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Be Mighty

Vladyslav Hrytsenko inlife

Be Mighty
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spraddles / linkedin-api.js
Last active August 22, 2023 12:15
Linkedin API to create a video post
import axios from 'axios'
import fs, { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { Blob } from 'buffer'
import { exec } from 'child_process'
import path from 'path'
import stream from 'stream'
import { promisify } from 'util'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
Last active December 23, 2023 20:32
Apple M1 MacBook Do Not Disturb Key remapping

Following is a sample of LaungAgent that remaps do not disturb key to Siri (I am using Type to Siri)

This is a lightweight solution not relying on external apps.

Setting up

  1. Create ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.local.KeyRemapping.plist
  2. Edit it to have following content
thingsiplay / proton
Last active December 10, 2024 18:05
Proton script
# Execute Windows programs with Proton from Steams installation folder, without
# starting Steam client.
# 1. Create a directory for Proton environment to run in. As an example make a
# folder "proton" in your home directory. This folder must exist in order
# to make Proton work.
# 2. Point the variable "env_dir" in this script to that folder or...
raysan5 /
Last active March 13, 2025 12:33
A small state-of-the-art study on custom engines



A couple of weeks ago I played (and finished) A Plague Tale, a game by Asobo Studio. I was really captivated by the game, not only by the beautiful graphics but also by the story and the locations in the game. I decided to investigate a bit about the game tech and I was surprised to see it was developed with a custom engine by a relatively small studio. I know there are some companies using custom engines but it's very difficult to find a detailed market study with that kind of information curated and updated. So this article.

Nowadays lots of companies choose engines like Unreal or Unity for their games (or that's what lot of people think) because d

zaydek-old / bookmark.min.js
Last active May 28, 2024 19:18
A *simple* CSS debugger. To use, bookmark "Debug CSS" at Learn more here and (starts at 1:25)
/* debug.css | MIT License | */ if (!("is_debugging" in window)) { is_debugging = false; var debug_el = document.createElement("style"); debug_el.append(document.createTextNode(`*:not(g):not(path) { color: hsla(210, 100%, 100%, 0.9) !important; background: hsla(210, 100%, 50%, 0.5) !important; outline: solid 0.25rem hsla(210, 100%, 100%, 0.5) !important; box-shadow: none !important; filter: none !important; }`)); } function enable_debugger() { if (!is_debugging) { document.head.appendChild(debug_el); is_debugging = true; } } function disable_debugger() { if (is_debugging) { document.head.removeChild(debug_el); is_debugging = false; } } !is_debugging ? enable_debugger() : disable_debugger();

Setup Work

  • Make a list of competitive/alternative services: See file
  • Set up Google News alerts for "side project marketing" and "startup marketing".
  • Make list of blogs, subscribe to RSS feeds in Feedbin:
    • Startup marketing blogs
    • Side project blogs
    • Small business marketing blogs
    • Chicago small business/startup bloggers
  • Come up with a name and domain name
bkaradzic /
Last active March 10, 2025 12:51
Orthodox C++

Orthodox C++

What is Orthodox C++?

Orthodox C++ (sometimes referred as C+) is minimal subset of C++ that improves C, but avoids all unnecessary things from so called Modern C++. It's exactly opposite of what Modern C++ suppose to be.

Why not Modern C++?

dgp / youtube api video category id list
Created June 11, 2015 05:57
youtube api video category id list
2 - Autos & Vehicles
1 - Film & Animation
10 - Music
15 - Pets & Animals
17 - Sports
18 - Short Movies
19 - Travel & Events
20 - Gaming
21 - Videoblogging
22 - People & Blogs
lambtron /
Last active October 23, 2023 17:48
segment event tracking for shopify
title sidebar
Segment Event Tracking for Shopify

Segment makes it simple for Shopify merchants to integrate analytics, email marketing, advertising and optimization tools. Rather than installing all your tools individually, you just install Segment once. We collect your data, translate it, and route it to any tool you want to use with the flick of a switch. Using Segment as the single platform to manage and install your third-party services will save you time and money.

The guide below explains how to install Segment in your Shopify store. All you need to get up and running is copy and paste a few snippets of code into your theme editor. (You don't have to edit the code or be versed in JavaScript.) The following guide will show you how, step by step.

bjornblissing / CMakeManifest.txt
Last active July 30, 2024 22:12
CMake script to add manifest to exe-file
# Amend manifest to tell Windows that the application is DPI aware (needed for Windows 8.1 and up)
MESSAGE(WARNING "CMake version 3.0 or newer is required use build variable TARGET_FILE")
COMMAND "mt.exe" -manifest \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\\dpiawarescaleing.manifest\" -inputresource:\"$<TARGET_FILE:${TARGET_TARGETNAME}>\"\;\#1 -outputresource:\"$<TARGET_FILE:${TARGET_TARGETNAME}>\"\;\#1
COMMENT "Adding display aware manifest..."