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Created June 3, 2012 05:38
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iChat notify with Growl
-- Put at "~/Library/Scripts/iChat"
on showgrowl(theNotify, theImage, theTitle, theMessage)
tell application "Growl"
-- Make a list of all the notification types
-- that this script will ever send:
set the allNotificationsList to ¬
{"Login", "Logout", "Present", "Text Message", "Invitation"}
-- Make a list of the notifications
-- that will be enabled by default.
-- Those not enabled by default can be enabled later
-- in the 'Applications' tab of the growl prefpane.
set the enabledNotificationsList to ¬
{"Login", "Logout", "Present", "Text Message", "Invitation"}
-- Register our script with growl.
-- You can optionally (as here) set a default icon
-- for this script's notifications.
register as application ¬
"iChat" all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬
icon of application "iChat"
notify with name theNotify title theTitle description theMessage application name "iChat" image theImage
on error msg
notify with name theNotify title theTitle description theMessage application name "iChat" -- image from location "/Applications/"
end try
end tell
end showgrowl
using terms from application "iChat"
on buddy became available theBuddy
set hisname to name of theBuddy
set hisimage to image of theBuddy
showgrowl("Login", hisimage, hisname & " Avaiable", hisname & " becomes avaiable for chat.")
end buddy became available
on buddy became unavailable theBuddy
set hisname to name of theBuddy
set hisimage to image of theBuddy
showgrowl("Logout", hisimage, hisname & " Unavaiable", hisname & " becomes unavaiable for chat.")
end buddy became unavailable
on message received theText from theBuddy for theChat
set hisname to name of theBuddy
set hisimage to image of theBuddy
showgrowl("Text Message", hisimage, "Text Message Received", "Received text message from " & hisname & "
" & theText)
end message received
on received text invitation theText from theBuddy for theChat
set hisname to name of theBuddy
set hisimage to image of theBuddy
showgrowl("Invitation", hisimage, "Text Message Invitation Received", "Received text invitation from " & hisname & "
" & theText)
end received text invitation
on received audio invitation from theBuddy for theChat
set hisname to name of theBuddy
set hisimage to image of theBuddy
showgrowl("Invitation", hisimage, "Audio Chat Invitation Received", "Audio chat invitation from " & hisname)
end received audio invitation
on received video invitation from theBuddy for theChat
set hisname to name of theBuddy
set hisimage to image of theBuddy
showgrowl("Invitation", hisimage, "Video Chat Invitation Received", "Video chat invitation from " & hisname)
end received video invitation
on received local screen sharing invitation from theBuddy for theChat
set hisname to name of theBuddy
set hisimage to image of theBuddy
showgrowl("Invitation", hisimage, "Local Screen Sharing Invitation Received", " Local screen invitation from " & hisname)
end received local screen sharing invitation
on received remote screen sharing invitation from theBuddy for theChat
set hisname to name of theBuddy
set hisimage to image of theBuddy
showgrowl("Invitation", hisimage, "Remote Screen Sharing Invitation Received", "Remote screen sharing invitation from " & hisname)
end received remote screen sharing invitation
on received file transfer invitation theFileTransfer
set theBuddy to buddy of theFileTransfer
set hisname to name of theBuddy
set hisimage to image of theBuddy
showgrowl("Invitation", hisimage, "File Transfer Invitation Received", "File Transfer Invitation from " & hisname)
end received file transfer invitation
end using terms from
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