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Last active January 12, 2022 00:21
  1. Which of the following is a valid python variable?

    a. 4legged = "dog"

    b. four_legged = "dog"

    c. 4l = "dog"

  2. Which is not a valid string?

    a. 'joe's store'

    b. 'joe\'s store'

    c. "joe's store"

    d. '''joe's store'''

  3. How do I print "Lisa" in the following list?

    names = ['Lisa', "Pedro", "Juan"]

    a. print(names[0])

    b. print(names[1])

    c. print(names[3])

  4. What does names.append("Carlos") do to a list?

    a. adds "Carlos" to begining of list

    b. adds "Carlos" to end of the list

    c. adds "Carlos" to where the computer thinks is best

  5. What does will the following print?

    foo = True
    bar = False
    if foo or bar :
    elif foo and bar:

    a. "fizz"

    b. "buzz"

    c. neither

  6. How would print the daily special on Wednesday?

    specials = {
    	"Mon": "Pizza"
    	"Tues": "Chinese"
    	"Wed": "Mexican"
    	"Thurs": "Fried Chicken"
    	"Friday": "Burgers"

    a. print(specials["Mon"])

    b. print(specials[2])

    c. print(specials[3])

    d. print(specials["Wed"])

  7. What is following do?

    colors  = ["blue", "red", "white"]
    for color in colors:

    a. prints "color" 1 time

    b. prints "color" 3 times

    c. prints each value "blue", "red" and "white" on a new line

  8. You have the following folder structure.


    Let's say your in the file. How do you import just bar and not everything under spam?

    a. import .bar

    b. from spam import bar

    c. import bar

  9. Given the following code

    class Animal:
    	def walk(self):
    class BigCat(Animal):
    	def roar(self):
    class Lion(BigCat):
    	def eat_zebra():
    		print("eats zebra")

    Is the following code valid?

    lion = Lion()

    a. True

    b. False

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