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Last active October 31, 2022 09:20
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An algorithm to generate LaTeX Gaussian-eliminations
from enum import Enum
from fractions import Fraction
import numpy as np
def override_str(self):
if self._denominator == 1:
return str(self._numerator)
return '-\\frac{%s}{%s}' % (
abs(self._numerator), abs(self._denominator)) if self._numerator * self._denominator < 0 \
else '\\frac{%s}{%s}' % (self._numerator, self._denominator)
# is there a better way to override methods of a class?
Fraction.__str__ = override_str
class OpTypes(Enum):
SWAP = 0
ADD = 1
MULT = 2
operation_example = {
'type': OpTypes.SWAP,
'row1': 1,
'row2': 2
def gaussian_elimination(matrix):
# matrix = matrix.astype(np.float)
m, n = matrix.shape
p_row = 0
p_col = 0
while p_row < m and p_col < n:
current_col = matrix[:, p_col]
max_el = np.argmax(current_col[p_row:]) + p_row
# if it's 0 we do nothing
if current_col[max_el] == 0:
p_col += 1
if max_el != p_row:
# we do a swap, !!!
matrix[[max_el, p_row]] = matrix[[p_row, max_el]]
s_row = matrix[p_row]
for i in range(m):
if i == p_row:
f = matrix[i, p_col] / matrix[p_row, p_col]
# we add the row !!!
matrix[i] -= f * s_row
# we set the pivot to 1 !!!
matrix[p_row] = s_row / matrix[p_row, p_col]
p_col += 1
p_row += 1
return matrix
class GaussianEliminationGenerator:
def __init__(self, matrix, delim=0, prefix='(A|\mathbf{b})'):
self.matrix = matrix
self.delim = delim
self.prefix = prefix
self.m, self.n = matrix.shape
self.p_row = 0
self.p_col = 0
self.latex_code = []
def generate_latex_matrix(matrix, delim=0):
m, n = matrix.shape
code = f"\\begin{{pmatrix}}[{'c'*delim+'|'+'c'*(n-delim)}]" if delim else f"\\begin{{pmatrix}}[{'c'*n}]"
code += ' \\\\ '.join([' & '.join([str(i) for i in row]) for row in matrix])
code += f" \\end{{pmatrix}}"
return code
def generate_latex_swap_row(row1, row2):
return f'R_{{{row1}}} \\leftrightarrow R_{{{row2}}}'
def generate_latex_add_row(multiple, row):
if multiple == 0:
return ''
if multiple < 0:
return f'+({multiple})R_{{{row}}}'
if multiple == 1:
return f'+R_{{{row}}}'
if multiple > 0:
return f'+{multiple}R_{{{row}}}'
def generate_latex_multiply(multiple):
return f'\cdot {multiple}' if multiple > 0 else f'\cdot ({multiple})'
def generate_latex_row_operations(m):
backslash = '\\'
return f'\\begin{{matrix*}}[l] {(backslash + "scriptstyle %s " + backslash * 2) * m} \\end{{matrix*}}'
def pick_best_pivot(column):
absed = abs(column)
if 1 in absed:
return np.where(absed == 1)[0][0]
nonzeroed = absed[np.nonzero(absed)]
if nonzeroed.any():
return np.where(absed == nonzeroed)[0][0]
return 0
def _iterate(self):
operations = []
current_col = self.matrix[:, self.p_col]
sliced = current_col[self.p_row:]
# a human will always pick the row which has a 1 as the pivot
best_el = GaussianEliminationGenerator.pick_best_pivot(sliced) + self.p_row
# if it's 0 we do nothing
if current_col[best_el] == 0:
self.p_col += 1
if self.p_col < self.n:
return self._iterate()
return operations
if best_el != self.p_row:
# we do a swap, !!!
self.matrix[[best_el, self.p_row]] = self.matrix[[self.p_row, best_el]]
'type': OpTypes.SWAP,
'args': {
'row1': best_el,
'row2': self.p_row
return operations
s_row = self.matrix[self.p_row]
for i in range(self.m):
if i == self.p_row:
f = self.matrix[i, self.p_col] / self.matrix[self.p_row, self.p_col]
# we add the row !!!
self.matrix[i] -= f * s_row
'type': OpTypes.ADD,
'args': {
'row1': self.p_row,
'row2': i,
'multiple': -f
# we set the pivot to 1 !!!
multiple = 1 / self.matrix[self.p_row, self.p_col]
if round(multiple, 2) != 1:
self.matrix[self.p_row] = s_row * multiple
'type': OpTypes.MULT,
'args': {
'row1': self.p_row,
'multiple': multiple
self.p_col += 1
self.p_row += 1
return operations
def generate(self):
begin = GaussianEliminationGenerator.generate_latex_matrix(self.matrix, self.delim)
self.latex_code.append(f'{self.prefix}=&' + begin)
while self.p_row < self.m and self.p_col < self.n:
current = GaussianEliminationGenerator.generate_latex_matrix(self.matrix, self.delim)
operations = self._iterate()
row_ops_latex = GaussianEliminationGenerator.generate_latex_row_operations(self.m)
subs = [''] * self.m
for op in operations:
if op['type'] == OpTypes.SWAP:
row1 = op['args']['row1'] + 1
row2 = op['args']['row2'] + 1
row_swap_latex = GaussianEliminationGenerator.generate_latex_swap_row(row1, row2)
subs[op['args']['row1']] = row_swap_latex
if op['type'] == OpTypes.ADD:
row = op['args']['row1'] + 1
pos = op['args']['row2']
multiple = op['args']['multiple']
row_add_latex = GaussianEliminationGenerator.generate_latex_add_row(multiple, row)
subs[pos] = row_add_latex
if op['type'] == OpTypes.MULT:
pos = op['args']['row1']
multiple = op['args']['multiple']
row_multiply_latex = GaussianEliminationGenerator.generate_latex_multiply(multiple)
subs[pos] = row_multiply_latex
current += row_ops_latex % tuple(subs)
self.latex_code.append('&' + current)
final = GaussianEliminationGenerator.generate_latex_matrix(self.matrix, self.delim)
self.latex_code.append(f'{self.prefix}\'=&' + final)
return '\\\\\n'.join(self.latex_code)
# Example matrix we wish to reduce
a = np.array([[Fraction(1, 9), Fraction(8, 9), Fraction(4, 9), 5],
[Fraction(4, 9), -Fraction(4, 9), Fraction(7, 9), 1],
[-Fraction(8, 9), Fraction(1, 9), -Fraction(4, 9), 2]
a = a + Fraction()
print(GaussianEliminationGenerator(a, delim=3, prefix=r'(A\mid \mathbf{0})').generate())
# todo
# add (A|b)= prefix
# make the algorithm calculate more humanly
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