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Last active February 26, 2025 03:53
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Scales a raw ZPL file from 203 dpi (dots per inch) to 300 dpi. C#.NET edition
* author: Tres Finocchiaro, updated by Alethea Rose, translated from JavaScript to C#.NET by İsa Tufan Tunçbilek.
* date: 2015-05-22, 2017-07-10, 2020-04-18
* license: Public Domain; Use as you wish.
* source:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace WebApplication2.Classes
public class ZPLHandler
* Scales text from a raw ZPL label from 203 DPI to 300 DPI
public static string ScaleZPL(string rawCommands, float? scaleFactor)
// if there are no ZPL commands, return the same.
if (!rawCommands.Contains("^"))
return rawCommands;
// ZPL commands to be handled. Other commands remain intact.
// key is the command name, value is the maximum number of parameters to process.
// if null all parameters will be scaled.
Dictionary<string, int?> cmds = new Dictionary<string, int?> {
{"FO", 2},
{"PW", null},
{"FT", 2},
{"A0", null},
{"A1", null},
{"A2", null},
{"A3", null},
{"A4", null},
{"A5", null},
{"A6", null},
{"A7", null},
{"A8", null},
{"A9", null},
{"A@", null},
{"LL", null},
{"LH", null},
{"GB", null}, // 5th parameter has special handling, see scaleSection().
{"FB", null},
{"BY", null}, // 1st and 2nd parameters have special handling, see scaleSection().
{"BQ", 3}, // 3rd parameter has special handling, see scaleSection().
{"B3", null},
{"BC", null},
{"B7", 2}
if (scaleFactor == null)
scaleFactor = 1.5f; // assuming scaling from 203 dpi to 300 dpi, i.e. 8dpi to 12dpi. 300f / 203;
var sections = rawCommands.Split('^');
foreach (var cmd in cmds)
for (int j=0; j<sections.Length; ++j)
if (sections[j].StartsWith(cmd.Key))
sections[j] = ScaleSection(cmd, sections[j], scaleFactor ?? 1);
return string.Join("^", sections);
* Scales all integers found in a designated section
private static string ScaleSection(KeyValuePair<string, int?> cmd, string section, float scaleFactor)
string[] parts = section.Substring(cmd.Key.Length).Split(',');
for (int p=0; p < parts.Length; ++p)
float f;
if (float.TryParse(parts[p], out f) && p < (cmd.Value ?? 999))
double newValue = Math.Round(scaleFactor * f, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
if (cmd.Key == "BY")
if (p == 0)
{ // module width (in dots) Values: 1 to 10
if (newValue < 1)
newValue = 1;
else if (newValue > 10)
newValue = 10;
else if (p == 1)
{ // wide bar to narrow bar width ratio Values: 2.0 to 3.0, in 0.1 increments
continue; // do not scale this part
else if (cmd.Key == "BQ")
if (p == 2)
{ // magnification factor Values: 1 to 10
if (newValue < 1)
newValue = 1;
else if (newValue > 10)
newValue = 10;
continue; // do not scale other parts of BQ.
else if (cmd.Key == "GB" && p == 4 && newValue > 8)
{ // degree of corner rounding : 0(no rounding) to 8(heaviest rounding)
newValue = 8;
parts[p] = newValue.ToString();
return cmd.Key + string.Join(",", parts);
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Caution! Not all ZPL commands are handled.

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Translated from JavaScript version at alethea/scale-zpl.js

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Cool Stuff! Thank You!

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Innish commented Feb 15, 2024

Amazing thank you!

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