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#!/usr/bin/env python
#made by insomniac_lemon
#it works... theoretically
#1. Create tile sheet (make sure dimensions and layout are in line with the settings in this script)
#2. (Optional) export it somewhere (within the documents folder recommended) with a discriptive name.
#3. Open tile sheet in GIMP from what you exported. Alternatively, if you skipped 2, just make sure your layer has a desired/descriptive name
#!/usr/bin/env python
#made by insomniac_lemon
#have only 1 file open (clock or compass)
#copy the entirety of the text to your clipboard
#go to filters>python-fu>console and paste+hit enter
#close the image you used and open the one you haven't done yet to repeat the steps
#use the output of the console (green prints) to find the location the files were exported to
#copy this folder over, zip the CONTENTS of it, or merge it with an existing resource pack