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Created January 14, 2021 14:15
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Nixpkgs Pivots

We have a number of problems that currently require full rebuilds of nixpkgs:

  • glibc needs to find third-party nss modules
  • cacerts needs to contain custom CA's from enterprises
  • tzdata just changed frequently
  • locales

Interestingly, Nix's deep pinning of cacerts and tzdata gets in the way of Nix's promise of packages working over the long term in an archival sense: invalid tzdata and expired certificates breaks practical usability of this software.


Nixpkgs Pivot


  • security wrappers (needs setuid, can have pivot dir point to /usr/sbin/sudo on non-NixOS systems)
  • opengl, GPU-dependent drivers

maybe not:

  • zfs commands need to match the booted system, /run/booted-system

Quick notes: Do it all in Nix with exportReferencesClosure and derivation's passthru saying whether they're pivots or pivotable


We propose introducing a standardized environment variable named $NIXPKGS_PIVOT_DIRS: a colon-separate list of search directories.

We would patch nixpkgs derivations to look in each entry of $NIXPKGS_PIVOT_DIRS for a directory named <hash> at runtime to discover additional dependencies. <hash> is the path suffix of $out of the derivations themselves.

A location in $NIXPKGS_PIVOT_DIRS could also include symlinks to other directories. If a matching name is found, the search ends.

We can use this to influence runtime impurely if desired.


  • NIXPKGS_PIVOT_DIRS=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/grahamc/pivot:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/pivot
  • We're running a program which uses /nix/store/kah5n342wz4i0s9lz9ka4bgz91xa2i94-glibc-2.32
  • glibc would look in /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/grahamc/pivot/kah5n342wz4i0s9lz9ka4bgz91xa2i94-glibc-2.32 to discover additional nss libraries.
  • If that directory does not exist, glibc would look in /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/pivot/kah5n342wz4i0s9lz9ka4bgz91xa2i94-glibc-2.32.

Software must behave normally if no pivot directory is found.


  • Maybe the software should look in every pivot dir, whether or not it finds a match. If it should, it makes it more difficult to completely "shadow" a parent pivot dir, although maybe this is fine by simply reset the NIXPKGS_PIVOT_DIRS value.
  • If merging behavior of multiple pivot directories is needed, the user can merge the needed directories into a new path and set that as NIXPKGS_PIVOT_DIRS
  • Maybe it doesn't need to be a search path of multiple entries, because above-described merging could always be done instead. However we probably still want a root/system default.
  • s/_DIRS/_PATH/? known behavior of XDG vs. PATH: we are looking for a specific thing in each entry, so maybe PATH is more like it.


These pivot directories would be hard to create manually, since they require Nix store hashes that match the dependencies to influence, so we need some tool to create them.


The intended use case is for derivations which are very low level in the build tree, where user-specific policy is common but building run-time wrappers becomes infeasible. Concretely, packages at the level of curl and glibc but not so much OBS Studio.


  • This does not address build-time issues of enterprise certificate authorities, since NIXPKGS_PIVOT only applies at runtime.

For build-time, impureEnvVars

Nix allows the propagation of impure environment variables into the build. This is frequently used to allow fetchers to authenticate to restricted URLs.

In particular, fetchurl listens to NIX_CURL_FLAGS, which can be used to pass the --cacert <file> flag, allowing the use of custom CA certs during a build.



Nixpkgs has the pkgs.replaceDependency function, which allows one to replace a runtime dependency of a derivation and its closure with another dependency of the same type.

While this might work well, the implementation is rather hacky by relying on IFD, sed and builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext. This might stop working in future Nix versions, perhaps especially with the advent of content-addressed derivations. So this solution should ideally only be used for temporary emergencies.

Custom Patching

To address just the issue of NSS modules, users could patch glibc.

For example, they might add this patch to their glibc derivation to get a mutable profile for their The down-side to this, of course, is the user has diverged from upstream and has no cache coverage. They'll now, essentially, have to run a private hydra to keep up.

--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/glibc/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/glibc/default.nix
@@ -88,6 +88,14 @@ callPackage ./common.nix { inherit stdenv; } {
       test -f $out/etc/ && rm $out/etc/
+      # create symlink to system-wide that can be managed
+      # with ldconfig(8).
+      ln -s /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/ldconfig/etc/ $out/etc/
       if test -n "$linuxHeaders"; then
           # Include the Linux kernel headers in Glibc, except the `scsi'
           # subdirectory, which Glibc provides itself.

(Notes from Samuel)

Using XDG


  • Directly with XDG_CONFIG_DIRS only
  • With a level of indirection with XDG_CONFIG_DIRS

Directly with XDG_CONFIG_DIRS only

  1. With XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/username/xdg-for-pivots
  2. Given the output path /nix/store/kah5n342wz4i0s9lz9ka4bgz91xa2i94-glibc-2.32

It would look into the following directories:

  • /etc/xdg/nix/pivots/kah5n342wz4i0s9lz9ka4bgz91xa2i94-glibc-2.32
  • /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/username/xdg-for-pivots/kah5n342wz4i0s9lz9ka4bgz91xa2i94-glibc-2.32

Whether a derivation falls through the next pivot when the directory is found or not is out of scope of this.

What's up with xdg-for-pivots? Nothing much, is really a directory that works like /etc/xdg, but here we're assuming it's used by a tool that manages it, thus a specific name in case the end-user also has another tool managing /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/username/xdg. It's not part of the spec, but really an example.

With a level of indirection with XDG_CONFIG_DIRS

  1. With XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg:/opt/etc/xdg
  2. Given the output path /nix/store/kah5n342wz4i0s9lz9ka4bgz91xa2i94-glibc-2.32

First, it would look for candidate pivot paths in:

  • /etc/xdg/nix/pivots.conf
  • /opt/etc/xdg/nix/pivots.conf

The format here is not specified, but let's assume a list of paths separated by newlines:


The collection of paths would then be used as described earlier:

  • We're running a program which uses /nix/store/kah5n342wz4i0s9lz9ka4bgz91xa2i94-glibc-2.32
  • glibc would look in /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/grahamc/pivot/kah5n342wz4i0s9lz9ka4bgz91xa2i94-glibc-2.32 to discover additional nss libraries.
  • If that directory does not exist, glibc would look in /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/pivot/kah5n342wz4i0s9lz9ka4bgz91xa2i94-glibc-2.32.

The difference here is that level of indirection works more like the environment-variables backed proposal, and maybe more importantly, does not assume use of XDG dirs directly for the pivot feature, only for its configuration.

I think it is more appropriate, as the pivots themselves are not configuration, so the level of indirection is probably desirable.

pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
someBinary = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "binary" {} ''
mkdir -p $out/bin $out/nix-support/pivots
hash=$(basename ${placeholder "out"})
cat << EOF > $out/bin/binary
echo "I'm looking at \''${NIXPKGS_PIVOT_DIRS:-nothing}/$hash/something"
chmod +x $out/bin/binary
touch $out/nix-support/pivots/something
#echo something > $out/nix-support/pivot
system = pkgs.writeScript "system" ''
echo "Calling binary"
/* Takes an attribute set of the form
<pivot type> = <path>;
and a derivation
Returns a pivot directory mapping all hashes of the derivation's closure that are pivotable with the given types to their paths
createPivots = pivots: drv: pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "pivot-dir";
__structuredAttrs = true;
exportReferencesGraph.closure = [ drv ];
inherit pivots;
PATH = pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.buildPackages.coreutils pkgs.buildPackages.jq ];
builder = builtins.toFile "builder" ''
mkdir $out
readarray -t paths < <(jq -r '.closure[].path' .attrs.json)
shopt -s nullglob
for path in ''${paths[@]}; do
for pivot in "$path"/nix-support/pivots/*; do
pivot=$(basename "$pivot")
echo "Detected pivot $pivot in $path"
target=$(jq -r --arg pivot "$pivot" '.pivots."\($pivot)"' .attrs.json)
mkdir "$out/$(basename "$path")"
ln -s "$target" "$out/$(basename "$path")/$pivot"
#if [[ -f "$path"/nix-support/pivot ]]; then
# pivot=$(cat "$path"/nix-support/pivot)
# echo "Detected pivot $pivot in $path"
# target=$(jq -r --arg pivot "$pivot" '.pivots."\($pivot)"' .attrs.json)
# ln -s "$target" "$out/$(basename "$path")"
cp .attrs.json $out/attrs.json
pivotDir = createPivots {
something = "/etc/ca-bundle.crt";
} system;
pivotedSystem = pkgs.writeScript "pivot-shell" ''
in pivotedSystem
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