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Forked from peter-leonov/lazy-list.js
Created May 8, 2024 06:31
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Lazy List, implemented with es6 generators
/* ----------------------------------------- *
Lazy List Implementation
* ----------------------------------------- */
// Haskell-like infinite List, implemented with es6 generators
// Lazyness lets you do crazy stuff like
List.range(0, Infinity)
.map(n => -n)
.filter(n => n % 2 === 0)
.reduce((r, n) => r * n, 1)
// => 1002000
// => [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ]
.zipWith(List.fibonacci, (x, y) => x * y)
.map(x => `The result is ${x}!!`)
// => [ 'The result is 0!!', 'The result is 1!!', 'The result is 2!!',
// 'The result is 6!!', 'The result is 12!!' ]
// since nothing is executed until .toArray or .reduce is called, we can chain any
// number of operators in any order without any performance impact.
class List {
constructor(generator, length = Infinity) {
this[Symbol.iterator] = generator
this.length = length
static get integers () {
return this.range(0, Infinity)
static get fibonacci () {
return new List(function* () {
let x = 1
let y = 1
yield* [ 0, x, y ]
while (true) {
let next = x + y
yield next
x = y
y = next
}, Infinity)
static of (...args) {
return new List(function* () {
yield* args
}, args.length)
static from (iterable) {
return new List(function* () {
yield* iterable
}, iterable.length)
static range (start, end, step = 1) {
return new List(function* () {
let i = start
while (i <= end) {
yield i
i += step
}, Math.floor((end - start + 1) / step))
static empty () {
return new List(function* () {}, 0)
concat (iterable) {
const generator = this[Symbol.iterator]
return new List(function* () {
yield* generator()
yield* iterable
}, this.length + iterable.length)
map (mapper) {
const generator = this[Symbol.iterator]
return new List(function* () {
for (const value of generator()) {
yield mapper(value)
}, this.length)
filter (predicate) {
const generator = this[Symbol.iterator]
return new List(function* () {
for (const value of generator()) {
if (predicate(value)) yield value
}, this.length)
scan (scanner, seed) {
const generator = this[Symbol.iterator]
return new List(function* () {
let acc = seed
for (const value of generator()) {
yield acc = scanner(acc, value)
}, this.length)
reduce (reducer, seed) {
return this.toArray().reduce(reducer, seed)
ap (list) {
const generator = this[Symbol.iterator]
return new List(function* () {
for (const f of generator()) {
}, this.length)
take (x) {
const generator = this[Symbol.iterator]
return new List(function* () {
const iterator = generator()
let next =
let n = 0
while (!next.done && x > n) {
yield next.value
next =
}, this.length > x ? x : this.length)
drop (x) {
const generator = this[Symbol.iterator]
return new List(function* () {
const iterator = generator()
let next =
let n = 1
while (!next.done) {
if (n > x) yield next.value
next =
}, this.length - x)
zipWith (lazyList, zipper) {
const generator1 = this[Symbol.iterator]
const generator2 = lazyList[Symbol.iterator]
return new List(function* () {
const iterator1 = generator1()
const iterator2 = generator2()
let next1 =
let next2 =
let i = 0
while (!next1.done && !next2.done) {
yield zipper(next1.value, next2.value)
next1 =
next2 =
}, this.length < lazyList.length ? this.length : lazyList.length)
head () {
return this[Symbol.iterator]().next().value
tail () {
return this.drop(1)
toArray () {
return [ ...this ]
toString () {
const displayedCount = 100
return `List [ ${
this.take(displayedCount).toArray().join(', ')
this.length > displayedCount ? ' ...' : ''
} ]`
inspect () {
return this.toString()
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