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Created July 6, 2011 17:46
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Save inky/1067860 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Jekyll plugin to selectively allow blog posts to use PHP.
Jekyll plugin to selectively allow blog posts to use PHP.
Copy php_posts.rb to your _plugins folder. Set 'php: yes' on a post, and
Jekyll will generate an 'index.php' file for it (rather than 'index.html').
This has only been tested with the following permalink format:
# Extending the Post class.
# See
module Jekyll
class Post
# Rewrite to allow posts with .php extensions.
# Just set 'php: yes' in the YAML front matter.
def destination(dest)
# The url needs to be unescaped in order to preserve the correct filename
path = File.join(dest, CGI.unescape(self.url))
fn = (['php']) ? 'index.php' : 'index.html'
path = File.join(path, fn) if template[/\.html$/].nil?
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This only works with permalinks set to "pretty" can you get this to work with permalinks set to "none"?

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Any chance you could update this to work with 3.2.1? The plugin stopped working with version 3.

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