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Jonathan Owens intjonathan

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fay59 /
Last active March 10, 2025 13:39
Download entire iCloud shared albums
# requires jq
# arg 1: iCloud web album URL
# arg 2: folder to download into (optional)
function curl_post_json {
curl -sH "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "@-" "$@"
vcastellm / haproxy.lua
Last active January 8, 2022 17:22
Heka haproxy lua decoder
local dt = require "date_time"
local ip = require "ip_address"
local l = require 'lpeg'
local syslog = require "syslog"
local msg = {
Timestamp = nil,
Hostname = nil,
Payload = nil,
rafrombrc /
Last active October 26, 2016 20:14
Heka internal message types
  • heka.counter-output: Generated by CounterFilter. Usually picked up by a LogOutput for writing to stdout.

  • heka.plugin-report: Used inside the reporting infrastructure for plugins to provide report data to the dashboard, typically not injected into the router at all.

  • heka.input-report: Used inside the reporting infrastructure for the input recycle chan to provide report data to the dashboard, typically not injected into the router at all.

  • heka.inject-report: Used inside the reporting infrastructure for the inject recycle chan to provide report data to the dashboard, typically not injected into the router at all.

  • heka.router-report: Used inside the reporting infrastructure for the router to provide report data to the dashboard, typically not injected into the router at all.

Glad you're here!

PuppetConf 2013 Presentation (fryman)


let's keep this our secret. If the talk hasn't started yet, please don't tell those around you about this page. sure, hint and all... but it's more fun if they find it themselves. Also, don't tweet about this until I ask you to (and yes, I'll ask you to. Pretty please? can you? oh, you're the best. I knew you would.).

I do promise I'll tell everyone eventually, but for now you can feel good you found this page before your friend Bob.

joemiller /
Last active October 23, 2023 21:53
detect all ephemeral disks on EC2 then stripe together in a raid-0 vol mounted at /mnt
# this script will attempt to detect any ephemeral drives on an EC2 node and create a RAID-0 stripe
# mounted at /mnt. It should be run early on the first boot of the system.
# Beware, This script is NOT fully idempotent.