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Last active June 11, 2022 08:50
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Deploying a Wordpress site using AWS RDS and free tier EC2 instance
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Other cloud platforms such as GCP, Azure.

Deploying a Wordpress site using AWS RDS and free tier EC2 instance - Hands-on

Project Status: Concept – Minimal or no implementation has been done yet, or the repository is only intended to be a limited example, demo, or proof-of-concept.

I'm currently preparing AWS Certified Solution Architect - Associate certificate.
The following gist is intended to anyone looking to launch a Wordpress blog or website on AWS.
We gonna be using Amazon RDS (Amazon Relational Database Service) as well as an EC2 instance.
I performed this setup on my Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.
To check your OS version, execute $ lsb_release -a in your Terminal.


None. Just log into your AWS management console,
You'll need to perform several tasks in your CLI regarding SSH keygen, so make sure you check the following prerequisites.


First, make sure Oracle jdk is installed. I recommend java 1.8.0
To uninstall effectively your current jdk, perform this:
$ sudo apt-get remove openjdk*
$ sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove openjdk*
$ sudo apt-get purge openjdk*
$ sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove openjdk*

To install java 1.8.0, open Terminal Ctrl+Alt+T and run the command:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java // adds PPA repository
$ sudo apt-get update // updates package list
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk // installs openjdk

$ javac -version // shows your new java version


  • Isaac Arnault - AWS Cloud series - Related tags: #EC2 #EFS #AWSCLI #Linux

We can skip Part 1 if we have a User and Group already provisioned.

Otherwise, make sure to create a User and Group via IAM,

Part 1 : create a User and a Group using IAM

  • We log into our AWS management console using $

I'm using MFA to secure my root account access coupled with Google Authenticator on my Android smartphone.

We can bypass this step and login normally to AWS Management Console.

πŸ”΄ See output


We go to Services > IAM > Users > Add user

  • User name : user-1

  • Access type : Programmatic access

  • πŸ”΄ See output


    Next : Permissions > Create group

  • Group name : Developers

  • Administrator Access > Create group

    πŸ”΄ See output


    Next : Tags

  • Key: dev-1 | Value: name of the developer

  • Create user

    πŸ”΄ See output


    Download .csv (you're going to use these credentials later on in this tutorial)

    • We write down our Access key ID and Secret access key > close the window
    πŸ”΄ See output


    • Now in Groups we should have one group named Developers which should list user-1.
    πŸ”΄ See output


    Part 2 : deploy one EC2 instance using a custom script

    Services > EC2

    • In "Create Instance" section, click on "Launch Instance"

    We're going to choose 2 instances

    • We select Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type

    • Instance type: choose t2.micro (Free tier eligible). Instance comes with 1vCPU and 1 GiB (memory).

    Next: Configure instance details

    We choose to deploy one instances and we provision the Advanced details section with the following script:

    πŸ”΅ See script

    yum install httpd php php-mysql -y
    cd /var/www/html
    tar -xzf wordpress-5.1.1.tar.gz
    cp -r wordpress/* /var/www/html/
    rm -rf wordpress
    rm -rf wordpress-5.1.1.tar.gz
    chmod -R 755 wp-content
    chown -R apache:apache wp-content
    service httpd start
    chkconfig httpd on

    • We leave all fields as they're by default, we just Enable termination protection.
    πŸ”΄ See output


    Next : Add Storage

    • We leave all fields as they're by default.

    Next : Add Tags
    We use as Key : Name and Value : WP-Server.

    Next : Configure Security Group

    • We create a new security group > Security group name: WP-SG > Description : WordPress Server Security Group

    Make sure you Add Rule (add 4 new rules):

    1. HTTP- This will enable access to Port 80.
    2. SSH - This will enable access to Port 22 using source
    3. SSH - This will enable access to Port 22 using source::/0
    4. HTTPS - This will enable access to Port 443.
    πŸ”΄ See output


    Review and launch > Launch > Create New Key Pair > Key Pair Name : EC2KP > Download Key Pair.

    Launch Instances > View Instances

    πŸ”΄ See output


    • At this point of the tutorial, we should have one running EC2 instance, a User and a Group created via IAM.

    Part 3 : create a RDS instance

    • Go to Services > Database > RDS

    • We'll click on "Create database" and select "MySQL" then "Next"

    πŸ”΄ See output


    • Choose use case - select Dev/Test - MySQL
    πŸ”΄ See output


    • Specify DB details : we'll leave all fields as they're by default, except :

    DB instance class : select db.t2.micro which comes with 1 vCPU and 1 GiB RAM. Obviously, if you need more computational resources, feel free to scale it up.

    DB instance identifier : wp_mySQL

    πŸ”΄ See output


    Configure advanced settings

    • Database options : Database name
    πŸ”΄ See output


    • Backup : Backup retention period

    Set it to 0 days

    πŸ”΄ See output


    • Deletion protection : we enable deletion protection, then we "Create database".
    πŸ”΄ See output


    To verify that our RDS instance is deployed, we go to RDS > atabases

    πŸ”΄ See output


    Part 4 : make both security groups talk to each other

    We'll now enable the communication between our originate Security Group and the one created once we set an Amazon RDS instance.

    Go to EC2 > Security Groups. At this stage of the tutorial you should see 3 security groups : one is default, the second one is the one created by the Amazon RDS instance which starts wich Group Name is rds-launch-wizard, and the last one is the one we manually created.

    πŸ”΄ See output


    • Select rds-launch-wizard and go to "Inbound". Click "Edit" > Add Rule > Select MYSQL/Aurora and enter GroupID of WP-SG, then "Save". See below output.
    πŸ”΄ See output


    Once this is done, move on Part 5 to deploy your Wordpress site.

    Part 5 : deploy your Wordpress site

    5.1: tune your WP server on your web browser

    Connect to IPv4 Public IP of your EC2 instance in your web browser. You should see the below screen.

    πŸ”΄ See output


    Click "Let's go" and fill up the provided fields.

    Replace "localhost" in "Database host" filed by your RDS endpoint. Go to RDS > Databses > select your database and copy "Endpoint url". Paste it into "Database Host" field.

    πŸ”΄ See output


    Before you "Run the installation", connect to your EC2 instance.

    5.2: connect to your EC2 instance

    We should remember that we've downloaded an EC2KP.pem file earlier. We will now move this file to a newly created directory.

    Ctrl + Alt + T to open a new CLI window

    $ cd Desktop > $ mkdir SSH - Creates an SSH directory to store our Key Pair (credentials).

    $ cd Downloads > $ sudo mv /home/zaki/Downloads/EC2KP.pem /home/zaki/Desktop>SSH

    • Go to your SSH directory and check that the file persists there : $ cd Desktop/SSH > ls

    • We change the permissions to .pem file, ie: $ chmod 400 EC2KP.pem.

    πŸ”΄ See output


    • We will now connect to our EC2 instance using our CLI

    • Use : $ ssh ec2-user@your-ipv4-public-address -i EC2KP.pem.

    • Type "yes" when prompted by the CLI

    πŸ”΄ See output


    • Go in root mode : $ sudo su and use $ aws s3 ls. The last command should return "Unable to locate credentials. We can configure credentials by running "aws configure".

    To use your provided credentials use : $ aws configure

    Remember that we wrote down our Access Key ID and Secret access key when creating our EC2 Instances. We use the provided credentials.

    • We connect to our EC2 instance using the following command:

    $ ssh ec2-user@your-ipv4-address -i EC2KP.pem

    • We provide Access Key ID > AWS Secret Access Key > Default region name (use the Availability Zone of our EC2 instance, ie : us-east-1) > default output format : we can use "text" or "json". In this tutorial we use "json".
    πŸ”΄ See output


    If buckets do not show up, we can go to Users > Security credentials > Create a new access key. Or we can create a new EC2 instance and restart the procedure in our `AWS` CLI.

    When you Create access key, you'll have to download a file "access.Keys.csv".

    When connected to SSH, we should perform the following commands :

    $ sudo su - to elevate our priviledges

    $ cd /var/www/html - to enter html directory

    $ nano wp-config.php - to create and set up a Wordpress conf file

    At this step, we should go back to our web browser and copy/paste the provided script upon Wordpress installation. We paste it into our config.php file. See below :

    πŸ”΄ See output


    Ctrl + x and y - to exit from our config.php file and save the file

    Now we can go back to our web browser to complete the installation. Click "Run the installation" and fill out the form.

    πŸ”΄ See output


    We should be able to log into our Wordpress dashboard if everything went fine.

    πŸ”΄ See output


    πŸ”΅ See dashboard


    Go to appearance and activate your desired theme.

    πŸ”΄ See output


    That's all for now guys. Please fork this gist and feel free to spread a word about it. Thanks.

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