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Created April 5, 2021 21:02
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module Main exposing (..)
import GraphicSVG exposing (..)
import GraphicSVG.App exposing (..)
myShapes model = [ background,
|> initializeShapes
|> spreadShapes
|> group
|> move (-10,-10)
|> scale 2,
model |> checkWin
checkWin: Model -> Shape Msg
checkWin model = if model.state == List.repeat 9 False
then text "LIGHTS OUT"
|> sansserif
|> filled white
|> move (-35, 40)
else text "" |> filled white
spreadShapes: List (Shape Msg) -> List (Shape Msg)
spreadShapes = List.indexedMap
(\x y -> y |> move(10*toFloat (xVal x), 10*toFloat(yVal x)))
initializeShapes: List (Bool) -> List (Shape Msg)
initializeShapes = List.indexedMap createLights
createLights: Int -> Bool -> Shape Msg
createLights index bool = group [
square 10
|> filled (if bool == True then yellow else grey),
square 10
|> outlined (solid 1) black
] |> notifyTap (FlipState (xVal index, yVal index))
type Msg = Tick Float GetKeyState
| FlipState (Int, Int)
background: Shape Msg
background = square 200
|> filled black
yVal: Int -> Int
yVal x = x//3
xVal: Int -> Int
xVal x = modBy 3 x
update: Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model = case msg of
Tick t _ -> { model | time = t }
FlipState (x, y) -> {model | state =
|> List.indexedMap (\i j ->flipStateIndex i j (x,y))}
flipStateIndex: Int -> Bool -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
flipStateIndex i j (x,y) = if xVal i == x && yVal i == y
then not j
else if (xVal i) + 1 == x && yVal i == y
then not j
else if (xVal i) - 1 == x && yVal i == y
then not j
else if xVal i == x && (yVal i) + 1 == y
then not j
else if xVal i == x && (yVal i) - 1 == y
then not j
else j
type alias Model =
time : Float,
state: List Bool
init: Model
init = { time = 0, state = List.repeat 9 True }
main = gameApp Tick { model = init, view = view, update = update, title = "Game Slot" }
view model = collage 1920 1080 (myShapes model)
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