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Last active February 16, 2021 15:52
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How to create Windows bootable on MacOS


Format flashdisk into MBR

  1. check your flashdisk directory using diskutil list, for example, my flashdisk is dev/disk3.
  2. format it with diskutil eraseDisk MS-DOS WIN_LABEL MBR /dev/disk3

Create a bootable

  1. Install the wimlib via homebrew brew install wimlib
  2. After that, copy all of windows image files into your flashdisk.
  3. in sources dir, you will find install.wim file,
  4. convert it into SWM with wimlib-imagex split /dev/disk3/install.wim /dev/disk3/install.swm 4000
  5. if converting is finished, you will see a few file are generated, keep it in sources folder, and
  6. delete a install.wim file.
  7. done
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