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Last active December 26, 2019 13:00
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sort files for byunw on /r/learnpython
import os
import shutil
# We define this mapping first to make adding new types easy.
# I've taken the liberty of adding support for some extra types.
folder_to_extensions = {
'PDF': {'pdf'},
'Documents': {'doc', 'docx'},
'Text': {'txt', 'rtf'},
'EXE': {'exe', 'msi'},
'ZIP': {'zip', '7z', 'rar'},
'Images': {'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'},
# We rearrange the previous map for performance. In this way we can
# quickly obtain the target folder from a file extension in O(1) time.
# For simplicity we could have simply defined this map by hand, but the
# previous dictionary we defined is easier to alter by hand if we want
# to rename folders or add extensions.
extension_to_folder = {e: f for f, s in folder_to_extensions.items() for e in s}
source_folder = 'C:/Users/byunw/Downloads'
target_folder = 'C:/Users/byunw/Downloads'
for filename in os.listdir(source_folder):
# skip files with no extension
if '.' not in filename:
# we know there is at least 1 '.' in the file, so let's split the string on that file extension
file_extension = filename.rsplit('.', maxsplit=1)[1].lower()
extension_folder = extension_to_folder.get(file_extension)
if extension_folder is None:
print(f'Unsupported file extension: "{file_extension}"!')
shutil.move(f'{source_folder}/{filename}', f'{target_folder}/{extension_folder}')
print("Every supported file in the Downloads folder is now sorted into corresponding folders")
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