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Created November 20, 2010 17:19
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Ruby Gmetric example that counts dir listings and sends them to a ganglia cluster
#Simple ganglia gmetric plugin using the gmetric gem.
#Counts entries in a dir and reports them to the ganglia cluster using
#the gmetric ruby gem
require 'rubygems'
require 'gmetric'
#Tmax indicates freshness, if TN(seconds since metric was updated) exceeds tmax then ganglia will expect a new value
#Dmax indicates how long an old metric should be retained
#decsripitions taken from
tmax = 60
dmax = 300
#first argument is a host gmond host in the cluster
#second argument is the port
gmondhost = ARGV[0]
gmondport = ARGV[1]
dir = '/home/ken/'
graph_name = "Directory Listing Count in #{dir}"
units = "Files/Directories"
file_count = Dir.entries(dir).count
Ganglia::GMetric.send(gmondhost, gmondport, {
:name => graph_name,
:units => units,
:type => 'uint8',
:value => file_count,
:tmax => 60,
:dmax => 300
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