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Created December 23, 2009 23:33
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Save ischenkodv/262906 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function calculate_median($arr) {
$count = count($arr); //total numbers in array
$middleval = floor(($count-1)/2); // find the middle value, or the lowest middle value
if($count % 2) { // odd number, middle is the median
$median = $arr[$middleval];
} else { // even number, calculate avg of 2 medians
$low = $arr[$middleval];
$high = $arr[$middleval+1];
$median = (($low+$high)/2);
return $median;
function calculate_average($arr) {
$count = count($arr); //total numbers in array
foreach ($arr as $value) {
$total = $total + $value; // total value of array numbers
$average = ($total/$count); // get average value
return $average;
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mad-de commented Jun 24, 2016

hey! Im uusing your code in a small project of mine ( Is that alright with you and whats the best way to give you credit?

best wishes and thanks for your coding efforts!

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You probably want to sort your array before doing your median calculation.

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lwrbakro commented Aug 5, 2016

function calculate_average($arr) {
    return array_sum($arr) / count($arr);

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pmichaelsen commented Sep 16, 2016

There are some missing test cases:

$test = array(
foreach($test as $arr){
    $count = count($arr);
    $mid = floor(($count-1)/2);
    $avg = ($arr)?array_sum($arr)/$count:0;
    $median = ($arr)?($arr[$mid]+$arr[$mid+1-$count%2])/2:0;
    echo 'avg: '.$avg."<br>";
    echo 'median: '.$median."<br>";

Or maybe:

function median($arr){
        $count = count($arr);
        $mid = floor(($count-1)/2);
        return ($arr[$mid]+$arr[$mid+1-$count%2])/2;
    return 0;
function average($arr){
    return ($arr) ? array_sum($arr)/count($arr) : 0;
$test = array(
foreach($test as $arr){
    echo 'avg: '.average($arr)."<br>";
    echo 'median: '.median($arr)."<br>";

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bishopb commented Oct 24, 2016

For the scenario where the data set has non-numeric keys (or no elements):

function median(array $arr)
    if (0 === count($arr)) {
        return null;

    // sort the data
    $count = count($arr);

    // get the mid-point keys (1 or 2 of them)
    $mid  = floor(($count - 1) / 2);
    $keys = array_slice(array_keys($arr), $mid, (1 === $count % 2 ? 1 : 2));
    $sum  = 0;
    foreach ($keys as $key) {
        $sum += $arr[$key];
    return $sum / count($keys);

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These solutions are nicely understandable but not optimally efficient since they involve fully sorting the array before getting the median out of it.

The optimal efficiency for getting a median is actually O(n) not O(n log n). Have you tried implementing Hoare's Selection algorithm in PHP?
Someone else mentioned it at:

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As BramVanroy and other mentioned, array needs to be sorted. In my case I used sort($arr);.

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Rewritten from javascript

Median PHP:

function median($values) {
  $count = count($values);
  if ($count === 0)  return null;
  $half = floor($count / 2);
  if ($count % 2) return $values[$half];
  return ($values[$half - 1] + $values[$half]) / 2.0;

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