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apt install nginx
virtualenv $(VENV)
$(VENV)/bin/py.test: $(VENV)
$(VENV)/bin/pip install dev_requirements.txt
test: $(VENV)/bin/py.test
$(VENV)/bin/py.test .
SOURCES=$(shell find . -name '*.go')
myapp: $SOURCES
go build -o myapp ./cmd/myapp
func CreateExecutor(cmdType string, cmdCfg CommandConfig) *CommandExecutor {
ce := &CommandExecutor{}
switch cmdType {
case "docker":
ce.Command = CreateDockerCommand(cmdCfg)
case "ssh":
ce.Command = CreateSSHCommand(cmdCfg)
type CreateCommand func() []string
type CommandExecutor struct {
CmdString string
Command CreateCommand
func (ce *CommandExecutor) defaultCommand() []string {
return []string{"/bin/bash", "-c", ce.CmdString}
- exec:
cmd: ls -la
- docker:
image: ubuntu
cmd: ls -la
- ssh:
package main
import (
ionrock / rspec_failure
Created May 7, 2017 03:29
this makes no sense....
Failure/Error: expect(model).to eq('environment')
expected: "environment"
got: "environemnt"
(compared using ==)
with_items: "{% for host in groups['app'] %}"
- "{{ host }}"
"{% endfor %}"
(defun source-to-elisp (fname)
(insert-file fname)
(while (re-search-forward "^export \\(.*\\)=\\(.*\\)")
(let ((key (match-string 1))
(value (replace-regexp-in-string "\'\"" "" (match-string 2))))
(if (and key value)
(setenv key value)))))))