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Last active May 22, 2023 11:10
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Vector3 Unity Network Compressor c#
class Compression
* X / Y / Z Meta verilerini barındırır.
* @author Ismail <[email protected]>
public enum Metadata
None = 0x0000000,
X = 0x0000001,
Y = 0x0000002,
Z = 0x0000004
* Büyük sayıyı barındırır.
* @author Ismail <[email protected]>
private static long BigNumber = 1000000L * 1000000L * 1000000L;
* Vector3'ü 12 bayttan 8 bayta sıkıştırır.
* @author Ismail <[email protected]>
public static long CompressVector3(float x, float y, float z)
var qData = Metadata.None;
if (x < 0)
qData |= Metadata.X;
if (y < 0)
qData |= Metadata.Y;
if (z < 0)
qData |= Metadata.Z;
var xData = (long)(Math.Abs(x) * 100);
var yData = (long)(Math.Abs(y) * 100) * 1000000;
var zData = (long)(Math.Abs(z) * 100) * 1000000 * 1000000;
return (1000000000000000000 * (long) qData) + (xData + yData + zData);
* Sıkıştırılmış Vector3'ü normal haline getirir.
* @author Ismail <[email protected]>
public static Vector3 DecompressVector3(long longNumber)
var flag = (byte) (longNumber / BigNumber);
longNumber -= BigNumber * flag;
var zData = longNumber / (1000000L * 1000000L);
longNumber -= (1000000L * 1000000L) * zData;
var yData = longNumber / (1000000L);
longNumber -= (1000000L) * yData;
if ((flag & 0x0000001) == 0x0000001)
longNumber *= -1;
if ((flag & 0x0000002) == 0x0000002)
yData *= -1;
if ((flag & 0x0000004) == 0x0000004)
zData *= -1;
return new Vector3(longNumber / 100f, yData / 100f, zData / 100f);
Performance Test
One Million Compression: 10-15 ms
One Million Decompression: 45-50 ms
Old Size: 12 + 3 byte
New Size: 8 + 1 byte
Compression Rate: 40%
Min/Max Values (X / Y / Z)
Min Values: -9999.99f / -9999.99f / -9999.99f
Max Values: 9999.99f / 9999.99f / 9999.99f
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ismail0234 commented May 18, 2023

// Compresses 16 bytes to 9 bytes.

// Compress Vector3
long compressedVector3 = Compression.CompressVector3(-9999.99f, 9999.99f, 6564f);

// Decompress Vector3
Vector3 decompressedVector3 = Compression.DecompressVector3(compressedVector3);

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