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Created March 21, 2013 02:05
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Save intelliweb/5210170 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Builder: Add code just after <body> and just before </body>
// Hook right after opening <body> tag
add_action('builder_layout_engine_render_header', 'intw_add_after_opening_body', 20 );
function intw_add_after_opening_body() { ?>
HTML code that you want just after the opening body tag should be placed here
<?php }
// Hook right before closing </body> tag
add_action('builder_finish', 'intw_add_before_closing_body', 0 );
function intw_add_before_closing_body() { ?>
HTML code that you want just before the closing body tag should be placed here
<?php }
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