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Last active October 9, 2020 08:59
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Pre-commit hook for Cyclomatic Complexity check
from __future__ import print_function
Pre-commit hook for Cyclomatic Complexity check
Works well with radon==2.2.0
__author__ = 'Ivan Styazhkin <[email protected]>'
import subprocess
GIT_CHANGES_CMD = 'git diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=ACM'.split()
GIT_HASH_CMD = 'git ls-files --stage'.split()
RADON_CMD = ('radon cc -s -n %s' % WARNING_LEVEL).split()
def get_lines(stdout_text):
"""Assumes your console uses utf-8"""
return stdout_text.strip().decode('utf-8').split('\n')
def get_python_changes():
"""Returns python filenames which are staged"""
python_changes = get_lines(subprocess.check_output(GIT_CHANGES_CMD))
return [s for s in python_changes if s.endswith('.py')]
def main():
filename_list = get_python_changes()
if not filename_list:
pipe = subprocess.Popen(
RADON_CMD + filename_list,
out, _ = pipe.communicate()
if not out:
print('\033[92mCheck radon: OK\033[0m')
print('\033[91mCheck %d files with radon failed\033[0m' %
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
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