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Created June 7, 2017 02:00
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Dave's AMPScript cheat sheet
// Dave's AMPScript cheat sheet.
// AMPScript is ExactTarget (SFDC Marketing Cloud)'s server side scripting language.
// It's a bit of a pig, plus the docs are numerous and the examples aren't contextual.
// This assumes you don't need hand holding, and just need to get your head around it.
// It's also my reference for the snippets I use all the time (I'm a formatting stickler).
// These examples come from microsites I've written - adapt 'em for use elsewhere.
// Multi line AMPScript %%[contained within delimiters]%% gets interpreted on the server.
// Single line AMPScript %%=can use this style syntax=%% if you want.
// Assign URL key/value pairs to @someVar, eg:
set @countryCode = queryParameter("country")
set @businessUnit = queryParameter("bu")
// Look up an ET DB ("Data Extension") and put resulting rows into a var. Multiple pairs work.
set @queryResults = LookupRows("DE Name or Key", "searchThisField", @forThisValue)
set @translate = LookupRows("Label Translator DB", "country", @countryCode, "bu", "specificBusinessUnit")
// A one-liner for storing the value in "fieldName" of the 1st query result into @someVar.
set @translatedLabelFormType = Field(Row(@translate, 1), "formType")
set @translatedLabelLastName = Field(Row(@translate, 1), "lastName")
set @translatedLabelOrganisation = Field(Row(@translate, 1), "organisation")
// The insert and upsert operations in ET SUCK. Check the docs!
// This is the Not An Email version of insertData().
// To do this in an Email, use insertDE(). You might need to specify numFields being in/upserted.
// I know, crazy. Anyways, again, CHECK THE DOCS!
InsertData("Contact Form", "emailAddress", @emailAddress, "firstName", @firstName, "lastName", @lastName, "phone", @phone)
// Conditional syntax is "if then elseif else endif". output() dumps text.
if rowcount(@translate) == 0
then set @translate = LookupRows("Translator", "country", "AU", "bu", "somethingWeKnowWorks")
output(concat("No results for the combination of ", @countruCode, " and ", @businessUnit " found in the Translator DE. Falling back to defaults. Please check ET's data extensions, your URL and any debug options. If symptoms persist, contact [email protected] with the address of this page.<br>"))
// For loop syntax is "for to do next". Before the practical example though:
// BONUS: you can combine AMPScript and client side Javascript if you're careful.
// AMPScript loops will vomit n blocks of Javascript into the browser on load.
// Be careful of variable names, they can get confusing when juggling languages.
// This will to fill an option element (HTML select drop down) with the results of a DB query.
%%[ var @i for @i=1 to RowCount(@disciplines) do ]%%
var currentDiscipline = ("%%=v(Field(Row(@disciplines, @i),"discipline"))=%%");
var Discipline = document.getElementById("Discipline");
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = currentDiscipline;
option.value = currentDiscipline;
%%[ next @i ]%%
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