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Muhammad Irvan Hermawan irvanherz

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julianbolts / my.controller.js
Last active March 30, 2023 17:45
Restricted access HLS video streaming with node.js and express.js router
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var config = require('../../config'); // developer-defined configs (Ex: = "server/storage/")
/** Serves HLS videos to user */
exports.serveHLSVideo = function(req, res){
var appRoot = (__dirname + '/../../../'),
filePath = appRoot + + req.params[0];
mharsch / gist:5188206
Last active March 13, 2025 04:28
serve HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) content from node.js

HLS streaming from node

Provided that you already have a file or stream segmenter generating your .m3u8 playlist and .ts segment files (such as the ffmpeg 'hls' muxer), this little node server will serve up those files to an HLS compatible client (e.g. Safari). If you're using node for your streaming app already, this obviates the need to serve the HLS stream from a separate web server.

loosely based on

// loosely based on
// requires node.js >= v0.10.0
// assumes that HLS segmenter filename base is 'out'
// and that the HLS playlist and .ts files are in the current directory