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Created December 13, 2011 19:22
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PL HW5: Arbitrary precision floats in C++
const int base = 10000;
class BigFloat {
// default constructor, initialize to 0
BigFloat () : _sign(1), _exp(0) { }
// initialize with preallocated mantissa
BigFloat (char s, int e, const Mantissa& m) :_sign(s), _exp(e), _mantissa(m) {}
// copy constructor
BigFloat (const BigFloat& other) : _sign(other._sign), _exp(other._exp), _mantissa(other._mantissa) {}
// create a BigFloat with value equivalent to given int
BigFloat (int i) {
_sign = (i < 0) ? -1 : 1;
_exp = 0;
i *= _sign;
while (i != 0) {
_mantissa.append(i % base);
i /= base;
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BigFloat& bf);
BigFloat abs() const {
return BigFloat(1, _exp, _mantissa);
bool operator< (const BigFloat& other) const {
// a negative is always less than a positive
if (_sign < other._sign) { return true; }
else if (_sign > other._sign) { return false; }
aligned_mantissas a = align_with(other);
int len1 = a.m1.size();
int len2 = a.m2.size();
// less-than if negative with longer mantissa
// or positive with shorter mantissa
if (len1 > len2) { return (_sign == -1); }
else if (len2 > len1) { return (_sign == 1); }
// same length mantissas, check element-by-element
else {
for (int i = len1-1; i >= 0; --i) {
int x = a.m1[i];
int y = a.m2[i];
if (x < y) { return true; }
else if (x > y) { return false; }
// if we pass the loop then two mantissas were equal
return false;
// two numbers are equal if x is not less than y and
// y is not less than x
bool operator==(const BigFloat& other) const {
if (*this < other) { return false; }
else { return !(other < *this); }
// 'x > y' is the same as 'y < x'
bool operator>(const BigFloat& other) const {
return other < *this;
// 'x <= y' is the same as 'not y < x'
bool operator<=(const BigFloat& other) const {
return !(other < *this);
// 'x >= y' is the same as 'not x < y'
bool operator>=(const BigFloat& other) const {
return !(*this < other);
// unary minus
BigFloat operator-() const {
return BigFloat(_sign * -1, _exp, _mantissa);
// todo: handle signs, don't shift your actual mantissa but make a copy
BigFloat operator+ (const BigFloat& other) const {
aligned_mantissas a = this->align_with(other);
if (_sign * other._sign == 1) {
// if we have the same sign, then add the mantissas as if
// we're both positive and then tag the result with
// whatever my sign is
return BigFloat(_sign, a.exp, add_mantissas(a.m1, a.m2, 1));
} else {
// we know one of the two is negative, now figure out how to
// compute the subtraction using add_mantissas, which always expects
// its first argument to be positive
bool abs_less = this->abs() < other.abs();
// if |x| < |y| then (-|x| + |y|) == |y - x|
if (abs_less && _sign == -1) return BigFloat(1, a.exp, add_mantissas(a.m2, a.m1, -1));
// if |x| >= |y| then (|x| - |y|) == |x - y|
else if (!abs_less && _sign == 1) return BigFloat(1, a.exp, add_mantissas(a.m1, a.m2, -1));
// if |x| >= |y| then (-|x| + |y|) = -(|x| - |y|)
else if (!abs_less && _sign == -1) return BigFloat(-1, a.exp, add_mantissas(a.m1, a.m2, -1));
// if |x| < |y| then (|x| - |y|) = -(|y| - |x|)
else return BigFloat(-1, a.exp, add_mantissas(a.m2, a.m1, -1));
BigFloat operator-(const BigFloat& other) const {
return (*this) + (-other);
// multiply by a small int
BigFloat scale(int n) const {
if (n == 0) {
// fresh BigFloats have a value of 0
return BigFloat();
} else if (n == 1) {
// multiplying by 1 leaves us unchanged
return *this;
} else if (n < 0) {
// rather than worry about negative digits, just
// always multiply by a positive n and flip the result
// sign
return -(this->scale(-n));
// multiplying by an int is similar to addition in that
// you loop over all the digits, compute the result digit
// (mod 10,000) and carry over whatever exceeds the base
Mantissa result;
int carry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _mantissa.size(); ++i) {
int x = _mantissa[i] * n + carry ;
result.append(x % base);
carry = x / base;
if (carry != 0) result.append(carry);
return BigFloat(_sign, _exp, result);
// the naive O(n^2) multiplication routine
BigFloat operator* (const BigFloat& other) const {
BigFloat result;
for (int i = 0; i < _mantissa.size(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < other._mantissa.size(); ++j) {
BigFloat temp = this->scale(other._mantissa[j]);
// every element of the second mantissa
// represents a move of 4 decimal digits
temp._exp += j*4;
result = result + temp;
return result;
std::ostream& to_stream(std::ostream& out) const {
if (_sign == -1) out << "-";
int n = _mantissa.size();
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int x = _mantissa[i];
// all positions except for the last one
// need extra zeros when their digits are too small
// to fill the field
if (i < n -1) {
if (x < 10) out << "000" << x;
else if (x < 100) out << "00" << x;
else if (x < 1000) out << "0" << x;
else out << x;
} else {
out << x;
if (_exp != 0) out << " * 10^" << _exp;
return out;
char _sign;
int _exp;
Mantissa _mantissa;
struct aligned_mantissas {
int exp;
Mantissa m1;
Mantissa m2;
aligned_mantissas align_with(const BigFloat& other) const {
int new_exp = 0;
Mantissa m1 = _mantissa;
Mantissa m2 = other._mantissa;
// align two floats so their exponents are the same
// by shifting the number with the larger exponent
if (_exp < other._exp) {
new_exp = _exp;
m2 = shift_k_times(m2, other._exp - _exp);
} else {
new_exp = other._exp;
m1 = shift_k_times(m1, _exp - other._exp);
aligned_mantissas result = {new_exp, m1, m2};
return result;
// to multiply the mantissa by 10 we have to shift every digit over
// by one position
Mantissa shift(Mantissa old_mantissa) const {
Mantissa new_mantissa;
int carry = 0;
int digit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < old_mantissa.size(); ++i) {
digit = 10 * old_mantissa[i] + carry;
new_mantissa.append(digit % base);
carry = digit / base;
if (carry != 0) new_mantissa.append(carry);
return new_mantissa;
// multiply a mantissa by 10^k by repeatedly calling shift
Mantissa shift_k_times(const Mantissa& m, int k) const {
if (k == 0) return m;
else {
Mantissa old_mantissa = m;
Mantissa new_mantissa = shift(old_mantissa);
for (int i = 1; i < k; ++i) {
old_mantissa = new_mantissa;
new_mantissa = shift(old_mantissa);
return new_mantissa;
// assumes the sign of the first mantissa is always positive
// and if the sign of the second is negative then its mantissa
// should be shorter
Mantissa add_mantissas(const Mantissa& m1, const Mantissa& m2, char sign2) const {
Mantissa result;
int carry = 0;
int x, y, z;
for (int i = 0; i < std::max(m1.size(), m2.size()); ++i) {
x = m1[i];
y = m2[i] * sign2;
z = x + y + carry;
if (z >= 0) {
result.append(z % base);
carry = z / base;
} else {
// negative sums require us to borrow from the next digit
result.append(base + z);
carry = -1;
// don't have to worry about negative carries at the end
// since we're assuming that the positive m1 is longer than
// a potentially negative m2
if (carry > 0) {
return result;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BigFloat& f) {
return f.to_stream(out);
BigFloat fact(BigFloat n) {
if (n <= 1) return 1;
else return n * fact(n - 1);
int main() {
std::cout << "fact(200) = " << fact(200) << std::endl;
std::cout << "fact(300) = " << fact(300) << std::endl;
return 0;
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <tr1/memory>
class Mantissa {
Mantissa() : data(new std::vector<int>) {}
Mantissa(const Mantissa& other) : data( {}
// no need for a destructor since the smart pointer takes
// care of deleting data when necessary
// get the i'th element of the mantissa or 0 for digits we don't have
int operator[](int i) const {
return (i < data->size()) ? data->at(i) : 0;
// move from the end of the vector toward beginning and only keep
// non-zero head
void trim_zeros() {
int i = data->size() - 1;
for (; i >= 0; --i) {
if (data->at(i) != 0) break;
int size() const { return data->size(); }
void append(int i) { data->push_back(i); }
// reference counting pointer wrapper mantissa vectors
std::tr1::shared_ptr< std::vector<int> > data;
const int base = 10000;
class BigFloat {
// default constructor, initialize to 0
BigFloat () : _sign(1), _exp(0) { }
// initialize with preallocated mantissa
BigFloat (char s, int e, const Mantissa& m) :_sign(s), _exp(e), _mantissa(m) {}
// copy constructor
BigFloat (const BigFloat& other) : _sign(other._sign), _exp(other._exp), _mantissa(other._mantissa) {}
// create a BigFloat with value equivalent to given int
BigFloat (int i) {
_sign = (i < 0) ? -1 : 1;
_exp = 0;
i *= _sign;
while (i != 0) {
_mantissa.append(i % base);
i /= base;
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BigFloat& bf);
BigFloat abs() const {
return BigFloat(1, _exp, _mantissa);
bool operator< (const BigFloat& other) const {
// a negative is always less than a positive
if (_sign < other._sign) { return true; }
else if (_sign > other._sign) { return false; }
aligned_mantissas a = align_with(other);
int len1 = a.m1.size();
int len2 = a.m2.size();
// less-than if negative with longer mantissa
// or positive with shorter mantissa
if (len1 > len2) { return (_sign == -1); }
else if (len2 > len1) { return (_sign == 1); }
// same length mantissas, check element-by-element
else {
for (int i = len1-1; i >= 0; --i) {
int x = a.m1[i];
int y = a.m2[i];
if (x < y) { return true; }
else if (x > y) { return false; }
// if we pass the loop then two mantissas were equal
return false;
// two numbers are equal if x is not less than y and
// y is not less than x
bool operator==(const BigFloat& other) const {
if (*this < other) { return false; }
else { return !(other < *this); }
// 'x > y' is the same as 'y < x'
bool operator>(const BigFloat& other) const {
return other < *this;
// 'x <= y' is the same as 'not y < x'
bool operator<=(const BigFloat& other) const {
return !(other < *this);
// 'x >= y' is the same as 'not x < y'
bool operator>=(const BigFloat& other) const {
return !(*this < other);
// unary minus
BigFloat operator-() const {
return BigFloat(_sign * -1, _exp, _mantissa);
// todo: handle signs, don't shift your actual mantissa but make a copy
BigFloat operator+ (const BigFloat& other) const {
aligned_mantissas a = this->align_with(other);
if (_sign * other._sign == 1) {
// if we have the same sign, then add the mantissas as if
// we're both positive and then tag the result with
// whatever my sign is
return BigFloat(_sign, a.exp, add_mantissas(a.m1, a.m2, 1));
} else {
// we know one of the two is negative, now figure out how to
// compute the subtraction using add_mantissas, which always expects
// its first argument to be positive
bool abs_less = this->abs() < other.abs();
// if |x| < |y| then (-|x| + |y|) == |y - x|
if (abs_less && _sign == -1) return BigFloat(1, a.exp, add_mantissas(a.m2, a.m1, -1));
// if |x| >= |y| then (|x| - |y|) == |x - y|
else if (!abs_less && _sign == 1) return BigFloat(1, a.exp, add_mantissas(a.m1, a.m2, -1));
// if |x| >= |y| then (-|x| + |y|) = -(|x| - |y|)
else if (!abs_less && _sign == -1) return BigFloat(-1, a.exp, add_mantissas(a.m1, a.m2, -1));
// if |x| < |y| then (|x| - |y|) = -(|y| - |x|)
else return BigFloat(-1, a.exp, add_mantissas(a.m2, a.m1, -1));
BigFloat operator-(const BigFloat& other) const {
return (*this) + (-other);
// multiply by a small int
BigFloat scale(int n) const {
if (n == 0) {
// fresh BigFloats have a value of 0
return BigFloat();
} else if (n == 1) {
// multiplying by 1 leaves us unchanged
return *this;
} else if (n < 0) {
// rather than worry about negative digits, just
// always multiply by a positive n and flip the result
// sign
return -(this->scale(-n));
// multiplying by an int is similar to addition in that
// you loop over all the digits, compute the result digit
// (mod 10,000) and carry over whatever exceeds the base
Mantissa result;
int carry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _mantissa.size(); ++i) {
int x = _mantissa[i] * n + carry ;
result.append(x % base);
carry = x / base;
if (carry != 0) result.append(carry);
return BigFloat(_sign, _exp, result);
// the naive O(n^2) multiplication routine
BigFloat operator* (const BigFloat& other) const {
BigFloat result;
for (int i = 0; i < _mantissa.size(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < other._mantissa.size(); ++j) {
BigFloat temp = this->scale(other._mantissa[j]);
// every element of the second mantissa
// represents a move of 4 decimal digits
temp._exp += j*4;
result = result + temp;
return result;
std::ostream& to_stream(std::ostream& out) const {
if (_sign == -1) out << "-";
int n = _mantissa.size();
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int x = _mantissa[i];
// all positions except for the last one
// need extra zeros when their digits are too small
// to fill the field
if (i < n -1) {
if (x < 10) out << "000" << x;
else if (x < 100) out << "00" << x;
else if (x < 1000) out << "0" << x;
else out << x;
} else {
out << x;
if (_exp != 0) out << " * 10^" << _exp;
return out;
char _sign;
int _exp;
Mantissa _mantissa;
struct aligned_mantissas {
int exp;
Mantissa m1;
Mantissa m2;
aligned_mantissas align_with(const BigFloat& other) const {
int new_exp = 0;
Mantissa m1 = _mantissa;
Mantissa m2 = other._mantissa;
// align two floats so their exponents are the same
// by shifting the number with the larger exponent
if (_exp < other._exp) {
new_exp = _exp;
m2 = shift_k_times(m2, other._exp - _exp);
} else {
new_exp = other._exp;
m1 = shift_k_times(m1, _exp - other._exp);
aligned_mantissas result = {new_exp, m1, m2};
return result;
// to multiply the mantissa by 10 we have to shift every digit over
// by one position
Mantissa shift(Mantissa old_mantissa) const {
Mantissa new_mantissa;
int carry = 0;
int digit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < old_mantissa.size(); ++i) {
digit = 10 * old_mantissa[i] + carry;
new_mantissa.append(digit % base);
carry = digit / base;
if (carry != 0) new_mantissa.append(carry);
return new_mantissa;
// multiply a mantissa by 10^k by repeatedly calling shift
Mantissa shift_k_times(const Mantissa& m, int k) const {
if (k == 0) return m;
else {
Mantissa old_mantissa = m;
Mantissa new_mantissa = shift(old_mantissa);
for (int i = 1; i < k; ++i) {
old_mantissa = new_mantissa;
new_mantissa = shift(old_mantissa);
return new_mantissa;
// assumes the sign of the first mantissa is always positive
// and if the sign of the second is negative then its mantissa
// should be shorter
Mantissa add_mantissas(const Mantissa& m1, const Mantissa& m2, char sign2) const {
Mantissa result;
int carry = 0;
int x, y, z;
for (int i = 0; i < std::max(m1.size(), m2.size()); ++i) {
x = m1[i];
y = m2[i] * sign2;
z = x + y + carry;
if (z >= 0) {
result.append(z % base);
carry = z / base;
} else {
// negative sums require us to borrow from the next digit
result.append(base + z);
carry = -1;
// don't have to worry about negative carries at the end
// since we're assuming that the positive m1 is longer than
// a potentially negative m2
if (carry > 0) {
return result;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BigFloat& f) {
return f.to_stream(out);
BigFloat fact(BigFloat n) {
std::cout << n << std::endl;
if (n <= 1) return 1;
else {
BigFloat res = n * fact(n - 1);
std::cout << n << "==> " << res << std::endl;
return res;
int main() {
std::cout << "fact(200) = " << fact(200) << std::endl;
std::cout << "fact(300) = " << fact(300) << std::endl;
return 0;
class Mantissa {
Mantissa() : data(new std::vector<int>) {}
Mantissa(const Mantissa& other) : data( {}
// no need for a destructor since the smart pointer takes
// care of deleting data when necessary
// get the i'th element of the mantissa or 0 for digits we don't have
int operator[](int i) const {
return (i < data->size()) ? data->at(i) : 0;
// move from the end of the vector toward beginning and only keep
// non-zero head
void trim_zeros() {
int i = data->size() - 1;
for (; i >= 0; --i) {
if (data->at(i) != 0) break;
int size() const { return data->size(); }
void append(int i) { data->push_back(i); }
// reference counting pointer wrapper mantissa vectors
std::tr1::shared_ptr< std::vector<int> > data;
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