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Created August 10, 2020 07:51
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class ClassName
private function date_range($first, $last, $step = '+1 day', $output_format = 'Y-m-d' )
$dates = array();
$current = strtotime($first);
$last = strtotime($last);
while( $current <= $last ) {
$dates[] = date($output_format, $current);
$current = strtotime($step, $current);
return $dates;
public function store()
$mulai = date("Y-m-d");
$akhir = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($mulai." +12 week"));
$data = $this->date_range($mulai, $akhir, "+7 day");
$data_libur = array('2020-08-17', '2020-08-21');
$tanggal_cicilan = array();
foreach ($data as $tanggal) {
if (!in_array($tanggal, $data_libur)){
$tanggal_cicilan[] = $tanggal;
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