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Created May 4, 2012 01:42
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Scripted example in R of removing records with duplicate IDs but are missing other info
# These column numbers represent fields with name/contact info that I've
# marked with 1s and 0s depending on whether or not there's anything in
# the field.
bio_cols = c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26)
# Now we get the row numbers of all the records with duplicate IDs
dupe_id_rows = which(duplicated(big.dataset$ID) == TRUE)
# Now we get the actual ID values that were duplicated
dupe_ids = big.dataset$ID[which(duplicated(big.dataset$ID) == TRUE)]
# The following line gives us a sum of the number of fields, for each
# record, that have information in them
info_sums = apply(big.dataset[dupe_conids_rows,bio_cols],1,sum)
# Next we build a data frame that glues this information together. The
# goal is to isolate those rows representing records with missing info,
# and then delete them from the larger data set
a = data.frame(sums=info_sums,ids=dupe_ids,rows=dupe_id_rows)
# Now we order the data frame by the ID values
a = a[order(a[,2]),]
# Here we get the mean number of fields, for each ID value, filled out
# between duplicates that have more information, and duplicates that have
# missing information
a$avg = rep(tapply(a$sums, a$ids, mean), tapply(a$sums, a$ids, length))
# Here we make a column that marks a row for deletion (with a 1 instead
# of a 0) if the sum of fields that have information in them is less
# than the mean number for that ID value. Those rows that are marked
# are the duplicates that are missing info.
a$del = ifelse(a$sums < a$avg,1,0)
# The following is a full list of unique row numbers from the bigger
# dataset that constitute duplicates that are missing information.
rows_to_del = a$rows[a$del == 1]
# Here we delete those rows from the bigger dataset
big.dataset = big.dataset[-rows_to_del,]
# Since all remaining dupes are exact duplicates, this line removes them
big.dataset = big.dataset[which(duplicated(big.dataset$ID) == FALSE),]
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