$color = 'blue'
$car = 'maruti'
node 'node1' {
include tomcat
node 'node2' {
$color = 'green'
include tomcat
Create tomcat::scope class
class tomcat::scope {
notify{"print the scope":
message => "
Add this class to init.pp
class tomcat {
include tomcat::scope
include tomcat::install
include tomcat::config
include tomcat::service
Apply on both node1 and node2 and see the difference?
Question: Why does it print two different values?
create file: modules/tomcat/params.pp
class tomcat::params {
$color = 'white'
$car = 'figo'
Update tomcat::scope definition to inherit tomcat::params. Lets also define $color in this child class.
class tomcat::scope inherits tomcat::params{
$color = 'yellow'
notify{"print the scope":
message => "
class tomcat::params {
$color = 'white'
$car = 'figo'
$user = 'tomcat'
$group = 'tomcat'
$config_path = '/etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf'
$packages = [ 'tomcat', 'tomcat-webapps' ]
$service_name = 'tomcat'
$service_state = running
tomcat (init.pp)
class tomcat inherits tomcat::params{
include tomcat::scope
include tomcat::install
include tomcat::config
include tomcat::service
class tomcat::install
class tomcat::install inherits tomcat{
include java
package { $::tomcat::packages:
ensure => installed,
require => Package['epel-release']
class tomcat::config
class tomcat::config inherits tomcat{
file { $::tomcat::config_path:
source => 'puppet:///modules/tomcat/tomcat.conf',
owner => $::tomcat::user,
group => $::tomcat::group,
mode => '0644',
notify => Service['tomcat']
class tomcat::service
class tomcat::service inherits tomcat{
service { $::tomcat::service_name:
ensure => $::tomcat::service_state,
enable => true,
require => Class['tomcat::install'],
cd /workspace/code/environments/production/modules
puppet module generate --skip-interview user-base
mv /workspace/base.pp base/manifests/init.pp
Add class to modules/base/manifests/init.pp. Code for this class can be availed from
Add the base class to one of the nodes, and see if you could apply
e.g. for node2 definition in app.pp
node 'node2' {
include base
$color = 'green'
include tomcat
Question : What happens when you apply this class on node2 by running puppet agent ??
Lets use params.pp for doing platform specific configurations,
class base::params {
case $::os['family'] {
'Debian': {
$ntp_service = 'ntp'
'RedHat': {
$ntp_service = 'ntpd'
And to use these params, we need to
- inherit base::params in base class (init.pp)
- parameterize the service name
Update init.pp with the above two changes. Here is the updated file for your reference
Lets also start using facts inside modules. To do this, lets create a file resource which generates /etc/motd and prints information about the system
Update modules/base/manifests/init.pp and add the following resource.
file { '/etc/motd':
ensure => file,
owner => 'root',
content => "
This server is a property of XYZ Inc.
Hostname : ${::fqdn}
IP Address : ${::ipaddress}
Memory : ${::memory['system']['total']}
Cores : ${::processors['count']}
OS : ${::os['distro']['description']}
Apply on all nodes and validate.