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Created September 11, 2011 07:14
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Interfaces for Python 3
"""A simple demonstration of class decorators.
Consider this example:
class Printer(object):
def print(self, string:str) -> types.NoneType:
Printer.print() takes one string argument and returns None.
Now we implement it:
@implements(Printer, check_method_arg_types=True)
class StdoutPrinter(object):
def print(self, string):
This will succeed:
This will fail with a TypeError:
These classes will cause exceptions at import time:
@implements(Printer, check_method_arg_types=True)
class NonPrintingPrinter(object):
def do_not_print(self, string):
@implements(Printer, check_method_arg_types=True)
class WrongArgsPrinter(object):
def print(self, string, extra_arg):
@implements(Printer, check_method_arg_types=True)
class WrongReturnPrinter(object):
def print(self, string):
return 1
import functools
import inspect
import types
spec_attrs_to_check = {'args', 'varargs', 'defaults', 'kwonlyargs'}
def _methods_in_a_not_b(a:type, b:type):
"""Return method names that are present in class B but not in class A"""
a_keys = set(a.__dict__.keys())
b_keys = set(b.__dict__.keys())
return a_keys.difference(b_keys)
def _function_signatures_match(func1:types.FunctionType,
"""Return True if all args, kwargs, kw-only args, and defaults match"""
spec1 = inspect.getfullargspec(func1)
spec2 = inspect.getfullargspec(func2)
return all(lambda: getattr(spec1, attr) != getattr(spec2, attr)
for attr in spec_attrs_to_check)
def _validate_interface(conform_to:type, cls:type):
"""Return True if cls has all methods of conform_to with the correct
missing_methods = _methods_in_a_not_b(conform_to, cls)
if missing_methods:
fmt = '{0.__name__} is missing methods {1} from {2.__name__}'
raise TypeError(fmt.format(cls, missing_methods, conform_to))
for name, func in conform_to.__dict__.items():
if not name.startswith('_'):
if not _function_signatures_match(func, getattr(cls, name)):
fmt = ("{0.__name__} method '{1}' does not conform to"
"{2.__name__}. Arg spec should be {3}.")
raise TypeError(fmt.format(cls, name, conform_to,
def _validate_args(func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Raise an exception if args and kwargs do not match the annotations on
spec = inspect.getfullargspec(func)
annotations = spec.annotations
call_args = inspect.getcallargs(func, *args, **kwargs)
for arg_name, arg_type in annotations.items():
if arg_name != 'return' and not isinstance(call_args[arg_name], arg_type):
fmt = "Argument {0}={1} is not of type {2.__name__}"
raise TypeError(fmt.format(arg_name, call_args[arg_name], arg_type))
def _wrap_func(func, cls_meth):
"""Wrap a function in type checks for its interface's annotations"""
def arg_checking_func(*args, **kwargs):
_validate_args(func, *args, **kwargs)
ret = cls_meth(*args, **kwargs)
ret_type = inspect.getfullargspec(func).annotations['return']
if not isinstance(ret, ret_type):
fmt = "Return value must be of type {0.__name__}, not {1.__name__}"
raise TypeError(fmt.format(ret_type, type(ret)))
return arg_checking_func
def _wrap_methods_with_type_check(conform_to, cls):
"""Wrap all methods on cls matching methods in conform_to with type
for name, func in conform_to.__dict__.items():
if not name.startswith('_'):
setattr(cls, name, _wrap_func(func, getattr(cls, name)))
def implements(conform_to, check_method_arg_types=False):
"""Class decorator to declare that a class implements all methods in
another class which by convention is its interface and contains no
def check_conformity(cls):
_validate_interface(conform_to, cls)
if check_method_arg_types:
_wrap_methods_with_type_check(conform_to, cls)
return cls
return check_conformity
class Printer(object):
def print(self, string:str) -> types.NoneType:
@implements(Printer, check_method_arg_types=True)
class StdoutPrinter(object):
def print(self, string):
if __name__ == '__main__':
StdoutPrinter().print('everything is ok!')
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