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Created April 10, 2021 17:35
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Math Visualizer -- CS 1XD3 [Zainab, Mehul, Mariyam, Christy]
import Html
import Html.Attributes
tech = ""
back = ""
linIndep_background = ""
image3Vect =""
fail = ""
good = ""
linIndep_vector = ""
span_gif = ""
eig_gif = ""
mainMenu_background = ""
myShapes model =
case model.state of
MainMenu ->
(html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src mainMenu_background] [] )
|> scale 0.25
|> scaleX 1.1
|> move (-75,52)
,text "MAIN MENU"
|> centered
|> filled black
|> move (0,45)
--linear independence
, group [ transitionButton Middle ToLinInd
|> scaleX 1.5
|> filled white
|> scale 0.55
|> move (-38,20)
] |> move (0,-10)
|> notifyTap ToLinInd
, group [ transitionButton Middle ToSpan
|> scaleX 1.5
, text "SPAN"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.55
|> move (-7,20)
] |> move (0,-30)
|> notifyTap ToSpan
, group [ transitionButton Middle ToEig
|> scaleX 1.5
|> filled white
|> scale 0.55
|> move (-41,20)
] |> move (0,-50)
|> notifyTap ToEig ]
LinInd ->
[ group[
(html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src linIndep_background] [] )
|> scale 0.45
|> move (-100,65)
|> size 10
|> centered
|>filled black
|> move (0,45)
, definition
,( html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src linIndep_vector] [] )
|> scale 0.16
|> move (15,28)
, group [ transitionButton Right ToLinVis
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (-130,-48)
|> notifyTap ToLinVis
, group [ transitionButton Right ToLinQuiz
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "QUIZ"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (67,4)
] |> move (-10,-48)
|> notifyTap ToLinQuiz
, group [ transitionButton Right LinIndBack
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "BACK TO MENU"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (-70,-48)
|> notifyTap LinIndBack
LinVis ->
[ graphPaperCustom 7 0.2 (if model.dependence then green else red),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| (Tuple.first (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))))
|> filled black
|> move (-82, 40),
text ("[")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-90,33),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| (Tuple.second (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))))
|> filled black
|> move (-82, 30),
text ("]")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-68,33),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| (Tuple.first (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))))
|> filled black
|> move (-51, 40),
text ("[")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-60,33),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| (Tuple.second (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))))
|> filled black
|> move (-51, 30),
text ("]")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-37,33),
square 200
|> ghost
|> notifyMouseMoveAt Position1
|> notifyMouseMoveAt Position2,
group[ openPolygon (model.polyState1)
|> outlined (solid 1) black,
|> rotate (Tuple.second(toPolar (secondValFromList model.polyState1)))
|> move (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
|> notifyTap FlipState1
|> notifyTap FlipArrow1
group[ openPolygon (model.polyState2)
|> outlined (solid 1) red,
|> rotate (Tuple.second(toPolar (secondValFromList model.polyState2)))
|> move (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
|> notifyTap FlipState2
|> notifyTap FlipArrow2
if model.dependence
group [ rect 70 15
|> filled yellow
|> makeTransparent 0.3
|> move (61,44),
text "Independent!"
|> filled darkGreen
|> move (30, 40) ]
group [ rect 70 15
|> filled yellow
|> makeTransparent 0.3
|> move (57,44),
text "Dependent!"
|> filled red
|> move (30,40) ]
, group [ rect 200 15
|> filled yellow
|> makeTransparent 0.3
|> move (0,-62.5),
text "Click and drag the arrows around to change the vectors"
|> filled darkBlue
|> scale 0.7
|> move (-95,-62) ]
, group [ transitionButton Right LinVisBack
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "BACK TO MENU"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (0,-50)
|> notifyTap LinVisBack
, group [ transitionButton Right BacktoLinV
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -5)
, text "QUIT"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (65,9)
] |> move (0,-40)
|> notifyTap BacktoLinV
LinQuiz ->
[ (html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src tech] [] )
|> scale 0.225
|> move (-102,70)
, group[question |> move(-5,-5)
,text "Linear Independence Quiz"
|> size 13
|> centered
|> filled white
|> move (0,45)
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "Linearly dependent"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move(-30,-2)
]|> move (-45,-10)
|> notifyTap ToFail
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "Linearly Independent"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move(-34,-2)
]|> move (45,-10)
|> notifyTap ToPass
, group [ transitionButton Right LinQuizBack
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "BACK TO MENU"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (-10,-45)
|> notifyTap LinQuizBack
, group [ transitionButton Right BacktoLinQ
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -5)
, text "QUIT"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (65,9)
] |> move (-10,-38)
|> notifyTap BacktoLinQ
Fail ->
square 200
|> filled brown
|> makeTransparent 0.2
, (html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src fail] [] )
|> scale 0.25
|> move (-55,40)
, text "FAIL!"
|> centered
|> filled red
|> scale 1.5
|> move (0,45)
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "BACK"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move (-10,-2)
]|> move (0,-40)
|> notifyTap BackFail
Pass ->
(html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src good] [] )
|> scale 0.45
|> move (-90,70)
, text "PASS!"
|> centered
|> filled green
|> scale 1.5
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "BACK"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move (-10,-2)
]|> move (0,-30)
|> notifyTap BackPass
Span ->
[(html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src linIndep_background] [] )
|> scale 0.45
|> move (-100,65)
,text "SPAN"
|> centered
|> filled black
|> move (0,45)
, definitionSpan
,( html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src span_gif] [] )
|> scale 0.16
|> move (11,28)
, group [ transitionButton Right ToSpanVis
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (-130,-48)
|> notifyTap ToSpanVis
, group [ transitionButton Right ToSpanQuiz
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "QUIZ"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (67,4)
] |> move (-10,-48)
|> notifyTap ToSpanQuiz
, group [ transitionButton Right SpanBack
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "BACK TO MENU"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (-70,-48)
|> notifyTap SpanBack
SpanVis ->
[ graphPaperCustom 7 0.2 (if model.dependence then green else red),
if model.dependence
group [ square 200
|> filled brown
|> makeTransparent 0.3,
group[ openPolygon (model.polyState1)
|> outlined (solid 1) purple
|> move (secondValFromList (model.polyState2)),
openPolygon (model.polyState2)
|> outlined (solid 1) purple
|> move (secondValFromList (model.polyState1)),
openPolygon [(0,0),(coordforSpan1 model,coordforSpan2 model)]
|> outlined (solid 1) black] ]
group [ openPolygon (model.polyState1)
|> outlined (solid 1) brown
|> move (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
|> makeTransparent 0.7,
openPolygon (model.polyState2)
|> outlined (solid 1) brown
|> move (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
|> makeTransparent 0.7
group [ rect 200 10
|> filled yellow
|> makeTransparent 0.3
|> move (0,-60),
text "Click and drag arrows around to change the vectors and see span (a = 1, b = 1)"
|> filled darkBlue
|> scale 0.5
|> move (-94,-61.5) ],
group [ rect 100 9
|> filled yellow
|> makeTransparent 0.3
|> move (0,59),
text "Highlighted region shows span"
|> filled red
|> scale 0.6
|> move (-45,57) ],
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| (Tuple.first (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))))
|> filled black
|> move (-82, 40),
text ("[")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-90,33),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| (Tuple.second (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))))
|> filled black
|> move (-82, 30),
text ("]")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-68,33),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| (Tuple.first (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))))
|> filled black
|> move (-51, 40),
text ("[")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-60,33),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| (Tuple.second (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))))
|> filled black
|> move (-51, 30),
text ("]")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-37,33),
square 200
|> ghost
|> notifyMouseMoveAt Position1
|> notifyMouseMoveAt Position2,
group[ openPolygon (model.polyState1)
|> outlined (solid 1) blue,
|> rotate (Tuple.second(toPolar (secondValFromList model.polyState1)))
|> move (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
|> notifyTap FlipState1
|> notifyTap FlipArrow3
group[ openPolygon (model.polyState2)
|> outlined (solid 1) red,
|> rotate (Tuple.second(toPolar (secondValFromList model.polyState2)))
|> move (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
|> notifyTap FlipState2
|> notifyTap FlipArrow4
, group [ transitionButton Right SpanVisBack
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "BACK TO MENU"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (0,-50)
|> notifyTap SpanVisBack
, group [ transitionButton Right BacktoSpanV
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -5)
, text "QUIT"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (65,9)
] |> move (0,-40)
|> notifyTap BacktoSpanV
SpanQuiz ->
[ (html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src tech] [] )
|> scale 0.225
|> move (-102,70)
, group[ question2,
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "Yes, it spans"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move(-20,-2)
]|> move (-45,-10)
|> notifyTap ToSpanFail
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "No, it doesn't"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move(-20,-2)
]|> move (45,-10)
|> notifyTap ToSpanPass
, group [ transitionButton Right SpanQuizBack
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "BACK TO MENU"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (-10,-45)
|> notifyTap SpanQuizBack
, group [ transitionButton Right BackToSpanQ
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -5)
, text "QUIT"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (65,9)
] |> move (-10,-38)
|> notifyTap BackToSpanQ
SpanPass ->
[ (html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src good] [] )
|> scale 0.45
|> move (-90,70)
, text "PASS!"
|> centered
|> filled green
|> scale 1.5
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "BACK"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move (-10,-2)
]|> move (0,-30)
|> notifyTap SpanPassBack
SpanFail ->
[ square 200
|> filled brown
|> makeTransparent 0.2
, (html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src fail] [] )
|> scale 0.25
|> move (-55,40)
, text "FAIL!"
|> centered
|> filled red
|> scale 1.5
|> move (0,45)
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "BACK"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move (-10,-2)
]|> move (0,-40)
|> notifyTap SpanFailBack
Eig ->
[(html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src linIndep_background] [] )
|> scale 0.45
|> move (-100,65)
|> centered
|> filled black
|> move (0,45)
, definitionEig
,( html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src eig_gif] [] )
|> scale 0.16
|> move (10,28)
, group [ transitionButton Right ToEigVis
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (-130,-48)
|> notifyTap ToEigVis
, group [ transitionButton Right ToEigQuiz
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "QUIZ"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (67,4)
] |> move (-10,-48)
|> notifyTap ToEigQuiz
, group [ transitionButton Right EigBack
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "BACK TO MENU"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (-70,-48)
|> notifyTap EigBack
-- Eigenavlues and Eigenvector
EigVis ->
graphPaperCustom 6 0.1 (green),
rect 1 200
|> filled darkGrey
|> makeTransparent 0.8,
rect 200 1
|> filled darkGrey
|> makeTransparent 0.8
-- matrix starts here
rect 43 25
|> filled white
|> move (-69,38),
text "matrix A"
|> size 6
|> filled black
|> move (-80,26),
text ("[")
|> centered
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-90,33),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| toFloat(round(Tuple.first (secondValFromList (model.polyState1)))))
|> size 10
|> centered
|> filled darkGreen
|> move (-80, 42),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| toFloat(round((Tuple.second (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))))))
|> size 10
|> centered
|> filled darkGreen
|> move (-80, 32),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| toFloat(round((Tuple.first (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))))))
|> size 10
|> centered
|> filled red
|> move (-64, 42),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| toFloat(round((Tuple.second (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))))))
|> size 10
|> centered
|> filled red
|> move (-64, 32),
text ("]")
|> centered
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-52,33)
] |> move (0,10),
-- vector v
rect 16 26
|>filled white
|> move (-36,38),
text ("[")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-45,33),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| toFloat(round((Tuple.first (secondValFromList (model.vectorState))))))
|> size 10
|> filled darkBlue
|> move (-41, 42),
text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| toFloat(round((Tuple.second (secondValFromList (model.vectorState))))))
|> size 10
|> filled darkBlue
|> move (-41, 32),
text ("]")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-31,33)
,text "v"
|> size 8
|> filled black
|> move (-38, 25)
] |> move (0,10),
--Av eigenvector values resulting from matrix 'A' * vector 'v'
rect 18 26
|>filled white
|> move (-11,38)
,text ("[")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-21,33)
,text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| toFloat(round((Tuple.first ( vectorMult (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
(secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
(secondValFromList (model.vectorState)))))))
|> centered
|> size 10
|> filled (rgb 139 103 148)
|> move (-11, 42)
,text (Debug.toString <| truncate <| toFloat(round((Tuple.second( vectorMult (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
(secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
(secondValFromList (model.vectorState)))))))
|> centered
|> size 10
|> filled (rgb 139 103 148)
|> move (-11, 32)
,text ("]")
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (-4,33)
, text "Av"
|> size 8
|> filled black
|> move (-16, 25)
]|> move (0,10)
,square 200
|> ghost
|> notifyMouseMoveAt Position1
|> notifyMouseMoveAt Position2
|> notifyMouseMoveAt VectorPos1
group[ openPolygon (model.polyState1)
|> outlined (solid 1) green
|> rotate (Tuple.second(toPolar (secondValFromList model.polyState1)))
|> move (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
|> notifyTap FlipState1
|> notifyTap FlipArrow5
|> notifyMouseMoveAt Repeat2
,group[ openPolygon (model.polyState2)
|> outlined (solid 1) red
-- |> rotate (degrees 180)
|> rotate (Tuple.second(toPolar (secondValFromList model.polyState2)))
|> move (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
|> notifyTap FlipState2
|> notifyTap FlipArrow2
|> notifyMouseMoveAt Repeat3
,openPolygon (model.vectorState)
|> outlined (dotted 1) blue
|> move (secondValFromList (model.vectorState))
|> notifyTap VectorTap1
|> notifyMouseMoveAt Repeat
|> move (firstTupleFromList (model.vectorState) )
-- display eigen values
rect 25 20
|>filled white
|> move (12,40)
,case (round(Tuple.first(eigenValues (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
(secondValFromList (model.polyState2))))
,round(Tuple.second(eigenValues (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
(secondValFromList (model.polyState2)))))
(0,0) -> group[
text "\u{03BB}= i"
|> centered
|> size 10
|> filled darkOrange
|> move (12, 42)
,text "\u{03BB} i"
|> centered
|> size 10
|> filled darkOrange
|> move (12, 32)
(x,y) -> group[
text (("\u{03BB}= ") ++ (Debug.toString <| truncate <| toFloat(x)))
|> centered
|> size 10
|> filled darkOrange
|> move (12, 42)
,text (("\u{03BB}= ") ++ (Debug.toString <| truncate <| toFloat(y)))
|> centered
|> size 10
|> filled darkOrange
|> move (12, 32)
]|> move (3,10)
-- eigen visulaization explination
-- circle
circle 6.5
|> filled black
|> move (85,-55)
,circle 6
|> filled lightRed
|> move (85,-55)
,text "?"
|> centered
|> filled white
|> move (85,-58.5)
]|> notifyTap EigenExplainTap
-- explination
, case model.eigenExplain of
True ->
rect 172 22
|> filled darkCharcoal
|> move (-8,-53)
|> makeTransparent 0.95
[text "Let 'A' be a matrix with colums (as arrows) and 'v' (blue) be a vector . Multiplying A by v results in a"
|> centered
|> size 4.2
|> filled white
|> move (-8,-48)
,text "new vector 'Av'(purple). The orange values are the eigenValues of the matrix A, "
|> centered
|> size 4.2
|> filled white
|> move (-8,-53)
,text "Click and drag the red and green arrows to change the matrix and the blue circle to change vector V"
|> centered
|> size 4.2
|> filled white
|> move (-8,-60)
] |> move (0,2)
]|> move (0,1)
False ->
group []
, group [ transitionButton Right BacktoEigV
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -5)
, text "QUIT"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (65,9)
] |> move (0,45)
|> notifyTap BacktoEigV
, group [ transitionButton Right EigVisBack
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "BACK TO MENU"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (0,35)
|> notifyTap EigVisBack
EigQuiz ->
[ (html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src tech] [] )
|> scale 0.225
|> move (-102,70),
text "Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors Quiz"
|> size 11.5
|> centered
|> filled white
|> move (0,45)
, group[question3 |>move(0,27)
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "Option A"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move(-15,-2)
]|> move (-45,-10)
|> notifyTap ToEigPass
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "Option B"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move(-15,-2)
]|> move (45,-10)
|> notifyTap ToEigFail
, group [ transitionButton Right EigQuizBack
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -10)
, text "BACK TO MENU"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (54,4)
] |> move (-10,-45)
|> notifyTap EigQuizBack
, group [ transitionButton Right BacktoEigQ
|> scale 0.7
|> move (30, -5)
, text "QUIT"
|> filled white
|> scale 0.4
|> move (65,9)
] |> move (-10,-38)
|> notifyTap BacktoEigQ
EigPass ->
[ (html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src good] [] )
|> scale 0.45
|> move (-90,70)
, text "PASS!"
|> centered
|> filled green
|> scale 1.5
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "BACK"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move (-10,-2)
]|> move (0,-30)
|> notifyTap EigPassBack
EigFail ->
[ square 200
|> filled brown
|> makeTransparent 0.2
, (html 100000 10000 <| Html.img [Html.Attributes.src fail] [] )
|> scale 0.25
|> move (-55,40)
, text "FAIL!"
|> centered
|> filled red
|> scale 1.5
|> move (0,45)
, group[
|> scaleX 1.5
,text "BACK"
|> size 8
|> filled white
|> move (-10,-2)
]|> move (0,-40)
|> notifyTap EigFailBack
type Msg = Tick Float GetKeyState
| ToLinInd
| ToLinVis
| ToLinQuiz
| ToSpan
| ToEig
| LinVisBack
| LinQuizBack
| SpanBack
| EigBack
| BacktoLinV
| BacktoLinQ
| LinIndBack
| ToFail
| ToPass
| BackFail
| BackPass
| ToSpanVis
| BacktoSpanV
| SpanVisBack
| ToSpanQuiz
| BackToSpanQ
| ToSpanPass
| ToSpanFail
| SpanFailBack
| SpanPassBack
| ToEigVis
| BacktoEigV
| EigVisBack
| ToEigQuiz
| ToEigPass
| ToEigFail
| EigPassBack
| EigFailBack
| SpanQuizBack
| BacktoEigQ
| EigQuizBack
| Position1 (Float, Float)
| Position2 (Float, Float)
| FlipState1
| FlipState2
| FlipArrow1
| FlipArrow2
| FlipArrow3
| FlipArrow4
| FlipArrow5
| VectorPos1 (Float, Float)
| Repeat (Float,Float)
| Repeat2 (Float,Float)
| Repeat3 (Float,Float)
| VectorTap1
| EigenExplainTap --question mark explaining eigen visualizer
type State = MainMenu
| LinInd
| LinVis
| LinQuiz
| Fail
| Pass
| Span
| Eig
| SpanVis
| SpanQuiz
| SpanPass
| SpanFail
| EigVis
| EigQuiz
| EigPass
| EigFail
update msg model =
case msg of
Tick t _ ->
{ model | time = t
,dependence = checkIndependence (formatVals(secondValFromList (model.polyState1))) (formatVals (secondValFromList (model.polyState2)))
ToLinInd ->
case model.state of
MainMenu ->
{ model | state = LinInd }
otherwise ->
ToLinVis ->
case model.state of
LinInd ->
{ model | state = LinVis
,polyState1 = [(0,0), (30,0)]
,polyState2 = [(0,0), (-30,0)]
otherwise ->
ToLinQuiz ->
case model.state of
LinInd ->
{ model | state = LinQuiz }
otherwise ->
ToSpan ->
case model.state of
MainMenu ->
{ model | state = Span }
otherwise ->
ToEig ->
case model.state of
MainMenu ->
{ model | state = Eig }
otherwise ->
LinVisBack ->
case model.state of
LinVis ->
{ model | state = MainMenu }
otherwise ->
LinQuizBack ->
case model.state of
LinQuiz ->
{ model | state = MainMenu }
otherwise ->
SpanBack ->
case model.state of
Span ->
{ model | state = MainMenu }
otherwise ->
EigBack ->
case model.state of
Eig ->
{ model | state = MainMenu }
otherwise ->
BacktoLinV ->
case model.state of
LinVis ->
{ model | state = LinInd }
otherwise ->
BacktoLinQ ->
case model.state of
LinQuiz ->
{ model | state = LinInd }
otherwise ->
LinIndBack ->
case model.state of
LinInd ->
{ model | state = MainMenu }
otherwise ->
ToFail ->
case model.state of
LinQuiz ->
{ model | state = Fail }
otherwise ->
ToPass ->
case model.state of
LinQuiz ->
{ model | state = Pass }
otherwise ->
BackFail ->
case model.state of
Fail ->
{ model | state = LinInd }
otherwise ->
BackPass ->
case model.state of
Pass ->
{ model | state = LinInd }
otherwise ->
ToSpanVis ->
case model.state of
Span ->
{ model | state = SpanVis
,polyState1 = [(0,0), (30,0)]
,polyState2 = [(0,0), (-30,0)]
otherwise ->
BacktoSpanV ->
case model.state of
SpanVis ->
{ model | state = Span }
otherwise ->
SpanVisBack ->
case model.state of
SpanVis ->
{ model | state = MainMenu }
otherwise ->
ToSpanQuiz ->
case model.state of
Span ->
{ model | state = SpanQuiz }
otherwise ->
BackToSpanQ ->
case model.state of
SpanQuiz ->
{ model | state = Span }
otherwise ->
ToSpanPass ->
case model.state of
SpanQuiz ->
{ model | state = SpanPass }
otherwise ->
ToSpanFail ->
case model.state of
SpanQuiz ->
{ model | state = SpanFail }
otherwise ->
SpanFailBack ->
case model.state of
SpanFail ->
{ model | state = Span }
otherwise ->
SpanPassBack ->
case model.state of
SpanPass ->
{ model | state = Span }
otherwise ->
ToEigVis ->
case model.state of
Eig ->
{ model | state = EigVis
,polyState1 = [(0,0), (30,0)]
,polyState2 = [(0,0), (-30,0)]
,vectorState = [(0,0),(10,10)]
otherwise ->
BacktoEigV ->
case model.state of
EigVis ->
{ model | state = Eig }
otherwise ->
EigVisBack ->
case model.state of
EigVis ->
{ model | state = MainMenu }
otherwise ->
ToEigQuiz ->
case model.state of
Eig ->
{ model | state = EigQuiz }
otherwise ->
ToEigPass ->
case model.state of
EigQuiz ->
{ model | state = EigPass }
otherwise ->
ToEigFail ->
case model.state of
EigQuiz ->
{ model | state = EigFail }
otherwise ->
EigPassBack ->
case model.state of
EigPass ->
{ model | state = Eig }
otherwise ->
EigFailBack ->
case model.state of
EigFail ->
{ model | state = Eig }
otherwise ->
SpanQuizBack ->
case model.state of
SpanQuiz ->
{ model | state = MainMenu }
otherwise ->
BacktoEigQ ->
case model.state of
EigQuiz ->
{ model | state = Eig }
otherwise ->
EigQuizBack ->
case model.state of
EigQuiz ->
{ model | state = MainMenu }
otherwise ->
Position1 (x,y) -> {model| polyState1 = case model.dragState1 of
Released -> model.polyState1
Dragging -> [(0,0), (x,y)]
Position2 (x,y) -> {model| polyState2 = case model.dragState2 of
Released -> model.polyState2
Dragging -> [(0,0), (x,y)]
VectorPos1 (x,y) -> {model| vectorState = case model.dragVector1 of
Released -> model.vectorState
Dragging -> [(0,0), (x,y)]
-- repeats purpose is to reposition the Av circle, The product of vector and
-- matrix multiplication: [ green red ] * [blue dot]
Repeat (x,y) -> {model | vectorState = case model.dragVector1 of
Released -> model.vectorState
Dragging ->
[( vectorMult (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
(secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
(secondValFromList (model.vectorState)))
, (x,y)]
Repeat2 _ -> {model| vectorState = case model.dragState1 of
Released -> model.vectorState
Dragging ->
[( vectorMult (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
(secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
(secondValFromList (model.vectorState)))
, secondValFromList (model.vectorState)]
Repeat3 _ -> {model| vectorState = case model.dragState2 of
Released -> model.vectorState
Dragging ->
[( vectorMult (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))
(secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
(secondValFromList (model.vectorState)))
, secondValFromList (model.vectorState)]
FlipState1 -> {model | dragState1 = case model.dragState1 of
Released -> Dragging
Dragging -> Released
FlipState2 -> {model | dragState2 = case model.dragState2 of
Released -> Dragging
Dragging -> Released
VectorTap1 -> {model | dragVector1 = case model.dragVector1 of
Released -> Dragging
Dragging -> Released
FlipArrow1 -> {model | shape1 = case model.dragState1 of
Released -> initShape1
Dragging -> onPressShape1
FlipArrow2 -> {model | shape2 = case model.dragState2 of
Released -> initShape2
Dragging -> onPressShape1
FlipArrow3 -> {model | shape3 = case model.dragState1 of
Released -> initShape3
Dragging -> onPressShape2
FlipArrow4 -> {model | shape2 = case model.dragState2 of
Released -> initShape4
Dragging -> onPressShape2
FlipArrow5 -> {model | shape5 = case model.dragState1 of
Released -> initShape5
Dragging -> onPressShape1
EigenExplainTap -> {model | eigenExplain = case model.eigenExplain of
True -> False
False -> True
type ButtonPosition = Left | Right | Middle
transitionButton : ButtonPosition -> Msg -> Shape Msg
transitionButton pos msg = case pos of
Left -> group [ roundedRect 60 15 2
|> filled black
, roundedRect 58 13 2
|>filled black
] |> move (-60, 22)
|> notifyTap msg
Right -> group [roundedRect 60 15 2
|> filled black
,roundedRect 58 13 2
|>filled black
] |> move (60, 22)
|> notifyTap msg
Middle -> group [roundedRect 60 15 2
|> filled black
,roundedRect 58 13 2
|>filled black
] |> move (0, 22)
|> notifyTap msg
button = group [
roundedRect 50 16 4
|> filled black
question = group[
text "Are V1 = and V2 = "
|>size 6
|>filled black
|> move(-85,20)
,text "["
|>size 7
|>filled black
|>scaleY 1.5
|> move(-62,20)
,text "["
|>size 7
|>filled black
|>scaleY 1.5
|> move(-27,20)
,text "1"
|>size 6
|>filled black
|> move(-58,23)
,text "0"
|>size 6
|>filled black
|> move(-58,17)
,text "0"
|>size 6
|>filled black
|> move(-20,23)
,text "2020"
|>size 5.5
|>filled black
|> move(-24,17)
,text "]"
|>size 7
|>filled black
|>scaleY 1.5
|> move(-53,20)
,text "]"
|>size 7
|>filled black
|>scaleY 1.5
|> move(-13,20)
]|>move (45,10)
,text "linearly dependent or linearly independent?"
|>size 6
|>filled black
|> move(-55,15)
question2= group[ text "Span Quiz"
|> size 12.5
|> centered
|> filled white
|> move (0,46)
text " V1 = and V2 = "
|>size 6
|>filled black
|> move(-85,20)
,text "["
|>size 7
|>filled black
|>scaleY 1.5
|> move(-62,20)
,text "["
|>size 7
|>filled black
|>scaleY 1.5
|> move(-20,20)
,text "1"
|>size 6
|>filled black
|> move(-58,23)
,text "-2"
|>size 6
|>filled black
|> move(-58,17)
,text "-2"
|>size 6
|>filled black
|> move(-17,23)
,text "4"
|>size 5.5
|>filled black
|> move(-16,17)
,text "]"
|>size 7
|>filled black
|>scaleY 1.5
|> move(-50,20)
,text "]"
|>size 7
|>filled black
|>scaleY 1.5
|> move(-10,20)
]|>move (45,10)
, text "Does {V1,V2} span R ?"
|> centered
|> size 8
|> filled black
|> move(0,16.5)
, text "2"
|> size 5
|> filled black
|> move (32.5,21.5)
question3=group[text"Which is eigenvalue and eigenvector of A= "
|> centered
|> size 7
|> filled black
, text "[ ]"
|> size 7
|> filled black
|> scaleY 2
|> move (52,0)
, text " 2 7 "
|> size 7
|> filled black
|> move (53.5,7)
, text " 7 2 "
|> size 7
|> filled black
|> move (53.5,-2)
, text "A. eigenvalues: 9 eigenvector[1 1] "
|> centered
|> size 7
|> filled black
|> move (0,-10)
, text "B. eigenvalues: -7 eigenvector[-1 -1] "
|> centered
|> size 7
|> filled black
|> move (0,-20)
definition = group[
text "A set of vectors {v1,v2,...,vk} is linearly "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move(0,30)
,text "independent if and only if the vector equation"
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,24)
,text "x1v1+x2v2+···+xkvk=0"
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (22,16)
,text "has only the trivial solution, if and only if "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,9)
,text "the matrix equation Ax=0 has only the "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,2)
,text "trivial solution, where A is the matrix with "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,-5)
,text "columns v1,v2,...,vk."
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,-12)
,text "This is true if and only if A has a pivot "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,-19)
,text "position in every column. "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,-26)
]|>move (-90,0)
definitionSpan = group[
text "Let v\u{2081}, v\u{2082},...,v\u{2096} be vectors in R\u{207F}."
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move(0,30)
,text "The span of v\u{2081}, v\u{2082},...,v\u{2096} is the collection of "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,23)
,text "all linear combinations of v\u{2081}, v\u{2082},...,v\u{2096}"
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,16)
,text "denoted Span{v\u{2081}, v\u{2082},...,v\u{2096}}. "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,9)
,text "It can be said that Span{v\u{2081}, v\u{2082},...,v\u{2096}} is the subset"
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,2)
,text "spanned by the vectors {v\u{2081}, v\u{2082},...,v\u{2096}}"
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,-5)
]|>move (-90,-10)
definitionEig = group[
text "An eigenvector of A is a nonzero vector v in"
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move(0,30)
,text "R\u{207F} such that Av = \u{03BB}v, for some scalar \u{03BB}. "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,24)
,text "An eigenvalue of A is a scalar \u{03BB} such that"
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,16)
,text "equation Av=\u{03BB}v is a nontrivial solution. "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,9)
,text "Note: Eigenvectors/values are only for square"
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,2)
,text " matricies."
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,-5)
,text " Eigenvectors by definition are non-zero "
|>size 5
|>filled black
|> move (0,-12)
]|>move (-90,-10)
secondValFromList list = case List.head (case (List.tail list) of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> [(-1,-1)]) of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> (-1,-1)
firstTupleFromList list = case list of
(a,b)::xs -> (a,b)
_ -> (0,0)
coordforSpan1 model = Tuple.first (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))+Tuple.first (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
coordforSpan2 model = Tuple.second (secondValFromList (model.polyState1))+Tuple.second (secondValFromList (model.polyState2))
formatVals x = Tuple.mapBoth truncate truncate x
checkIndependence f g = ((Tuple.first(f) * Tuple.second(g)) - (Tuple.second(f)*Tuple.first(g))) /= 0
-- checkWin: Model -> Shape Msg
checkWin model = if model.gameState == List.repeat 9 False
then text "LIGHTS OUT (:"
|> centered
|> sansserif
|> filled white
|> move (-100, 40)
else text "LIGHTS ON ):"
|> sansserif
|> filled white
|> move (-35, 40)
--eigenvalue begins
--use quadratic theorem to get the eigen values
eigenValues g f=
--elements of the matrix
a1x = toFloat(round(Tuple.first (g)))
a1y = toFloat(round(Tuple.second (g)))
a2x = toFloat(round(Tuple.first (f)))
a2y = toFloat(round(Tuple.second (f)))
--values to be used in quadratic formula
a = 1
b = a1x + a2y
c = (a1x * a2y) - (a1y * a2x)
-- apply x and y values
x = (b + sqrt(b^2 - (4*a*c))) / (2 * a)
y = (b - sqrt(b^2 - (4*a*c))) / (2 * a)
--movable vector circle
vectorPoint = circle 3
|> filled darkBlue
-- circle of resulting vector from matrix and vector multiplication
vectorPoint2= circle 3
|> filled (rgb 139 103 148)
--vector matrix multiplication
vectorMult g f h =
a1x = toFloat(round(Tuple.first (g)))
a1y = toFloat(round(Tuple.second (g)))
a2x = toFloat(round(Tuple.first (f)))
a2y = toFloat(round(Tuple.second (f)))
vx = toFloat(round(Tuple.first (h)))
vy = toFloat(round(Tuple.second (h)))
x = ((a1x * vx)+(a2x * vy)) --subtracting starting position
y = ((a1y * vx)+(a2y * vy)) --subtracting starting position
type DragState = Released | Dragging
onPressShape1 = circle 3
|> filled (rgb 20 125 50)
onPressShape2 = circle 3
|> filled black
onPressShape3 = circle 3
|> filled green
initShape1 = triangle 3
|> filled black
initShape2 = triangle 3
|> filled red
initShape3 = triangle 3
|> filled blue
initShape4 = triangle 3
|> filled red
initShape5 = triangle 3
|> filled green
type alias Model =
{ time : Float
, state : State
, polyState1 : List ( Float,Float)
, polyState2 : List ( Float,Float)
, dragState1 : DragState
, dragState2 : DragState
, dependence : Bool
, gameState : List Bool
init = { time = 0
, state = MainMenu
, polyState1 = [(0,0), (30,0)]
, polyState2 = [(0,0), (-30,0)]
, vectorState = [(0,0),(10,10)]
, dragState1 = Released
, dragState2 = Released
, dragVector1 = Released
, shape1 = initShape1
, shape2 = initShape2
, shape3 = initShape3
, shape4 = initShape4
, shape5 = initShape5
, dependence = False
, eigenExplain = False
, gameState = List.repeat 9 True
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