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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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Save isimmons/8701121 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gulpfile for gulp.js + Laravel: Compile sass/coffee, run phpunit tests, livereload css, js, and blade templates
See dev dependencies
Compiles sass to compressed css with autoprefixing
Compiles coffee to javascript
Livereloads on changes to coffee, sass, and blade templates
Runs PHPUnit tests
Watches sass, coffee, blade, and phpunit
Default tasks sass, coffee, phpunit, watch
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var notify = require('gulp-notify');
var sass = require('gulp-ruby-sass');
var autoprefix = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
var coffee = require('gulp-coffee');
var phpunit = require('gulp-phpunit');//notify requires >= v 0.0.3
var fs = require('fs'); //only used for icon file with growlNotifier
// livereload
var livereload = require('gulp-livereload');
var lr = require('tiny-lr');
var server = lr();
//uncomment for growl notify for windows users
//Specify custom icon by passing object to growl() { icon: fs.readFileSync('path_to_icon_file') }
//var growl = ('gulp-notify-growl');
//var growlNotifier = growl();
//CSS directories
var sassDir = 'app/assets/sass';
var targetCSSDir = 'public/css';
//javascript directories
var coffeeDir = 'app/assets/coffee';
var targetJSDir = 'public/js';
// blade directory
var bladeDir = 'app/views';
// Tasks
/* sass compile */
gulp.task('sass', function() {
return gulp.src(sassDir + '/main.scss')
.pipe(sass({ style: 'compressed'}).on('error', gutil.log))
.pipe(autoprefix('last 10 versions'))
.pipe(notify('CSS compiled, prefixed, and minified.'));
//growlNotifier for windows
//.pipe(notify({title: 'CSS Compiled', message: 'compiled, prefixed, and minified.', notifier: growlNotifier}));
/* coffee compile */
gulp.task('coffee', function() {
return gulp.src(coffeeDir + '/**/*.coffee')
.pipe(coffee().on('error', gutil.log))
/* Blade Templates */
gulp.task('blade', function() {
return gulp.src(bladeDir + '/**/*.blade.php')
/* PHPUnit */
gulp.task('phpunit', function() {
//notify defaults to false. If you don't want to use a notifier or worry with errors in this task leave it off
var options = {debug: false, notify: true}
.pipe(phpunit('', options)) //empty phpunit path defaults ./vendor/bin/phpunit for windows specify with double back slashes
//both notify and notify.onError will take optional notifier: growlNotifier for windows notifications
//if options.notify is true be sure to handle the error here or suffer the consequenses!
.on('error', notify.onError({
title: 'PHPUnit Failed',
message: 'One or more tests failed, see the cli for details.'
//will fire only if no error is caught
title: 'PHPUnit Passed',
message: 'All tests passed!'
/* Watcher */
gulp.task('watch', function() {
server.listen(35729, function(err) {
if(err) {console.log(err);} + '/**/*.blade.php', ['blade']); + '/**/*.scss', ['sass']); + '/**/*.coffee', ['coffee']);
});'app/**/*.php', ['phpunit']);
/* Default Task */
gulp.task('default', ['sass', 'coffee', 'phpunit', 'watch']);
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isimmons commented Feb 4, 2014

ln place of the phpunit task there is now gulp-phpunit

I'll make the changes here but also working out how to use this recipe to pass in the --testsuite parameter when calling gulp or gulp phpunit. For this to work gulp-phpunit will need to accept the option.

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BnSmth commented Feb 7, 2014

This has been incredibly useful, thanks. A gulp-phpunit update would be great.

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@benbradley Mr Erickson has updated gulp-phpunit to version 0.0.3 . It is now working with gulp-notify.

Updated the gist removing unnecessary requires, getting rid of the comma separated vars, adding in comments for windows options, and the new phpunit task I'm using now.

It is working great on my Windows system. When you have time can you let me know if I need any Mac specific comments for anything that needs to be done differently?


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Apparently livereload starts it's own tiny-lr now so no need to create it and pass it in. Will update the file after testing that out.

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hao1987 commented Jan 28, 2015

question, im a newbie in gulp, what shall i put this file in laravel project, asset/ ?

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