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Created July 10, 2018 16:01
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JSON5 parser module
This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following
license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify,
publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
No warranty is implied, use at your own risk.
Dominik Madarasz (GitHub: zaklaus)
r-lyeh (fork)
Version History:
2.1.0 - negative numbers fix, comment parsing fix, invalid memaccess fix (@r-lyeh)
2.0.9 - zpl 4.0.0 support
2.0.8 - Small cleanup in README and test file
2.0.7 - Small fixes for tiny cpp warnings
2.0.5 - Fix for bad access on deallocation
2.0.4 - Small fix for cpp issues
2.0.3 - Small bugfix in name with underscores
2.0.1 - Catch error in name
2.0.0 - Added basic error handling
1.4.0 - Added Infinity and NaN constants
1.3.0 - Added multi-line backtick strings
1.2.0 - More JSON5 features and bugfixes
1.1.1 - Small mistake fixed
1.1.0 - Basic JSON5 support, comments and fixes
1.0.4 - Header file fixes
1.0.0 - Initial version
@todo change api to:
json_value * json_parse (const json_char * json, size_t length, char *error); // error = buffer to store error, if any.
void json_value_free(json_value *);
The type field of json_value is one of:
json_array (see ->len, ->values[x])
json_object (see ->len, ->values[x], ->names[x])
json_integer (see ->num)
json_boolean (see ->num)
json_double (see ->dbl)
json_string (see ->len, ->str)
json_null ()
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef JSON5_H
#define JSON5_H
#ifndef JSON5_API
#define JSON5_API
#ifndef JSON5_ASSERT
#define JSON5_ASSERT assert(0)
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef enum json5_type {
} json5_type;
typedef enum json5_error {
} json5_error;
typedef enum json5_style {
} json5_style;
typedef struct json5_object {
char *name;
uint8_t type : 6;
uint8_t quote_style : 2;
union {
struct json5_object* elements;
struct json5_object* nodes;
int64_t integer;
double real;
char * string;
} json5_object;
JSON5_API int json5_parse(json5_object *root, char *source, bool strip_comments);
JSON5_API void json5_free(json5_object *root);
JSON5_API char *json5__parse_object(json5_object *obj, char *base, int *err_code);
JSON5_API char *json5__parse_value(json5_object *obj, char *base, int *err_code);
JSON5_API char *json5__parse_array(json5_object *obj, char *base, int *err_code);
#endif // JSON5_H
#if JSON5_C
#pragma once
// dual allocator implementations ---------------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#include <malloc/malloc.h>
#include <malloc.h>
// array based allocator (no enlarge factor)
size_t asize( void *ptr ) {
return ptr ? ((size_t*)ptr)[-1] : 0;
void *arealloc( void *p, size_t sz ) {
if( !p && sz ) {
size_t *ret = malloc( sizeof(size_t) + sz );
*ret = sz;
return &ret[1];
if( p && !sz ) {
free( (size_t*)p - 1 );
return 0;
if( p && sz ) {
size_t slen = asize(p);
size_t *ret = sz <= slen ? (size_t*)p - 1 : realloc( (size_t*)p - 1, sizeof(size_t) + sz );
*ret = sz;
return &ret[1];
return 0;
// vector based allocator (x1.75 enlarge factor)
size_t vcapacity( void *p ) {
return p ? 1[ (size_t*)p - 2 ] : 0;
size_t vsize( void *p ) {
return p ? 0[ (size_t*)p - 2 ] : 0;
void *vrealloc( void *p, size_t sz ) {
if( !p && sz ) {
size_t *ret = malloc( sizeof(size_t) * 2 + sz );
ret[0] = sz;
ret[1] = 0;
return &ret[2];
if( p && !sz ) {
size_t *ret = (size_t*)p - 2;
ret[0] = 0;
ret[1] = 0;
free( ret );
return 0;
if( p && sz ) {
size_t *ret = (size_t*)p - 2;
size_t osz = ret[0];
size_t ocp = ret[1];
if( sz <= osz ) {
ret[0] = sz;
return &ret[2];
if( sz <= (osz + ocp) ) {
ret[0] = sz;
ret[1] = ocp - (sz - osz);
return &ret[2];
ret = realloc( ret, sizeof(size_t) * 2 + sz * 1.75 );
ret[0] = sz;
ret[1] = (size_t)(sz * 1.75) - sz;
return &ret[2];
return 0;
// local allocator stuff ------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define __thread __declspec(thread)
typedef size_t (*msize_t)(void *);
typedef void* (*realloc_t)(void *, size_t);
// default allocator
// static __thread msize_t MSIZE = _msize; // _msize (win), malloc_usable_size (linux), malloc_size (osx)
// static __thread realloc_t REALLOC = realloc;
// portable allocator
// static __thread msize_t MSIZE = asize;
// static __thread realloc_t REALLOC = arealloc;
// vector based allocator (enlarge factor x1.75)
static __thread msize_t MSIZE = vsize;
static __thread realloc_t REALLOC = vrealloc;
// array library --------------------------------------------------------------
#define array_init(t) ( t = 0 )
#define array_append(t,x) ( t = REALLOC(t, (array_count(t) + 1) * sizeof(t[0]) ), t[ array_count(t) - 1 ] = (x) )
#define array_count(t) ( MSIZE(t) / sizeof(t[0]) )
#define array_free(t) ( REALLOC(t, 0), t = 0 )
// json5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline bool json5__is_special_char(char c) {
return !!strchr("<>:/", c);
inline bool json5__is_control_char(char c) {
return !!strchr("\"\\/bfnrt", c);
inline char *json5__trim(char *str) {
while (*str && isspace(*str)) {
return str;
inline char *json5__skip(char *str, char c) {
while ((*str && *str != c) || (*(str - 1) == '\\' && *str == c && json5__is_control_char(c))) {
return str;
inline bool json5__validate_name(char *s, char *err) {
while (*s) {
if ((s[0] == '\\' && !json5__is_control_char(s[1])) &&
(s[0] == '\\' && !isxdigit(s[1]) && !isxdigit(s[2]) && !isxdigit(s[3]) && !isxdigit(s[4]))) {
*err = *s;
return false;
return true;
int json5_parse(json5_object *root, char *source, bool strip_comments) {
assert(root && source);
char *dest = source;
if (strip_comments) {
bool is_lit = false;
char lit_c = '\0';
char *p = dest;
char *b = dest;
int l = 0;
while (*p) {
if (!is_lit) {
if ((*p == '"' || *p == '\'')) {
lit_c = *p;
is_lit = true;
else {
/**/ if (*p == '\\' && *(p + 1) && *(p + 1) == lit_c) {
p += 2;
else if (*p == lit_c) {
is_lit = false;
if (!is_lit) {
if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '*') {
b = p;
l = 2;
p += 2;
while (p[0] != '*' && p[1] != '/') {
++p; ++l;
p += 2;
l += 2;
memset(b, ' ', l);
if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '/' ) { // @rlyeh, was: p[0] == '/' && p[0] == '/'
b = p;
l = 2;
p += 2;
while (p[0] != '\n') {
++p; ++l;
memset(b, ' ', l);
int err_code = json5_error_none;
json5_object root_ = { 0 };
json5__parse_object(&root_, dest, &err_code);
*root = root_;
return err_code;
void json5_free(json5_object *obj) {
/**/ if (obj->type == json5_type_array && obj->elements) {
for (int i = 0; i < array_count(obj->elements); ++i) {
json5_free(obj->elements + i);
else if (obj->type == json5_type_object && obj->nodes) {
for (int i = 0; i < array_count(obj->nodes); ++i) {
json5_free(obj->nodes + i);
char *json5__parse_value(json5_object *obj, char *base, int *err_code) {
assert(obj && base);
char *p = base;
char *b = base;
char *e = base;
/**/ if (*p == '[') {
p = json5__trim(p + 1);
if (*p == ']') return p;
p = json5__parse_array(obj, p, err_code);
if (*err_code != json5_error_none) {
return NULL;
else if (*p == '{') {
p = json5__trim(p + 1);
p = json5__parse_object(obj, p, err_code);
if (*err_code != json5_error_none) {
return NULL;
else if (*p == '"' || *p == '\'') {
char c = *p;
obj->type = json5_type_string;
b = p + 1;
e = b;
obj->string = b;
while (*e) {
/**/ if (*e == '\\' && *(e + 1) == c) {
e += 2;
else if (*e == '\\' && (*(e + 1) == '\r' || *(e + 1) == '\n')) {
*e = ' ';
else if (*e == c) {
*e = '\0';
p = e + 1;
else if (*p == '`') {
obj->type = json5_type_multistring;
b = p + 1;
e = b;
obj->string = b;
while (*e) {
/**/ if (*e == '\\' && *(e + 1) == '`') {
e += 2;
else if (*e == '`') {
*e = '\0';
p = e + 1;
else if (isalpha(*p) || (*p == '-' && !isdigit(p[1]))) { // @rlyeh, was: is_digit(*p)
/**/ if (!strncmp(p, "true", 4)) {
p += 4;
obj->type = json5_type_true;
else if (!strncmp(p, "false", 5)) {
p += 5;
obj->type = json5_type_false;
else if (!strncmp(p, "null", 4)) {
p += 4;
obj->type = json5_type_null;
else if (!strncmp(p, "Infinity", 8)) {
p += 8;
obj->type = json5_type_real;
obj->real = INFINITY;
else if (!strncmp(p, "-Infinity", 9)) {
p += 9;
obj->type = json5_type_real;
obj->real = -INFINITY;
else if (!strncmp(p, "NaN", 3)) {
p += 3;
obj->type = json5_type_real;
obj->real = NAN;
else if (!strncmp(p, "-NaN", 4)) {
p += 4;
obj->type = json5_type_real;
obj->real = -NAN;
else {
JSON5_ASSERT; *err_code = json5_error_invalid_value;
return NULL;
else if (isdigit(*p) || *p == '+' || *p == '-' || *p == '.') {
obj->type = json5_type_integer;
b = p;
e = b;
int ib = 0;
char buf[16] = { 0 };
/**/ if (*e == '+') ++e;
else if (*e == '-') {
buf[ib++] = *e++;
if (*e == '.') {
obj->type = json5_type_real;
buf[ib++] = '0';
do {
buf[ib++] = *e;
} while (isdigit(*++e));
} else {
while (isxdigit(*e) || *e == 'x' || *e == 'X') {
buf[ib++] = *e++;
if (*e == '.') {
obj->type = json5_type_real;
uint32_t step = 0;
do {
buf[ib++] = *e;
} while (isdigit(*++e));
if (step < 2) {
buf[ib++] = '0';
int64_t exp = 0; float eb = 10;
char expbuf[6] = { 0 };
int expi = 0;
if (*e == 'e' || *e == 'E') {
if (*e == '+' || *e == '-' || isdigit(*e)) {
if (*e == '-') {
eb = 0.1f;
if (!isdigit(*e)) {
while (isdigit(*e)) {
expbuf[expi++] = *e++;
exp = strtol(expbuf, NULL, 10);
if (*e == '\0') {
JSON5_ASSERT; *err_code = json5_error_invalid_value;
// NOTE(ZaKlaus): @enhance
if (obj->type == json5_type_integer) {
obj->integer = strtol(buf, 0, 0);
while (--exp > 0) {
obj->integer *= (int64_t)eb;
else {
obj->real = atof(buf);
while (--exp > 0) {
obj->real *= eb;
p = e;
return p;
char *json5__parse_array(json5_object *obj, char *base, int *err_code) {
assert(obj && base);
char *p = base;
obj->type = json5_type_array;
while (*p) {
p = json5__trim(p);
json5_object elem = { 0 };
p = json5__parse_value(&elem, p, err_code);
if (*err_code != json5_error_none) {
return NULL;
array_append(obj->elements, elem);
p = json5__trim(p);
if (*p == ',') {
else {
return p;
return p;
char *json5__parse_object(json5_object *obj, char *base, int *err_code) {
assert(obj && base);
char *p = base;
char *b = base;
char *e = base;
p = json5__trim(p);
if (*p == '{') p++;
while (*p) {
json5_object node = { 0 };
p = json5__trim(p);
if (*p == '}') return p;
if (*p == '"' || *p == '\'') {
if (*p == '"') {
node.quote_style = json5_style_double_quote;
else {
node.quote_style = json5_style_single_quote;
char c = *p;
b = ++p;
e = json5__skip(b, c); = b;
*e = '\0';
p = ++e;
p = json5__trim(p);
if (*p && *p != ':') {
JSON5_ASSERT; *err_code = json5_error_invalid_name;
return NULL;
} else {
/**/ if (*p == '[') { = 0; // @rlyeh, was: * = '\0';
p = json5__parse_value(&node, p, err_code);
goto l_parsed;
else if (isalpha(*p) || *p == '_' || *p == '$') {
b = p;
e = b;
do {
} while (*e && (*e == '_' || isalpha(*e) || isdigit(*e))
&& !isspace(*e) && *e != ':');
if (*e == ':') {
p = e;
else {
while (*e) {
if (*e && (!isspace(*e) || *e == ':')) {
e = json5__trim(e);
p = e;
if (*p && *p != ':') {
JSON5_ASSERT; *err_code = json5_error_invalid_name;
return NULL;
*e = '\0'; = b;
node.quote_style = json5_style_no_quotes;
char errc;
if (!json5__validate_name(, &errc)) {
JSON5_ASSERT; *err_code = json5_error_invalid_name;
return NULL;
p = json5__trim(p + 1);
p = json5__parse_value(&node, p, err_code);
if (*err_code != json5_error_none) {
return NULL;
array_append(obj->nodes, node);
p = json5__trim(p);
/**/ if (*p == ',') {
else if (*p == '\0' || *p == '}') {
return p;
else {
JSON5_ASSERT; *err_code = json5_error_invalid_value;
return NULL;
return p;
#endif // JSON5_C
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef JSON5_BENCH
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
char *readfile( const char *file ) {
char *buf = 0;
FILE *fp = fopen(file, "rb");
if( fp ) {
fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
size_t pos = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
buf = (char*)malloc( pos + 1 );
fread(buf, 1, pos, fp);
buf[pos] = 0;
return buf;
int main() {
char *content = readfile("jeopardy.json");
json5_object root = {0};
double time = omp_get_wtime();
json5_error rc = json5_parse(&root, content, false);
double delta = omp_get_wtime() - time;
printf("Delta: %fms\n", delta*1000);
printf("No. of nodes: %td\n", array_count(root.nodes[0].elements));
printf("Category: %s, air date: %s\nQuestion: %s\n", root.nodes[0].elements[29].nodes[0].string,
#ifdef JSON5_DEMO
char *source = "/* this is a comment */"
" nil: null, "
"\"+ľščťžýáíé=\": true, "
"\"huge\": 2.2239333e5, "
"// Hello, new comment \n "
"\"array\": [+1,2,-3,4,5], "
"\"hello\": \"world\", "
"\"abc\": 42.67, "
"\"children\" : { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }";
#define ind(x) for (int i = 0; i < x; ++i) printf(" ");
void dump_json_contents(json5_object *o, int indent);
void dump_value(json5_object *o, int indent, bool is_inline, bool is_last) {
json5_object *node = o;
indent += 4;
if (!is_inline) {
printf("\"%s\": ", node->name);
/**/ if (node->type == json5_type_string) printf("\"%s\"", node->string);
else if (node->type == json5_type_integer) printf("%lld", node->integer);
else if (node->type == json5_type_real) printf("%.3llf", node->real);
else if (node->type == json5_type_object) dump_json_contents(node, indent);
else if (node->type == json5_type_true) printf("true");
else if (node->type == json5_type_false) printf("false");
else if (node->type == json5_type_null) printf("null");
else /* json5_type_array */ {
int elemn = array_count(node->elements);
for (int j = 0; j < elemn; ++j) {
dump_value(node->elements + j, -4, true, true);
if (j < elemn - 1) {
printf(", ");
if (!is_inline) {
if (!is_last) {
else {
void dump_json_contents(json5_object *o, int indent) {
ind(indent - 4);
int cnt = array_count(o->nodes);
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
if (i < cnt - 1) {
dump_value(o->nodes + i, indent, false, false);
else {
dump_value(o->nodes + i, indent, false, true);
if (indent > 0) {
else {
#undef ind
int main() {
json5_object root = { 0 };
char *d = strdup(source);
json5_error rc;
rc = json5_parse(&root, d, true);
dump_json_contents(&root, 0);
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This module is really cool and helpful thanks

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inlife commented Oct 25, 2021

@codewithpom you are welcome!

I would however recommend using the newer and up to date version in the library it is extracted from:

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ok Thanks

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d9k commented Dec 2, 2024

Where is the serializer?

Update: ok, dump_json_contents(), cool

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