L2/Covenants Coredev Study Group
Who is (potentially) leading: Somsen, instagibbs, ???
Who attends: Anyone invited to Coredev
Time/Location: FIXME Adam Jonas
Before we meet again at Coredev in late February, a few of us thought it would be helpful to organize a study club, aimed at you, Bitcoin Core contributors, filling in some gaps with respect to what the wider industry is talking about, including Layer 2s and proposed consensus updates.
This study club will remain largely use-case oriented, focusing on making Bitcoin better money, and shy away from more broad philosophical takes.
Meetings will last a single tight hour, with questions and discussion seeded by people in the group on a group doc.
Here are the broad areas we will attempt to cover, week by week:
LN Today
Possible Futures of LN (APO-ish update, PTLCs, etc)
UTXO sharing: Ark/Timeout Trees
Bridging: BitVM2
Opcodes Rundown:
If you understand these opcodes and their (ab)use, you can understand
just about anything
Advanced opcode (ab)use
OP_CAT does everything (poorly)
"State carrying"