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Created March 18, 2022 10:49
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Simple arithmetic game
# Arithmetic game where you have to multiply numbers in your head
# Choose up to n digits
# Ideas for game
# More digits as you progress, game gets harder incrementally
# Encode numbers a and b as 2x10 2,13,4x10 or 7-8x10
# - Recursively parse 2-9,45-29x2
# Hints after periods of inactivity, for example if asked to multiply 68x92, then a hint could be 90x8=720
import random
import time
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
operations = {
'+': lambda a, b: a+b,
'-': lambda a, b: a-b,
'*': lambda a, b: a*b,
Preset = namedtuple('Preset', 'name operation specific_numbers digits questions')
presets = OrderedDict([
(1, Preset('multiply 1 digit (20 q)', '*', None, 1, 20)),
(2, Preset('multiply 1x2 digits (20 q)', '*', '1-10', 2, 20)),
(3, Preset('multiply 2 digits (20 q)', '*', None, 2, 20)),
(4, Preset('add 1 digit (20 q)', '+', None, 1, 20)),
(5, Preset('subtract 1x2 digit (20 q)', '-', None, 1, 20)),
preset_text = '\n'.join([f'{k}: {}' for k,v in presets.items()])
def gen_random_number_factory(start=2, digits=1, rng=None, choices=None):
# Factory method
if choices:
return lambda: random.choice(choices)
elif rng:
return lambda: random.randrange(*rng)
return lambda: random.randrange(start, 10**digits)
def get_generators(specific_numbers, digits):
if not specific_numbers:
gen_random_number_1 = gen_random_number_factory(digits=digits)
elif '-' in specific_numbers:
gen_random_number_1 = gen_random_number_factory(rng=[int(i) for i in specific_numbers.split('-')])
gen_random_number_1 = gen_random_number_factory(choices=[int(i) for i in specific_numbers.split()])
gen_random_number_2 = gen_random_number_factory(digits=digits)
return gen_random_number_1, gen_random_number_2
# The game itself
print('Welcome to the arithmetic game! You can choose a number of preset modes to begin with')
preset = input('Select a preset (hit enter if you want to customize) ')
if preset:
preset_num = int(preset)
operation_literal, specific_numbers, digits, rounds = presets[preset_num][1:]
specific_numbers = input('Do you want to train with specific numbers? (default no) ')
digits = int(input('How many digits would you like? (default 1) ') or 1)
operation_literal = input('What operation would you like? (default *) ') or '*'
rounds = int(input('How many rounds would you like? (default 20) ') or 20)
# Determine which numbers and what operation
g1, g2 = get_generators(specific_numbers, digits)
operation = operations.get(operation_literal)
avg_time = 0
correct = rounds
for k in range(rounds):
a = g1()
b = g2()
start = time.time()
ans = int(input(f'Round {k+1}/{rounds}: What is {a} {operation_literal} {b}? '))
correct_ans = operation(a, b)
diff = time.time()-start
avg_time += diff/rounds
if ans != correct_ans:
correct -= 1
print(f'Incorrect! the answer was {correct_ans}')
print(f'Your average time was {avg_time:.2f}s with {correct}/{rounds} correct answers')
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initzx commented Mar 18, 2022

This game is a demonstration of some different tricks that you can do in Python.

Line 16 where we define the operations dictionary, is similar to a factory method which is demonstrated on line 33
OrderedDicts are used to number the presets, which are defined as NamedTuples on lines 23-30
On Line 31 we have a classic list-comprehension + join, on line 46 and 48 we also use list-comprehension
On line 60 we destructure (borrowed terminology from JS) the tuple into multiple variables, this is possible since the tuple is ordered
Line 62-65 we use the or operator to select a default value. It utilizes the fact that an empty string is returned when the user hits enter, i.e. default action, then '' or value will evaluate to value.

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