number": 798
"id": 242,
"name": "Ukraine",
"currency": "UAH",
"phone": 380,
"capital": "Kiev",
"code": "UA",
"code3": "UKR",
"number": 804
"id": 243,
"name": "Uganda",
"currency": "UGX",
"phone": 256,
"capital": "Kampala",
"code": "UG",
"code3": "UGA",
"number": 800
"id": 244,
"name": "Uruguay",
"currency": "UYU",
"phone": 598,
"capital": "Montevideo",
"code": "UY",
"code3": "URY",
"number": 858
"id": 245,
"name": "Uzbekistan",
"currency": "UZS",
"phone": 998,
"capital": "Tashkent",
"code": "UZ",
"code3": "UZB",
"number": 860
"id": 246,
"name": "Vanuatu",
"currency": "VUV",
"phone": 678,
"capital": "Port Vila",
"code": "VU",
"code3": "VUT",
"number": 548
"id": 247,
"name": "Vatican City",
"currency": "EUR",
"phone": 39,
"capital": "Vaticano",
"code": "VA",
"code3": "VAT",
"number": 336
"id": 248,
"name": "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela",
"currency": "VEF",
"phone": 58,
"capital": "Caracas",
"code": "VE",
"code3": "VEN",
"number": 862
"id": 249,
"name": "Vietnam",
"currency": "VND",
"phone": 84,
"capital": "Hanoi",
"code": "VN",
"code3": "VNM",
"number": 704
"id": 250,
"name": "Wallis and Futuna",
"currency": "XPF",
"phone": 681,
"capital": "Mata Utu",
"code": "WF",
"code3": "WLF",
"number": 876
"id": 251,
"name": "Zambia",
"currency": "ZMW",
"phone": 260,
"capital": "Lusaka",
"code": "ZM",
"code3": "ZMB",
"number": 894
"id": 252,
"name": "Zimbabwe",
"currency": "ZWL",
"phone": 263,
"capital": "Harare",
"code": "ZW",
"code3": "ZWE",
"number": 716

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great work guys... please can anyone help me with the list of courses in the world or in any particular university.. thanks

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Great work, guys!

A lot of helpful posts here. Thanks!

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Haliaa commented Feb 9, 2023

const COUNTRIES = [
    name: 'Afghanistan',
    code: 'AF',
    timezone: 'Afghanistan Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:30',
    mobileCode: '+93',
    name: 'ร…land Islands',
    code: 'AX',
    timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+358-18',
    name: 'Albania',
    code: '


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    timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+11:00',
    mobileCode: '+677',
    name: 'Somalia',
    code: 'SO',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+252',
    name: 'South Africa',
    code: 'ZA',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+27',
    name: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
    code: 'GS',
    timezone: 'UTC-02',
    utc: 'UTC-02:00',
    mobileCode: '+',
    name: 'South Sudan',
    code: 'SS',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+211',
    name: 'Spain',
    code: 'ES',
    timezone: 'Romance Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+34',
    name: 'Sri Lanka',
    code: 'LK',
    timezone: 'Sri Lanka Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:30',
    mobileCode: '+94',
    name: 'Sudan',
    code: 'SD',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+249',
    name: 'Suriname',
    code: 'SR',
    timezone: 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+597',
    name: 'Svalbard',
    code: 'SJ',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+47',
    name: 'Swaziland',
    code: 'SZ',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+268',
    name: 'Sweden',
    code: 'SE',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+46',
    name: 'Switzerland',
    code: 'CH',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+41',
    name: 'Syria',
    code: 'SY',
    timezone: 'Syria Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+963',
    name: 'Taiwan',
    code: 'TW',
    timezone: 'Taipei Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+08:00',
    mobileCode: '+886',
    name: 'Tajikistan',
    code: 'TJ',
    timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:00',
    mobileCode: '+992',
    name: 'Tanzania',
    code: 'TZ',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+255',
    name: 'Thailand',
    code: 'TH',
    timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+07:00',
    mobileCode: '+66',
    name: 'Togo',
    code: 'TG',
    timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+228',
    name: 'Tokelau',
    code: 'TK',
    timezone: 'Tonga Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+13:00',
    mobileCode: '+690',
    name: 'Tonga',
    code: 'TO',
    timezone: 'Tonga Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+13:00',
    mobileCode: '+676',
    name: 'Trinidad and Tobago',
    code: 'TT',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-868',
    name: 'Tunisia',
    code: 'TN',
    timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+216',
    name: 'Turkey',
    code: 'TR',
    timezone: 'Turkey Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+90',
    name: 'Turkmenistan',
    code: 'TM',
    timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:00',
    mobileCode: '+993',
    name: 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
    code: 'TC',
    timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-05:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-649',
    name: 'Tuvalu',
    code: 'TV',
    timezone: 'UTC+12',
    utc: 'UTC+12:00',
    mobileCode: '+688',
    name: 'U.S. Minor Outlying Islands',
    code: 'UM',
    timezone: 'UTC-11',
    utc: 'UTC-11:00',
    mobileCode: '+1',
    name: 'Uganda',
    code: 'UG',
    timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+256',
    name: 'Ukraine',
    code: 'UA',
    timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+380',
    name: 'United Arab Emirates',
    code: 'AE',
    timezone: 'Arabian Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+04:00',
    mobileCode: '+971',
    name: 'United Kingdom',
    code: 'GB',
    timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC',
    mobileCode: '+44',
    name: 'United States',
    code: 'US',
    timezone: 'Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-08:00',
    mobileCode: '+1',
    name: 'Uruguay',
    code: 'UY',
    timezone: 'Montevideo Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-03:00',
    mobileCode: '+598',
    name: 'Uzbekistan',
    code: 'UZ',
    timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+05:00',
    mobileCode: '+998',
    name: 'Vanuatu',
    code: 'VU',
    timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+11:00',
    mobileCode: '+678',
    name: 'Vatican City',
    code: 'VA',
    timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+01:00',
    mobileCode: '+379',
    name: 'Vietnam',
    code: 'VN',
    timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+07:00',
    mobileCode: '+84',
    name: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.',
    code: 'VI',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-340',
    name: 'Virgin Islands, British',
    code: 'VG',
    timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC-04:00',
    mobileCode: '+1-284',
    name: 'Wallis and Futuna',
    code: 'WF',
    timezone: 'UTC+12',
    utc: 'UTC+12:00',
    mobileCode: '+681',
    name: 'Yemen',
    code: 'YE',
    timezone: 'Arab Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+03:00',
    mobileCode: '+967',
    name: 'Zambia',
    code: 'ZM',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+260',
    name: 'Zimbabwe',
    code: 'ZW',
    timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
    utc: 'UTC+02:00',
    mobileCode: '+263',

Saved another life ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Many thanks!!!!

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Many Thanks too, wonderfull jobs, Having good day..!!!

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Ma sha allah, Thanks

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immdraselkhan commented Jan 14, 2024

type Country = {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  currency: string;
  phone: number;
  capital: string | null;
  code: string;
  code3: string;
  number: number;

const countriesInfo: Country[] = [
    id: 1,
    name: "Afghanistan",
    currency: "AFN",
    phone: 93,
    capital: "Kabul",
    code: "AF",
    code3: "AFG",
    number: 4,
    id: 2,
    name: "South Africa",
    currency: "ZAR",
    phone: 27,
    capital: "Pretoria",
    code: "ZA",
    code3: "ZAF",
    number: 710,
    id: 3,
    name: "Albania",
    currency: "ALL",
    phone: 355,
    capital: "Tirana",
    code: "AL",
    code3: "ALB",
    number: 8,
    id: 4,
    name: "Germany",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 49,
    capital: "Berlin",
    code: "DE",
    code3: "DEU",
    number: 276,
    id: 5,
    name: "Andorra",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 376,
    capital: "Andorra la Vella",
    code: "AD",
    code3: "AND",
    number: 20,
    id: 6,
    name: "Angola",
    currency: "AOA",
    phone: 244,
    capital: "Luanda",
    code: "AO",
    code3: "AGO",
    number: 24,
    id: 7,
    name: "Anguilla",
    currency: "XCD",
    phone: 1264,
    capital: "The Valley",
    code: "AI",
    code3: "AIA",
    number: 660,
    id: 8,
    name: "Antarctica",
    currency: "AAD",
    phone: 672,
    capital: "Antรกrtida",
    code: "AQ",
    code3: "ATA",
    number: 10,
    id: 9,
    name: "Antigua and Barbuda",
    currency: "XCD",
    phone: 1268,
    capital: "St. John's",
    code: "AG",
    code3: "ATG",
    number: 28,
    id: 11,
    name: "Saudi Arabia",
    currency: "SAR",
    phone: 966,
    capital: "Riyadh",
    code: "SA",
    code3: "SAU",
    number: 682,
    id: 12,
    name: "Algeria",
    currency: "DZD",
    phone: 213,
    capital: "Algiers",
    code: "DZ",
    code3: "DZA",
    number: 12,
    id: 13,
    name: "Argentina",
    currency: "ARS",
    phone: 54,
    capital: "Buenos Aires",
    code: "AR",
    code3: "ARG",
    number: 32,
    id: 14,
    name: "Armenia",
    currency: "AMD",
    phone: 374,
    capital: "Yerevan",
    code: "AM",
    code3: "ARM",
    number: 51,
    id: 15,
    name: "Aruba",
    currency: "AWG",
    phone: 297,
    capital: "Oranjestad",
    code: "AW",
    code3: "ABW",
    number: 533,
    id: 16,
    name: "Australia",
    currency: "AUD",
    phone: 61,
    capital: "Canberra",
    code: "AU",
    code3: "AUS",
    number: 36,
    id: 17,
    name: "Austria",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 43,
    capital: "Vienna",
    code: "AT",
    code3: "AUT",
    number: 40,
    id: 18,
    name: "Azerbaijan",
    currency: "AZN",
    phone: 994,
    capital: "Baku",
    code: "AZ",
    code3: "AZE",
    number: 31,
    id: 19,
    name: "Bahamas, The",
    currency: "BSD",
    phone: 1242,
    capital: "Nassau",
    code: "BS",
    code3: "BHS",
    number: 44,
    id: 20,
    name: "Bahrain",
    currency: "BHD",
    phone: 973,
    capital: "Manama",
    code: "BH",
    code3: "BHR",
    number: 48,
    id: 21,
    name: "Bangladesh",
    currency: "BDT",
    phone: 880,
    capital: "Dhaka",
    code: "BD",
    code3: "BGD",
    number: 50,
    id: 22,
    name: "Barbados",
    currency: "BBD",
    phone: 1246,
    capital: "Bridgetown",
    code: "BB",
    code3: "BRB",
    number: 52,
    id: 23,
    name: "Belgium",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 32,
    capital: "Brussels",
    code: "BE",
    code3: "BEL",
    number: 56,
    id: 24,
    name: "Belize",
    currency: "BZD",
    phone: 501,
    capital: "Belmopan",
    code: "BZ",
    code3: "BLZ",
    number: 84,
    id: 25,
    name: "Benin",
    currency: "XOF",
    phone: 229,
    capital: "Porto-Novo",
    code: "BJ",
    code3: "BEN",
    number: 204,
    id: 26,
    name: "Bermuda",
    currency: "BMD",
    phone: 1441,
    capital: "Hamilton",
    code: "BM",
    code3: "BMU",
    number: 60,
    id: 27,
    name: "Belarus",
    currency: "BYN",
    phone: 375,
    capital: "Minsk",
    code: "BY",
    code3: "BLR",
    number: 112,
    id: 28,
    name: "Bolivia",
    currency: "BOB",
    phone: 591,
    capital: "Sucre",
    code: "BO",
    code3: "BOL",
    number: 68,
    id: 29,
    name: "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
    currency: "BAM",
    phone: 387,
    capital: "Sarajevo",
    code: "BA",
    code3: "BIH",
    number: 70,
    id: 30,
    name: "Botswana",
    currency: "BWP",
    phone: 267,
    capital: "Gaborone",
    code: "BW",
    code3: "BWA",
    number: 72,
    id: 31,
    name: "Brazil",
    currency: "BRL",
    phone: 55,
    capital: "Brasilia",
    code: "BR",
    code3: "BRA",
    number: 76,
    id: 32,
    name: "Brunei",
    currency: "BND",
    phone: 673,
    capital: "Bandar Seri Begawan",
    code: "BN",
    code3: "BRN",
    number: 96,
    id: 33,
    name: "Bulgaria",
    currency: "BGN",
    phone: 359,
    capital: "Sofia",
    code: "BG",
    code3: "BGR",
    number: 100,
    id: 34,
    name: "Burkina Faso",
    currency: "XOF",
    phone: 226,
    capital: "Ouagadougou",
    code: "BF",
    code3: "BFA",
    number: 854,
    id: 35,
    name: "Burundi",
    currency: "BIF",
    phone: 257,
    capital: "Bujumbura",
    code: "BI",
    code3: "BDI",
    number: 108,
    id: 36,
    name: "Bhutan",
    currency: "BTN",
    phone: 975,
    capital: "Thimphu",
    code: "BT",
    code3: "BTN",
    number: 64,
    id: 37,
    name: "Cabo Verde",
    currency: "CVE",
    phone: 238,
    capital: "Praia",
    code: "CV",
    code3: "CPV",
    number: 132,
    id: 38,
    name: "Cameroon",
    currency: "XAF",
    phone: 237,
    capital: "Yaounde",
    code: "CM",
    code3: "CMR",
    number: 120,
    id: 39,
    name: "Cambodia",
    currency: "KHR",
    phone: 855,
    capital: "Phnom Penh",
    code: "KH",
    code3: "KHM",
    number: 116,
    id: 40,
    name: "Canada",
    currency: "CAD",
    phone: 1,
    capital: "Ottawa",
    code: "CA",
    code3: "CAN",
    number: 124,
    id: 41,
    name: "Qatar",
    currency: "QAR",
    phone: 974,
    capital: "Doha",
    code: "QA",
    code3: "QAT",
    number: 634,
    id: 42,
    name: "Kazakhstan",
    currency: "KZT",
    phone: 7,
    capital: "Astana",
    code: "KZ",
    code3: "KAZ",
    number: 398,
    id: 43,
    name: "Chad",
    currency: "XAF",
    phone: 235,
    capital: "N'Djamena",
    code: "TD",
    code3: "TCD",
    number: 148,
    id: 44,
    name: "Chile",
    currency: "CLP",
    phone: 56,
    capital: "Santiago",
    code: "CL",
    code3: "CHL",
    number: 152,
    id: 45,
    name: "China",
    currency: "CNY",
    phone: 86,
    capital: "Beijing",
    code: "CN",
    code3: "CHN",
    number: 156,
    id: 46,
    name: "Cyprus",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 357,
    capital: "Nicosia",
    code: "CY",
    code3: "CYP",
    number: 196,
    id: 47,
    name: "Singapore",
    currency: "SGD",
    phone: 65,
    capital: "Singapur",
    code: "SG",
    code3: "SGP",
    number: 702,
    id: 48,
    name: "Colombia",
    currency: "COP",
    phone: 57,
    capital: "Bogota",
    code: "CO",
    code3: "COL",
    number: 170,
    id: 49,
    name: "Comoros",
    currency: "KMF",
    phone: 269,
    capital: "Moroni",
    code: "KM",
    code3: "COM",
    number: 174,
    id: 50,
    name: "Congo",
    currency: "XAF",
    phone: 242,
    capital: "Brazzaville",
    code: "CG",
    code3: "COG",
    number: 178,
    id: 51,
    name: "North Korea",
    currency: "KPW",
    phone: 850,
    capital: "Pyongyang",
    code: "KP",
    code3: "PRK",
    number: 408,
    id: 52,
    name: "Korea",
    currency: "KRW",
    phone: 82,
    capital: "Seoul",
    code: "KR",
    code3: "KOR",
    number: 410,
    id: 53,
    name: "Cรดte d'Ivoire",
    currency: "XOF",
    phone: 225,
    capital: "Yamoussoukro",
    code: "CI",
    code3: "CIV",
    number: 384,
    id: 54,
    name: "Costa Rica",
    currency: "CRC",
    phone: 506,
    capital: "San Jose",
    code: "CR",
    code3: "CRI",
    number: 188,
    id: 55,
    name: "Croatia",
    currency: "HRK",
    phone: 385,
    capital: "Zagreb",
    code: "HR",
    code3: "HRV",
    number: 191,
    id: 56,
    name: "Cuba",
    currency: "CUP",
    phone: 53,
    capital: "Havana",
    code: "CU",
    code3: "CUB",
    number: 192,
    id: 57,
    name: "Curaรงao",
    currency: "ANG",
    phone: 599,
    capital: "Willemstad",
    code: "CW",
    code3: "CUW",
    number: 531,
    id: 58,
    name: "Denmark",
    currency: "DKK",
    phone: 45,
    capital: "Copenhagen",
    code: "DK",
    code3: "DNK",
    number: 208,
    id: 59,
    name: "Djibouti",
    currency: "DJF",
    phone: 253,
    capital: "Djibouti",
    code: "DJ",
    code3: "DJI",
    number: 262,
    id: 60,
    name: "Dominica",
    currency: "XCD",
    phone: 1767,
    capital: "Roseau",
    code: "DM",
    code3: "DMA",
    number: 212,
    id: 61,
    name: "Egypt",
    currency: "EGP",
    phone: 20,
    capital: "Cairo",
    code: "EG",
    code3: "EGY",
    number: 818,
    id: 62,
    name: "El Salvador",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 503,
    capital: "San Salvador",
    code: "SV",
    code3: "SLV",
    number: 222,
    id: 63,
    name: "United Arab Emirates",
    currency: "AED",
    phone: 971,
    capital: "Abu Dhabi",
    code: "AE",
    code3: "ARE",
    number: 784,
    id: 64,
    name: "Ecuador",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 593,
    capital: "Quito",
    code: "EC",
    code3: "ECU",
    number: 218,
    id: 65,
    name: "Eritrea",
    currency: "ERN",
    phone: 291,
    capital: "Asmara",
    code: "ER",
    code3: "ERI",
    number: 232,
    id: 66,
    name: "Slovakia",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 421,
    capital: "Bratislava",
    code: "SK",
    code3: "SVK",
    number: 703,
    id: 67,
    name: "Slovenia",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 386,
    capital: "Ljubljana",
    code: "SI",
    code3: "SVN",
    number: 705,
    id: 68,
    name: "Spain",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 34,
    capital: "Madrid",
    code: "ES",
    code3: "ESP",
    number: 724,
    id: 69,
    name: "United States",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 1,
    capital: "Washington",
    code: "US",
    code3: "USA",
    number: 840,
    id: 70,
    name: "Estonia",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 372,
    capital: "Tallinn",
    code: "EE",
    code3: "EST",
    number: 233,
    id: 71,
    name: "Ethiopia",
    currency: "ETB",
    phone: 251,
    capital: "Addis Ababa",
    code: "ET",
    code3: "ETH",
    number: 231,
    id: 72,
    name: "Fiji Islands",
    currency: "FJD",
    phone: 679,
    capital: "Suva",
    code: "FJ",
    code3: "FJI",
    number: 242,
    id: 73,
    name: "Philippines",
    currency: "PHP",
    phone: 63,
    capital: "Manila",
    code: "PH",
    code3: "PHL",
    number: 608,
    id: 74,
    name: "Finland",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 358,
    capital: "Helsinki",
    code: "FI",
    code3: "FIN",
    number: 246,
    id: 75,
    name: "France",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 33,
    capital: "Paris",
    code: "FR",
    code3: "FRA",
    number: 250,
    id: 76,
    name: "Gabon",
    currency: "XAF",
    phone: 241,
    capital: "Libreville",
    code: "GA",
    code3: "GAB",
    number: 266,
    id: 77,
    name: "Gambia, The",
    currency: "GMD",
    phone: 220,
    capital: "Banjul",
    code: "GM",
    code3: "GMB",
    number: 270,
    id: 78,
    name: "Ghana",
    currency: "GHS",
    phone: 233,
    capital: "Accra",
    code: "GH",
    code3: "GHA",
    number: 288,
    id: 79,
    name: "Georgia",
    currency: "GEL",
    phone: 995,
    capital: "Tbilisi",
    code: "GE",
    code3: "GEO",
    number: 268,
    id: 80,
    name: "Gibraltar",
    currency: "GIP",
    phone: 350,
    capital: "Gibraltar",
    code: "GI",
    code3: "GIB",
    number: 292,
    id: 81,
    name: "Grenada",
    currency: "XCD",
    phone: 1473,
    capital: "St. George's",
    code: "GD",
    code3: "GRD",
    number: 308,
    id: 82,
    name: "Greece",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 30,
    capital: "Athens",
    code: "GR",
    code3: "GRC",
    number: 300,
    id: 83,
    name: "Greenland",
    currency: "DKK",
    phone: 299,
    capital: "Nuuk",
    code: "GL",
    code3: "GRL",
    number: 304,
    id: 84,
    name: "Guadeloupe",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 590,
    capital: "Basse-Terre",
    code: "GP",
    code3: "GLP",
    number: 312,
    id: 85,
    name: "Guam",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 1671,
    capital: "Hagatna",
    code: "GU",
    code3: "GUM",
    number: 316,
    id: 86,
    name: "Guatemala",
    currency: "GTQ",
    phone: 502,
    capital: "Guatemala City",
    code: "GT",
    code3: "GTM",
    number: 320,
    id: 87,
    name: "Guernsey",
    currency: "GBP",
    phone: 44,
    capital: "St Peter Port",
    code: "GG",
    code3: "GGY",
    number: 831,
    id: 88,
    name: "Guyana",
    currency: "GYD",
    phone: 592,
    capital: "Georgetown",
    code: "GY",
    code3: "GUY",
    number: 328,
    id: 89,
    name: "French Guiana",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 594,
    capital: "Cayenne",
    code: "GF",
    code3: "GUF",
    number: 254,
    id: 90,
    name: "Guinea",
    currency: "GNF",
    phone: 224,
    capital: "Conakry",
    code: "GN",
    code3: "GIN",
    number: 324,
    id: 91,
    name: "Equatorial Guinea",
    currency: "XAF",
    phone: 240,
    capital: "Malabo",
    code: "GQ",
    code3: "GNQ",
    number: 226,
    id: 92,
    name: "Guinea-Bissau",
    currency: "XOF",
    phone: 245,
    capital: "Bissau",
    code: "GW",
    code3: "GNB",
    number: 624,
    id: 93,
    name: "Haiti",
    currency: "HTG",
    phone: 509,
    capital: "Port-au-Prince",
    code: "HT",
    code3: "HTI",
    number: 332,
    id: 94,
    name: "Netherlands",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 31,
    capital: "Amsterdam",
    code: "NL",
    code3: "NLD",
    number: 528,
    id: 95,
    name: "Honduras",
    currency: "HNL",
    phone: 504,
    capital: "Tegucigalpa",
    code: "HN",
    code3: "HND",
    number: 340,
    id: 96,
    name: "Hong Kong SAR",
    currency: "HKD",
    phone: 852,
    capital: "Hong Kong",
    code: "HK",
    code3: "HKG",
    number: 344,
    id: 97,
    name: "Hungary",
    currency: "HUF",
    phone: 36,
    capital: "Budapest",
    code: "HU",
    code3: "HUN",
    number: 348,
    id: 98,
    name: "Yemen",
    currency: "YER",
    phone: 967,
    capital: "Sanaa",
    code: "YE",
    code3: "YEM",
    number: 887,
    id: 99,
    name: "Bouvet Island",
    currency: "NOK",
    phone: 55,
    capital: null,
    code: "BV",
    code3: "BVT",
    number: 74,
    id: 100,
    name: "Reunion",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 262,
    capital: "Saint-Denis",
    code: "RE",
    code3: "REU",
    number: 638,
    id: 101,
    name: "Man, Isle of",
    currency: "GBP",
    phone: 44,
    capital: "Douglas, Isle of Man",
    code: "IM",
    code3: "IMN",
    number: 833,
    id: 102,
    name: "Saint Martin (French part)",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 590,
    capital: "Marigot",
    code: "MF",
    code3: "MAF",
    number: 663,
    id: 103,
    name: "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
    currency: "AUD",
    phone: 0,
    capital: null,
    code: "HM",
    code3: "HMD",
    number: 334,
    id: 104,
    name: "Christmas Island",
    currency: "AUD",
    phone: 61,
    capital: "Flying Fish Cove",
    code: "CX",
    code3: "CXR",
    number: 162,
    id: 105,
    name: "Norfolk Island",
    currency: "AUD",
    phone: 672,
    capital: "Kingston",
    code: "NF",
    code3: "NFK",
    number: 574,
    id: 106,
    name: "ร…land Islands",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 358,
    capital: "Mariehamn",
    code: "AX",
    code3: "ALA",
    number: 248,
    id: 107,
    name: "Cayman Islands",
    currency: "KYD",
    phone: 1345,
    capital: "George Town",
    code: "KY",
    code3: "CYM",
    number: 136,
    id: 108,
    name: "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
    currency: "AUD",
    phone: 672,
    capital: "West Island",
    code: "CC",
    code3: "CCK",
    number: 166,
    id: 109,
    name: "Cook Islands",
    currency: "NZD",
    phone: 682,
    capital: "Avarua",
    code: "CK",
    code3: "COK",
    number: 184,
    id: 110,
    name: "Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)",
    currency: "FKP",
    phone: 500,
    capital: "Stanley",
    code: "FK",
    code3: "FLK",
    number: 238,
    id: 111,
    name: "Faroe Islands",
    currency: "DKK",
    phone: 298,
    capital: "Torshavn",
    code: "FO",
    code3: "FRO",
    number: 234,
    id: 112,
    name: "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
    currency: "GBP",
    phone: 500,
    capital: "Grytviken",
    code: "GS",
    code3: "SGS",
    number: 239,
    id: 113,
    name: "Northern Mariana Islands",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 1670,
    capital: "Saipan",
    code: "MP",
    code3: "MNP",
    number: 580,
    id: 114,
    name: "Marshall Islands",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 692,
    capital: "Majuro",
    code: "MH",
    code3: "MHL",
    number: 584,
    id: 115,
    name: "U.S. Minor Outlying Islands",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 246,
    capital: null,
    code: "UM",
    code3: "UMI",
    number: 581,
    id: 116,
    name: "Pitcairn Islands",
    currency: "NZD",
    phone: 64,
    capital: "Adamstown",
    code: "PN",
    code3: "PCN",
    number: 612,
    id: 117,
    name: "Solomon Islands",
    currency: "SBD",
    phone: 677,
    capital: "Honiara",
    code: "SB",
    code3: "SLB",
    number: 90,
    id: 118,
    name: "Turks and Caicos Islands",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 1649,
    capital: "Cockburn Town",
    code: "TC",
    code3: "TCA",
    number: 796,
    id: 119,
    name: "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 1340,
    capital: "Charlotte Amalie",
    code: "VI",
    code3: "VIR",
    number: 850,
    id: 120,
    name: "Virgin Islands, British",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 1284,
    capital: "Road Town",
    code: "VG",
    code3: "VGB",
    number: 92,
    id: 121,
    name: "India",
    currency: "INR",
    phone: 91,
    capital: "New Delhi",
    code: "IN",
    code3: "IND",
    number: 356,
    id: 122,
    name: "Indonesia",
    currency: "IDR",
    phone: 62,
    capital: "Jakarta",
    code: "ID",
    code3: "IDN",
    number: 360,
    id: 123,
    name: "Iran",
    currency: "IRR",
    phone: 98,
    capital: "Tehran",
    code: "IR",
    code3: "IRN",
    number: 364,
    id: 124,
    name: "Iraq",
    currency: "IQD",
    phone: 964,
    capital: "Baghdad",
    code: "IQ",
    code3: "IRQ",
    number: 368,
    id: 125,
    name: "Ireland",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 353,
    capital: "Dublin",
    code: "IE",
    code3: "IRL",
    number: 372,
    id: 126,
    name: "Iceland",
    currency: "ISK",
    phone: 354,
    capital: "Reykjavik",
    code: "IS",
    code3: "ISL",
    number: 352,
    id: 127,
    name: "Israel",
    currency: "ILS",
    phone: 972,
    capital: "Jerusalem",
    code: "IL",
    code3: "ISR",
    number: 376,
    id: 128,
    name: "Italy",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 39,
    capital: "Rome",
    code: "IT",
    code3: "ITA",
    number: 380,
    id: 129,
    name: "Jamaica",
    currency: "JMD",
    phone: 1876,
    capital: "Kingston",
    code: "JM",
    code3: "JAM",
    number: 388,
    id: 130,
    name: "Japan",
    currency: "JPY",
    phone: 81,
    capital: "Tokyo",
    code: "JP",
    code3: "JPN",
    number: 392,
    id: 131,
    name: "Jersey",
    currency: "GBP",
    phone: 44,
    capital: "Saint Helier",
    code: "JE",
    code3: "JEY",
    number: 832,
    id: 132,
    name: "Jordan",
    currency: "JOD",
    phone: 962,
    capital: "Amman",
    code: "JO",
    code3: "JOR",
    number: 400,
    id: 133,
    name: "Kiribati",
    currency: "AUD",
    phone: 686,
    capital: "Tarawa",
    code: "KI",
    code3: "KIR",
    number: 296,
    id: 134,
    name: "Kosovo",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 383,
    capital: "Pristina",
    code: "XK",
    code3: "XKX",
    number: 926,
    id: 135,
    name: "Kuwait",
    currency: "KWD",
    phone: 965,
    capital: "Kuwait City",
    code: "KW",
    code3: "KWT",
    number: 414,
    id: 136,
    name: "Laos",
    currency: "LAK",
    phone: 856,
    capital: "Vientiane",
    code: "LA",
    code3: "LAO",
    number: 418,
    id: 137,
    name: "Lesotho",
    currency: "LSL",
    phone: 266,
    capital: "Maseru",
    code: "LS",
    code3: "LSO",
    number: 426,
    id: 138,
    name: "Latvia",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 371,
    capital: "Riga",
    code: "LV",
    code3: "LVA",
    number: 428,
    id: 139,
    name: "Lebanon",
    currency: "LBP",
    phone: 961,
    capital: "Beirut",
    code: "LB",
    code3: "LBN",
    number: 422,
    id: 140,
    name: "Liberia",
    currency: "LRD",
    phone: 231,
    capital: "Monrovia",
    code: "LR",
    code3: "LBR",
    number: 430,
    id: 141,
    name: "Libya",
    currency: "LYD",
    phone: 218,
    capital: "Tripolis",
    code: "LY",
    code3: "LBY",
    number: 434,
    id: 142,
    name: "Liechtenstein",
    currency: "CHF",
    phone: 423,
    capital: "Vaduz",
    code: "LI",
    code3: "LIE",
    number: 438,
    id: 143,
    name: "Lithuania",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 370,
    capital: "Vilnius",
    code: "LT",
    code3: "LTU",
    number: 440,
    id: 144,
    name: "Luxembourg",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 352,
    capital: "Luxembourg",
    code: "LU",
    code3: "LUX",
    number: 442,
    id: 145,
    name: "Macao SAR",
    currency: "MOP",
    phone: 853,
    capital: "Macao",
    code: "MO",
    code3: "MAC",
    number: 446,
    id: 146,
    name: "Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of",
    currency: "MKD",
    phone: 389,
    capital: "Skopje",
    code: "MK",
    code3: "MKD",
    number: 807,
    id: 147,
    name: "Madagascar",
    currency: "MGA",
    phone: 261,
    capital: "Antananarivo",
    code: "MG",
    code3: "MDG",
    number: 450,
    id: 148,
    name: "Malaysia",
    currency: "MYR",
    phone: 60,
    capital: "Kuala Lumpur",
    code: "MY",
    code3: "MYS",
    number: 458,
    id: 149,
    name: "Malawi",
    currency: "MWK",
    phone: 265,
    capital: "Lilongwe",
    code: "MW",
    code3: "MWI",
    number: 454,
    id: 150,
    name: "Maldives",
    currency: "MVR",
    phone: 960,
    capital: "Male",
    code: "MV",
    code3: "MDV",
    number: 462,
    id: 151,
    name: "Mali",
    currency: "XOF",
    phone: 223,
    capital: "Bamako",
    code: "ML",
    code3: "MLI",
    number: 466,
    id: 152,
    name: "Malta",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 356,
    capital: "Valletta",
    code: "MT",
    code3: "MLT",
    number: 470,
    id: 153,
    name: "Morocco",
    currency: "MAD",
    phone: 212,
    capital: "Rabat",
    code: "MA",
    code3: "MAR",
    number: 504,
    id: 154,
    name: "Martinique",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 596,
    capital: "Fort-de-France",
    code: "MQ",
    code3: "MTQ",
    number: 474,
    id: 155,
    name: "Mauritius",
    currency: "MUR",
    phone: 230,
    capital: "Port Louis",
    code: "MU",
    code3: "MUS",
    number: 480,
    id: 156,
    name: "Mauritania",
    currency: "MRO",
    phone: 222,
    capital: "Nouakchott",
    code: "MR",
    code3: "MRT",
    number: 478,
    id: 157,
    name: "Mayotte",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 269,
    capital: "Mamoudzou",
    code: "YT",
    code3: "MYT",
    number: 175,
    id: 158,
    name: "Mexico",
    currency: "MXN",
    phone: 52,
    capital: "Mexico City",
    code: "MX",
    code3: "MEX",
    number: 484,
    id: 159,
    name: "Micronesia",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 691,
    capital: "Palikir",
    code: "FM",
    code3: "FSM",
    number: 583,
    id: 160,
    name: "Mozambique",
    currency: "MZN",
    phone: 258,
    capital: "Maputo",
    code: "MZ",
    code3: "MOZ",
    number: 508,
    id: 161,
    name: "Moldova",
    currency: "MDL",
    phone: 373,
    capital: "Chisinau",
    code: "MD",
    code3: "MDA",
    number: 498,
    id: 162,
    name: "Monaco",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 377,
    capital: "Monaco",
    code: "MC",
    code3: "MCO",
    number: 492,
    id: 163,
    name: "Mongolia",
    currency: "MNT",
    phone: 976,
    capital: "Ulan Bator",
    code: "MN",
    code3: "MNG",
    number: 496,
    id: 164,
    name: "Montenegro",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 382,
    capital: "Podgorica",
    code: "ME",
    code3: "MNE",
    number: 499,
    id: 165,
    name: "Montserrat",
    currency: "XCD",
    phone: 1664,
    capital: "Plymouth",
    code: "MS",
    code3: "MSR",
    number: 500,
    id: 166,
    name: "Myanmar",
    currency: "MMK",
    phone: 95,
    capital: "Nay Pyi Taw",
    code: "MM",
    code3: "MMR",
    number: 104,
    id: 167,
    name: "Namibia",
    currency: "NAD",
    phone: 264,
    capital: "Windhoek",
    code: "NA",
    code3: "NAM",
    number: 516,
    id: 168,
    name: "Nauru",
    currency: "AUD",
    phone: 674,
    capital: "Yaren",
    code: "NR",
    code3: "NRU",
    number: 520,
    id: 169,
    name: "Nepal",
    currency: "NPR",
    phone: 977,
    capital: "Kathmandu",
    code: "NP",
    code3: "NPL",
    number: 524,
    id: 170,
    name: "Nicaragua",
    currency: "NIO",
    phone: 505,
    capital: "Managua",
    code: "NI",
    code3: "NIC",
    number: 558,
    id: 171,
    name: "Niger",
    currency: "XOF",
    phone: 227,
    capital: "Niamey",
    code: "NE",
    code3: "NER",
    number: 562,
    id: 172,
    name: "Nigeria",
    currency: "NGN",
    phone: 234,
    capital: "Abuja",
    code: "NG",
    code3: "NGA",
    number: 566,
    id: 173,
    name: "Niue",
    currency: "NZD",
    phone: 683,
    capital: "Alofi",
    code: "NU",
    code3: "NIU",
    number: 570,
    id: 174,
    name: "Norway",
    currency: "NOK",
    phone: 47,
    capital: "Oslo",
    code: "NO",
    code3: "NOR",
    number: 578,
    id: 175,
    name: "New Caledonia",
    currency: "XPF",
    phone: 687,
    capital: "Noumea",
    code: "NC",
    code3: "NCL",
    number: 540,
    id: 176,
    name: "New Zealand",
    currency: "NZD",
    phone: 64,
    capital: "Wellington",
    code: "NZ",
    code3: "NZL",
    number: 554,
    id: 177,
    name: "Oman",
    currency: "OMR",
    phone: 968,
    capital: "Muscat",
    code: "OM",
    code3: "OMN",
    number: 512,
    id: 178,
    name: "Palau",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 680,
    capital: "Melekeok",
    code: "PW",
    code3: "PLW",
    number: 585,
    id: 179,
    name: "Panama",
    currency: "PAB",
    phone: 507,
    capital: "Panama City",
    code: "PA",
    code3: "PAN",
    number: 591,
    id: 180,
    name: "Papua New Guinea",
    currency: "PGK",
    phone: 675,
    capital: "Port Moresby",
    code: "PG",
    code3: "PNG",
    number: 598,
    id: 181,
    name: "Pakistan",
    currency: "PKR",
    phone: 92,
    capital: "Islamabad",
    code: "PK",
    code3: "PAK",
    number: 586,
    id: 182,
    name: "Paraguay",
    currency: "PYG",
    phone: 595,
    capital: "Asuncion",
    code: "PY",
    code3: "PRY",
    number: 600,
    id: 183,
    name: "Peru",
    currency: "PEN",
    phone: 51,
    capital: "Lima",
    code: "PE",
    code3: "PER",
    number: 604,
    id: 184,
    name: "French Polynesia",
    currency: "XPF",
    phone: 689,
    capital: "Papeete",
    code: "PF",
    code3: "PYF",
    number: 258,
    id: 185,
    name: "Poland",
    currency: "PLN",
    phone: 48,
    capital: "Warsaw",
    code: "PL",
    code3: "POL",
    number: 616,
    id: 186,
    name: "Puerto Rico",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 1787,
    capital: "San Juan",
    code: "PR",
    code3: "PRI",
    number: 630,
    id: 187,
    name: "Portugal",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 351,
    capital: "Lisbon",
    code: "PT",
    code3: "PRT",
    number: 620,
    id: 188,
    name: "Kenya",
    currency: "KES",
    phone: 254,
    capital: "Nairobi",
    code: "KE",
    code3: "KEN",
    number: 404,
    id: 189,
    name: "Kyrgyzstan",
    currency: "KGS",
    phone: 996,
    capital: "Bishkek",
    code: "KG",
    code3: "KGZ",
    number: 417,
    id: 190,
    name: "United Kingdom",
    currency: "GBP",
    phone: 44,
    capital: "London",
    code: "GB",
    code3: "GBR",
    number: 826,
    id: 191,
    name: "Central African Republic",
    currency: "XAF",
    phone: 236,
    capital: "Bangui",
    code: "CF",
    code3: "CAF",
    number: 140,
    id: 192,
    name: "Congo (DRC)",
    currency: "CDF",
    phone: 242,
    capital: "Kinshasa",
    code: "CD",
    code3: "COD",
    number: 180,
    id: 193,
    name: "Dominican Republic",
    currency: "DOP",
    phone: 1809,
    capital: "Santo Domingo",
    code: "DO",
    code3: "DOM",
    number: 214,
    id: 194,
    name: "Czech Republic",
    currency: "CZK",
    phone: 420,
    capital: "Prague",
    code: "CZ",
    code3: "CZE",
    number: 203,
    id: 195,
    name: "Romania",
    currency: "RON",
    phone: 40,
    capital: "Bucharest",
    code: "RO",
    code3: "ROM",
    number: 642,
    id: 196,
    name: "Rwanda",
    currency: "RWF",
    phone: 250,
    capital: "Kigali",
    code: "RW",
    code3: "RWA",
    number: 646,
    id: 197,
    name: "Russia",
    currency: "RUB",
    phone: 70,
    capital: "Moscow",
    code: "RU",
    code3: "RUS",
    number: 643,
    id: 198,
    name: "Saara Ocidental",
    currency: "MAD",
    phone: 212,
    capital: "El-Aaiun",
    code: "EH",
    code3: "ESH",
    number: 732,
    id: 199,
    name: "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 599,
    capital: "Kralendijk",
    code: "BQ",
    code3: "BES",
    number: 535,
    id: 200,
    name: "Samoa",
    currency: "WST",
    phone: 684,
    capital: "Apia",
    code: "WS",
    code3: "WSM",
    number: 882,
    id: 201,
    name: "American Samoa",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 1684,
    capital: "Pago Pago",
    code: "AS",
    code3: "ASM",
    number: 16,
    id: 202,
    name: "San Marino",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 378,
    capital: "San Marino",
    code: "SM",
    code3: "SMR",
    number: 674,
    id: 203,
    name: "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
    currency: "SHP",
    phone: 290,
    capital: "Jamestown",
    code: "SH",
    code3: "SHN",
    number: 654,
    id: 204,
    name: "Saint Lucia",
    currency: "XCD",
    phone: 1758,
    capital: "Castries",
    code: "LC",
    code3: "LCA",
    number: 662,
    id: 205,
    name: "Saint Barthรฉlemy",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 590,
    capital: "Gustavia",
    code: "BL",
    code3: "BLM",
    number: 652,
    id: 206,
    name: "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
    currency: "XCD",
    phone: 1869,
    capital: "Basseterre",
    code: "KN",
    code3: "KNA",
    number: 659,
    id: 207,
    name: "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
    currency: "ANG",
    phone: 1,
    capital: "Philipsburg",
    code: "SX",
    code3: "SXM",
    number: 534,
    id: 208,
    name: "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 508,
    capital: "Saint-Pierre",
    code: "PM",
    code3: "SPM",
    number: 666,
    id: 209,
    name: "Sรฃo Tomรฉ and Prรญncipe",
    currency: "STD",
    phone: 239,
    capital: "Sao Tome",
    code: "ST",
    code3: "STP",
    number: 678,
    id: 210,
    name: "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
    currency: "XCD",
    phone: 1784,
    capital: "Kingstown",
    code: "VC",
    code3: "VCT",
    number: 670,
    id: 211,
    name: "Senegal",
    currency: "XOF",
    phone: 221,
    capital: "Dakar",
    code: "SN",
    code3: "SEN",
    number: 686,
    id: 212,
    name: "Sierra Leone",
    currency: "SLL",
    phone: 232,
    capital: "Freetown",
    code: "SL",
    code3: "SLE",
    number: 694,
    id: 213,
    name: "Serbia",
    currency: "RSD",
    phone: 381,
    capital: "Belgrade",
    code: "RS",
    code3: "SRB",
    number: 688,
    id: 215,
    name: "Seychelles",
    currency: "SCR",
    phone: 248,
    capital: "Victoria",
    code: "SC",
    code3: "SYC",
    number: 690,
    id: 216,
    name: "Syria",
    currency: "SYP",
    phone: 963,
    capital: "Damascus",
    code: "SY",
    code3: "SYR",
    number: 760,
    id: 217,
    name: "Somalia",
    currency: "SOS",
    phone: 252,
    capital: "Mogadishu",
    code: "SO",
    code3: "SOM",
    number: 706,
    id: 218,
    name: "Sri Lanka",
    currency: "LKR",
    phone: 94,
    capital: "Colombo",
    code: "LK",
    code3: "LKA",
    number: 144,
    id: 219,
    name: "Swaziland",
    currency: "SZL",
    phone: 268,
    capital: "Mbabane",
    code: "SZ",
    code3: "SWZ",
    number: 748,
    id: 220,
    name: "Sudan",
    currency: "SDG",
    phone: 249,
    capital: "Khartoum",
    code: "SD",
    code3: "SDN",
    number: 736,
    id: 221,
    name: "South Sudan",
    currency: "SSP",
    phone: 211,
    capital: "Juba",
    code: "SS",
    code3: "SSD",
    number: 728,
    id: 222,
    name: "Sweden",
    currency: "SEK",
    phone: 46,
    capital: "Stockholm",
    code: "SE",
    code3: "SWE",
    number: 752,
    id: 223,
    name: "Switzerland",
    currency: "CHF",
    phone: 41,
    capital: "Berne",
    code: "CH",
    code3: "CHE",
    number: 756,
    id: 224,
    name: "Suriname",
    currency: "SRD",
    phone: 597,
    capital: "Paramaribo",
    code: "SR",
    code3: "SUR",
    number: 740,
    id: 225,
    name: "Jan Mayen",
    currency: "NOK",
    phone: 47,
    capital: "Longyearbyen",
    code: "SJ",
    code3: "SJM",
    number: 744,
    id: 226,
    name: "Thailand",
    currency: "THB",
    phone: 66,
    capital: "Bangkok",
    code: "TH",
    code3: "THA",
    number: 764,
    id: 227,
    name: "Taiwan",
    currency: "TWD",
    phone: 886,
    capital: "Taipei",
    code: "TW",
    code3: "TWN",
    number: 158,
    id: 228,
    name: "Tajikistan",
    currency: "TJS",
    phone: 992,
    capital: "Dushanbe",
    code: "TJ",
    code3: "TJK",
    number: 762,
    id: 229,
    name: "Tanzania",
    currency: "TZS",
    phone: 255,
    capital: "Dodoma",
    code: "TZ",
    code3: "TZA",
    number: 834,
    id: 230,
    name: "French Southern and Antarctic Lands",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 262,
    capital: "Port-aux-Francais",
    code: "TF",
    code3: "ATF",
    number: 260,
    id: 231,
    name: "British Indian Ocean Territory",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 246,
    capital: "Diego Garcia",
    code: "IO",
    code3: "IOT",
    number: 86,
    id: 232,
    name: "Palestinian Authority",
    currency: "ILS",
    phone: 970,
    capital: "East Jerusalem",
    code: "PS",
    code3: "PSE",
    number: 275,
    id: 233,
    name: "Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste",
    currency: "USD",
    phone: 670,
    capital: "Dili",
    code: "TL",
    code3: "TLS",
    number: 626,
    id: 234,
    name: "Togo",
    currency: "XOF",
    phone: 228,
    capital: "Lome",
    code: "TG",
    code3: "TGO",
    number: 768,
    id: 235,
    name: "Tonga",
    currency: "TOP",
    phone: 676,
    capital: "Nuku'alofa",
    code: "TO",
    code3: "TON",
    number: 776,
    id: 236,
    name: "Tokelau",
    currency: "NZD",
    phone: 690,
    capital: "Nukunonu",
    code: "TK",
    code3: "TKL",
    number: 772,
    id: 237,
    name: "Trinidad and Tobago",
    currency: "TTD",
    phone: 1868,
    capital: "Port of Spain",
    code: "TT",
    code3: "TTO",
    number: 780,
    id: 238,
    name: "Tunisia",
    currency: "TND",
    phone: 216,
    capital: "Tunis",
    code: "TN",
    code3: "TUN",
    number: 788,
    id: 239,
    name: "Turkmenistan",
    currency: "TMT",
    phone: 7370,
    capital: "Ashgabat",
    code: "TM",
    code3: "TKM",
    number: 795,
    id: 240,
    name: "Turkey",
    currency: "TRY",
    phone: 90,
    capital: "Ankara",
    code: "TR",
    code3: "TUR",
    number: 792,
    id: 241,
    name: "Tuvalu",
    currency: "AUD",
    phone: 688,
    capital: "Funafuti",
    code: "TV",
    code3: "TUV",
    number: 798,
    id: 242,
    name: "Ukraine",
    currency: "UAH",
    phone: 380,
    capital: "Kiev",
    code: "UA",
    code3: "UKR",
    number: 804,
    id: 243,
    name: "Uganda",
    currency: "UGX",
    phone: 256,
    capital: "Kampala",
    code: "UG",
    code3: "UGA",
    number: 800,
    id: 244,
    name: "Uruguay",
    currency: "UYU",
    phone: 598,
    capital: "Montevideo",
    code: "UY",
    code3: "URY",
    number: 858,
    id: 245,
    name: "Uzbekistan",
    currency: "UZS",
    phone: 998,
    capital: "Tashkent",
    code: "UZ",
    code3: "UZB",
    number: 860,
    id: 246,
    name: "Vanuatu",
    currency: "VUV",
    phone: 678,
    capital: "Port Vila",
    code: "VU",
    code3: "VUT",
    number: 548,
    id: 247,
    name: "Vatican City",
    currency: "EUR",
    phone: 39,
    capital: "Vaticano",
    code: "VA",
    code3: "VAT",
    number: 336,
    id: 248,
    name: "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela",
    currency: "VEF",
    phone: 58,
    capital: "Caracas",
    code: "VE",
    code3: "VEN",
    number: 862,
    id: 249,
    name: "Vietnam",
    currency: "VND",
    phone: 84,
    capital: "Hanoi",
    code: "VN",
    code3: "VNM",
    number: 704,
    id: 250,
    name: "Wallis and Futuna",
    currency: "XPF",
    phone: 681,
    capital: "Mata Utu",
    code: "WF",
    code3: "WLF",
    number: 876,
    id: 251,
    name: "Zambia",
    currency: "ZMW",
    phone: 260,
    capital: "Lusaka",
    code: "ZM",
    code3: "ZMB",
    number: 894,
    id: 252,
    name: "Zimbabwe",
    currency: "ZWL",
    phone: 263,
    capital: "Harare",
    code: "ZW",
    code3: "ZWE",
    number: 716,

const countries = {
  name: =>,
  currency: => country.currency),
  phone: =>,
  capital: =>,
  code: => country.code),
  code3: => country.code3),
  number: => country.number),

export default countries;

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With Flag and Phone Code on name:

export const COUNTRIES = [
name: '+93 Afghanistan ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ซ',
code: 'AF',
timezone: 'Afghanistan Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+04:30',
mobileCode: '+93',
name: '+358-18 ร…land Islands ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฝ',
code: 'AX',
timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+358-18',
name: '+355 Albania ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฑ',
code: 'AL',
timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+355',
name: '+213 Algeria ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฟ',
code: 'DZ',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+213',
name: '+1-684 American Samoa ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'AS',
timezone: 'UTC-11',
utc: 'UTC-11:00',
mobileCode: '+1-684',
name: '+376 Andorra ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฉ',
code: 'AD',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+376',
name: '+244 Angola ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'AO',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+244',
name: '+1-264 Anguilla ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฎ',
code: 'AI',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-264',
name: '+ Antarctica ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ถ',
code: 'AQ',
timezone: 'Pacific SA Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-03:00',
mobileCode: '+',
name: '+1-268 Antigua and Barbuda ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'AG',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-268',
name: '+54 Argentina ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'AR',
timezone: 'Argentina Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-03:00',
mobileCode: '+54',
name: '+374 Armenia ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'AM',
timezone: 'Caucasus Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+04:00',
mobileCode: '+374',
name: '+297 Aruba ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ผ',
code: 'AW',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+297',
name: '+61 Australia ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ',
code: 'AU',
timezone: 'AUS Eastern Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+10:00',
mobileCode: '+61',
name: '+43 Austria ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡น',
code: 'AT',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+43',
name: '+994 Azerbaijan ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฟ',
code: 'AZ',
timezone: 'Azerbaijan Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+04:00',
mobileCode: '+994',
name: '+1-242 Bahamas, The ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'BS',
timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+1-242',
name: '+973 Bahrain ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ญ',
code: 'BH',
timezone: 'Arab Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+973',
name: '+880 Bangladesh ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฉ',
code: 'BD',
timezone: 'Bangladesh Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+06:00',
mobileCode: '+880',
name: '+1-246 Barbados ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ง',
code: 'BB',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-246',
name: '+375 Belarus ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡พ',
code: 'BY',
timezone: 'Belarus Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+375',
name: '+32 Belgium ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'BE',
timezone: 'Romance Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+32',
name: '+501 Belize ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฟ',
code: 'BZ',
timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-06:00',
mobileCode: '+501',
name: '+229 Benin ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฏ',
code: 'BJ',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+229',
name: '+1-441 Bermuda ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'BM',
timezone: 'Atlantic Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-441',
name: '+975 Bhutan ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡น',
code: 'BT',
timezone: 'Bangladesh Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+06:00',
mobileCode: '+975',
name: '+58 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'VE',
timezone: 'Venezuela Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:30',
mobileCode: '+58',
name: '+591 Bolivia ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'BO',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+591',
name: '+599 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ถ',
code: 'BQ',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+599',
name: '+387 Bosnia and Herzegovina ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฆ',
code: 'BA',
timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+387',
name: '+267 Botswana ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ผ',
code: 'BW',
timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+267',
name: '+ Bouvet Island ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ป',
code: 'BV',
timezone: 'UTC',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+',
name: '+55 Brazil ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'BR',
timezone: 'E. South America Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-03:00',
mobileCode: '+55',
name: '+246 British Indian Ocean Territory ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'IO',
timezone: 'Central Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+06:00',
mobileCode: '+246',
name: '+673 Brunei ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ณ',
code: 'BN',
timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+08:00',
mobileCode: '+673',
name: '+359 Bulgaria ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'BG',
timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+359',
name: '+226 Burkina Faso ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ซ',
code: 'BF',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+226',
name: '+257 Burundi ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฎ',
code: 'BI',
timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+257',
name: '+238 Cabo Verde ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ป',
code: 'CV',
timezone: 'Cape Verde Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-01:00',
mobileCode: '+238',
name: '+855 Cambodia ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ญ',
code: 'KH',
timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+07:00',
mobileCode: '+855',
name: '+237 Cameroon ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'CM',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+237',
name: '+1 Canada ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ',
code: 'CA',
timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+1',
name: '+1-345 Cayman Islands ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡พ',
code: 'KY',
timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+1-345',
name: '+236 Central African Republic ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ซ',
code: 'CF',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+236',
name: '+235 Chad ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฉ',
code: 'TD',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+235',
name: '+56 Chile ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฑ',
code: 'CL',
timezone: 'Pacific SA Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-03:00',
mobileCode: '+56',
name: '+86 China ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ',
code: 'CN',
timezone: 'China Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+08:00',
mobileCode: '+86',
name: '+61 Christmas Island ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฝ',
code: 'CX',
timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+07:00',
mobileCode: '+61',
name: '+61 Cocos (Keeling) Islands ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡จ',
code: 'CC',
timezone: 'Myanmar Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+06:30',
mobileCode: '+61',
name: '+57 Colombia ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'CO',
timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+57',
name: '+269 Comoros ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'KM',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+269',
name: '+242 Congo ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'CG',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+242',
name: '+243 Congo (DRC) ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฉ',
code: 'CD',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+243',
name: '+682 Cook Islands ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฐ',
code: 'CK',
timezone: 'Hawaiian Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-10:00',
mobileCode: '+682',
name: '+506 Costa Rica ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'CR',
timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-06:00',
mobileCode: '+506',
name: "+225 Cรดte d'Ivoire ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฎ",
code: 'CI',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+225',
name: '+385 Croatia ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'HR',
timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+385',
name: '+53 Cuba ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡บ',
code: 'CU',
timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+53',
name: '+599 Curaรงao ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ผ',
code: 'CW',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+599',
name: '+357 Cyprus ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡พ',
code: 'CY',
timezone: 'E. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+357',
name: '+420 Czech Republic ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฟ',
code: 'CZ',
timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+420',
name: '+670 Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฑ',
code: 'TL',
timezone: 'Tokyo Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+09:00',
mobileCode: '+670',
name: '+45 Denmark ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฐ',
code: 'DK',
timezone: 'Romance Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+45',
name: '+253 Djibouti ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ',
code: 'DJ',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+253',
name: '+1-767 Dominica ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'DM',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-767',
name: '+1-809 and 1-829 Dominican Republic ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'DO',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-809 and 1-829',
name: '+593 Ecuador ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡จ',
code: 'EC',
timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+593',
name: '+20 Egypt ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'EG',
timezone: 'Egypt Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+20',
name: '+503 El Salvador ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ป',
code: 'SV',
timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-06:00',
mobileCode: '+503',
name: '+240 Equatorial Guinea ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ถ',
code: 'GQ',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+240',
name: '+291 Eritrea ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'ER',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+291',
name: '+372 Estonia ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'EE',
timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+372',
name: '+251 Ethiopia ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡น',
code: 'ET',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+251',
name: '+500 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฐ',
code: 'FK',
timezone: 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-03:00',
mobileCode: '+500',
name: '+298 Faroe Islands ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'FO',
timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+298',
name: '+679 Fiji Islands ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฏ',
code: 'FJ',
timezone: 'Fiji Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+12:00',
mobileCode: '+679',
name: '+358 Finland ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ',
code: 'FI',
timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+358',
name: '+33 France ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'FR',
timezone: 'Romance Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+33',
name: '+594 French Guiana ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ซ',
code: 'GF',
timezone: 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-03:00',
mobileCode: '+594',
name: '+689 French Polynesia ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ซ',
code: 'PF',
timezone: 'Hawaiian Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-10:00',
mobileCode: '+689',
name: '+ French Southern and Antarctic Lands ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ซ',
code: 'TF',
timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+05:00',
mobileCode: '+',
name: '+241 Gabon ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฆ',
code: 'GA',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+241',
name: '+220 Gambia, The ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'GM',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+220',
name: '+995 Georgia ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'GE',
timezone: 'Georgian Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+04:00',
mobileCode: '+995',
name: '+49 Germany ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'DE',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+49',
name: '+233 Ghana ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ญ',
code: 'GH',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+233',
name: '+350 Gibraltar ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฎ',
code: 'GI',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+350',
name: '+30 Greece ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'GR',
timezone: 'GTB Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+30',
name: '+299 Greenland ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฑ',
code: 'GL',
timezone: 'Greenland Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-03:00',
mobileCode: '+299',
name: '+1-473 Grenada ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฉ',
code: 'GD',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-473',
name: '+590 Guadeloupe ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ต',
code: 'GP',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+590',
name: '+1-671 Guam ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡บ',
code: 'GU',
timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+10:00',
mobileCode: '+1-671',
name: '+502 Guatemala ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡น',
code: 'GT',
timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-06:00',
mobileCode: '+502',
name: '+44-1481 Guernsey ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'GG',
timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+44-1481',
name: '+224 Guinea ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ณ',
code: 'GN',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+224',
name: '+245 Guinea-Bissau ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ผ',
code: 'GW',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+245',
name: '+592 Guyana ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡พ',
code: 'GY',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+592',
name: '+509 Haiti ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡น',
code: 'HT',
timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+509',
name: '+ Heard Island and McDonald Islands ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'HM',
timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+04:00',
mobileCode: '+ ',
name: '+504 Honduras ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ณ',
code: 'HN',
timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-06:00',
mobileCode: '+504',
name: '+852 Hong Kong SAR ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฐ',
code: 'HK',
timezone: 'China Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+08:00',
mobileCode: '+852',
name: '+36 Hungary ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ',
code: 'HU',
timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+36',
name: '+354 Iceland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'IS',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+354',
name: '+91 India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ',
code: 'IN',
timezone: 'India Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+05:30',
mobileCode: '+91',
name: '+62 Indonesia ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ',
code: 'ID',
timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+07:00',
mobileCode: '+62',
name: '+98 Iran ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'IR',
timezone: 'Iran Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:30',
mobileCode: '+98',
name: '+964 Iraq ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ถ',
code: 'IQ',
timezone: 'Arabic Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+964',
name: '+353 Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'IE',
timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+353',
name: '+972 Israel ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ',
code: 'IL',
timezone: 'Israel Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+972',
name: '+39 Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น',
code: 'IT',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+39',
name: '+1-876 Jamaica ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'JM',
timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+1-876',
name: '+47 Jan Mayen ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'SJ',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+47',
name: '+81 Japan ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต',
code: 'JP',
timezone: 'Tokyo Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+09:00',
mobileCode: '+81',
name: '+44-1534 Jersey ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'JE',
timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+44-1534',
name: '+962 Jordan ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'JO',
timezone: 'Jordan Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+962',
name: '+7 Kazakhstan ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ฟ',
code: 'KZ',
timezone: 'Central Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+06:00',
mobileCode: '+7',
name: '+254 Kenya ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'KE',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+254',
name: '+686 Kiribati ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ฎ',
code: 'KI',
timezone: 'UTC+12',
utc: 'UTC+12:00',
mobileCode: '+686',
name: '+82 Korea ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'KR',
timezone: 'Korea Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+09:00',
mobileCode: '+82',
name: '+ Kosovo ๐Ÿ‡ฝ๐Ÿ‡ฐ',
code: 'XK',
timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+',
name: '+965 Kuwait ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ผ',
code: 'KW',
timezone: 'Arab Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+965',
name: '+996 Kyrgyzstan ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'KG',
timezone: 'Central Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+06:00',
mobileCode: '+996',
name: '+856 Laos ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฆ',
code: 'LA',
timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+07:00',
mobileCode: '+856',
name: '+371 Latvia ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ป',
code: 'LV',
timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+371',
name: '+961 Lebanon ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ง',
code: 'LB',
timezone: 'Middle East Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+961',
name: '+266 Lesotho ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'LS',
timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+266',
name: '+231 Liberia ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'LR',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+231',
name: '+218 Libya ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡พ',
code: 'LY',
timezone: 'E. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+218',
name: '+423 Liechtenstein ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฎ',
code: 'LI',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+423',
name: '+370 Lithuania ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡น',
code: 'LT',
timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+370',
name: '+352 Luxembourg ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡บ',
code: 'LU',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+352',
name: '+853 Macao SAR ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'MO',
timezone: 'China Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+08:00',
mobileCode: '+853',
name: '+389 Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฐ',
code: 'MK',
timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+389',
name: '+261 Madagascar ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'MG',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+261',
name: '+265 Malawi ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ผ',
code: 'MW',
timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+265',
name: '+60 Malaysia ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡พ',
code: 'MY',
timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+08:00',
mobileCode: '+60',
name: '+960 Maldives ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ป',
code: 'MV',
timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+05:00',
mobileCode: '+960',
name: '+223 Mali ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฑ',
code: 'ML',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+223',
name: '+356 Malta ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡น',
code: 'MT',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+356',
name: '+44-1624 Man, Isle of ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'IM',
timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+44-1624',
name: '+692 Marshall Islands ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ญ',
code: 'MH',
timezone: 'UTC+12',
utc: 'UTC+12:00',
mobileCode: '+692',
name: '+596 Martinique ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ถ',
code: 'MQ',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+596',
name: '+222 Mauritania ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'MR',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+222',
name: '+230 Mauritius ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡บ',
code: 'MU',
timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+04:00',
mobileCode: '+230',
name: '+262 Mayotte ๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡น',
code: 'YT',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+262',
name: '+52 Mexico ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ',
code: 'MX',
timezone: 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)',
utc: 'UTC-06:00',
mobileCode: '+52',
name: '+691 Micronesia ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'FM',
timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+10:00',
mobileCode: '+691',
name: '+373 Moldova ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฉ',
code: 'MD',
timezone: 'GTB Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+373',
name: '+377 Monaco ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡จ',
code: 'MC',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+377',
name: '+976 Mongolia ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ณ',
code: 'MN',
timezone: 'Ulaanbaatar Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+08:00',
mobileCode: '+976',
name: '+382 Montenegro ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'ME',
timezone: 'Central European Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+382',
name: '+1-664 Montserrat ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'MS',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-664',
name: '+212 Morocco ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฆ',
code: 'MA',
timezone: 'Morocco Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+212',
name: '+258 Mozambique ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฟ',
code: 'MZ',
timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+258',
name: '+95 Myanmar ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'MM',
timezone: 'Myanmar Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+06:30',
mobileCode: '+95',
name: '+264 Namibia ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฆ',
code: 'NA',
timezone: 'Namibia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+264',
name: '+674 Nauru ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'NR',
timezone: 'UTC+12',
utc: 'UTC+12:00',
mobileCode: '+674',
name: '+977 Nepal ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ต',
code: 'NP',
timezone: 'Nepal Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+05:45',
mobileCode: '+977',
name: '+31 Netherlands ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ',
code: 'NL',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+31',
name: '+687 New Caledonia ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡จ',
code: 'NC',
timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+11:00',
mobileCode: '+687',
name: '+64 New Zealand ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ',
code: 'NZ',
timezone: 'New Zealand Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+12:00',
mobileCode: '+64',
name: '+505 Nicaragua ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฎ',
code: 'NI',
timezone: 'Central America Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-06:00',
mobileCode: '+505',
name: '+227 Niger ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'NE',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+227',
name: '+234 Nigeria ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'NG',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+234',
name: '+683 Niue ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡บ',
code: 'NU',
timezone: 'UTC-11',
utc: 'UTC-11:00',
mobileCode: '+683',
name: '+672 Norfolk Island ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ซ',
code: 'NF',
timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+11:00',
mobileCode: '+672',
name: '+850 North Korea ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ต',
code: 'KP',
timezone: 'Korea Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+09:00',
mobileCode: '+850',
name: '+1-670 Northern Mariana Islands ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ต',
code: 'MP',
timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+10:00',
mobileCode: '+1-670',
name: '+47 Norway ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'NO',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+47',
name: '+968 Oman ๐Ÿ‡ด๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'OM',
timezone: 'Arabian Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+04:00',
mobileCode: '+968',
name: '+92 Pakistan ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฐ',
code: 'PK',
timezone: 'Pakistan Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+05:00',
mobileCode: '+92',
name: '+680 Palau ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ผ',
code: 'PW',
timezone: 'Tokyo Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+09:00',
mobileCode: '+680',
name: '+970 Palestinian Authority ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'PS',
timezone: 'Egypt Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+970',
name: '+507 Panama ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฆ',
code: 'PA',
timezone: 'SA Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+507',
name: '+675 Papua New Guinea ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'PG',
timezone: 'West Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+10:00',
mobileCode: '+675',
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code: 'PY',
timezone: 'Paraguay Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+595',
name: '+51 Peru ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ช',
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utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+51',
name: '+63 Philippines ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ญ',
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timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+08:00',
mobileCode: '+63',
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utc: 'UTC-08:00',
mobileCode: '+870',
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utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+48',
name: '+351 Portugal ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น',
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timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+351',
name: '+1-787 and 1-939 Puerto Rico ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ท',
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utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-787 and 1-939',
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code: 'QA',
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utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+974',
name: '+262 Reunion ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'RE',
timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+04:00',
mobileCode: '+262',
name: '+40 Romania ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ด',
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utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+40',
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utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+7',
name: '+250 Rwanda ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ผ',
code: 'RW',
timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+250',
name: '+590 Saint Barthรฉlemy ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฑ',
code: 'BL',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+590',
name: '+290 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ญ',
code: 'SH',
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utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+290',
name: '+1-869 Saint Kitts and Nevis ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ณ',
code: 'KN',
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utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-869',
name: '+1-758 Saint Lucia ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡จ',
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utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-758',
name: '+590 Saint Martin (French part) ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ซ',
code: 'MF',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+590',
name: '+508 Saint Pierre and Miquelon ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'PM',
timezone: 'Greenland Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-03:00',
mobileCode: '+508',
name: '+1-784 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡จ',
code: 'VC',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-784',
name: '+685 Samoa ๐Ÿ‡ผ๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'WS',
timezone: 'Samoa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+13:00',
mobileCode: '+685',
name: '+378 San Marino ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
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utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+378',
name: '+239 Sรฃo Tomรฉ and Prรญncipe ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡น',
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utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+239',
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utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+966',
name: '+221 Senegal ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ณ',
code: 'SN',
timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+221',
name: '+381 Serbia ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'RS',
timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+381',
name: '+248 Seychelles ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡จ',
code: 'SC',
timezone: 'Mauritius Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+04:00',
mobileCode: '+248',
name: '+232 Sierra Leone ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฑ',
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timezone: 'Greenwich Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+232',
name: '+65 Singapore ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'SG',
timezone: 'Singapore Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+08:00',
mobileCode: '+65',
name: '+599 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฝ',
code: 'SX',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+599',
name: '+421 Slovakia ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฐ',
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utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+421',
name: '+386 Slovenia ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ',
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timezone: 'Central Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+386',
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utc: 'UTC+11:00',
mobileCode: '+677',
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timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+252',
name: '+27 South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ',
code: 'ZA',
timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+27',
name: '+ South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'GS',
timezone: 'UTC-02',
utc: 'UTC-02:00',
mobileCode: '+',
name: '+211 South Sudan ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'SS',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+211',
name: '+34 Spain ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'ES',
timezone: 'Romance Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+34',
name: '+94 Sri Lanka ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฐ',
code: 'LK',
timezone: 'Sri Lanka Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+05:30',
mobileCode: '+94',
name: '+249 Sudan ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฉ',
code: 'SD',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+249',
name: '+597 Suriname ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'SR',
timezone: 'SA Eastern Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-03:00',
mobileCode: '+597',
name: '+47 Svalbard ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฏ',
code: 'SJ',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+47',
name: '+268 Swaziland ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฟ',
code: 'SZ',
timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+268',
name: '+46 Sweden ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'SE',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+46',
name: '+41 Switzerland ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ญ',
code: 'CH',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+41',
name: '+963 Syria ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡พ',
code: 'SY',
timezone: 'Syria Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+963',
name: '+886 Taiwan ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ผ',
code: 'TW',
timezone: 'Taipei Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+08:00',
mobileCode: '+886',
name: '+992 Tajikistan ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฏ',
code: 'TJ',
timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+05:00',
mobileCode: '+992',
name: '+255 Tanzania ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฟ',
code: 'TZ',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+255',
name: '+66 Thailand ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ญ',
code: 'TH',
timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+07:00',
mobileCode: '+66',
name: '+228 Togo ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'TG',
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utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+228',
name: '+690 Tokelau ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฐ',
code: 'TK',
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utc: 'UTC+13:00',
mobileCode: '+690',
name: '+676 Tonga ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ด',
code: 'TO',
timezone: 'Tonga Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+13:00',
mobileCode: '+676',
name: '+1-868 Trinidad and Tobago ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡น',
code: 'TT',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-868',
name: '+216 Tunisia ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ณ',
code: 'TN',
timezone: 'W. Central Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+216',
name: '+90 Turkey ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท',
code: 'TR',
timezone: 'Turkey Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+90',
name: '+993 Turkmenistan ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'TM',
timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+05:00',
mobileCode: '+993',
name: '+1-649 Turks and Caicos Islands ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡จ',
code: 'TC',
timezone: 'Eastern Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-05:00',
mobileCode: '+1-649',
name: '+688 Tuvalu ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ป',
code: 'TV',
timezone: 'UTC+12',
utc: 'UTC+12:00',
mobileCode: '+688',
name: '+1 U.S. Minor Outlying Islands ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'UM',
timezone: 'UTC-11',
utc: 'UTC-11:00',
mobileCode: '+1',
name: '+256 Uganda ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'UG',
timezone: 'E. Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+256',
name: '+380 Ukraine ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ',
code: 'UA',
timezone: 'FLE Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+380',
name: '+971 United Arab Emirates ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'AE',
timezone: 'Arabian Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+04:00',
mobileCode: '+971',
name: '+44 United Kingdom ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง',
code: 'GB',
timezone: 'GMT Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC',
mobileCode: '+44',
name: '+1 United States ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ',
code: 'US',
timezone: 'Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-08:00',
mobileCode: '+1',
name: '+598 Uruguay ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡พ',
code: 'UY',
timezone: 'Montevideo Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-03:00',
mobileCode: '+598',
name: '+998 Uzbekistan ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฟ',
code: 'UZ',
timezone: 'West Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+05:00',
mobileCode: '+998',
name: '+678 Vanuatu ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡บ',
code: 'VU',
timezone: 'Central Pacific Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+11:00',
mobileCode: '+678',
name: '+379 Vatican City ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฆ',
code: 'VA',
timezone: 'W. Europe Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+01:00',
mobileCode: '+379',
name: '+84 Vietnam ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ณ',
code: 'VN',
timezone: 'SE Asia Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+07:00',
mobileCode: '+84',
name: '+1-340 Virgin Islands, U.S. ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฎ',
code: 'VI',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-340',
name: '+1-284 Virgin Islands, British ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฌ',
code: 'VG',
timezone: 'SA Western Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC-04:00',
mobileCode: '+1-284',
name: '+681 Wallis and Futuna ๐Ÿ‡ผ๐Ÿ‡ซ',
code: 'WF',
timezone: 'UTC+12',
utc: 'UTC+12:00',
mobileCode: '+681',
name: '+967 Yemen ๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡ช',
code: 'YE',
timezone: 'Arab Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+03:00',
mobileCode: '+967',
name: '+260 Zambia ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฒ',
code: 'ZM',
timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+260',
name: '+263 Zimbabwe ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผ',
code: 'ZW',
timezone: 'South Africa Standard Time',
utc: 'UTC+02:00',
mobileCode: '+263',

Copy link

"name": "Afghanistan",
"code": "AF",
"timezone": "Afghanistan Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+04:30",
"mobileCode": "+93",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ซ"
"name": "ร…land Islands",
"code": "AX",
"timezone": "FLE Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+358-18",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฝ"
"name": "Albania",
"code": "AL",
"timezone": "Central Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+355",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฑ"
"name": "Algeria",
"code": "DZ",
"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+213",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฟ"
"name": "American Samoa",
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"timezone": "UTC-11",
"utc": "UTC-11:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-684",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ธ"
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"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+376",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฉ"
"name": "Angola",
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"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+244",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Anguilla",
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"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-264",
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"timezone": "Pacific SA Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-03:00",
"mobileCode": "+",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ถ"
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"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-268",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
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"mobileCode": "+54",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ท"
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"utc": "UTC+04:00",
"mobileCode": "+374",
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"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+297",
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"utc": "UTC+10:00",
"mobileCode": "+61",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ"
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"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+43",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡น"
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"timezone": "Azerbaijan Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+04:00",
"mobileCode": "+994",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฟ"
"name": "Bahamas, The",
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"utc": "UTC-05:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-242",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "Bahrain",
"code": "BH",
"timezone": "Arab Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+973",
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"mobileCode": "+880",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฉ"
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"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-246",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ง"
"name": "Belarus",
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"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+375",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡พ"
"name": "Belgium",
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"timezone": "Romance Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+32",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ช"
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"utc": "UTC-06:00",
"mobileCode": "+501",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฟ"
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"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+229",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฏ"
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"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-441",
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"utc": "UTC+06:00",
"mobileCode": "+975",
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"name": "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela",
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"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ช"
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"mobileCode": "+591",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
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"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+599",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ถ"
"name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
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"timezone": "Central European Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+387",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฆ"
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"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+267",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ผ"
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"mobileCode": "+",
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"utc": "UTC-03:00",
"mobileCode": "+55",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท"
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"timezone": "Central Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+06:00",
"mobileCode": "+246",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Brunei",
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"timezone": "Singapore Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+08:00",
"mobileCode": "+673",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ณ"
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"timezone": "FLE Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+359",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "Burkina Faso",
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"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+226",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ซ"
"name": "Burundi",
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"timezone": "South Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+257",
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"name": "Cabo Verde",
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"mobileCode": "+238",
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"timezone": "SE Asia Standard Time",
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"mobileCode": "+855",
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"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+237",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
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"utc": "UTC-05:00",
"mobileCode": "+1",
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"mobileCode": "+1-345",
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"name": "Central African Republic",
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"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+236",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ซ"
"name": "Chad",
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"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+235",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฉ"
"name": "Chile",
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"timezone": "Pacific SA Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-03:00",
"mobileCode": "+56",
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"utc": "UTC+08:00",
"mobileCode": "+86",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ"
"name": "Christmas Island",
"code": "CX",
"timezone": "SE Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+07:00",
"mobileCode": "+61",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฝ"
"name": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"code": "CC",
"timezone": "Myanmar Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+06:30",
"mobileCode": "+61",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡จ"
"name": "Colombia",
"code": "CO",
"timezone": "SA Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-05:00",
"mobileCode": "+57",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Comoros",
"code": "KM",
"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+269",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Congo",
"code": "CG",
"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+242",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "Congo (DRC)",
"code": "CD",
"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+243",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฉ"
"name": "Cook Islands",
"code": "CK",
"timezone": "Hawaiian Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-10:00",
"mobileCode": "+682",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฐ"
"name": "Costa Rica",
"code": "CR",
"timezone": "Central America Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-06:00",
"mobileCode": "+506",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "Cรดte d'Ivoire",
"code": "CI",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+225",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฎ"
"name": "Croatia",
"code": "HR",
"timezone": "Central European Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+385",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "Cuba",
"code": "CU",
"timezone": "Eastern Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-05:00",
"mobileCode": "+53",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡บ"
"name": "Curaรงao",
"code": "CW",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+599",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ผ"
"name": "Cyprus",
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"timezone": "E. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+357",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡พ"
"name": "Czech Republic",
"code": "CZ",
"timezone": "Central Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+420",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฟ"
"name": "Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste",
"code": "TL",
"timezone": "Tokyo Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+09:00",
"mobileCode": "+670",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฑ"
"name": "Denmark",
"code": "DK",
"timezone": "Romance Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+45",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฐ"
"name": "Djibouti",
"code": "DJ",
"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+253",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ"
"name": "Dominica",
"code": "DM",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-767",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Dominican Republic",
"code": "DO",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-809 and 1-829",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Ecuador",
"code": "EC",
"timezone": "SA Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-05:00",
"mobileCode": "+593",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡จ"
"name": "Egypt",
"code": "EG",
"timezone": "Egypt Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+20",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "El Salvador",
"code": "SV",
"timezone": "Central America Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-06:00",
"mobileCode": "+503",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ป"
"name": "Equatorial Guinea",
"code": "GQ",
"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+240",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ถ"
"name": "Eritrea",
"code": "ER",
"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+291",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "Estonia",
"code": "EE",
"timezone": "FLE Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+372",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Ethiopia",
"code": "ET",
"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+251",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡น"
"name": "Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)",
"code": "FK",
"timezone": "SA Eastern Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-03:00",
"mobileCode": "+500",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฐ"
"name": "Faroe Islands",
"code": "FO",
"timezone": "GMT Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+298",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Fiji Islands",
"code": "FJ",
"timezone": "Fiji Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+12:00",
"mobileCode": "+679",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฏ"
"name": "Finland",
"code": "FI",
"timezone": "FLE Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+358",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ"
"name": "France",
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"timezone": "Romance Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+33",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "French Guiana",
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"timezone": "SA Eastern Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-03:00",
"mobileCode": "+594",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ซ"
"name": "French Polynesia",
"code": "PF",
"timezone": "Hawaiian Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-10:00",
"mobileCode": "+689",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ซ"
"name": "French Southern and Antarctic Lands",
"code": "TF",
"timezone": "West Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+05:00",
"mobileCode": "+",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ซ"
"name": "Gabon",
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"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+241",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"
"name": "Gambia, The",
"code": "GM",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+220",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Georgia",
"code": "GE",
"timezone": "Georgian Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+04:00",
"mobileCode": "+995",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Germany",
"code": "DE",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+49",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Ghana",
"code": "GH",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+233",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ญ"
"name": "Gibraltar",
"code": "GI",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+350",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฎ"
"name": "Greece",
"code": "GR",
"timezone": "GTB Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+30",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "Greenland",
"code": "GL",
"timezone": "Greenland Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-03:00",
"mobileCode": "+299",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฑ"
"name": "Grenada",
"code": "GD",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-473",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฉ"
"name": "Guadeloupe",
"code": "GP",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+590",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ต"
"name": "Guam",
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"timezone": "West Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+10:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-671",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡บ"
"name": "Guatemala",
"code": "GT",
"timezone": "Central America Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-06:00",
"mobileCode": "+502",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡น"
"name": "Guernsey",
"code": "GG",
"timezone": "GMT Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+44-1481",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "Guinea",
"code": "GN",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+224",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ณ"
"name": "Guinea-Bissau",
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"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+245",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ผ"
"name": "Guyana",
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"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+592",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡พ"
"name": "Haiti",
"code": "HT",
"timezone": "Eastern Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-05:00",
"mobileCode": "+509",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡น"
"name": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"code": "HM",
"timezone": "Mauritius Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+04:00",
"mobileCode": "+ ",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Honduras",
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"timezone": "Central America Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-06:00",
"mobileCode": "+504",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ณ"
"name": "Hong Kong SAR",
"code": "HK",
"timezone": "China Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+08:00",
"mobileCode": "+852",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฐ"
"name": "Hungary",
"code": "HU",
"timezone": "Central Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+36",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ"
"name": "Iceland",
"code": "IS",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+354",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "India",
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"timezone": "India Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+05:30",
"mobileCode": "+91",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ"
"name": "Indonesia",
"code": "ID",
"timezone": "SE Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+07:00",
"mobileCode": "+62",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ"
"name": "Iran",
"code": "IR",
"timezone": "Iran Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:30",
"mobileCode": "+98",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "Iraq",
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"timezone": "Arabic Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+964",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ถ"
"name": "Ireland",
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"timezone": "GMT Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+353",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Israel",
"code": "IL",
"timezone": "Israel Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+972",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ"
"name": "Italy",
"code": "IT",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+39",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น"
"name": "Jamaica",
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"timezone": "SA Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-05:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-876",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Jan Mayen",
"code": "SJ",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+47",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฏ"
"name": "Japan",
"code": "JP",
"timezone": "Tokyo Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+09:00",
"mobileCode": "+81",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต"
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"timezone": "GMT Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+44-1534",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Jordan",
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"timezone": "Jordan Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+962",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Kazakhstan",
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"timezone": "Central Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+06:00",
"mobileCode": "+7",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ฟ"
"name": "Kenya",
"code": "KE",
"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+254",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Kiribati",
"code": "KI",
"timezone": "UTC+12",
"utc": "UTC+12:00",
"mobileCode": "+686",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ฎ"
"name": "Korea",
"code": "KR",
"timezone": "Korea Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+09:00",
"mobileCode": "+82",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "Kosovo",
"code": "XK",
"timezone": "Central European Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฝ๐Ÿ‡ฐ"
"name": "Kuwait",
"code": "KW",
"timezone": "Arab Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+965",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ผ"
"name": "Kyrgyzstan",
"code": "KG",
"timezone": "Central Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+06:00",
"mobileCode": "+996",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "Laos",
"code": "LA",
"timezone": "SE Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+07:00",
"mobileCode": "+856",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"
"name": "Latvia",
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"timezone": "FLE Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+371",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ป"
"name": "Lebanon",
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"timezone": "Middle East Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+961",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ง"
"name": "Lesotho",
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"timezone": "South Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+266",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "Liberia",
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"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+231",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "Libya",
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"timezone": "E. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+218",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡พ"
"name": "Liechtenstein",
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"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+423",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฎ"
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"timezone": "FLE Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+370",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡น"
"name": "Luxembourg",
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"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+352",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡บ"
"name": "Macao SAR",
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"timezone": "China Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+08:00",
"mobileCode": "+853",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of",
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"timezone": "Central European Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+389",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฐ"
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"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+261",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
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"timezone": "South Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+265",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ผ"
"name": "Malaysia",
"code": "MY",
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"utc": "UTC+08:00",
"mobileCode": "+60",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡พ"
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"timezone": "West Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+05:00",
"mobileCode": "+960",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ป"
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"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+223",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฑ"
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"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+356",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡น"
"name": "Man, Isle of",
"code": "IM",
"timezone": "GMT Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+44-1624",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
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"timezone": "UTC+12",
"utc": "UTC+12:00",
"mobileCode": "+692",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ญ"
"name": "Martinique",
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"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+596",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ถ"
"name": "Mauritania",
"code": "MR",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+222",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ท"
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"utc": "UTC+04:00",
"mobileCode": "+230",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡บ"
"name": "Mayotte",
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"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+262",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡น"
"name": "Mexico",
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"utc": "UTC-06:00",
"mobileCode": "+52",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ"
"name": "Micronesia",
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"utc": "UTC+10:00",
"mobileCode": "+691",
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"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+373",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฉ"
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"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+377",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡จ"
"name": "Mongolia",
"code": "MN",
"timezone": "Ulaanbaatar Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+08:00",
"mobileCode": "+976",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ณ"
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"timezone": "Central European Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+382",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ช"
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"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-664",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "Morocco",
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"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+212",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"
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"mobileCode": "+258",
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"mobileCode": "+264",
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"timezone": "UTC+12",
"utc": "UTC+12:00",
"mobileCode": "+674",
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"name": "Nepal",
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"utc": "UTC+05:45",
"mobileCode": "+977",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ต"
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"mobileCode": "+31",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ"
"name": "New Caledonia",
"code": "NC",
"timezone": "Central Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+11:00",
"mobileCode": "+687",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡จ"
"name": "New Zealand",
"code": "NZ",
"timezone": "New Zealand Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+12:00",
"mobileCode": "+64",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ"
"name": "Nicaragua",
"code": "NI",
"timezone": "Central America Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-06:00",
"mobileCode": "+505",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฎ"
"name": "Niger",
"code": "NE",
"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+227",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Nigeria",
"code": "NG",
"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+234",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "Niue",
"code": "NU",
"timezone": "UTC-11",
"utc": "UTC-11:00",
"mobileCode": "+683",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡บ"
"name": "Norfolk Island",
"code": "NF",
"timezone": "Central Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+11:00",
"mobileCode": "+672",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ซ"
"name": "North Korea",
"code": "KP",
"timezone": "Korea Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+09:00",
"mobileCode": "+850",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ต"
"name": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"code": "MP",
"timezone": "West Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+10:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-670",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ต"
"name": "Norway",
"code": "NO",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+47",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Oman",
"code": "OM",
"timezone": "Arabian Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+04:00",
"mobileCode": "+968",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ด๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Pakistan",
"code": "PK",
"timezone": "Pakistan Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+05:00",
"mobileCode": "+92",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฐ"
"name": "Palau",
"code": "PW",
"timezone": "Tokyo Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+09:00",
"mobileCode": "+680",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ผ"
"name": "Palestinian Authority",
"code": "PS",
"timezone": "Egypt Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+970",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "Panama",
"code": "PA",
"timezone": "SA Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-05:00",
"mobileCode": "+507",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฆ"
"name": "Papua New Guinea",
"code": "PG",
"timezone": "West Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+10:00",
"mobileCode": "+675",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "Paraguay",
"code": "PY",
"timezone": "Paraguay Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+595",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡พ"
"name": "Peru",
"code": "PE",
"timezone": "SA Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-05:00",
"mobileCode": "+51",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Philippines",
"code": "PH",
"timezone": "Singapore Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+08:00",
"mobileCode": "+63",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ญ"
"name": "Pitcairn Islands",
"code": "PN",
"timezone": "Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-08:00",
"mobileCode": "+870",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ณ"
"name": "Poland",
"code": "PL",
"timezone": "Central European Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+48",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฑ"
"name": "Portugal",
"code": "PT",
"timezone": "GMT Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+351",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น"
"name": "Puerto Rico",
"code": "PR",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-787 and 1-939",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "Qatar",
"code": "QA",
"timezone": "Arab Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+974",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ถ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"
"name": "Reunion",
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"timezone": "Mauritius Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+04:00",
"mobileCode": "+262",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Romania",
"code": "RO",
"timezone": "GTB Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+40",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Russia",
"code": "RU",
"timezone": "Russian Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+7",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ"
"name": "Rwanda",
"code": "RW",
"timezone": "South Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+250",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ผ"
"name": "Saint Barthรฉlemy",
"code": "BL",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+590",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฑ"
"name": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"code": "SH",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+290",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ญ"
"name": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"code": "KN",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-869",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ณ"
"name": "Saint Lucia",
"code": "LC",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-758",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡จ"
"name": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"code": "MF",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+590",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ซ"
"name": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"code": "PM",
"timezone": "Greenland Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-03:00",
"mobileCode": "+508",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"code": "VC",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-784",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡จ"
"name": "Samoa",
"code": "WS",
"timezone": "Samoa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+13:00",
"mobileCode": "+685",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ผ๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "San Marino",
"code": "SM",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+378",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Sรฃo Tomรฉ and Prรญncipe",
"code": "ST",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+239",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡น"
"name": "Saudi Arabia",
"code": "SA",
"timezone": "Arab Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+966",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"
"name": "Senegal",
"code": "SN",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+221",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ณ"
"name": "Serbia",
"code": "RS",
"timezone": "Central Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+381",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "Seychelles",
"code": "SC",
"timezone": "Mauritius Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+04:00",
"mobileCode": "+248",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡จ"
"name": "Sierra Leone",
"code": "SL",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+232",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฑ"
"name": "Singapore",
"code": "SG",
"timezone": "Singapore Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+08:00",
"mobileCode": "+65",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"code": "SX",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+599",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฝ"
"name": "Slovakia",
"code": "SK",
"timezone": "Central Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+421",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฐ"
"name": "Slovenia",
"code": "SI",
"timezone": "Central Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+386",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ"
"name": "Solomon Islands",
"code": "SB",
"timezone": "Central Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+11:00",
"mobileCode": "+677",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ง"
"name": "Somalia",
"code": "SO",
"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+252",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "South Africa",
"code": "ZA",
"timezone": "South Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+27",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"
"name": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"code": "GS",
"timezone": "UTC-02",
"utc": "UTC-02:00",
"mobileCode": "+",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "South Sudan",
"code": "SS",
"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+211",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "Spain",
"code": "ES",
"timezone": "Romance Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+34",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "Sri Lanka",
"code": "LK",
"timezone": "Sri Lanka Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+05:30",
"mobileCode": "+94",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฐ"
"name": "Sudan",
"code": "SD",
"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+249",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฉ"
"name": "Suriname",
"code": "SR",
"timezone": "SA Eastern Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-03:00",
"mobileCode": "+597",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "Svalbard",
"code": "SJ",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+47",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฏ"
"name": "Swaziland",
"code": "SZ",
"timezone": "South Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+268",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฟ"
"name": "Sweden",
"code": "SE",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+46",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Switzerland",
"code": "CH",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+41",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ญ"
"name": "Syria",
"code": "SY",
"timezone": "Syria Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+963",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡พ"
"name": "Taiwan",
"code": "TW",
"timezone": "Taipei Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+08:00",
"mobileCode": "+886",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ผ"
"name": "Tajikistan",
"code": "TJ",
"timezone": "West Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+05:00",
"mobileCode": "+992",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฏ"
"name": "Tanzania",
"code": "TZ",
"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+255",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฟ"
"name": "Thailand",
"code": "TH",
"timezone": "SE Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+07:00",
"mobileCode": "+66",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ญ"
"name": "Togo",
"code": "TG",
"timezone": "Greenwich Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+228",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "Tokelau",
"code": "TK",
"timezone": "Tonga Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+13:00",
"mobileCode": "+690",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฐ"
"name": "Tonga",
"code": "TO",
"timezone": "Tonga Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+13:00",
"mobileCode": "+676",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ด"
"name": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"code": "TT",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-868",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡น"
"name": "Tunisia",
"code": "TN",
"timezone": "W. Central Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+216",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ณ"
"name": "Turkey",
"code": "TR",
"timezone": "Turkey Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+90",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท"
"name": "Turkmenistan",
"code": "TM",
"timezone": "West Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+05:00",
"mobileCode": "+993",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
"code": "TC",
"timezone": "Eastern Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-05:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-649",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡จ"
"name": "Tuvalu",
"code": "TV",
"timezone": "UTC+12",
"utc": "UTC+12:00",
"mobileCode": "+688",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ป"
"name": "U.S. Minor Outlying Islands",
"code": "UM",
"timezone": "UTC-11",
"utc": "UTC-11:00",
"mobileCode": "+1",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Uganda",
"code": "UG",
"timezone": "E. Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+256",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "Ukraine",
"code": "UA",
"timezone": "FLE Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+380",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"
"name": "United Arab Emirates",
"code": "AE",
"timezone": "Arabian Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+04:00",
"mobileCode": "+971",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "United Kingdom",
"code": "GB",
"timezone": "GMT Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC",
"mobileCode": "+44",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง"
"name": "United States",
"code": "US",
"timezone": "Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-08:00",
"mobileCode": "+1",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ"
"name": "Uruguay",
"code": "UY",
"timezone": "Montevideo Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-03:00",
"mobileCode": "+598",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡พ"
"name": "Uzbekistan",
"code": "UZ",
"timezone": "West Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+05:00",
"mobileCode": "+998",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฟ"
"name": "Vanuatu",
"code": "VU",
"timezone": "Central Pacific Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+11:00",
"mobileCode": "+678",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡บ"
"name": "Vatican City",
"code": "VA",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+01:00",
"mobileCode": "+379",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฆ"
"name": "Vietnam",
"code": "VN",
"timezone": "SE Asia Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+07:00",
"mobileCode": "+84",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ณ"
"name": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"code": "VI",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-340",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฎ"
"name": "Virgin Islands, British",
"code": "VG",
"timezone": "SA Western Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC-04:00",
"mobileCode": "+1-284",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฌ"
"name": "Wallis and Futuna",
"code": "WF",
"timezone": "UTC+12",
"utc": "UTC+12:00",
"mobileCode": "+681",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ผ๐Ÿ‡ซ"
"name": "Yemen",
"code": "YE",
"timezone": "Arab Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+03:00",
"mobileCode": "+967",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡ช"
"name": "Zambia",
"code": "ZM",
"timezone": "South Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+260",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"
"name": "Zimbabwe",
"code": "ZW",
"timezone": "South Africa Standard Time",
"utc": "UTC+02:00",
"mobileCode": "+263",
"flag": "๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผ"

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