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Created September 21, 2011 16:51
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Save ircmaxell/1232629 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A math parser and evaluator implementation
class Parenthesis extends TerminalExpression {
protected $precidence = 6;
public function operate(Stack $stack) {
public function getPrecidence() {
return $this->precidence;
public function isNoOp() {
return true;
public function isParenthesis() {
return true;
public function isOpen() {
return $this->value == '(';
class Number extends TerminalExpression {
public function operate(Stack $stack) {
return $this->value;
abstract class Operator extends TerminalExpression {
protected $precidence = 0;
protected $leftAssoc = true;
public function getPrecidence() {
return $this->precidence;
public function isLeftAssoc() {
return $this->leftAssoc;
public function isOperator() {
return true;
class Addition extends Operator {
protected $precidence = 4;
public function operate(Stack $stack) {
return $stack->pop()->operate($stack) + $stack->pop()->operate($stack);
class Subtraction extends Operator {
protected $precidence = 4;
public function operate(Stack $stack) {
$left = $stack->pop()->operate($stack);
$right = $stack->pop()->operate($stack);
return $right - $left;
class Multiplication extends Operator {
protected $precidence = 5;
public function operate(Stack $stack) {
return $stack->pop()->operate($stack) * $stack->pop()->operate($stack);
class Division extends Operator {
protected $precidence = 5;
public function operate(Stack $stack) {
$left = $stack->pop()->operate($stack);
$right = $stack->pop()->operate($stack);
return $right / $left;
require_once 'Stack.php';
require_once 'TerminalExpression.php';
require_once 'Expressions.php';
class Math {
protected $variables = array();
public function evaluate($string) {
$stack = $this->parse($string);
return $this->run($stack);
public function parse($string) {
$tokens = $this->tokenize($string);
$output = new Stack();
$operators = new Stack();
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$token = $this->extractVariables($token);
$expression = TerminalExpression::factory($token);
if ($expression->isOperator()) {
$this->parseOperator($expression, $output, $operators);
} elseif ($expression->isParenthesis()) {
$this->parseParenthesis($expression, $output, $operators);
} else {
while (($op = $operators->pop())) {
if ($op->isParenthesis()) {
throw new RuntimeException('Mismatched Parenthesis');
return $output;
public function registerVariable($name, $value) {
$this->variables[$name] = $value;
public function run(Stack $stack) {
while (($operator = $stack->pop()) && $operator->isOperator()) {
$value = $operator->operate($stack);
if (!is_null($value)) {
return $operator ? $operator->render() : $this->render($stack);
protected function extractVariables($token) {
if ($token[0] == '$') {
$key = substr($token, 1);
return isset($this->variables[$key]) ? $this->variables[$key] : 0;
return $token;
protected function render(Stack $stack) {
$output = '';
while (($el = $stack->pop())) {
$output .= $el->render();
if ($output) {
return $output;
throw new RuntimeException('Could not render output');
protected function parseParenthesis(TerminalExpression $expression, Stack $output, Stack $operators) {
if ($expression->isOpen()) {
} else {
$clean = false;
while (($end = $operators->pop())) {
if ($end->isParenthesis()) {
$clean = true;
} else {
if (!$clean) {
throw new RuntimeException('Mismatched Parenthesis');
protected function parseOperator(TerminalExpression $expression, Stack $output, Stack $operators) {
$end = $operators->poke();
if (!$end) {
} elseif ($end->isOperator()) {
do {
if ($expression->isLeftAssoc() && $expression->getPrecidence() <= $end->getPrecidence()) {
} elseif (!$expression->isLeftAssoc() && $expression->getPrecidence() < $end->getPrecidence()) {
} else {
} while (($end = $operators->poke()) && $end->isOperator());
} else {
protected function tokenize($string) {
$parts = preg_split('((\d+|\+|-|\(|\)|\*|/)|\s+)', $string, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$parts = array_map('trim', $parts);
return $parts;
class Stack {
protected $data = array();
public function push($element) {
$this->data[] = $element;
public function poke() {
return end($this->data);
public function pop() {
return array_pop($this->data);
abstract class TerminalExpression {
protected $value = '';
public function __construct($value) {
$this->value = $value;
public static function factory($value) {
if (is_object($value) && $value instanceof TerminalExpression) {
return $value;
} elseif (is_numeric($value)) {
return new Number($value);
} elseif ($value == '+') {
return new Addition($value);
} elseif ($value == '-') {
return new Subtraction($value);
} elseif ($value == '*') {
return new Multiplication($value);
} elseif ($value == '/') {
return new Division($value);
} elseif (in_array($value, array('(', ')'))) {
return new Parenthesis($value);
throw new Exception('Undefined Value ' . $value);
abstract public function operate(Stack $stack);
public function isOperator() {
return false;
public function isParenthesis() {
return false;
public function isNoOp() {
return false;
public function render() {
return $this->value;
require_once 'Math.php';
$math = new Math();
$answer = $math->evaluate('(2 + 3) * 4');
// int(20)
$answer = $math->evaluate('1 + 2 * ((3 + 4) * 5 + 6)');
// int(83)
$answer = $math->evaluate('(1 + 2) * (3 + 4) * (5 + 6)');
// int(231)
$math->registerVariable('a', 4);
$answer = $math->evaluate('($a + 3) * 4');
// int(28)
$math->registerVariable('a', 5);
$answer = $math->evaluate('($a + $a) * 4');
// int(40)
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Hi ! Looks interesting but I just stumbled on an error when using a negative number :

$expr = new Math();
$answer = $expr->evaluate('(-3/2 + 3) * 4');

I get the next error :

Fatal error: Call to a member function operate() on a non-object in /Applications/AMPPS/www/tok/expression_parser/Expressions.php on line 70

It does work after removing the negative number, eg :

$answer = $expr->evaluate('(3/2 + 3) * 4');

I guess negative numbers aren't implemented ? To be honest, I don't have the courage to check if I can add this feature so I'll just put this comment here ;)

Do you have any plan for this gist to handle negative numbers in the future ?

Thanks !

edit : Oh god, this gist was published in 2011, I guess you have other stuff in mind nowadays :)

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Old but still useful....

Modify the regexp in Math.php to

$parts = preg_split('(([-+]?\d*\.?\d+|\+|-|\(|\)|\*|/)|\s+)', $string, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

and it will not only work with negative numbers in expressions such as @hezad's above, but also with float values

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david-err commented Jul 29, 2016

I tried @MarkBaker's suggestion, however it failed to provide correct answers for equations with many nested parentheses, e.g.:

  • ((((5+3) * 2) + 1) -5 * (3+4))
  • (1+69) * (5-1) * (6 * (5+2-3+(75 * (2+6)+75 * (1+5+2+6+3-15)+5)) - (515-(35 * (51-2))))

For dealing with the negatives problem, as @Hezard pointed out, I simply changed the substraction operator's code to substract from 0 if not both left-hand and right-hand side of the equation were present. For dealing with the float value problem, I changed the regex to look for dots too.

The result is here:

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pmy1733 commented Aug 28, 2019

is it possible to use this approach to create a markup parser?

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