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Last active August 22, 2020 01:31
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  • Save internetsadboy/1af144d2cc339c96236ac636d50e53c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Howdy, job seeker!

Below are 3 code exercises that will allow us to get a sense for your coding chops and give you exposure to the type of work you'd be doing on a regular basis to ensure you enjoy it. This is isn’t your standard front-end dev gig, as you’ll be writing code that is inserted into websites via 3rd party testing tools like Optimizely and Dynamic Yield. The below exercises are designed to reflect that.


  1. Create a new gist containing the raw text from the below exercises
  2. Name your gist ""
  3. Add your code (in your new file) where indicated
  4. When complete, revisit the job requirements at the bottom of the description to ensure you're sending a complete application and :shipit:

Feel free to email [email protected] with any questions.

Exercise 1: Form validation

Hypothesis: Adding form validation to the "name" and "message" fields of the email form will increase form submissions.

Device type: Desktop only


Dev notes:

  • Currently, the form only checks for a valid email.
  • Please execute your code on DOM ready and use javascript to handle validation.
  • Styling/layout of error messaging is up to you.
  • Include a few lines of a README-esque description that explains your code to a non-technical person.

Your code here:

/* Form Validation Code */

Exercise 2: Form restyling

Hypothesis: Swapping the position of the two forms and restyling the email form will increase email form submissions.

Device type: Desktop only



Dev notes:

  • Swap the positions of the "schedule a call" and email forms.
  • Restyle the form to resemble the mockup but don't worry too much about pixel perfection.
  • Include a few lines of a README-esque description that explains your code to a non-technical person.

Your code here:

/* Form Restyling Code */

Exercise 3: Cookie monster

Hypothesis: Disallowing return users to resubmit the email form will decrease spam.

Device: Desktop only


Dev Notes:

  • If user has already submitted the email form, don’t allow them to resubmit. Instead, show the message "Hmm, you look familiar. While you're waiting for our reply, here's a GIF we think you should see."
  • GIF can be anything you desire.
  • Styling of messaging is up to you.
  • Include a few lines of a README-esque description that explains your code to a non-technical person.

Your code here:

/* Cookie Monster Code */
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