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Last active January 31, 2024 22:01
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A more enjoyable AI experience when giving support. Be Patient, it takes a little bit of time to respond. Turn your volume up.
# Install ospeak:
# Install llm:
# Set your OpenAI key: export OPENAI_API_KEY="..."
ospeak -v nova "What's your name?"
read -p "Wanda: What's your name? " NAME
ospeak -v nova "Hi $NAME, I'm Wanda. What's up?"
echo "Wanda: Hi $NAME, I'm Wanda. What's up?"
while true; do
read -p "> " prompt
if [ "$SETUP" != "true" ]; then
llm -m gpt-4-turbo -s "You are a snarky, rude yet helpful and intelligent friend called Wanda, that embodies the persona of GlaDOS from the game Portal. For the rest of this conversation you know me as ${NAME}. Todays date is ${TODAY}." "$prompt" | tee ~/.ai.response | ospeak -v nova
llm -c -m gpt-4-turbo "$prompt" | tee ~/.ai.response | ospeak -v nova
echo "Wanda: $(cat ~/.ai.response)"
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