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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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How to give Subdomain path in Jbimages plugin in tinymce
/* tinymce/plugins/jbimages/config.php */
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Path to upload target folder, relative to domain name. NO TRAILING SLASH!
| Example: if an image is acessed via, you should specify here:
| $config['img_path'] = '/images/somefolder';
| -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// $config['img_path'] = '/images'; // Relative to domain name
// $config['upload_path'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $config['img_path']; // Physical path. [Usually works fine like this]
$config['img_path'] = 'images/uploads';
$config['base_image_url'] = '';
$config['relative_path'] = '/../cdn_public_html/';
$config['upload_path'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $config['relative_path'] . $config['img_path'];
/* tinymce/plugins/jbimages/ci/application/controllers/uploader.php */
public function upload ($lang='english')
// Set language
// Get configuartion data (we fill up 2 arrays - $config and $conf)
$conf['base_image_url'] = $this->config->item('base_image_url', 'uploader_settings');
$conf['img_path'] = $this->config->item('img_path', 'uploader_settings');
$conf['allow_resize'] = $this->config->item('allow_resize', 'uploader_settings');
$config['allowed_types'] = $this->config->item('allowed_types', 'uploader_settings');
$config['max_size'] = $this->config->item('max_size', 'uploader_settings');
$config['encrypt_name'] = $this->config->item('encrypt_name', 'uploader_settings');
$config['overwrite'] = $this->config->item('overwrite', 'uploader_settings');
$config['upload_path'] = $this->config->item('upload_path', 'uploader_settings');
if (!$conf['allow_resize'])
$config['max_width'] = $this->config->item('max_width', 'uploader_settings');
$config['max_height'] = $this->config->item('max_height', 'uploader_settings');
$conf['max_width'] = $this->config->item('max_width', 'uploader_settings');
$conf['max_height'] = $this->config->item('max_height', 'uploader_settings');
if ($conf['max_width'] == 0 and $conf['max_height'] == 0)
$conf['allow_resize'] = FALSE;
// Load uploader
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
if ($this->upload->do_upload()) // Success
// General result data
$result = $this->upload->data();
// Shall we resize an image?
if ($conf['allow_resize'] and $conf['max_width'] > 0 and $conf['max_height'] > 0 and (($result['image_width'] > $conf['max_width']) or ($result['image_height'] > $conf['max_height'])))
// Resizing parameters
$resizeParams = array
'source_image' => $result['full_path'],
'new_image' => $result['full_path'],
'width' => $conf['max_width'],
'height' => $conf['max_height']
// Load resize library
$this->load->library('image_lib', $resizeParams);
// Do resize
// Add our stuff
$result['result'] = "file_uploaded";
$result['resultcode'] = 'ok';
$result['file_name'] = $conf['base_image_url'] . $conf['img_path'] . '/' . $result['file_name'];
// Output to user
$this->load->view('ajax_upload_result', $result);
else // Failure
// Compile data for output
$result['result'] = $this->upload->display_errors(' ', ' ');
$result['resultcode'] = 'failed';
// Output to user
$this->load->view('ajax_upload_result', $result);
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