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Last active December 19, 2015 12:49
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{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
module FixMuNu where
--newtype Fix f = Fix { runFix :: f (Fix f) }
--newtype Mu f = Mu { runMu :: forall r. (f r -> r) -> r }
--data Nu f = forall x. Nu x (x -> f x)
newtype Fix f where
Fix :: forall f. f (Fix f) -> Fix f
newtype Mu f where
Mu :: forall f. (forall r. (f r -> r) -> r) -> Mu f
data Nu f where
Nu :: forall f x. x -> (x -> f x) -> Nu f
runFix :: Fix f -> f (Fix f)
runFix (Fix f) = f
runMu :: Mu f -> (f r -> r) -> r
runMu (Mu f) = f
instance Show (f (Fix f)) => Show (Fix f) where
showsPrec p (Fix x) = showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "Fix " . showsPrec 11 x
instance Show (Fix f) => Show (Mu f) where
showsPrec p mu = showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "fixMu " . showsPrec 11 (muFix mu)
instance (Functor f, Show (Fix f)) => Show (Nu f) where
showsPrec p nu = showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "fixNu " . showsPrec 11 (nuFix nu)
fixIn :: f (Fix f) -> Fix f
fixIn = Fix
fixOut :: Fix f -> f (Fix f)
fixOut = runFix
muIn :: Functor f => f (Mu f) -> Mu f
muIn fmuf = Mu (\f -> f . fmap (`runMu` f) $ fmuf)
muOut :: Functor f => Mu f -> f (Mu f)
muOut = (`runMu` fmap muIn)
nuIn :: Functor f => f (Nu f) -> Nu f
nuIn = (`Nu` fmap nuOut)
nuOut :: Functor f => Nu f -> f (Nu f)
nuOut (Nu x f) = fmap (`Nu` f) (f x)
fixMu :: Functor f => Fix f -> Mu f
fixMu = muIn . fmap fixMu . fixOut
nuMu :: Functor f => Nu f -> Mu f
nuMu = muIn . fmap nuMu . nuOut
nuFix :: Functor f => Nu f -> Fix f
nuFix = fixIn . fmap nuFix . nuOut
muFix :: Mu f -> Fix f
muFix = (`runMu` fixIn)
muNu :: Functor f => Mu f -> Nu f
muNu = (`runMu` nuIn)
fixNu :: Fix f -> Nu f
fixNu = (`Nu` fixOut)
fixZero, fixOne, fixTwo :: Fix Maybe
fixZero = Fix Nothing
fixOne = Fix . Just . Fix $ Nothing
fixTwo = Fix . Just . Fix . Just . Fix $ Nothing
muZero, muOne, muTwo :: Mu Maybe
muZero = Mu $ \f -> f Nothing
muOne = Mu $ \f -> f . Just . f $ Nothing
muTwo = Mu $ \f -> f . Just . f . Just . f $ Nothing
nuZero, nuOne, nuTwo :: Nu Maybe
nuZero = Nu () (const Nothing)
nuOne = Nu (Just ()) (fmap (const Nothing))
nuTwo = Nu (Just (Just ())) (fmap (fmap (const Nothing)))
fixSucc :: Fix Maybe -> Fix Maybe
fixSucc = Fix . Just
muSucc :: Mu Maybe -> Mu Maybe
muSucc mum = Mu (\f -> f (Just (mum `runMu` f)))
nuSucc :: Nu Maybe -> Nu Maybe
nuSucc (Nu x f) = Nu (Just x) (fmap f)
fixToInt :: Fix Maybe -> Integer
fixToInt (Fix Nothing) = 0
fixToInt (Fix (Just fixm)) = 1 + fixToInt fixm
muToInt :: Mu Maybe -> Integer
muToInt (Mu f) = f go
go Nothing = 0
go (Just r) = 1 + r
nuToInt :: Nu Maybe -> Integer
nuToInt (Nu x f) = go x
go y = case f y of
Nothing -> 0
Just z -> 1 + go z
fixZero' :: Fix Maybe
fixZero' = fixIn Nothing
muZero' :: Mu Maybe
muZero' = muIn Nothing
nuZero' :: Nu Maybe
nuZero' = nuIn Nothing
fixSucc' :: Fix Maybe -> Fix Maybe
fixSucc' = fixIn . Just
muSucc' :: Mu Maybe -> Mu Maybe
muSucc' = muIn . Just
nuSucc' :: Nu Maybe -> Nu Maybe
nuSucc' = nuIn . Just
fixToInt' :: Fix Maybe -> Integer
fixToInt' = maybe 0 (succ . fixToInt') . fixOut
muToInt' :: Mu Maybe -> Integer
muToInt' = maybe 0 (succ . muToInt') . muOut
nuToInt' :: Nu Maybe -> Integer
nuToInt' = maybe 0 (succ . nuToInt') . nuOut
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