While writing a video data to tfrecord
format, the output tfrecord
file size would be much larger than the original video file. For
quick demonstration purpose, some may use frame step to encode the frame to keep the overal size minimal. But in actual case (research or project)
all frame should be considered while encoding to tfrecord. By doing so, while using the tfrecord
in the training time, we can sample frames with different
indices. Check this discussion. The following code is tested in tf 2.12
video data layout
Let's say, we have a video data set in the following format.
| +--class_name1/
| | +--a.avi
| | +--a.avi
| +--class_name2/
| | +--a.mp4
| | +--a.avi
| +--class_name3/
| | +--a.avi
| | +--a.avi
data reading utility
To read the video data, we will use decord
. You can simply install it with pip.
import tensorflow as tf
from decord import VideoReader
input_size = 224
def read_video(file_path):
vr = VideoReader(file_path)
frames = vr.get_batch(range(len(vr))).asnumpy()
return format_frames(
output_size=(input_size, input_size)
def format_frames(frame, output_size):
frame = tf.image.resize(
frame, size=list(output_size)
return frame
sampling strategies
This method will sample frame from a video. For example, if a video is 200, h, w, 3
and if num_samples=16
then this method will
return video with 16, h, w, 3
. To see how the frame indices are computed shown below.
def uniform_temporal_subsample(frames, num_samples, temporal_dim=-4):
Uniformly subsamples num_samples indices from the temporal dimension of the video.
When num_samples is larger than the size of temporal dimension of the video, it
will sample frames based on nearest neighbor interpolation.
x (tf.Tensor): A video tensor with dimensions larger than one.
num_samples (int): The number of equispaced samples to be selected.
temporal_dim (int): Dimension of temporal to perform temporal subsample.
An x-like Tensor with subsampled temporal dimension.
t = tf.shape(frames)[temporal_dim]
# Sample by nearest neighbor interpolation if num_samples > t.
indices = tf.linspace(0.0, tf.cast(t - 1, tf.float32), num_samples)
indices = tf.clip_by_value(indices, 0, tf.cast(t - 1, tf.float32))
indices = tf.cast(tf.round(indices), tf.int32)
return tf.gather(frames, indices, axis=temporal_dim)
tfrecord utility
def process_record(videos, labels):
seq_example = tf.train.SequenceExample()
videos = tf.cast(videos, dtype=tf.uint8)
num_frames = videos.shape[0]
height, width = videos[0].shape[:2]
video_frames_feature_list = seq_example.feature_lists.feature_list.get_or_create('video_frames')
for example in videos:
jpeg_example = tf.io.encode_jpeg(example).numpy()
feature = video_frames_feature_list.feature.add()
context_features = seq_example.context.feature
return seq_example
write methods
def write_tfrecord(
paths, label_map, output_path, set_name, num_frames
"videos 2 tfrecord"
tfrec_options = tf.io.TFRecordOptions(compression_type='GZIP')
tfrec_path = output_path + f'/{set_name}.tfrec'
with tf.io.TFRecordWriter(tfrec_path, tfrec_options) as writer:
for path in tqdm(paths, desc=f'Writing {set_name} set to TFRecord.'):
# get class name follwed by class id
class_label = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path))
class_id = label_map[class_label]
# get frames
frames = read_video(path)
# uniform_temporal_sampling is for demonstration cause
# ideally all frame should be saved in actual research work.
frames = uniform_temporal_subsample(frames, num_frames, temporal_dim=0)
# encoded the data to tfrecord.
example = process_record(frames, class_id)
# write it up.
A high level function that gathers the necessary meta files and invoke write_tfrecord
def run_process(
dataset_path='train', num_frames=16, class_sampling=None,
# 1
video_dir = f'/root/user/{dataset_path}'
class_folders = os.listdir(video_dir)
class_folders = class_folders if class_sampling is None else class_folders[:class_sampling]
class_folders_map = {label:i for i, label in enumerate(class_folders)}
# 2
output_dir = 'tfoutput'
label_map_path = 'label_map.json'
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
with open(label_map_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(class_folders_map, f)
with open(label_map_path, 'r') as f:
label_map = json.load(f)
print('Found labels \n', label_map)
# 3
formats=['.mp4', '.avi', '.mkv', '.webm', '.mov']
for ext in formats:
glob.glob(os.path.join(video_dir, '**', '*' + ext), recursive=True)
print('total files count ', len(files))
# 4
filtered_files = [
f for f in files if any(sub_folder in f for sub_folder in class_folders)
print('total filtered_files count ', len(filtered_files))
# 5
if dataset_path == 'train':
print('data set is for training - shuffle')
# 6
run_process(dataset_path='train', num_frames=16, class_sampling=None)
run_process(dataset_path='test', num_frames=16, class_sampling=None)
Parsing TFRecord
After encoding, we can parse the .tfrec
file in the following way.
num_frames = 16
input_size = 224
def parse_record(example_proto):
# Define the features in the context
context_features = {
'video/frame/height': tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
'video/frame/width' : tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
'video/num_frames' : tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
'video/class/label' : tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
# Define the features in the feature lists
sequence_features = {
'video_frames': tf.io.FixedLenSequenceFeature([], dtype=tf.string)
# Parse the input tf.Example proto using the above dictionaries
context_parsed, sequence_parsed = tf.io.parse_single_sequence_example(
# read the data-array
video_frames = tf.map_fn(
lambda x: tf.io.decode_jpeg(x, channels=3),
video_labels = tf.concat(
context_parsed['video/class/label'], axis=0
video_frames = tf.reshape(
video_frames, [num_frames, input_size, input_size, 3]
video_frames = tf.cast(video_frames, dtype='float32')
video_labels = tf.cast(video_labels, dtype='float32')
return video_frames, video_labels
raw_dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(
"train.tfrec", compression_type='GZIP'
parsed_dataset = raw_dataset.map(parse_record).shuffle(8).batch(4)
features, labels = next(iter(parsed_dataset))
features.shape, labels.shape
# (TensorShape([4, 16, 224, 224, 3]), TensorShape([4]))