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Last active February 28, 2025 07:14
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PlatformIO with Neovim


Following are the extensions required for neovim:

I use lazy.nvim so, just add the following to your plugins table, or create a new file in lua/plugins/lsp.lua

return {
		config = function()
		config = function()
				ensure_installed = { "lua_ls", "clangd" },
		config = function()
			local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
            		lspconfig.clangd.setup({}) -- Minimal setup

For the LSP server setup (as recommended by @omani) this is what I use, it improves auto complete functionality

    on_attach = on_attach,
    capabilities = capabilities,
    cmd = {

Setting up the project

I've made a script to do all this for you:

$ cd path/to/the/project
$ curl -sSL | sh
$ rm compile_commands.json
$ pio run -t compiledb

BUT I DONT LIKE curl|sh:

  1. Initialize a project with pio init

  2. In the project root create the following files

    • .clangd: (thanks @omani for fixing and adding flags to the file)

      # clangd controls options for the LSP *server*
        Add: [
        Remove: [
        Suppress: "pp_including_mainfile_in_preamble"
    • .clang-tidy: (thanks @omani for adding more flags!)

      # Formatter options
      Checks: "*,
      WarningsAsErrors: ''
      HeaderFilterRegex: ''
      FormatStyle:     none

      import os
      Import("env") # platformio specific stuff
      # include toolchain paths (i.e. to have stuff like the Arduino framework headers present in the compile commands)
      # override compilation DB path
  3. Now add the following to your platformio.ini

    extra_scripts =
  4. Now in your terminal run: pio run -t compiledb (Just delete the old compile_commands.json before executing this)

Hopefully this helped, I spent a lot of time figuring it out

create_file() {
echo "$2" > "$1"
echo "Created $1"
create_file ".clangd" "# clangd controls options for the LSP *server*
Add: [
Remove: [
Suppress: \"pp_including_mainfile_in_preamble\""
create_file ".clang-tidy" "# Formatter options
Checks: \"*,
WarningsAsErrors: ''
HeaderFilterRegex: ''
FormatStyle: none"
create_file "" "import os
Import(\"env\") # platformio specific stuff
# include toolchain paths (i.e. to have stuff like the Arduino framework headers present in the compile commands)
# override compilation DB path
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Hey guys, sorry for the late reply (I never knew gists had comments 😅)
I'm glad I could help you all, honestly I could add a line-by-line explanation, it's just that I got all that after hours of googling and most of the line just add/remove compiler parameters... I'll still try my best to add documentation about it

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omani commented Feb 26, 2025

for those with errors or issues:
the script provided in this gist at has syntax errors.

here is a working (no errors, no warnings, at all) .clangd content placed in the project root:

  Add: [
  Remove: [
  Suppress: "pp_including_mainfile_in_preamble"


Checks: "*,
WarningsAsErrors: ''
HeaderFilterRegex: ''
FormatStyle:     none

and here my lspconfig setup for clangd:

    on_attach = on_attach,
    capabilities = capabilities,
    cmd = {

^ this also makes auto-completion work smoothly.

you can check for formatting errors of both the .clangd and .clangd-tidy file with the following python one-liner:

python -c "import yaml; print(yaml.safe_load(open('.clangd')))"
python -c "import yaml; print(yaml.safe_load(open('.clangd-tidy')))"

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hi @omani, thank you so much for the corrections (I didn't know there were syntax errors, unless you are talking about the script - it is very likely there are syntax errors there). I will put your changes into the main gist.
Thanks again

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Many thanks!

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